The tutorial explains how to use COUNTIFS and COUNTIF formulas with multiple criteria in Excel. You will find a number of examples for different data types – numbers, dates, text, wildcard characters, non-blank cells and more. Continue reading
by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on
The tutorial explains how to use COUNTIFS and COUNTIF formulas with multiple criteria in Excel. You will find a number of examples for different data types – numbers, dates, text, wildcard characters, non-blank cells and more. Continue reading
Comments page 20. Total comments: 2074
I'm doing a race night and want to write the names of all the people who have placed a bet in one cell. In another column I then want to count number of the names in the first cell.
Eg. (Tom,Dick,Harry) count = 3
Is there a formula that could do this please?
If the names in the cell are separated by commas, then the count of names can be calculated using the formula -
I hope it’ll be helpful.
I have some problem getting the formula for my excel file. it took me to much time to solve it even now i cant figure it out. i dont have really much knowledge on excel though. would you mind helping me to create a formula to condense all equal date with another criteria.Example columnA(Dates) columnB(text).To make it more clearer. All May 5,2020 in column A and technical in column B will be count as one.
Hello James!
I think this article will help you.
I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
I am trying count the number of assets in a given location within a given range of operating hours. I have successfully used "=countifs($F:$F,"EVT",$G:$G,",9999.9"). My problem is determining the formula for counting the number of assets with operating hours between 10000 and 19999.9 hours. Thanks.
I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me.
Your formula cannot work. There may have been an error copying it. Please let me know in more detail what you were trying to find, what formula you used and what problem or error occurred. Give an example of the source data and the expected result. It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.
I need a formula for counting the number of columns in a row with values greater than 5.
Ex. Out of Column B , D , G - B1 & G1 has the value greater than 5, so I need to get count as 2.. How is it possible.
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
=SUM(IF(COUNTIF(B:B," > 5")>0,1,0),IF(COUNTIF(D:D," > 5")>0,1,0),IF(COUNTIF(G:G," > 5")>0,1,0))
I hope this will help, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.
Hello , I'm trying to count a name that is in another column with certain date range and count only the names that have a text in another column , could you please help with what formula to use.
Hello Juan Romo!
I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me.
For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. Please let me know in more detail what you were trying to find. It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.
Thank you so much for your help. I am trying to do a COUNTIFS with multiple criteria. I tried using SUM(COUNTIFS and it did work in the beg but now I need to add more criteria. What I am pretty much trying to do is to put the following formula into ONE - the first part searches for MPS[Warehouse] "AAA" and the second for "BBB".
=SUM(COUNTIFS(MPS[Work Ticket Status], {"NEW","MRD","PRD","PIC","PUR"}, MPS[Warehouse], {"AAA"}, MPS[NEW Production Start Date], ">=5/1/2020", MPS[NEW Production Start Date], "<"&TODAY(),MPS[NEW Production Start Date], "=5/1/2020", MPS[NEW Production Start Date], "<"&TODAY(),MPS[NEW Production Start Date], "<=5/30/2020"))
- BECAUSE the next thing I need to do is to use this formula to count the ones that are NOT "AAA" or "BBB" and that is the real problem begin! (In fact I have more than just 2 warehouses, this was just an example).
Hello Francesca!
You can use something like this formula.
=SUM(COUNTIFS(A19:A25,{"NEW","MPD","PRD","PIC","PUR"}, B19:B25,{"AAA","BBB"}, C19:C25,">=5/1/2020", C19:C25,"<"&TODAY(), C19:C25,"<=5/30/2020"))
There is an error in your formula.
MPS [NEW Production Start Date], “> = 5/1/2020”
MPS [NEW Production Start Date], "= 5/1/2020”
contradict each other.
It will be executed only
MPS [NEW Production Start Date], "= 5/1/2020”.
MPS [NEW Production Start Date], “<" & TODAY ()
repeated twice.
I hope this will help, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.
1) the only thing I see differently would be the range? Because my problem is that I do not have a specific range, the query is large and I need to use the entire column as new items might be added. and it was a typo, it was supposed to be >5/31 thanks for the letting me know. 2)What I am having trouble is with the multiple item types {"NEW", "PUR", "PIC" etc}. The formula is not reading all of them, I guess a need a OR? 3)And In case I DO NOT want those warehouses, the "" is not working for me.
