How to count the number of characters in Excel cells

Want to know how many characters there are in a certain cell? This tutorial will help you choose an Excel formula for character count best suited for your particular case.

Initially, Excel was designed to work with numbers. Fortunately, the developers of this helpful application didn't forget about text. Below, you'll find a number of formulas for counting characters in Excel. Just look through the examples and see which one best suits your needs.

Here are the cases we are going to cover:

Excel formula to count the number of characters in a cell

First things first, let's solve the most common case. To find how many characters there are in an Excel cell, the formula is as simple as:


For example, to count characters in each cell of column A beginning in A3, this is what you need to do:

  1. Enter the below formula in any empty cell in row 3:


  2. Double-click the fill handle to get the formula copied across the whole column.


Feel free to use this formula each time you need to count the number of characters in a string. Excel formula to count the number of characters in a cell

Note. Please pay attention that the Excel LEN function counts absolutely all characters in a cell, including letters, numbers, punctuation marks, special symbols, and all spaces (leading, trailing and spaces between words).

Count characters in a range of cells

To get the total of characters in an Excel range, you can use the LEN function together with SUMPRODUCT:


And your real-life formula may look similar to this:

=SUMPRODUCT(LEN(A3:A18)) Count characters in a range of cells

Another way to count all characters in a range is using LEN in combination with the SUM function:


Unlike SUMPRODUCT, the SUM function does not process arrays by default, so you need to press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to turn it into an array formula in Excel 2019 and earlier. In Excel 365 and 2021, it works as a regular formula due to inbuilt support for dynamic arrays.

How this formula works:

The logic is very simple. The LEN function calculates the string length for each individual cell in the specified range and returns an array of numbers. And then, SUMPRODUCT or SUM adds up those numbers and returns the total character count.

How to count specific characters in a cell

To find out how many times a given character appears in a cell, the generic formula is:

LEN(cell) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(cell, character, ""))

Suppose you maintain a database of items where each item type has its own unique identifier. And each cell contains several items separated by comma, space, or any other delimiter. The task is to get the number of occurrences of a certain unique identifier in each cell.

Assuming the list of items is in column A beginning in A3, and the target character is in column B in the same row, the formula is as follows:

=LEN(A3) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3, B3, "")) Excel formula to count specific characters in a cell

Note. Excel's SUBSTITUTE is a case-sensitive function, and therefore the above formula treats uppercase and lowercase letters as different characters. For example, cell A4 in the screenshot above contains one occurrence of "a" and two occurrences of "A". The formula counted only the uppercase "A" and returned 2 as the result.

How this formula works:

To understand the formula's logic, let's break it down into smaller parts:

  • First, you find the total string length in cell A3 with:
  • Then, you remove all occurrences of the letter "A" in A3 by replacing it with an empty string:
    SUBSTITUTE(A3, "A", "")
  • The next step is to find the string length without the letter "A":
    LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3, "A", ""))
  • Finally, you subtract the length of the string without "A" from the total length string:
    LEN(A3) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3, B3, ""))

As the result, you get the count of "removed" characters, which is the number of occurrences of that particular character in the cell.

Case-insensitive formula to count letters in Excel cell

When counting letters in Excel cells, you may sometimes need a formula that ignores the letter case. To make such a formula, use the UPPER function inside SUBSTITUTE to convert a given letter to uppercase before running the substitution.

For example, to count both "A" and "a" in cell A3, use this formula:


The LOWER function will also do:

=LEN(A3) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(LOWER(A3), "a", ""))

A slightly more complex way is using nested SUBSTITUTE functions:

=LEN(A3) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE (A3, "A", ""), "a", "")

In our data set, the letters to be counted are input in column B, so we convert both the source cell and the cell containing the character to uppercase:


And this works beautifully irrespective of the target letter's case: Case-insensitive formula to count letters in Excel cell

How to count certain text/substring in a cell

If you want to know how many times a certain combination of characters appears in a given cell (e.g. "C2" or "C-2" or "cat"), then divide the characters count by the length of the substring.

Case-sensitive formula:

=(LEN(A3) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3, B3, ""))) / LEN(B3)

Case-insensitive formula:


Where A3 is the original text string and B3 is the substring to count. Count the occurrences of certain text in a cell.

For the detailed explanation of the formula, please see How to count specific text / words in a cell.

How to count specific characters in a range

Knowing a formula for counting certain characters in a single cell, it's quite easy to modify it a little further to count the number of occurrences of a given character in several cells. For this, just place the LEN formula inside the SUMPRODUCT function that can handle arrays:

SUMPRODUCT(LEN(range) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(range, character, "")))

For example, to get to know how many times the character in D2 occurs in the range A3:A18, the formula is:

=SUMPRODUCT(LEN(A3:A18) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3:A18, D2, ""))) Count the number of occurrences of a certain character in a range.

