Comments on: How to use Excel COUNTIFS and COUNTIF with multiple criteria

The tutorial explains how to use COUNTIFS and COUNTIF formulas with multiple criteria in Excel. You will find a number of examples for different data types – numbers, dates, text, wildcard characters, non-blank cells and more. Continue reading

Comments page 35. Total comments: 2074

  1. i have column A of different gender and in the next column i have their grades and i have to find out that how many boys and man from column A has "a" grade

  2. I would like to set up a formula that looks at a table that includes a column with dates and another column with some binning codes (1a, 1b, 1c, etc). The formual needs to look at the table and count the number of items with the specific text (1a, 1b, 1c, etc) and is between specific dates included in the other column. im not sure which function to use.

  3. I have 2 columns, Unit Type and Status.
    In Unit Type its its 1BR and 2BR, In Status its Leased or Blank.
    How can i know by function how many 1BR is leased and how many 2BR is Leased.

    Unit Type Counts

  4. My Dear Svetlana,
    Really impressed with your solutions.
    I have also one problem. I m having 19.69,19.690,19.691 type series (Text format) in a column of excel and using count if function to calculate the occurrence of 16.69, But it is also including 16.690 in results. whereas i want sepearte figures for 16.690 & 16.69.
    Waiting for a solution from you

  5. Hi!

    I’m trying to figure out the formula to calculate the following: I want to know how many customers that have made X number of purchases between date Y and Z?

    For example: How many customers have made a TWO purchases between 01/04/16 and 01/13/16?

    (List of purchases)
    A B
    1 Date Customer
    2 01/02/16 Jack
    3 01/04/16 Alice
    4 01/05/16 Sam
    5 01/07/16 Alice
    6 01/09/16 Jack
    7 01/13/16 Sam
    8 01/17/16 Laura

    Many thanks in advance!


  6. Hi!
    I am a teacher trying to create a spreadsheet for our grade level. I am trying to count the number of correct answers on a test. Because I want it to be the easiest way for teachers to enter data, I'd like to keep it within the order of the questions (Ex 1-14), however, not all of the questions need to be counted. We are separating them according to "must know" and "extended thinking" type questions. Therefore, there is not always a contiguous range and sometimes it will be a single column. Example Must knows - 1, 4-9, 11, 13, and the extended thinking would be 2,3,10, and 14. There would be separate totals kept for each. Is this at all possible to do with the Countif formula? Thank you!

  7. Is it possible to do a COUNTIF for different date formats? For my work, we indicate contact attempts with the date format of mm/dd/yy and indicate that way made contact with the date format of mm/dd/yyyy. After the initial contact/attempt we use commas and only the mm/dd of the contact/attempt ( We need to track the number of customers we've attempted to contact and the number of customers in which we have actually made contact with. Any formula recommendations?

  8. how can I do this by using formula?

    2 2 AJMER
    5 4 BARWALA
    6 5 BHOPAL
    7 6 CHENNAI
    8 7 DELHI
    11 8 HOSPET
    12 9 HYDERABAD
    13 10 INDORE
    14 11 JABALPUR
    15 12 KOLKATA
    19 13 MUMBAI
    20 14 MYSORE
    22 15 NAMAKKAL
    24 16 PUNE
    25 17 PUNJAB
    26 18 RAIPUR
    27 19 VIJAYWADA
    29 20 WARANGAL
    2 AJMER
    6 BHOPAL
    8 DELHI
    11 HOSPET
    13 INDORE
    15 KOLKATA
    19 MUMBAI
    20 MYSORE
    24 PUNE
    25 PUNJAB
    26 RAIPUR

  9. Can anyone help me with the above for a formula?

  10. If a cell A contains a number greater than “0” return “red” (this needs to be the primary), if cell B contains a number greater than “0” return Amber (my secondary), or, both cells equal “0” return “Green”

  11. Will Anyone help me to solve this issue.

    i want to count specific month and year with two different criteria ("On Work" & "Suspend")

    Date Employee Status
    28-11-2016 on Work
    26-11-2016 suspend
    26-11-2016 on work
    22-08-2016 on work
    27-08-2016 suspend
    05-05-2016 Stop work
    05-05-2016 Stop work

  12. Hi

    I have this very simple countifs formula and just want to DO an isblank function on the 2nd criteria_range when date isblank in that range.