Hello Francesca!
If you want to use the entire column, just change the link to A: A. But the speed of calculations will decrease significantly.
The COUNTIFS function cannot use AND or OR operators as arguments.
If the formula does not consider any element in your table, check how it is written. There may be spaces or some other characters.
Indicate for comparison only the values that are necessary.
I am trying to count, for example the number of occurrences of a particular text , say "SP", in a row from column c to column dd - OK so far. But now I want to only count the occurrences in the row where the date in column A = today(). The table has multiple (consecutive) dates in column A. Is it possible to do this with a formula? Maybe countif with offset and match somehow? Thanks for looking.
Hello Steve!
Use the paragraph in this guide above "Count cells with multiple criteria (AND logic)". One of the conditions is A1 = TODAY ()
Alexander, Thanks for your help.
I am trying to put a formula in a single cell which will, each day, count up occurrences of eg. "Y" and show the total - not once per row, but just a single cell, showing just the current days completeness (="Y"). I have tried =COUNTIFS($A$1:$A$21, "="& "Today()",$C$1:$N$21, "="& "Y") but this gives #Value! as result. Any further ideas? Cheers. Sample data follows:
06-May EL y EL y EL y EL y EL y EL y
07-May LR y LR y LR y LR y LR y LR y
Hello Steve!
The data ranges that you use in the COUNTIFS function must be the same in size. That is, if the first is 1 column, then the second is also 1 column. And you have a second range - 12 columns.
Please try the following formula:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(($A$1:$A$21)=TODAY()), (C1:C21="Y")+(D1:D21="Y")+(E1:E21="Y"))
Add it yourself to column N.
I hope it’ll be helpful.
Cracked it. Thanks for your inspiration Alexander. Here is what I used …
Hi there,
I am trying to combine these formulas so that both criteria must be true for it to be counted however as my ranges are different sizes this is problematic, is there a way to combine these?
=COUNTIF('Volunteer Call Handler Form APRIL'!Q:V,"XXXXXXX - recent") COUNTIF('Volunteer Call Handler Form APRIL'!G:G,"Inbound"))
Thanks, Tilly
Hello Tilly!
If both conditions must be fulfilled, unfortunately, the sizes of the ranges for each of them must be the same.
Please can you help!
I am creating a reporting sheet in excel for different information from throughout the workbook.
I would like to create a formula that can tell me how many times the word "Late" appeared within in a month. The data will be pulled from another sheet to the reporting sheet.
My date column is B date 24/04/2020 and Late column is F.
Thank you for any advice.
Hi Rachel,
You may use the array function below to count the number of values on several sheets:
=SUM(IFERROR(COUNTIFS(INDIRECT("'"&$E$2:$E$32&"'!F:F"),A3, INDIRECT("'"&$E$2:$E$32&"'!B:B")," >="&DATE(YEAR(A4),MONTH(A4),1), INDIRECT("'"&$E$2:$E$32&"'!B:B")," <="&EOMONTH(A4,0)),0))
Where A3 is the criterion to search values by (in your case, it is Late);
F:F is the searching range on each sheet;
A4 states for the date you conduct the search by. Note! The dates you apply the formula to should be of the same month as the one in A4;
B:B is the dates range on each sheet;
$E$2:$E$32 - the list of the sheets to make the search in.
Since the formula above is the array function, please don't forget to use the Cthr+Shift+Enter combination to apply it.
Hope it'll help you with your task.
I have Count like COUNTIF((C4,F4,I4,L4),">0"), result are not find.
please help.
Hello Ashok,
Please try the following formula:
Range can only be contiguous cells.
I have a spreadsheet that has three columns I am working with...Column C that has Dates Sampled, Column H that has Quantity, and Column K that has Aggregate type. I need to have a formula that will give the Quantity of X aggregates for each quarter by using the dates sampled to determine the quarters. Is this something I will be able to do with the CountIf function? TIA
Hello Katelyn!
If I understand your task correctly, please try the following formula:
I hope this will help, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.
Hi. I have created an attendance spreadsheet with a drop down list allowing multiple selections of: A, B, C, D, E, NP. If NP is selected nothing needs to happen as the client was Not Present. The other options will demonstrate what activities the clients participated in if they did attend A, E, D or A, B, C, etc. I need another cell to calculate all dates client attended and has choices from A-E as 2.