Instead of SUMPRODUCT, you can also use SUM:

=SUM(LEN(A3:A18) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3:A18, D2, "")))

But this formula requires pressing Ctrl + Shift + Enter because, in all versions other than Excel 365 and 2021, SUM can handle arrays only in an array formula.

How this formula works:

The SUBSTITUTE function replaces all occurrences of a given character ("A" in this example) with an empty string ("").

The text string returned by SUBSTITUTE is served to the LEN function so it calculates the string length without A's.

The string length without A's is subtracted from the total length of the original string. The result is an array of character counts per cell.

Finally, SUMPRODUCT sums the numbers in the array and returns the total character count in the range.

Case-insensitive formula to count letters in a range

To create a case-insensitive formula for counting specific characters in a range, follow the same approaches that we used for counting certain letters in a cell regardless of the text case.

Use the UPPER function and supply an uppercase letter:


Use the LOWER function and supply a lowercase letter:


Nest a couple of SUBSTITUTE functions one into another:

=SUMPRODUCT(LEN(A3:A18) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE((A3:A18), "A", ""), "a", "")))

In the character of interest is input in a predefined cell, UPPER or LOWER will work equally well:




The below screenshot shows it in action: Case-insensitive formula to count certain letters in a range.

How to count certain text / substring in a range

To count the number of occurrences of certain text in a range, use this generic formula:

SUMPRODUCT((LEN(range) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(range, text, ""))) / LEN(text))

For example, to count the number of times the word "Life" appears in the range A3:A18, the formula is:

=SUMPRODUCT((LEN(A3:A18) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A3:A18, D2, ""))) / LEN(D2)) Count the occurrences of certain text in a range. In the above screenshot, only the word "Life" is counted, but not "life". However, you can force the formula to disregard the letter case with the help of either the UPPER or LOWER function. To see how this works, please visit How to count specific words in a range.

Excel character limits for cells

Microsoft Excel has a limitation on the number of characters that can be entered in a cell. If you have worksheets with large amount of text data, you may find the following information helpful.

  • The total number of characters that a cell can contain is 32,767.
  • A cell can only display 1,024 characters. At the same time, the Formula bar can show all 32,767 symbols.
  • The maximum length of a formula is 8,192 characters in Excel 2007 and higher (1,014 in Excel 2003).

Please consider the facts when you are going to merge or import data from an external source.

These are the best practices for counting characters in Excel. For first-hand experience, you can download a sample workbook and check out a list of related resources at the end of the page. Thank you for reading and hope to see you soon!

Practice workbook for download

Count characters in Excel - formula examples (.xlsx file)

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  1. Please please help me out of this
    I want my work to look like this in 1 row (not in separate cells) Continuously :

    "APPLE(5) BALL(4) CAT(3) DOG(3) ELEPHANT(8)"

    Please help me out with a formula or an option.

  2. Hi ,

    I am having and issues where in row A i have 1234 and at row 100 i have 2314.
    like that i have few number which is in permutation level.

    The question is how to find out these number which is repeated as permutation .

  3. Hello,

    I have a work schedule, names on the left, days of the month on top. After placing an X for each persons name on the schedule I'm looking now for formulas that will see that X and then populate that persons name elsewhere on the sheet creating a daily roster of names that someone can easily copy down. Please help.

  4. I want to count the letter of alpha numeric how many times itbwaa repeated in the sheet. Can you provide the answer.

    Ex :
    column a, row 1 : 1a,3b,2c
    Column a, row 2 : 2a,3b,5d

    Means here if if we use formula means when we search for 3b means the count should be 2.

    Can you suggest how to write the code.

      • Thanks for the reply,

        I tried with same code in open office but it's not working it's showing #value instead of result. Is there any conflicts with "," in the column when we are searching with the formula which you gave. Actually my query is to find the alphanumeric ex : 2a how many times it's repeated along with another alphanumeric from column a row 1 to row 6

        Now I want to search the letter 2a how many times repeated and it should be count even we are having "," in a cell.
        My answer it should be 4 when we search from column A1:A6, similarly if we search for another alphanumeric also I need to get the result.

          • Ok I will and I will let u know.

            • Tried with the formula which you gave but not getting.

              • Is there any other formula...

  5. Condition Report Type Sale
    Condition 01 Sales Report 14
    Condition 02 My Report 43
    Condition 03 Report 25
    Condition 04 Sales 76
    Condition 05 Report 35
    Condition 06 James's Report 85
    Condition 07 Total 11
    Condition 08 Report From my Boss 8
    Condition 09 Not a Report 43

    Count how many times words end with letter RT and contains 6 letters in Column C.

    • Hello Gajanan!
      If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:


      I hope it’ll be helpful.

      • how i count "p" in row in work sheet

  6. if i type in a cell 1 to 5 can i get total count
    for example i type 77 to 80 can i got 2 count between 77 and 80
    or i got 4 count between 77 and 80 when i include 77 and 80.

