Comments on: How to use Excel COUNTIFS and COUNTIF with multiple criteria

The tutorial explains how to use COUNTIFS and COUNTIF formulas with multiple criteria in Excel. You will find a number of examples for different data types – numbers, dates, text, wildcard characters, non-blank cells and more. Continue reading

Comments page 23. Total comments: 2074

  1. Hi,
    Im facing a problem. I have automated a sheet and there I have used countifs. However, eg. I have given a cell range i.e I:I and further condition. But when i checked the data for the next month the column changed from I to B and it keeps changing constantly. Can i Have a "&" condition before count if function. E.g if 1:1 contains text "status" then countif the column.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. appreciated it really help me and done my job

  3. Thank you for this formulas. Do you know if it is possible to combine 2 arrays of OR conditions, with a AND between ? It seems impossible
    For example something like
    =SUM(COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$11,{"apples","Bananas"},$C$2:$C$11,{"cancelled","pending","in transit"}))
    doesn't work

  4. I have an excel summary table that is referencing other table to return a yes or no response. The summary table is 10 contiguous cells in a row that I want to get an average of yes' (out of ten). I tried doing countifs, but now I am not sure if this would be the best function to use.
    ex: C8:L8 have a non numerical result referenced to return "yes" or "no". in M8 I want to display the average number of yes' not just the count.
    any help is greatly appreciated. thank you

  5. I need help with a spreadsheet on google sheets
    I am trying to write a formula. I have a large spreadsheet with a range of dates and tasks that employees have completed that day. All of these dates are at random and the employees enter their name once something has been completed by them.
    I need to write a formula that will search for example the name *aaron* on date 16/09/2019 and count the amount of times *aaron*has been entered and show for example 7.
    Can anyone help ?

  6. I have this query to be sloved i have two or more lines in single row in excel how can i split the same in two different rows below are in single row now i want to split them

    1 Unit Fodder Grass Bijankur-BB2 50 gm Rs. 335 1 Unit Humic Acid Roota 500 gm Rs. 430
    11 Unit Drumstick PKM 1 50 gm Rs. 2401 Unit Fodder Grass Bijankur-BB2 50 gm Rs. 335

  7. B1/A1-1

  8. how i can count multiple criteria in a single range based on other two conditions using countifs??

  9. Please help – I have a working formula that’s counting three specific criteria from a report (see formula below). I have hundreds of different specific criteria combos that I’ll be counting and would like to avoid having to type all the different criteria combos directly into each formula.

    How can I use cell references instead of typing them? I tried several different things, but unable to get it to work.

    Company1 – Names will be in a fixed cell on the results page – D1
    Department1 – Names will be in a fixed cell on the results page – E1
    Account Type1 – The results page is by account type and all the account types are in the column – A3, A4, A5 (type one is A3)

    =COUNTIFS('Report'!$C:$C,"=Company1",'Report'!$K:$K,"=Department1",Report'!$J:$J,"=Account Type1")

  10. Thank you so much for your tutorials, it's really very much useful in work life.

  11. Date Person Unit Summary
    19 June 2019 Rakesh 32 19-Jun-19 20-Jun-19
    19 June 2019 Rakesh 65 Person U.Count T.Unit U.Count t.Unit
    19 June 2019 Kranti 15 Kamlesh
    19 June 2019 Kranti 25 Kranti
    19 June 2019 Kamlesh 35 Pradeep
    19 June 2019 Kamlesh 48 Rahul
    19 June 2019 Rahul 38 Rakesh
    19 June 2019 Rahul 65 Sagar
    19 June 2019 Sagar 25
    19 June 2019 Sagar 44
    19 June 2019 Pradeep 52
    19 June 2019 Pradeep 35
    20 June 2019 Rakesh 12
    20 June 2019 Rakesh 24
    20 June 2019 Kranti 12
    20 June 2019 Kranti 24
    20 June 2019 Kamlesh 42
    20 June 2019 Kamlesh 35
    20 June 2019 Rahul 48
    20 June 2019 Rahul 38
    20 June 2019 Sagar 65
    20 June 2019 Sagar 25
    20 June 2019 Pradeep 12
    20 June 2019 Pradeep 24
    How this data is create accoding to date person bill count and sum of units

  12. Hi,

    I need some formula to get the below result. Looking formula to get the unique list with conditions & count based on condition.