Ex: on 12/29 the client attended and participated in 3 activities, on 12/30 client participated in 1 and 12/31 client participated in 2. I need each of these cells to equate to 2- so the total should be 6 units. It should not matter what activates the client is participating in, but if they attend that should equal 2 units for the day. I need this to be able to equate no matter what order the drop down items are placed.
So with this example the total should be 6
12/28 12/29 12/30 12/31 TOTAL
B,D,E D B,C 4
Sorry that example did not come through formatted.
Salary Grade Range
A 0-300,000
B 300,001-400,000
C 400,001-800,000
D 800,001-1,000,000
E Above 1,000,000
get the salary range
If I understand your task correctly, you need to use an approximate search VLOOKUP.
Write down all income rates in one column, for example:
In the second column B, indicate the name of the range A, B, C, D ...
If salary is indicated in cell D1, this formula will return the name of the range
= VLOOKUP (D1, A1: B10,2,1)
You can learn more about approximate match in VLOOKUP in this article on our blog.
Hope you’ll find this information helpful.
how i count the how many cities particular sales person doing the sales in the particular month (For Eg. Sales man "A" do the sales in the month of "Jan" how many cities covered and how many customers billed in the month of jan and feb, etc)
columns are in the worksheets are below,
Month City Sales Employee Name Invoice Number Invoice Date party Name productName Qty Rate Sales Value
kindly help
Hello Dhanapal!
The easiest and most correct way to get an answer to your questions is to use a pivot table. Our blog has many articles about this. I recommend here and here.
I hope it’ll be helpful.
thank u for your reply. Pivot i know, it is bigger file, so it takes more space and more time for execution, in case formula is there its come to an consolidated sheet easily. thats why i need a formula.
Here is my formula. I am trying to count if column K, D, and E meets these criteria. Column K must have Winston. Column D must have Win7 to Win10. Column E has several criteria.
=SUM(COUNTIFS(K:K,"WINSTON",D:D,"Win7 to Win10",E:E,{"Deferred","Discovered",Discovered by Local IS","Failed 10 Push","Local ITS Support","Not Delivered","Not Found","Special Config on Order"}))
Hello Tara!
If I understand your task correctly, maybe the following formula should work for you:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(D1:D10="Win7 to Win10"), --(K1:K10="WINSTON"), IFERROR(MATCH(E1:E10,{"Deferred";"Discovered";"Discovered by Local IS"},0),0))
I hope this will help, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.
I am attempting to track the frequency that sales person makes calls in a selected date range. The formula is adding up the number of times it says Matt Elkin as well as the number of time any of those dates were mentioned. I want it to count those dates only if it says Matt Elkin.
G2/F2 - start and end dates
=COUNTIFS(Database!M2:M9359, "Matt Elkin") + COUNTIFS(Database!G2:G10000,">="&G2,Database!G2:G10000,"<="&F2)
Thanks Jason, got solve my problem checking your comment! :)
Hello Jason!
If I understand your task correctly, maybe the following formula should work for you:
=SUMPRODUCT(--(Database!G2:G10000>=$G$2), --(Database!G2:G10000>=$F$2), --(Database!M2:M9359="Matt Elkin"))
Hope this is what you need.
