Comments on: How to convert time to decimal number, hours, minutes or seconds in Excel

The tutorial demonstrates different ways to convert time to decimal in Excel. You will find a variety of formulas to change time to hours, minutes or seconds as well as convert text to time and vice versa. Continue reading

Comments page 12. Total comments: 463

  1. hello, i'm adding the numbers of hours worked but when i autosum the values, it is not getting the right result. how to i add time values in decimal point? thank you

  2. Is there a way to set an excel equation so that for time, one box says 0700 the next says something like 0930 and the net time box says 2.5 ?

  3. I have a big spreadsheet with times spent on a task stored in this format
    dd:hh:mm:ss (days:hours:minutes:seconds)
    The second column shows how many tasks completed in that time (usually in the thousands).
    Is there a simple way to show how long is spent on each task?


  4. i have attendence machine report in excel where its mantioned 10.6 in general foramt when we convert that in to time its showing 2:06 how can we solve this problem kindly help


  5. Thank you so much for this valuable effort. Please I need your help in calculating the daily over time as i have 2 column for; "IN" (Hr:Min AM) & "OUT" (Hr:Min PM) and the regular working hours shouldn't be less than 7 Hours started from any time between 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM and finished at anytime between 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM if it is not within the regular range should be deducted from the overtime. Then to color the exceeded time in Cyan
    Thank you so much

  6. I am trying to convert Regular hours which is in format hh:mm to straight time hours, for example of 2.95 equals 2.57 becuase we divide 0.95 by 60 to arrive at 0.57. I tried using =Hours(cell) + Minutes(Cell/60), I get 0:00

    Please guide

  7. Hello,
    I need to calculate the duration of certain activities: start - stop = duration. The start stop cells are formatted: 10/18/2016 20:05. I need the difference in numeric form ( not text ). To make it harder there only 12 production hours per day. So, if production ends at 17:00 and restarts at 5:00 the task, for example, started at 13:30 and ended the next day at 8:00. The actual task time is 6.5 hrs. I don't want to include the non work time. I need the results in decimal format. Is this possible?

    Please let me know. Thanks

  8. I am trying to convert 35.66 (this is 35 hours and .66 of an hour) into days:hours:minutes
    The manual conversion is 1:11:40 (1 day:11hours:39.6 minutes)
    is there a formula for this so that I do not have to convert manually?
    Can anyone help with this?

  9. Hi all, I am trying to convert hours into day:hour:minute.
    e.g. 208.03 and 852.47 to be converted into 28:2:14 and 115:7:13. Is anyone able to assist?

  10. Hi everyone there
    I need your help, to solve my problem
    working hours in my workshop in 3 shifts
    shift 1 starts 06:40 Ends 15:20 with break time from 11:45 to 12:20 total of 0.40 Min.
    shift 2 starts 15:00 Ends 23:20 with break time from 19:00 to 19:20 total of 0.20 Min.
    shift 3 starts 23:00 Ends 07:20 with break time from 03:00 to 03:20 total of 0.20 Min.
    My quistion is how can i calculate the exact working hours for each shift without the break time hours by usiing excel formula.

  11. Hi There,
    I have calculated elapsed time, but rather than excel using ":" as time separator, I want to use "h" for hours and "m" for minutes. For example: 01:50 should be displayed as 01h50m. I want to keep it formatted as a time to be able to total up elapsed times later.

    1. I discovered by experiment that you can use a backslash to escape the character you want to use as text in the format. So for your case the format field should contain hh\hmm\m. This works both in the custom format field for a cell and in a TEXT() function. For example, =TEXT(0.25,"hh\hmm\m") displays text 06h00m.

  12. I see an error in your formula for Converting time to hours in Excel

    =HOUR(A2) + MINUTE(A2)/60 + SECOND(A2)/360

    That last value should be 3600.
    I found your tutorial but kept getting wrong values.
    This is when I discovered that error.

    1. As Jim (post 32) has already noted in September, the formula to convert time to hours should read
      =HOUR(A2) + MINUTE(A2)/60 + SECOND(A2)/3600, not 360! It does make a difference. Could you plse change that in the text.
      Thanks, Paul

  13. Hello guys,

    Anyone could help me convert total time to decimal? Ex. 58:16hrs to be converted to 2d 10.26h.

    Thank you.

  14. Hi all,

    I am trying to multiply x number by minutes and seconds and then get the result in days, hours and minutes.

    For example, if I have 1100 units and each unit takes 4 minutes 50 seconds to produce, what formula would I use to determine that it takes x days, y hours and z minutes to produce the 1100 units. Not too concerned about seconds.

  15. Dear all,

    could you give me one hint :)
    I'd like to sum/add decimal number with general number.
    Can I do it ? I was looking for but I couldn't find. Thank you!


  17. Hello, need help.
    how to auto calculate the hours below the situation.
    If have 12hrs kpi(key performance indicator)Before vessel arrival from the port of origin and then If the vessel arrived @ 02:30AM,8-29-15. what time supposedly ill sent my reports.