    A B C
    Engine Body Status
    Done Painting WIP
    Done Done Wash
    Done Painting WIP
    Done Done
    Done Denting WIP
    Done Done
    Done Body Work

    Done Body Work
    Done Done
    Done Body Work

    Expected Result
    F G
    Yet to GO Job Count
    Painting Wip 2
    Denting WIP 1
    Body Work 3

    Thanks in advance...

  13. =IF(I5"",IF(T5"",T5-I5),IF(I5"",-T5,"nopre"),IF(I5"","")
    I neeed help gettin this formular to work. I want to subtract cell values return different value if particular cell is blank and no value if both are blank.

  14. I am trying to calculate students who take only online classes from my data set. I don't want to include students who may take a mix of classes such as online and face to face, or online and hybrid class.Any thoughts how to do this.

  15. I want to count different 17 digit number. Example:
    1. 55554440100000000
    2. 55554440299999999
    3. 55554440178999990
    4. 55554440220000001
    5. 55554440123456789
    Result: 5555444010000000 to 55554440199999999=3 and
    55554440200000000 to 55554440299999999=2
    Please help me to solve this problem.

  16. I'm trying to figure out if two dates in two separate columns are less than today, then they are considered backlogged; however, if a patient was seen on one date for something, then they are not backlogged on the other? How would i figure this out?

  17. How to solve
    F2<150 *3.5 otherwise *6.5
    Note :- * = Multiply
    Reply please send my Email

    Thank you

  18. in col A are student name, col B are Marks, How to around 1000 students are there. I want to find how many students having marks above 500 and how many are below 500. plz help

  19. Hello
    I have a excel sheet for feedback Report and I want to count each faculty feedback with specific alphabet for count separate like:
    Faculty 1 A= 50
    B= 35
    C= 15
    D= 7
    E= 8
    Faculty 2 A= 35
    B= 40
    C= 14
    D= 25
    E= 10
    Same as per above :
    Condition 1: all data calculate in 1 sheet

  20. Hi, this formula counts all apples that falls between two dates. How can I change the formula so that the apples that occurs on weekends between these two dates doesn’t get counted. thanks

    Column A has names of fruits
    Column B has dates
    D1 is cell with date
    D2 is cell with date

  21. I have a sheet with 4 columns being used which are (A)Job Number, (B)Name, (C)Day, (D)Time
    I have used =COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$149,">1",$B$2:$B$149,"Gary",$C$2:$C$149,"Day 1",$D$2:$D$149,"0600 to 0700")
    I need to count the job number once only as there can be duplicates entered by different names, days or time. How do I use this formula but only count the duplicate job number once.

  22. Hi, any idea how to count 2 criterias (bay4; under 14:00) from the following 2 ranges:
    Bay2 12:12
    Bay3 14:37
    Bay4 13:33
    Bay2 12:58
    Bay4 16:11
    Bay4 15:29
    Bay4 14:41

  23. How to find the count of given numbers whose lenght should be equal to 3 in excel?pls help

  24. Hi everyone,
    How can I use a multi function formula to extract from the cell what I need.
    For example; in one cell I might have any kind of fruits or vegetables, I want to create a formula to show me this cell if contains fruits then it should read as a fruit or if it contains vegetables than it should show me vegetable.
    Colum A1 I might have fruits such as Apple, Orange, Melon or it could be only vegetable such as Cabbage, Carrots or Broccoli; in B1 I want to show me if it Veg or fruit.
    Can someone help me.

