Comments on: Basic Excel formulas & functions with examples

Being primarily designed as a spreadsheet program, Microsoft Excel is extremely powerful and versatile when it comes to calculating numbers or solving math and engineering problems. This tutorial aims to teach you the essentials of Excel functions and show how to use basic formulas in Excel. Continue reading

Comments page 8. Total comments: 413

  1. Send me average formula in full form


  3. Hi, anybody can help me
    Iam customizing inventory file consisting table like this;
    if I input under SI# any text or number, the input qty will be added under running total;
    then, if input under DR#, any text or number the input qty will be deducted under running total,
    Please show me how to do the formulas.
    Thanking you in advance.

  4. your work is so helpful to the world

  5. pls send some useful formula for excel.

  6. Hi,
    Please give me a solution in a excel formulas. 5026*50%=2513 but I want to show the amount with round 2500. like 6055*50%=3027.5 but it'll be 3000 and total amount will be 2500+3000=5500.


  7. I need help about how to compile a home household budget

  8. How to shipment# 1000199990030 formula function? It's short #19999 column down countn

  9. I am pretty new to Excel. I cant get this formula right. Please help.
    In cell N25 from Excel Worksheet 2 below, write a function to sum the Account amounts in cells M8 to N22 and round the results to the 2nd digit. Write the function such that it can be copied or dragged down from cell N25 to cells N26 through N33. *

  10. Dear Sir/ Ma"am,
    Will you please tell me, how to use macros?
    Thanks in Advance

  11. Please tell me how to copy a cell value into another cell but if the original cell is a (-) figure it should now become (+) and vice versa

    1. Hi Emma,
      Use this Formula,
      where, F12 is the cell, which you want to copy.

  12. Please man /sir replayed me how can i use countifs cintex in any data.

  13. How am I use countifs in any data.

  14. hello mam i have no knoweldge of you can tell , how do you use ecxel in the computer.

  15. Sir I want to know the how to convert the no(56) into the letter(Fifty Six) in excel with using the formula of excel or using function of excel.

  16. Sir / Mam
    I want to write 06 in formula bar but it always show 6. Please any solution give me Sir.

    1. write like this '06

  17. Any formula for calculate of
    If I have 80boxes, 1carton = 30boxes
    I need answer is 2cartoon 20boxes
    Can help me set the formula, thanks.

  18. i have a small clarification regarding formula creation we creating some excel supplier wise part wise we want to count each supplier wise part wise


    america Part details:
    africa Part details:

  19. thank you so much

  20. Hi,

    I have made up a spreadsheet with costings in column D (example). Each row in column D is of different value, how can I copy or create a formula that will multiply my markup of 38% (1.38) and then divide by currency (13). So for example =D12 is 12.75*1.38/13. Problem is that if I copy the formula from D12 all through to D23 it changes the value in each row to the value in D12 (12.75)
    Hope this is making sense (oh my)

  21. Good Afternoon,

    Please show me the formula I need to use to add columns B11 thru H11 in addition to adding 10% all in one cell.
    Thank you,


    1. Hello, Noreen,
      If we understand your task correctly, please use the following formula to solve it:

      =SUM(B11:H11)+SUM(B11:H11) *10%

      Hope this is what you need.

  22. I have in a cell a range date for example
    1-12 - 1-19 and I would like to change to a Jan-12 - Jan 19
    What is the formula for it?

    1. Hello, Olga,
      Thank you for your interesting question.

      Please try the following formula:

      =CONCATENATE(INDEX({"jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec"}, MID(A1, 1, FIND("-", A1, 1)-1)), MID(RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND("-", A1, 1)+1), 1, FIND(" - ", RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND("-", A1, 1)+1))+2),INDEX({"jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec"},LEFT(MID(RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND("-", A1, 1)+1),FIND(" - ", RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND("-", A1, 1)+1))+3, 10),FIND("-",MID(RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND("-", A1, 1)+1),FIND(" - ", RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND("-", A1, 1)+1))+3,10))-1)),MID(MID(RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND("-", A1, 1)+1),FIND(" - ", RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND("-", A1, 1)+1))+3, 10),FIND("-", MID(RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND("-", A1, 1)+1),FIND(" - ", RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-FIND("-", A1, 1)+1))+3, 10)), 10))

      Please note that this is an array formula. You should enter this formula into a cell in any column and hit Ctrl + Shift + Enter to complete it. Copy the formula down along the column if necessary by selecting the cell where you've entered the formula and drag the fill handle (a small square at the lower right-hand corner of the selected cell) down.

      Hope it will help you.

  23. Good

  24. hi

    could you please have you tel me where i get more information about condition formatting

  25. Update to clarify my request:

    The "300" in the input cell could be increased manually to any number 500, 1200 ..... or 5000
    A1 = "input cell", the next 12 cells B1 to M1: each cell should be filled with a 100 as long A1 increased by 100
    if A1= 1043; B1=C1=D1=E1=F1=G1=H1=I1=J1=K1=100; but L1=M1=0 & N1=43
    N1= A1-(sum(B1:M1)) if A1 >1200 or N1= 0 if A1 <= 1200

  26. Hi, I'm tring to find a formela to divide the input value to the next cells as 100s.
    example: if A2= 200, then B2=100, C2=100, D2=0 and E2=0
    and if A2 changed to 300 then B2=100, C2=100, D2=100 and E2=0.

    Best regard.