  18. I am trying to convert clock in time from a 60 minute clock to 100 minute military time. How do I convert the minute portion of the time? For example: 7:52:03am should be 7:86:03am (I need to multiply the MM by 1.66)

    1. Hello Lisa,

      To get it right and consider the AM/PM time, please use this formula:
      =LEFT(TEXT(A1,"h AM/PM"),LEN(TEXT(A1,"h AM/PM"))-3)&":"&IF(INT(MINUTE(A1)*1.66)<10," ","")&INT(MINUTE(A1)*1.66)&":"&TEXT(A1,"ss AM/PM")

      Where A1 is the cell with the original time.

      • LEFT(TEXT(A1,"h AM/PM"),LEN(TEXT(A1,"h AM/PM"))-3) gets the numeric symbols of time including AM/PM.
      • IF(INT(MINUTE(A1)*1.66)<10," ","")&INT(MINUTE(A1)*1.66) gets minutes with leading 0.
      • TEXT(A1,"ss AM/PM") gets seconds with leading 0 and AM/PM.
  19. I am trying to add columns of hours, minutes and seconds. I was able to convert the columns into total seconds using =(C2-INT(C2))*86400. I then add the columns of total seconds together. I then take that value and divide by 86400. However when I try to convert my final value back into a time format, I am having trouble with cells that over 24 hours. I have tried using [HH]:MM:SS

  20. Hi,

    I’m trying to convert/separate the following date/time format “8/24/2016 17:05:36:242” in a workable format, ideally to numbers/values. I had various attempts: define various (custom) cell formats, using MOD function etc., but no success so far. Do you have any suggestions?
    Thanks a lot.


  21. Hi,
    I am trying to make a time-sheet for my working hours.
    i have a column with time started and time finished. The 3rd column is the difference between the 2 (hours worked for that day). I do this for every day of the week (rows). In the next column I want to sum my hours that I worked per day, but I want to use a formula. In this column I don't want to use time, but a number. What formula do I need to use.
    Start Finish Hrs worked (time) Sum hours (numbers)
    9:00 12:00 03:00 (=finish-start) 3 (=convert hrs worked)
    9:00 14:00 05:00 (=finish-start) 8 (=sum hrs above+hrs today)
    10:00 17:00 07:00 (=finish-start) 15 (=sum hrs above+hrs today)
    08:00 18:00 10:00 (=finish-start) 25 (=sum hrs above+hrs today)

    I have trouble finding a formula that can calculate the last column as time doesn't go further than 24 hours. i want to do this for the whole year.

    Thank you!

  22. Hi,
    I am trying to make a time-sheet for my working hours.
    i have a column with time started and time finished. The 3rd column is the difference between the 2 (hours worked for that day). I do this for every day of the week (rows). In the next column I want to sum my hours that I worked per day, but I want to use a formula. In this column I don't want to use time, but a number. What formula do I need to use.
    Start Finish Hrs worked (time) Sum hours (numbers)
    9:00 12:00 03:00 (=finish-start) 3 (=convert hrs worked)
    9:00 14:00 05:00 (=finish-start) 8 (=sum hrs above+hrs today)
    10:00 17:00 07:00 (=finish-start) 15 (=sum hrs above+hrs today)
    08:00 18:00 10:00 (=finish-start) 25 (=sum hrs above+hrs today)

    Thank you!

    1. I am also looking for an answer to this - have you had any luck Monique?

  23. Hello, this has helped a lot, I have been able to calculate work units into total hours, but now I want to convert total hours calculated, 466:56 - into FTE.

    Where 466:56 is the work units required to be worked in a month, and 168 hours is the amount of hours a staff member works a month so the FTE should be around 2.8

    Dividing the cell with (=F11/189) 466:56 by 189 in does not work as the number in the "=F11" is shown as 19.46.

    Hope this is clear, thanks.

  24. Our time is currently entered as 41:30:00 for 41 hours 30 minutes and 0 seconds. I tried using your convert time to hours formulas but I come up with 17.5 which is clearly not correct. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

    1. Suppose your value is at cell 'A1' then use-

  25. Hi there
    I'm trying to convert 0d 1h 6m to a numerical number any chance of helping out I've tried to use a couple of variations to formulas on here but cant seem to get them to work any help would be appreciated.

  26. great tutorial. My question is this. At my job I have to complete so many "points per hour" so if I have A1=7:00 and A2=17:00 and I have completed 72 points, which is located in A3. How would I calculate my points per hour? Thanks in advance

  27. I am looking to do the following:
    - calculate time from two given values, and convert into a decimal *that rounds to set criteria*.
    We use a time calculation where
    0-2min = 0.0
    3-8min = 0.1
    9-14min= 0.2 etc. so the criteria would have to be established.

    START: 14:00 STOP: 15:03
    =TIME: 1.1

  28. Hello,
    I have a column for hours, another for minutes and another for seconds:
    Hr Min Sec
    7 15 22
    7 17 25
    7 17 45
    How do I combine these into a single time formatted column?