  7. Please Help about Eg:-i want to calculate the Column B if in column A have "Y" Character
    A B C D
    1 X 2
    2 Y 1
    3 Z 3
    4 Y 4

  8. 123456789 text box no how to count plz tell me formula

    • result 45 how

  9. Thanks a ton for sharing this good info. If I can suggest, I'm likely not alone in finding the "Ultimate Suite" Ad with a scrolling gif hugely distracting. Someone obviously realized this and added a minimize function. Sadly, they only made the scrolling slightly smaller. This is why people use ad-blockers folks! :|

  10. HI,

    Going through you note helped me with working on a date wise schedule that spread across multiple rows which contained different programmes that are being aired. In this I had multiple advertisements placed which represented different product coded as A B and C etc. In come columns I had AD, and CA or any other combinations. As such i wanted to calculate all occurrences, and then create a summary of each representation.

    This note simply helped with solving my problem.

    Thank you and keep it up.

  11. Sir,
    Can excel show alphabet letter in against running number. Please explain formula.
    For example, for value (.001 to .999 = A)
    (1.00 to 1.99 = B)
    (2.00 to 2.999= C).

  12. Greetings
    I am using this formula SUM(LEN(D21:D609)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(D21:D609,"T","")))/LEN("T") as an array formula to count tears "T" recorded also using the same formula to count other quality faults such as bures "B"
    I now wish to record the time taken to repair the tear or bure in column D21:D609 by entering T14B15 effectively the tear took 14 minutes to repair and the Bure took 15 minutes to repair what must I do to count total tears and sum the total minutes to repair the tear or the Bure?
    Can you assist please

  13. 7411PG36353535 / 7411PG36353537 / 7411PG36353540 / 7411PG36353548 / 7411PG36354040 / 7411PG36354044 / 7411PG36354046 / 7411PG36354047 / 7411PG36354048 / 7411PG36355250 / 7411PG36355254 / 7411PG36355256 / 7411PG36357386
    the above alphanumeric series in one cell, if i have to count the alphanumeric series then what formula i have to use

  14. Hi,

    I need a formula to pick 5 reviewed cases from their production irrespect of the production numbers.


  15. How can I count an specific text that is marged with the few cells against a different column with the different texts.
    For example in column A I have a name called "Backshell" or in other cell I have "Footwell"(but these names are marged in the multiple cells. Say Installation marged from A2 to A5 and Footwell from A6 to A10) and In column C I have many texts or words such as "Installation" or "Design" but the cells are not marged; I want to count how many times Installation has been repeated for just backshell or just Footwell.

    Please help.
    Thank you.

  16. I have a problem that, i have different 100, 500 etc names
    Problem: #01
    i want to count duplicate name or same
    Problem # 02:
    Count its how much time in data
    Problem # 03:
    In same data reduced specific entry date wise
    PLZ Help Me Anyone.......

  17. Column Column Column
    A B C
    Karim 100 200
    Rohim 200 300
    Karim 100 500
    Rohim 500 100

    Result should be:

    Karim 900
    Rohim 1100

    I used = sumproduct(Vlookup (A1,A1:C4,{2,3},0))
    But it does not work. How can I do it? Pls help

  18. Hi Guys,

    I am not getting solve question that how will count this is.
    please find below this question.
    22pcs 5kg
    15pcs 8kg
    16pcs 10kg
    65pcs 12kg

    How will i count and sum please assist me.

    Thanks and Regards,

    • Sujan:
      Enter "pcs" and "kg" in cells C62 and D62. These will be the headers.
      Enter the data in A48:A57. The formula is case sensitive so be sure the data matches the caps in the headers.
      In C63 enter =SUM(IF(ISNUMBER(FIND(C62,$A$48:$A$57)),VALUE(LEFT($A$48:$A$57,FIND(C62,$A$48:$A$57)-1)),0))
      then with the cursor in the formula bar in the formula click the CTRL Shift Enter keys at the same time. This is an array formula so you need to tell Excel to evaluate it as an array. When you enter the formula and then in the formula bar you put the cursor in the formula and click the CTL SHIFT ENTER keys it will put curly brackets around the formula which indicates to Excel that this is an array.
      When the value appears in C63 copy the formula over to D63.
      As you enter more data in the A range be sure to change the second cell address to match the last cell in the range. Right now the range is A48 to A57. If you add more data change the A57 to another cell address. Remember, there are three places in the formula for that range.

  19. Hi guys
    i have query about this question how to spit number and text as like:- rana123ranjan456 and 1234sohan567raj how to use split number and text.
    please assist me. please share this e-mail id

    Thanks and Regards,

  20. Thanks Doug.
    But is it possible to do sum without transferring text to the other column

    I don't want the result like below:
    20 cow
    60 Cow
    70 Cow

    I want the result of sum like this:

    Pls help how can I do.

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