    Sometimes a data in the column range G$2:G$18 is blank and want to replace with Today(). How to I do an isblank on that Range.

    eg: if(isblank(G$2:G$18),today(),G$2:G$18)



  13. Hi, I am not sure which function to use for the following criteria:
    Say i have a"closing date" not in order, in column A and corresponding "outcome" in column B. Outcome can be "sold", "refused", "reserved". How to display in the month of November how many "sold", "reserved" and "refused" in different rows. I am not sure how to use the COUNTIF function with a date range and corresponding values in the adjacent column. Please help, Thank you.

  14. It is a misnomer in this article to call the formula a COUNTIF function with OR - as you are adding duplicate values (this should be called AND).

    I am working on a dataset and would like to identify patients who had any assisted reproductive technology to become pregnant.
    Patients selected yes or no to whether they had surgery, IVF, or prescription medications (in 3 columns). I do not want to count someone who had IVF and prescription meds, for example, as two values. The only way I know how to do this is with a helper column - is there another way?


    1. Hello Jenny,

      Excel's COUNTIFS function counts only those cells that meet all of the specified criteria. We call it AND logic, because it is how Excel's AND function works.

      If you want to count cells what meet at least one of the specified criteria (any of the specified criteria), add 2 or more COUNTIF functions. We call it OR logic, because Excel's OR function works this way.

      As for your task, please be a bit more specific - describe what columns contain what values and what exactly cells you want to count.

  15. Hello I am trying to figure out how to use OR logic with the following formula. I need it to give me a value of 1 if one of the 3 countifs is true.

    =COUNTIFS(Table13[CDI],"*110*",Table13[START 1],""&TODAY())
    + COUNTIFS(Table13[CDI],"*110*",Table13[START 2],""&TODAY())
    + COUNTIFS(Table13[CDI],"*110*",Table13[START 3],""&TODAY())

  16. Hi,

    I'm currently struggling with making a formula a little more...straight forward and less contrived. I'm currently using this setup:

    =COUNTIFS([rangeA], ""&"", [rangeB], =A1, [rangeC], "*entryA*", [rangeC], "*entryB*", [rangeC], "*entryC*", etc.)

    The question is this: is there an easier way to exclude multiple entries from the same range?

    Thank you.

  17. Hi Svetlana

    Would it be possible to use the COUNTIFS function to match two criteria (date and value) and return the date:
    For e.g Column G has Bank Codes (up to 3 codes for Bank accounts), Column Q is the date column for which entries appear in the bank account. Column R where formula should be inserted will locate and filter the dates for each bank account so that there's inly one date entry for each bank account
    Bank Code(G) Cashbook balance date(Q) Helper(R)
    B1 01/04/2016
    B1 01/04/2016 01/04/2016
    B2 01/04/2016 01/04/2016
    B2 03/04/2016 03/04/2016

    At the moment, I am using this formula in Column R:
    IF(COUNTIF(G$5:G$1048576,[@[Bank Code]]),IF(COUNTIF($Q$5:$Q$1048576,Q5)=COUNTIF($Q$5:Q5,Q5),Q5,""),"")
    but it only returns unique dates without considering that there are multiple bank codes.

    I would appreciate any help from you.

    Thank you.

  18. hi , i want to count Column B text value if Column C have pass value in front of column B's value .

    Column B | Column C
    text | pass |
    newtext | sent |

  19. Hello,

    I am trying to set up a countifs formula that will count 1 for every time the ocurence of 210 shows up in a column inside a table. my issue is that the cells I am looking through have multiple values that vary per row.

    4: 110, 120, 210
    5: 13A, 13B, 210

    what formula can I use to count how many times 210 has shown up in the tables column?

    1. Try this:


  20. Dear Sir/Mam
    i am using countifs function with OR logic (formula mentioned below) but it is not working.

    =COUNTIFS(HOD,$A26,Non_Moving,BA$7,FSN,"I",Item_Type,OR("NON CRITICAL","OBSLT"))

    kindly help me.

  21. hello, I'm struggling with the countifs function.

    I'm puttting this in my excel and it gives me an error message all the time!
    Do you know what it can be???

    It's killing me!