Thank you. This is THE tutorial on using AND and/or OR commands with Countifs.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I Want to numeric precedence with multiple occurrences of String in Specified Range
A1 Amir
A2 Amir
A3 Amir
Result Will
A1 Amir1
A2 Amir2
A3 Amir3
can you help me on this its urgent
R80874 17/03/2020 CREDIT ABDULLA PHARMACY 1 294.91 0.00 0.00 294.91
R80873 17/03/2020 CREDIT AHLAN PHARMACY(AJN) 2 424.34 0.00 0.00 424.34
R80872 17/03/2020 CREDIT AL HAYER PHARMACY 3 481.50 0.00 0.00 481.50
R80912 17/03/2020 CREDIT AL KHALEEJ PHARMACY 4 379.51 0.00 0.00 379.51
R80865 17/03/2020 CREDIT CASH CUSTOMER 5 698.16 0.00 0.00 698.16
R80903 17/03/2020 CREDIT CASH CUSTOMER 6 675.00 0.00 0.00 675.00
R80875 17/03/2020 CREDIT CONCORD DRUG STORE 7 6230.00 0.00 0.00 6230.00
R80880 17/03/2020 CREDIT CONCORD DRUG STORE 7 319.00 0.00 0.00 319.00
R80911 17/03/2020 CREDIT GHANTHOOT PHARMACY 8 250.06 0.00 0.00 250.06
R80886 17/03/2020 CREDIT LEAH PHARMACY 9 569.89 0.00 0.00 569.89
R80907 17/03/2020 CREDIT LEAH PHARMACY 9 181.05 0.00 0.00 181.05
R80910 17/03/2020 CREDIT UM GHAFA PHARMACY 10 517.54 0.00 0.00 517.54
Hello Noby!
Please try the following formula:
Hi There,
I'm looking for a formula that count the different between specific cells. I have 100 cells contains reading and I want to count if different for instant between 6th cell and 1st cell is more than 10, similarly I want to do it for cell 24th and 48th, 72nd and 96th,....
I have a spreadsheet where cells contain answers to a multi-response question. Cells can contain any combination of responses from A - J. I need a way to count the number of cells that contain (for example) A, C, or E. If a cell contains more than one of these, I don't want it to be counted twice. For example:
Cell 1: A, B, D
Cell 2: A, C, E
Cell 3: B, D, E
Cell 4: B, D, G, J
The total count of cells that contain A, C, OR E is 3. Using the OR formula above, we would get a total of 5, as the count for A is 2, the count for C is 1, and the count for E is 2. Is there any way to do this?
Hello MLC!
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
This is an array formula and it needs to be entered via Ctrl + Shift + Enter, not just Enter.
I need to get the count based on specific criteria from two tables.
the header will be
emp name, Batch number. This will be the master base data. From this, I need to make an overview that shows a specific batch count for each employee.
The emp name will be repeated.
I'm using countifs and need to count the data date wise but the result is coming 0 everytime. For the same I have used 2 different ways, one using today() and another by inserting required date but the outcome is same.
I am trying to figure out a countifs formula inorder to determine how many scores are above 8 during the year 2020.
Column 1 Column 2
2/21/2020 14
1/9/2020 7.2
11/9/2019 9.5
2/20/2019 6.0
Which would be only 1.
Thank you in advance. :)
Hello Fabiola!
If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:
Am having a problem with some problem and am asking of help.
We want customers to receive a coupon based on the department they purchased from.
Coupon amounts by department:
Electronics—$25 coupon.
Toys—$20 coupon.
Sports—$15 coupon.
Shoes—$10 coupon.
Every other department—$5 coupon.
Create a column named “Coupon.”
Create a formula that displays the coupon amount for each customer based on department.
Remember! The standards of professionalism require that you DO NOT include numbers in formulas if the numbers might change in the future. These coupons will change in the future.
Create a column named “Promotion.”
Create a formula to enter $10 if the customer purchased books or shoes.
If you forgot how to create “OR” functions inside.
When a customer calls, we want our staff to quickly find the customer and information. Create a dashboard.
Create a customer drop down list using data validation.
Below the list displays the appropriate corresponding information: email, gender, new sales, department, coupon, and promotion.
Kindly share the formula for below,
Monthly profit share to be distributed based on attendance. Kindly advise
assalam o alaikum
i want to count qty how many cell of colum 1 date empty of secound column
column 1 column
18-01-2020 245
18-01-2020 254
now how we use formula 17 -01-2020 02 cell is empty and 18-01-2020 is 02
=COUNTBLANK(select the range of the second column)
I'm trying to figure out what a COUNTIF formula means on a sheet I didn't create. The Range is text rather than specifying a cell range and I can't figure out what data that range is connected to. The formula is =COUNTIF(Round 2,AC$4) and I can't figure out what "Round_2" connects to. There is another sheet within workbook with a cell named "Round 2" but the data there doesn't seem to be applying to this formula.