  27. Display the highest and lowest marks in each test also give one appropriate leading

  28. I have a problem in my excel coding

    (this coding
    Function Rup(amt As Variant) As Variant
    Dim FIGURE As Variant
    Dim LENFIG As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim WORDs(19) As String
    Dim tens(9) As String
    WORDs(1) = "ONE"
    WORDs(2) = "TWO"
    WORDs(3) = "TRE"
    WORDs(4) = "FUR"
    WORDs(5) = "FIV"
    WORDs(6) = "SIX"
    WORDs(7) = "SVN"
    WORDs(8) = "EIT"
    WORDs(9) = "NIN"
    WORDs(0) = "ZER"
    WORDs(11) = "Eleven"
    WORDs(12) = "Twelve"
    WORDs(13) = "Thirteen"
    WORDs(14) = "Fourteen"
    WORDs(15) = "Fifteen"
    WORDs(16) = "Sixteen"
    WORDs(17) = "Seventeen"
    WORDs(18) = "Eighteen"
    WORDs(19) = "Nineteen"
    tens(2) = "Twenty"
    tens(3) = "Thirty"
    tens(4) = "Fourty"
    tens(5) = "Fifty"
    tens(6) = "Sixty"
    tens(7) = "Seventy"
    tens(8) = "Eighty"
    tens(9) = "Ninety"
    FIGURE = amt
    FIGURE = Format(FIGURE, "FIXED")
    If FIGLEN < 12 Then
    FIGURE = Space(12 - FIGLEN) & FIGURE
    End If
    For i = 1 To 3
    If Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) 0 Then
    Rup = Rup & WORDs(Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)))
    ElseIf Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 19 Then
    Rup = Rup & tens(Val(Left(FIGURE, 1)))
    Rup = Rup & WORDs(Val(Right(Left(FIGURE, 2), 1)))
    End If
    If i = 1 And Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 0 Then
    Rup = Rup & " Crore "
    ElseIf i = 2 And Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 0 Then
    Rup = Rup & " Lakh "
    ElseIf i = 3 And Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 0 Then
    Rup = Rup & " Thousand "
    End If
    FIGURE = Mid(FIGURE, 3)
    Next i
    If Val(Left(FIGURE, 1)) > 0 Then
    Rup = Rup & WORDs(Val(Left(FIGURE, 1))) + " Hundred "
    End If
    FIGURE = Mid(FIGURE, 2)
    If Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) 0 Then
    Rup = Rup & WORDs(Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)))
    ElseIf Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 19 Then
    Rup = Rup & tens(Val(Left(FIGURE, 1)))
    Rup = Rup & WORDs(Val(Right(Left(FIGURE, 2), 1)))
    End If
    FIGURE = Mid(FIGURE, 4)
    If Val(FIGURE) > 0 Then
    Rup = Rup & " Paise "
    If Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) 0 Then
    Rup = Rup & WORDs(Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)))
    ElseIf Val(Left(FIGURE, 2)) > 19 Then
    Rup = Rup & tens(Val(Left(FIGURE, 1)))
    Rup = Rup & WORDs(Val(Right(Left(FIGURE, 2), 1)))
    End If
    End If
    FIGURE = amt
    FIGURE = Format(FIGURE, "FIXED")
    End Function
    in this coding i want 0 gentrate as ZER its not coming its coming like 0 as 0 how to i get it

  29. I like information, you providing,, Further request you to send me detail formulas specially for the condition "IF".I think it will help in future.

  30. How you use percentage formula in Excel.

  31. Hello,

    Can you please send me a link for a tutorial on creating a sales lead template with if and then being a 2 week window for contacting those leads?

  32. GOOD

  33. Hi,

    I have filled the colour to the one of the cell in excel.
    if I doubleclick the coloured cell. it should show the value which I assighed it.
    my question: there is any formula to add value, example the value should be in background. by doubleclick the colourd cell, it shows the value.

    thank you in advance

  34. Thanks , so helpful.

  35. Hii
    Excel sheet formula
    Please information

  36. How can some one understand all this?




  38. I want know how hloockup work in excel sheet and what is the use of this formulas .

  39. Dear Svetlana,

    i have gone through yours tutorial it is amazing thanking you too make our life easy. i have one more request from you, i do asset validation checking all the asset is correctly captured such that they can be processed in software to make life easy to our organization.
    Please suggest me number of formulas and Technic i can used to do my validation more accurate.
    currently i am using vlookup, pivot table, mid, clean, trim, iferrror, and many more.

  40. i need one formula if we entering the employer code that page have to show name and his detail's

  41. Nice sir ji

  42. plz gv mi da formula of RANKing

  43. Sub Button1_Click()
    Dim Str As String
    StrFolder = "C:\Users\heywh\Videos\Assorrted Credits\"
    ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=StrFolder, NewWindow:=True
    End Sub

    How would i use an If Statement in the above Macro

    I want to show a msgbox so that if the c:\folder above nothing is selected with in the sub folder to this msgbox "No Month Was Selected" show in a MsgBox and if a Month is selected it goes right to the month selected.

    Thank You For your Time.

  44. I have a spreadsheet with imported values from a bank statement. It’s saved as a spreadsheet not csv data. The first column is the date, the second is the transaction the third is the amount etc till the sixth which is my own description that I added. Is there a way to pick the whole line out and place it in another row with all the same data? Example, the last column could be house, apartment, nm house, condo or trailer park.

  45. Help me understand the formulas of MS-Excel

  46. sir i convert to numeric to text formulla,
    means 549556 i change auto five lac fourty nine thousand five hundred fifty six only

  47. If 1kg of tomato costs 200 rupees, what will be the cost of 700 grams
    how to calculate in excel what formula use for this problem

    1. MD:
      I think what you're after is:

      1. 1 kg tamato =200
        1 gm= .2 (200/1000)=.2
        cost of 700gm

  48. Can you use formulas to calculate hours worked? I do lot of timesheet work and be good to know. For example 7.50am start to 6.20pm finish ?

  49. Dear Sir
    These Formulas are really helpfull .Please give detail info of If Formula.

  50. Thanks Very Useful

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