  25. 12 13 14 A B D H D E 15 15 17 16 19 20

    Here some problem to count only alphabet. I means I need to count only alphabet in as per above data so please help.

  26. How do I search a date range with countifs, but exclude the year? For example; " >=01 January" to another day and month...

  27. Need some help, I need to count the number of cells that has a certain word in it based on the date in another cell (the date is formatted 1/4/2019)
    So i have a column with Direct, Strategic, Master (called it Column D)
    I have different dates in the month in Column H
    I wanted to count the number of times Direct shows up for the month of January.

  28. A
    Press Open
    Press Open
    Press Open
    Press Open
    Press Open
    Press Open
    Press Open

    Press Open
    Press Open
    Press Open
    Press Open

    I want to count the number of Press open before the blank space and number of Press open after the blank space. So basically I need a formula that calculates the number of times Press open is repeated every time ore the blank space in the entire column

  29. Sir how to countifs formula use in excel
    Countifs for smaller than 25 in one cell and greater than today another cell Pl give me formula

  30. como usar =SUM(COUNTIFS(Versión_producto,version,country,C5))
    donde> Versión_producto, version y country son Define Name, indicadores de in rango en otra hoja, es que no me esta sumando la data complete.

    su ayuda por favor.

  31. Hello All,
    I came across a situation like , i have imported a querry from TFS. B & C are my column
    There are some values in column C which is the subset of Column B.
    Exmaple Column B say Items , C will have values of Vegetable , Fruits and some more.
    Column B again have Drinks, C will have values of Wine, Fruitdrink, Soda...
    Here i need to check count many C items are depends on B. I am not sure how to tackle this in Excel.
    BR/ Deepak S

  32. Hello All,
    I came across a situation like , i have imported a querry from TFS. B & C are my column name where c value is depends on a value. Here i need to check how many C items are depends on B. I am not sure how to tackle this in Excel
    B C
    x -
    A -
    BR/ Deepak S

  33. Hi Everyone-Hoping someone can help me figure out a formula to do the following task.
    I have staff names in column B, Client name in column C, Hours worked in column G, Category or account they charged their time to in column H. I am trying to figure out how many hours each person works on a client but they may charge different accounts so there are multiple entries per client by a staff person. then the goal is to know how many times a person works say 30 hours or more on clients. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

  34. Dear Concern,
    I would like to know how to use countif formula in Profession tax
    If Male count no of 200 & 175
    if female count no of 200 & 175

  35. How to count series in a row?
    ans: 3
    (1,2,3),(5,6),(20,21) there are three series.

  36. How can I simplify the following?
    I have 8 spreadsheets and I would like the number of times a value falls into the range above. I have to repeat this for two other ranges. The above method works but is very long.


    1. Three subjects marks is their in excel sheet but 40% below marks is coming subject name come to result
      How to get the result.

  37. Really! The solution on excel Countifs just clicked instantly. Thanks a ton!

  38. I have a list of employees, with dates they started and dates the ended the job. I need to know the count of employees, for each quarter, for the last 2 years. How would I get this?

  39. Using 1 column I want a count of the number of cells that have either an X or a number that is not equal to zero.

  40. Can someone help me with this formula. =IF(COUNTIFS($D:D,$M:M),"PRESENT","NOT FOUND") but if no value entered in M:M nothing will show in column O:O. Currently if there's no value in M:M the value in column O:O is "NOT FOUND" I want the "NOT FOUND" will only appear only if there's value in M:M. Thank you very very very much..

  41. I use this formula and its working to count containing the particular date range,
    =COUNTIFS('DS LOG (05)'!G9:G128, ">=" & "1-apr-19",'DS LOG (05)'!G9:G128,"<="&"30-apr-19")
    but now I need the count of the status only within the particular date range.
    I really need help for this. Thanks.

  42. The article is interesting. Additionally, how for example count the status e.g. "approved" or "not approved" within a particular date range.Thank you.