    1. Hi Hugo,

      There is an extra double quote character before E1678:E2515. Once it's removed, your formula works perfectly:

  22. Hello, I am trying to tally the number of rows across multiple worksheets in the same workbook that meet 2 criteria. 1. An X is in a row signifying CRITICAL. 2. Another cell in the same row is blank, meaning the CRITICAL issue was not resolved. =COUNTIFS('AMH:INFO (2)'!E2:E52,"X",'AMH:INFO (2)'!H2:H52,"") is my current formula and it returns #VALUE. I appreciate any help you can give

  23. Lets see this
    i have 2 columns with data
    like the following

    A B
    10 10
    20 18
    16 20
    . .
    . .
    . .

    so i want to count how many times the values in column A are greater then the values in column B
    is there any countif cobination for that or do i have to add an extra column (C) in wich the diferences betwen A&B are displayed and then use the countif function on column C???

    I really want to avoid adding a new column

  24. Can't get this to work =COUNTIF(D4:D154,D165)-COUNTIF(H4:H154,">=K165")-COUNTIF(H4:H154,"<=L165") where column D is my hearing type HESU, HEPS... Column K is my start date (7/1/2016, 8/1/2016..) and Column L is my end date (7/31/2016, 8/31/2016...).

  25. I have two columns. If column A is "Big" and there is a date in column B, it must be counted.

    Bus Size Tyre Attendant Week 1
    01/10/2016 ~ 09/10/2016
    Big 01/10/2016
    Big 01/10/2016
    Small 01/10/2016

  26. Hi,

    I am currently using a formula having hardcoded values:
    = SUM(COUNTIFS('Today''s Defects'!G:G,{"New","In Development","In Code Review","In Test","Reopened"},'Today''s Defects'!F:F,"Blocker"))

    Now i want to change the values that i am providing to cell references so that whenever i change the value of the cell, automatically it gets reflected in the formula:
    = SUM(COUNTIFS('Today''s Defects'!G:G,{D22,C22,E22,R22},'Today''s Defects'!F:F,"Blocker"))

    But its not working. Could you please help in this

  27. This site is so helpful! Thanks for everything you post!
    I have a basic spreadsheet that lists my employees down column a and across row 1 is every date of the year. I use it to track attendance (they get points if they call in). Is there a way to count the number of blank cells between entries? Their points get cut in half if they go 90 days without an occurrence. Is there a way to make their total points cut in half automatically if there is no occurrence for 90 days?

    Thank You

  28. Can someone show me the formula needed to count how many times certain text appears in one column (the text can appear multiple times in one cell or just once) while meeting criteria from another cell.

    For Example:

    Year Action Taken
    2010 Case 1: No Action, Case 2: No Action
    2015 Case 1: Suspension, Case 2: Termination
    2016 Case 1: No Action
    2012 Case 1: Letter, Case 2: Termination
    2010 Case 1: Suspension, Case 2: No Action
    2010 Case 1: Letter, Case 2: No Action, Case 3: No Action
    2013 Case 1: Suspension

    I need a formula that will count the number of times in 2010, No Action was taken in cases. The answer is 3.

  29. Please put me out of my misery and tell me how i have 2 sets of COUNTIF's with different criteria
    COUNTIF(('Raw Data'!A:A,"1")*('Raw Data'!N:N,"TEXT1")+COUNTIF('Raw Data'!N:N,"TEXT2") ETC
    ('Raw Data'!A:A,"1") = count of year required

    Thanks, Janet

  30. I've tried both a dual added countif (=countif(data!e:e,">=.9")+countif(data!ae:ae,"=true") result 8) and countifs(data!e:e,">=.9",data!ae:ae,"=true") result 0) and neither result was correct (3). I also tried subtracting a countif from a countif (=countif(data!ae:ae,"=true")-countif(data!e:e,"<.9")). I've tried multiple extra parentheses. I'm not sure why this isn't working. One column is a percentage and the other is one of three results: true, false, NA. Can countif(s) not compare different types of data? I thought they could. I can't do a pivot table because some of the devices this file is on can't access data refresh and pivot table creation.

  31. =COUNTIF(D11:F11,"Y")*0.0833+COUNTIF(G11:H11,"Y")*0.1251+COUNTIF(I11:K11,"Y")*0.0833+COUNTIF(L11:O11,"Y")*0.0625

    I do a monthly quality assurance on all of my employees and the above formula is what I am using to get a percentage for their monthly score. If you add up all of the percentages it works out to 100% but if a column is not applicable to a specific rep then I need the formula to ignore that cell but still have the rest equal 100%. I have four "Categories" worth a total of 25% each with anywhere from 2-4 subcategories per section. So using the formula above if cell D11 was N/A for the work done for the month I would want cells E11 & F11 to equal 12.5% each instead of 8.33%. Is this possible and if so how? Thank you!

