Advanced Find and Replace for Google Sheets

Search in values, formatting, formulas, notes, links, errors

Meet the easiest way of advanced search and replacement in Google Sheets. Scan your sheets for values, formatting, formulas, notes, hyperlinks, errors. Take full control of search parameters with multi-word search, fuzzy search or regex. Easily navigate through results grouped by sheet, with 1 click bringing you to a necessary cell. Besides being able to replace found records, you will color, re-format, export and delete all or only the selected values.

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Advanced Find and Replace for Google Sheets

With Advanced Find and Replace you will

  • Find and replace in values, formulas, notes, links, and errors Scan all data types simultaneously or tick off only those you’re interested in.
  • Find fuzzy matches or regex matches Or use masks for a wildcard search in your Google Sheets.
  • Find and replace multiple values in Google Sheets Just enter the words or provide the range with a list of alternatives.
  • Export all or some found values To a new sheet, new spreadsheet, or certain cells of your choice.
  • Find cells and change colors Change font or/and fill color of all or only the selected found cells.
  • Find and replace by formatting Bold, italic, underline, strikethrough? Find and re-format in a go.
  • Replace all or only selected values at once Substitute all or only some of the found entries in a button click.
  • Delete rows with all found records Or remove only rows you select from the sheets.

How to find and replace data in Google Sheets

Search in all data types: values, links, formulas, errors, notes
Search in all data types: values, links, formulas, errors, notes
Navigate all results grouped by sheet (or a search value) in a tree-view
Navigate all results grouped by sheet (or a search value) in a tree-view
Find and replace multiple values in Google Sheets simultaneously
Find and replace multiple values in Google Sheets simultaneously
Search Google Sheets by formatting
Search Google Sheets by formatting
Use this add-on for Google Sheets to find and replace colors.
Use this add-on for Google Sheets to find and replace colors.
Find fuzzy matches in Google Sheets
Find fuzzy matches in Google Sheets
Search Google Sheets using regular expressions
Search Google Sheets using regular expressions
Export results to a new spreadsheet preserving text formatting
Export results to a new spreadsheet preserving text formatting

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Frequently asked questions

What is Advanced Find and Replace and what do I need it for?

This add-on takes the native Find and replace feature from spreadsheets to the next level:

- search in several data types at once: values, formatting, formulas, notes, links, errors

- find & replace multiple values in Google Sheets in one go

- format, export or delete found values as well

- fuzzy search & regex

and more!

With Advanced Find and Replace at hand, you can forget about switching to each found value one after another. Instead, you will have all matching records grouped either by sheet or by search value with their cell address and data type. Simply click on the record in the list to select it in your sheet.

How do I find and replace Google Sheets with this tool?

  1. Run the add-on.
  2. Enter the record to look for.
  3. Specify the type of data to look in: formulas, values, formatting, etc.
  4. Pick sheets or ranges to scan.
  5. Set up any extra options to target the search.
  6. Click Find.

All matching data will appear in a tree view, ready to be replaced one by one or all at once, or even formatted, exported or deleted whatsoever.

See a more detailed description here.

What can I do with the found records?

Replace all. To replace all values at once, enter the new text and click Replace all.

Replace selected. To change only some of the found records, select them in the add-on tree view, enter the replacement text, and click Replace.

Format. Change font/fill color of cells with the found records, make text bold, italic, underlined, strikethrough.

Delete. Click the corresponding icon to delete the rows with all or only the selected found entries.

Export. Choose the records you'd like to export and pick the destination: a new sheet, a new spreadsheet, or a custom location.

See a more detailed description here.

Is your add-on case-sensitive?

Only if you decide to make it so :) A special Match case option lets you distinguish the same records written in various cases.

Can I find and replace multiple words at once?

Yes! Either enter all the words you'd like to find separating them with spaces, or commas, or semicolons, or supply a range of cells that has these words.

The same for the replacement: either enter the words directly to the add-on or provide the range with replacements.

Can I find all errors in a sheet?

Yes! To see the list of all errors, tick the box to look in Errors and leave the Find what field blank.

Can I find partial matches only using your tool?

Yes :) Either use Fuzzy search specifying the number of possible different characters or turn on the Regular expression mode if you're in for regex :)

Can I color found values?

Absolutely! The Format button will help you change the color of your cells or/and their text.

Can I export the found data to another file? My spreadsheet is rather big.

Yes. You can export all or only selected values or entire rows with these values to 3 places of your choice:

  1. new sheet within the current file
  2. new spreadsheet entirely
  3. custom location: range of cells within the current file

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System requirements

Windows IconOperating Systems
  • Windows: Windows 10 and up
  • Mac: macOS Catalina 10.15.7 and up
  • Chrome OS™
Google Chrome IconBrowsers
  • Chrome™
  • Firefox
  • Safari (Mac only)