I'm working on compiling data into three different scenarios. I need to do the following:
1) identify if the institutions have the same ID
2) if they have the same ID, then I need to identify if they have 1 of 3 criteria, 2 of 3 criteria, or 3 of 3 criteria
I tried using IF & COUNTIF but it's not working the way I intended
I am trying to create a formula that will allow me to select certain dates for the month so I can obtain a total. Unfortunately my spreadsheet is titled with dates and below the dates there are subtitles that need to be added per date.
For example I want to gather only the dates that fall on a Monday and grab the cell totals for those dates only. Please help.
Column A Column B
1 45.62
2 6.52
3 18.52
4 154.52
1 93.92
100 101.52
500 100.32
Hi. I have a column with three texts. Let me say A, B & C. I want to count the number of times A occurs, B occurs and C occurs between TIME1 & TIME2. Both time are the ame date.
Thank you
I have a file with say 100 records . Each record has 20 numeric cells with a number (1 thru 80) eg 2 5 6 17 20 28 30 33 42 50 54 55 60 69 70 71 72 73 75 80 each in its own cell. Note that the record contains 6 20 33 55 . I want to filter all records in the 100 records that contain 6 20 33 and 55. My records have record numbers eg ( 23456) and a cell stamped with N or Y. Format: Each of the 100 records --- File Number, , Y/N. I actually have 50,000 records. I did this once 5 years ago and cant remember how. Thank you Ken Dupont
by the way this is for checking the frequency 4 numbers occur. 25 years ago said Avg 340 games.
I'm trying to count the number of times a specific item ships within a specified month (column B contains the ship dates and column C contains the items). How can I do a COUNTIFS formula where one criteria is the ship month and the other criteria is the item. All the "countifs with dates" explanations I've seen only ever explain how to use the formula with ONLY dates but not with dates and another criteria. Is it even possible? (also my spread sheet has empty cells in between some dates. I've seen elsewhere that that can mess with the counting function when dates are involved)
Thursday, January 23, 2020 Solenoid
Thursday, January 23, 2020 Sensor
Tuesday, January 28, 2020 Sensor
Monday, February 3, 2020 Electromagnet
Monday, February 3, 2020 Solenoid
So basically, I need a formula that can tell me that 2 sensors ship in January.
Hi, would like to seek help.
if i would like to subtract the total sum of COUNTIF "Yes" from another part that i have Sum up, how can i do so?
=COUNTIF(K16:AG16,"yes") : Probably i got 3 for countif (but i want to subtract it from another number)
can i do so? tq
HI.great job
i want a formula to count a1+a2 as one if a1+a2>0
Create a different column. for a1+a2. then just countif.
1. Number of employees from the Sales deparment who joined before July 2006 and have a total experience (prior and present) of more than 10 years?
Employee Name Department Joining Date Prior Experience
Prakash Marketing 01-05-2003 2
Rahul IT 09-01-2008 1
Rajiv Finance 14-03-2007 0
Priya Sales 15-12-2009 1
Amit Marketing 01-06-2002 2
Karthik IT 16-02-2009 1
Shobha R&D 23-01-2006 0
Prateek Manufacturing 01-02-2010 3
Payal Logistics 01-05-2003 3
Prashant Finance 15-06-2003 0
Anil R&D 01-05-2003 5
Swaroop Marketing 01-01-2009 1
Tejas Finance 25-01-2010 0
Raghav Manufacturing 08-11-2004 4
Sanjeev Manufacturing 01-02-2010 0
Madhu Finance 14-03-2007 3
Murali Logistics 14-03-2007 2
Aravind Sales 15-12-2007 8
Balaji Marketing 08-11-2004 2
Mukundan Manufacturing 01-05-2003 3
Shweta Sales 10-10-2001 0
Anusha Manufacturing 01-01-2009 0
Ravi Manufacturing 15-06-2003 1
Rahul HR 29-04-2005 4
Ramya IT 09-01-2008 2
Shriram Marketing 08-08-2008 5
Sairam R&D 16-02-2009 3
Srinivasan Finance 08-08-2008 0
Trisha Manufacturing 23-01-2006 0
Paul Manufacturing 25-01-2010 1
Mani Manufacturing 29-04-2005 2
Venkat Finance 08-11-2004 2
Abhishek Marketing 12-09-2005 5
Chanakya Sales 21-12-2004 4
Daniel Sales 15-06-2003 2
Rishi Logistics 01-02-2010 3
Vikram R&D 08-01-2007 3
Prabhu Sales 01-02-2010 0
Priya IT 29-04-2005 2
Mahesh Marketing 15-06-2003 0
Raj HR 25-01-2010 4
Suresh Manufacturing 11-07-2008 4
I have a spreadsheet I am trying to use data validation I have an items list, each item has a specific max discount. I have used vlookup to link the data from the list to autopopulate when I type a specific item number. I need to be able to type a percentage up to the max allowed for the item. How do i set up a formula that only allows up to that max discount for the item listed on the invoice. If over that discount I need an error message. Thankyou for your help.