  32. Hi!

    I am looking at 700+ text reviews and would like to understand the frequency that any in a set of words are mentioned in a single formula. Is that possible? My current formula is returning too few results (I assume because it is looking for '+'), and I can't seem to make 'OR' work!

    Current formula:

    =COUNTIF(D3:E716,"food*")+COUNTIF(D3:E716,"cake*")+COUNTIF(D3:E716,"tea*")+COUNTIF(D3:E716,"coffee")+COUNTIF(D3:E716,"restaurant*")+COUNTIF(D3:E716,"*meal*")+COUNTIF(D3:E716,"soup*")+COUNTIF(D3:E716,"lunch*")+COUNTIF(D3:E716,"sandwich")+COUNTIF(D3:E716, "cafe")

    In Boolean, I'd simply put:

    (food or cake or tea* or coffee or restaurant or meal* or soup* or lunch* or sandwich or cafe) to return ANY mention of these words.

  33. Criteria Range Values
    0 5 4
    6 10 2
    11 15 8
    16 20 15
    21 25 25
    26 30 38

    I want to count how many vaules fall in each respective range.


  34. Hi Svetlana,

    I am trying to count item pairs in the same range (row).
    I have tried countifs formulas, but they won't work.
    My data looks something like this:

    1 A B C D
    2 1 12 18 23
    3 1 12 20

    I would like to count if certain pairs are in a certain row, e.g.:
    Does range A2:D2 have 1&12, does it have 1&18, does it have 12&18?
    --> in this case excel should return a 3, cause all three pairs are in that row
    But for row 3 it should only return 1, cause the pairs 1&18 and 12&18 are not in row 2.

    I am greatful for any help I can get.
    Thank you for taking the time.

  35. I have a number of words in a row of cells I wish to count but my problem is I cannot get the countifs to count more than one group of cells with in the same formula. Cells contain the words LABPRAC, GAP, GAPVIADISTANCE. Not all cells have a word and no cell has any more than 1 word in it.

    A1 GAP
    A2 GAP
    A6 GAP

    What I am trying to do is add the two words GAP & GAPVIADISTANCE together to give me a total for these to words.

    Can you help me as I have tried a few different combinations of the COUNTIFS and SUMIFS formulas but cannot get it to add 2 words from the same cell group together.

    Kind regards

    1. I figured it out need to reply thanks

      1. How bro help please

  36. hello Svetlana Cheusheva...which site is useful for learning access 2013

    1. Hello Malaki,

      I know very little about MS Access. Anyway, I'd start with this site ( as an entry point - it provides a selection of Access 2013 videos and tutorials for Beginner and Intermediate levels.

  37. hello ...u are so helpful God bless you

  38. I want to run a countif on a range of dates based upon today's date -days to pull in last week's data and then the countif would report number of data points from another column.
    Column A has dates
    Column B has number of days

    want to have a formula that days countif "cell =s today" minus 8 days through minus 3 days, then countif number of cells in another columns that are greater than X number.
    Thank You

  39. Hi! I can't seem to get the right answer in using the countif function with two criteria.

    I wanted to get the number of a segment with a range of specific score. For example, this is the raw data:

    Segment CEET Scores
    Starter 40
    Adapter 40
    Shifter 1 40
    Shifter 2 40
    Shifter 3 40
    Shifter 4 40
    Starter 40
    Adapter 50
    Shifter 1 40
    Shifter 2 40
    Shifter 3 40
    Shifter 4 40

    I should get this answer:
    Starter with score 40 = 2
    Adapter with score 40 = 1
    Shifter 1 with score 40 = 2
    Shifter 2 with score 40 = 2
    Shifter 3 with score 40 = 2
    Shifter 4 with score 40 = 2

    I'm working with a thousand numbers here.

    Hoping you can help me.

    Thank you so much! :)

  40. I want to use countif with two ranges of row
    condition 1 = font colour red in first
    condition 2 = match the content "H" in cell of another row

    If the above two condition matches then count.

  41. If column "A" has date values such as 1/1/2016 and column "C" has numeric values 1,2,3, would i count the amount of times "1" appears in column "C" through the dates 1/1/2016 to 1/31/2016 in Column "A". Thanks!

  42. I'm using the countifs function, trying to count non blanks from a previous column that used concatenate. Example:
    Column D is a function =concatenate(A1:A3,B1:B3)
    A B D
    1 a a
    2 b c bc

    =countifs(D1:D3,"*") gives me 3. But this is wrong. Should be 2. Cell D3 is considered a non empty.