    Thanks in advance,

    1. HI,
      HOW DO I GET 1212 TO 12:12:00??

      1. =TEXT(F7,"00\:00")

  29. How do i change the time format from 10:00 into 10+00. (10 is the hr and 00 is the minutes.

    1. Hello Karl,

      To change the cell format, do the following. Select the cell(s), press Ctrl+1 to open the Format Cells dialog, on the left-side pane under 'Category' choose Custom, and type the following format in the Type box: hh+mm

  30. Working on a report where I have a measurement of time such as 112:26:56. This time is for the entire month, now how can I covert that time into a decimal?

  31. My data pulls the exact time 00:00:00 format for when I receive a message. I need to combine them by hour so I can see how many messages I get per hour of the day, can you do that?

  32. I Have some problem in Time diff calculation
    office timing 9 to 19 Oclok , How to calculate over time.
    working time 9 to 21.28 min .

    Plz Suggest, In Excel calculation is 3.7 Hrs But actual it Is 3.5 Hrs . ( Converted In Numbers)

    Please suggest Right formula

  33. try this one..I7 is your cell


  34. Hi
    Suppose i have some data in 40:15:00 Hrs, now i want in 40:15 Hrs, so would request you provide the formulas for this.


    1. try this one..I7 is your cell


  35. Thank you so much for this valuable effort. Please I need your help in calculating the daily over time as i have 2 column for; "IN" (Hr:Min AM) & "OUT" (Hr:Min PM) and the regular working hours shouldn't be less than 7 Hours started from any time between 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM and finished at anytime between 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM if it is not within the regular range should be deducted from the overtime. Then to color the exceeded time in Cyan
    Thank you so much

  36. Please, suppose I have a particular time stated as 07:23 and I want to convert it to something like this: 07:15-07:30 and convert 08:11 to 08:00-08:15, how do I go about it?

    Thank you

  37. is there a formula to convert a date (MM/DD/YYYY)to a decimal format?

  38. Can we convert the text "2 days 1 hour" or "3 hours 10 mins" to numerical number, measure by mins for example? Thanks.

    1. Hello, Chris,

      Please try this formula:
      =IF(ISERROR(FIND("day", A1)), 0, INT(TRIM(LEFT(A1, FIND("day", A1) -1))) * 24 * 60) + IF(ISERROR(FIND("hour", A1)), 0, INT(MID(A1,IF(FIND("hour",A1)-6<0,1,FIND(" ",A1,FIND("hour",A1)-6)),FIND("hour",A1)-IF(FIND("hour",A1)-6<0,1,FIND(" ",A1,FIND("hour",A1)-6)))) * 60) + IF(ISERROR(FIND("min", A1)), 0, INT(MID(A1, FIND(" ", A1, FIND("min", A1)-6), FIND("min", A1)-FIND(" ", A1, FIND("min", A1)-5))))

      1. Hello Maria,

        This works perfectly besides in the cases where I am missing the hours in the cell (e.g. in the cell I have only "10 mins". I am not able to figure the issue out myself. Can you please help me?

  39. Great tutorial and so easy to understand and implement.

  40. Hi,

    How can I convert 42.81 into 43.21? I need to round the 42.81 into total of hours and minutes.


    1. Hello, Glenn,

      Sorry, we haven't quite understood your task. Could you give more details and examples?

  41. Hi guys,

    Thanks for the solutions you've shared. I found them very helpful, though I am not that 100% sure that I can get them right. I haven't tried yet some of them, and to what my concern is, I didn't find a solution to my problem still despite of all this shared solutions. Could anyone just direct me to a certain solution to my case?

    My question was, how may I convert a given sample/answer (ex: 3days 10hours 35minutes) in a certain cell into a total minutes only (ex: 382719)?

    In other words I just want to simply convert them into total minutes using 1 formula with the given sample above as: 3days 10hours 35minutes

    Many thanks,


    1. Hello, Adzhar,

      Please try the following formula for your task:
      =INT(LEFT(A2; FIND("day"; A2) - 1)) * 24 * 60 + INT(MID(A2; FIND(" "; A2) + 1; FIND("hour"; RIGHT(A2; LEN(A2) - FIND(" "; A2))) - 1)) * 60 + INT(MID(A2;FIND(" ";A2;FIND("hour";A2))+1;FIND("min";A2)-FIND(" ";A2;FIND("hour";A2)) - 1))

  42. How do I return the second value from this number 00:00:24.306? When I use the Second(cell) all I get is 24. When I format the cell for 3 decimal places, I get 24.000. I would like to get 24.306.

    1. Hi Scott,

      You can use the TEXT function, for example:
      =TEXT(A1, "ss.000")

      The result of the above formula is a text string. To convert it to a number, you can multiply the returned value by 1, and then format the cell for 3 decimal places:
      =1*TEXT(A1, "ss.000")

      1. Hi
        I have a similar problem with pivot tables. I have formatted all cells with "mm:ss,000" , but when the pivot is updated to sum all time cells, it doesn't consider the decimals ...
        My use case is to sum all several time cells on a competition ... therefore decimals are important.
        Can you help ?
        Thanks in advance

  43. nice tutorial

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