Quiero bajar este archivo fabuloso.
I'm working on a spreadhseet that needs to show a value of business sold by each agent. sometimes 2 agents will share the business and therefore get 50% each toward target.
column A and B show which agents are responsible for the business and column C shows the value of the business. I'd like a formula in column D to show exact figure from column C if column B is empty, if column B contains any data then column D should show value from column C/2.
I'm struggling to make this work, any help would be much appreciated.
Any time you want to check something conditionally, you'll need to use the IF formulas. For your example: =IF(ISBLANK(B3),C3/2,C3)
Hi how can a get a total count for every month thru out the year for example if a user has a yes or no value in a cell i want to get a total of all the yes in that year and show the month where the yes occured?
Check In Check Out Guest Name Room Category Room Booked
02-Dec-19 03-Dec-19 A Deluxe 3
02-Dec-19 05-Dec-19 B Super Deluxe 1
06-Dec-19 08-Dec-19 C Deluxe 1
06-Dec-19 07-Dec-19 D Super Deluxe 2
i want to know how many "deluxe" booked on 2dec,3dec... as so on? and same for other room category.
X 9
X 23
Y 13
Y 7
X 29
X 19
1. LESS 10
2. BETWEEN 11-15
3. BETWEEN 16-20
4. BETWEEN 21-25
I have doubt which formula to apply to find the difference in clumn two with the repeated seqence, as below, A1 781
A1 781
A1 781
A1 781
A1 800
A1 800
A1 801
A1 802
A2 410
A2 410
A2 410
A2 410
A3 500
A3 500
A3 501
A3 510
A3 510
A3 511
A3 511
Need to find the formula which highlight high difference 2nd column as
A1 781
A1 800
A3 501
A3 510
Please help
I am looking for some help with developing a formula. I coordinate a group of volunteers doing once a week service. I keep a schedule of 3 columns, date, the men working, and the ladies working. The schedule is multiple years long. The facility we work in has laid down a new rule that you have to come in at least twice in the past year to be considered current on your status. I have been trying to develop a formula that will reference the schedule sheet and tell me if each volunteer is current on their status, based first on the date (based on today), and next based on if they have met the required two times of working within that year. Can you help? I have tried vlookup, countifs, countif, as well as a long combination of ifs, ands, and other things, all of this to no avail.
I have a COUNTIFS formula to calculate the number of concurrent license usages (in this months data)like this =COUNTIFS(F$2:F$2468,"="&F2). In another column (N) I have the application name that used the license. If I sort my sheet on the application then the start time Col F could I expand the formula to count the concurrent usage for each application (I might have 10 different applications and the usage might vary in a particular month from 1 row to 1000 (or more).
Thanks in hope.
I just realised the formula got truncated when I pasted it in. This is my current formula =COUNTIFS(F$2:F$3111,"="&F2.
add this to the end of the formula ,G$2:G$3111,">="&F2)
Hi There
i got 3 number in one cell which mean that i'm using Alt + Enter to add the number. My question is how do i sum the total of that 3 number in empty?
Dear Sir,
i am facing problem from couple of days
my problem.... how to set duplication formula on numbering column such as i don't want that someone entry the same number in the same column incase anyone try to enter the same number so the excel warning to them
i am waiting for your kind response ...Thanks
I need to count number of returning users. I have one column for names and one column for dates. I wanna count if user x visited the site more than 1 time on different dates. Is there a formula for this?
Try this....
=SUM(COUNTIFS('Dept'!$H:$H,">0",'Dept'!$E:$E,B169,'Dept'!$D:$D,{"Day Care","Inpatient"}))