    How do I solve it?

    Best, Erez

  43. Hello

    I'm currently using multiple countif functions to extract records from a raw data table (in one worksheet) into a date and time summary table (in another worksheet) which is then conditionally formatted to identify trends in the form of a heat map. On the conditionally formatted worksheet users have the option of using drop down lists to model different options.

    The problem I have is only "one" choice can be made from each drop down list at a time. How do I modify my current countif formulas to count "All" from the drop down list?

    My data tables are too long and complex to include on this post. But below are the three current formulas I have been using within the date and time table:

    1. =COUNTIFS(Speed20209,">="&'Time Chart 20209'!$B$2,Direction20209,'Time Chart 20209'!$B$3,Date20209,'Time Chart 20209'!$B8,Time20209,"="&'Time Chart 20209'!$B$2,Direction20209,'Time Chart 20209'!$B$3,Date20209,'Time Chart 20209'!$B8,Time20209,">="&'Time Chart 20209'!D$6,Time20209,"="&'Time Chart 20209'!$B$2,Direction20209,'Time Chart 20209'!$B$3,Date20209,'Time Chart 20209'!$B8,Time20209,">="&'Time Chart 20209'!Z$6)



  44. I am trying to count total number of leaves taken by resources in month of working hours of 7.5 data with resources Ids in column A and attendance of each day in columns B, C & so on....

    Sum of Total Time Column Labels
    Row Labels 8/2/2016 8/3/2016 8/4/2016 8/5/2016 8/6/2016 8/8/2016 8/9/2016
    BVNP6428 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00
    KNRG6427 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00
    MAPR1554 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:00:00 7:30:00 7:00:00 7:30:00 3:30:00
    MUNB6429 7:10:00 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00
    NRYV6432 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00
    SBSP6433 1:30:00
    STVL6431 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00 7:30:00

    please can you provide me a help i how to count total number of leaves taken by a resources some time its half-day leave which is 3.75 and others full day leave... Thanks

  45. Hi,

    I'm trying to count the occurrence of special characters in a field.
    the special characters i'm looking for include:
    {"%","[","'","#","!","*","&","(",")","~","\","`","{","^","}","\","|","/","?",">","","<",",",";",":","+","]","=","ì","ü","û","ë","▒","│","├"}, 'Data Sheet'!A2:A29153))), "YES", "None")

    However, cannot find a way to make it count the total sum of occurrence or return the the occurrence of each separated by a comma (which would be amazing.


  46. I want to check the active (using "1" active, "0" non-active) customers with 4

    Check date e.g. 9 Aug 2016
    1 2 3
    Start date e.g. 2 May 2016 29 Aug 2016 2 May 2016
    End date e.g. 1 May 2017 27 Aug 2017 1 May 2017
    Suspend date e.g. 29 Aug 2016 8 Aug 2016
    Restart date e.g. 3 Sep 2016 29 Aug 2016

    Answer should be "0" "1" "1"

    1. Hello Kenneth,

      To help you better, we need a sample table with your data in Excel and the result you want to get.
      You can email it to Please add the link to this article and your comment number.

  47. In example #1 for Countifs for text values, what if you want to know how many students passed two or more of the classes?

    1. Hello Adam,

      It will be quicker and easier to do this using a helper column.
      E.g. column G contains the number of exams passed by each student:
      - Enter =COUNTIF($B2:E2,"P) into G2
      - Copy the formula down to the other cells
      - Then the formula =COUNTIF(G2:G20,">=2") will show the number of students that meets your criteria.

      1. Thank you. One last question....If they passed two or more classes, what equation would list their name.

  48. Hi Svetlana,

    I have a table:
    Product Store Date
    P1 S1 1-Aug-2016
    P1 S2 2-Aug-2016
    P2 S1 1-Aug-2016
    P1 S1 3-Aug-2016
    I need the data for P1 is 2 and P2 is 1. Can you help what the formula is?

  49. Hi Svetlana,

    I have a table:
    Product Store Date
    A S1 1 Jan 2016
    A S2
    B S1

  50. OPEN Range From Range To Frequency
    1855 1850 1950 4
    1895 1951 2050 9
    1924 2051 2150
    1938 2151 2250

    =COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$422,">=1850",$A$2:$A$422,"=1850",$A$2:$A$422,"=B2 (Cell) & <=C2 (Cell name) so that i can drag rather than manually entering 1951 - 2050, 2151 - 2250 and so on

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