  43. Sorry see if this example is better explained

    1. Cell with text / Cell with text - don’t want to count
    2. Cell with text. / Cell empty. - want to count
    3. Cell empty. / Cell with text - want to count
    4. Cell with text / Cell not use. - want to exclude

  44. Hello,
    How can I count a row of two columns only when a text in type in either cell. Also, how to I exclude a cell to that formula. Thank you for your help.

    A. B.
    1. Text l Text -don’t want to count
    2. Text l -want to count
    3. l Text -want to count
    4. l -don’t want to count
    5. Text l cell not used - want to exclude

  45. P
    I would appreciate your help on the above table range(A1:A31). Need to count P, W W that is between P and P cells and between P and L cells but not between L and L cells. the first one is straightforward =countifs(A1:A38,"P")+countifs....what criteria should I use to count the two cells that are between P and P and P and L butNOT between L and L

  46. For the above . . . Formula 1. Add up two or more COUNTIF or COUNITFS formulas - Am using the same data on the screen, but get 7 . . . not 6 as shown in the screen-print?

    1. Hi,
      I used below formula:
      =COUNTIFS(Tickets!B:B,"ICT_W*")+(COUNTIFS(Tickets!C:C,">=12/31/2017")-COUNTIF(Tickets!C:C, ">1/1/2017"))
      But the result is wrong.
      Column C is date column and it varies from 01st Jan 2017 till date. I will be using the above formula to count cells which contains value ICT_W* in column B for each year separately.
      Please help.

    2. Hi!
      7 is the correct answer. In my table, there was a trailing space in one of the cells, because of which that cell was not counted. After removing the extra space, I also got 7. Thank you for pointing that out, good catch!

  47. Hi,

    I want the formula to count with 2 conditions - first it should filter column for a particular text and then it must filter another column in a particular date range.

    I am using the below formula:
    =COUNTIFS((Sheet 1!B:B,"ICT_W*"), COUNTIFS(Sheet 1!C:C,">=12/31/2017")-COUNTIF(Sheet 1!C:C, ">1/1/2017"))

    This is not working, please guide.

    Thanks & Regards,

  48. Come up with dummy data for the following: Quiz-I and Quiz-II, Assign-I and Assign-II as
    well as capturing data for CAT. The total for all these components should add up to 40%
    (Course Work), Exam weight is 60% (but given out of 90) and Grand total is 100%. Use
    appropriate functions for analyses of these results. Grade the students as follows:
    Marks Grade Accreditation:
    72% and Above A DISTINCTION
    65 – 71 B UPPER CREDIT
    55 – 64 C LOWER CREDIT
    45 – 54 D PASS
    44 and Below F FAIL
    All the Quizzes were given out of 45, Assigns were given out of 60 and the CAT was given
    out of 55. The relative weight for the two Quizzes is 6% each; 8% each Assign and 12% for
    the CAT. Grade the Students using the IF function. Use the COUNTIF or LOOKUP function
    to compute grade summary for the test. Format the sheet (The data should have at least forty
    (30) entries). Print a copy with formulas displayed and another copy with actual data.

  49. Hi all,

    Could any please help on the below?
    I want to count the number of cells using 2 different criteria
    1. Countif date is greater than date, eg =countif(A1:A10,">"&B1)
    2. Countif cell is blank, otherwise give ''text''
    I know I need to use the formula ''Countifs'', however when I try to put them together it shows the message Value, clearly I'm doing something wrong!

  50. I have created four sheets in Excel to record monthly attendance in church. The first sheet records the Guest that are attending for the first time(first time guest list), the second sheet Records guests that attended for the second time (i.e same guest attending again). The third sheet is for analysis where I plan to display the number of total First time guests showing how many are male and female). My problem is I have done the total guest per month it works well, but i am not able to extract the number of Male and female from the (first time guest list). Sheet1(Month, Name, Gender,FirstTime) Sheet2(Month, Name, Gender,SecondTime), Sheet3(Month, Total, MaleTotal, FemaaleTotal)

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