Comments on: How to extract number from string in Excel

To extract number from string in Excel, it'd take a little ingenuity, a bit of patience, and a bunch of different functions nested into each other. Or, you can run the Extract tool and have the job done with a mouse click. Continue reading

Comments page 13. Total comments: 573

  1. Hi please help me in extracting only the numbers here:
    a.367 cd 046 104101 104101
    b.131 DPU3005 KRISPY 104017 104017
    c.CC MERCH ID 9189997141 9189997141
    d.CC MERCH ID 9189997158 9189997158
    e.POS MID 5930005 - 06/29/2 5930005
    f.POS MID 19520212 - 06/29/2 19520212

    I tried using this formula =LOOKUP(99^99,--("0"&MID(C7,MIN(SEARCH({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},C7&"0123456789")),ROW($1:$10))))
    it worked for letters c-f but for a-b it only extracted the first number 367 and 131.

    Hope you can help me with this. thank you

    1. Jam:
      Where the first data set is in A2 this should work:
      =TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A2,",", " "),LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2,",", " "))-MAX(IF(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A2,",", " "),ROW($1:$99),1)=" ",ROW($1:$99)))),CHAR(160)," "))
      This is an array formula, so when you put it in the formula bar with the cursor somewhere in the formula click CTRL SHIFT ENTER. You should then see the entire formula surrounded by curly brackets.
      Copy this down the column to allow this to work on the next data sets.

      1. sir the formula did not work.
        367 cd 046 104101 Real
        131 DPU3005 104017 KRISPY
        CC MERCH ID 9189997141
        CC MERCH ID 9189997158
        POS MID 5930005 - 06/29/2
        POS MID 19520212 - 06/29/2

        i want to extract 104101, 104017, 9189997141, 9189997158, 5930005, 19520212. what formula can i use to extract this numbers.

        Thank you.

  2. HI,

    I have various lines with different patterns and wish to extract only the number. Appreciate your help and advice.

    Sa1_TC_Mthly Subs GPRS A/C 515946020_May18
    Sa1_TC_Mthly Subs for A/C 515605183_14Dec17-13Jan18
    SA1_TC_Mthly Subs for A/C 601335405_Jan18

    Expected results:

    1. Newbee:
      I think there a too many numbers in the string to use a find numbers formula. After working with your sample data the easiest thing I could find was to use the Text-to-Columns tool. Once the data has been split into several cells you can copy the numbers you want and paste them where they're needed. It's nothing fancy, but it gets the job done.

  3. Thank you, Its working.

    Can you pls explain,how the function is working?

  4. How can we extract the number from this text.
    BOACK#3243004465 Mount

    1. Vikram:
      You can use the solution I provided Quinton in the reply directly above your question. It works great for your sample data. Remember after you enter the formula in the cell, put your cursor into the formula in the formula bar and click CTRL+Shift+Enter to tell Excel this is an array.

  5. Henlo, is there any formula to find numbers within a string of text, I'm wanting to make an "=if(" formula for two cells where the sum of the numbers in cell B2 are equal to the single number in B3

    1. Quinton:
      This is an array formula so you need to use the keys CTRL+Shift+Enter. In the formula bar you can move your cursor into the formula and then click CTRL+Shift+Enter.
      After you do this, there will be curly brackets around the formula which tells Excel it is an array.

      =LOOKUP(10^99,--MID("|"&D2,SMALL(IF(((--ISNUMBER(--MID("|"&D2, ROW($1:$1003),1))=0)*ISNUMBER(--MID("|"&D2,ROW($2:$1004),1))),ROW($2:$1004)),1), ROW($1:$1003)))

      Enter this in an empty cell and then CTRL+Shift+Enter. You can change D2 to the address you need.

  6. Hi,

    I have this type data mainsh98kamal98545 so how to split number and text in seprate columns.

  7. Hi,
    I just count numbers mentioned in string,
    Ex: String- (123456, 124564, 123456, 321456, 526341, 253614) total numbers count is "6"
    Please help for excel.

    1. Yagya:
      You can count a specific character like a comma with this formula:
      Where the data is in D85.
      In this formula the character to count is the comma in the second spot or the first ",". If your string was separated by - then enter a - in the place of the ,.
      In your case this will return 6.

  8. Hello. May be a simple one for you guys but I would like to extract two separate numbers from a text string into separate cells. As in;

    Text string: 1 Lines for 50 mins

    Result 1: 1
    Result 2: 50


  9. Column, name, description
    A - text; text with drugs and chemical names (alphanumber). One, two or more names.
    B - common_name; common names of drugs and chemicals
    C – synonyms; synonyms of drugs and chemicals
    D – exctracted_names_origin; names from column A (drugs,chemicals). Between names the symbol ;
    E – extracted_names_common
    If some row contents two equal names or synonym only, one common_name is extracted in E

    Text; common_name;synonyms;extracted_names_origin;extracted_names_common
    Please copy column by column:
    SUBSTANCE (+/-)-2-(P-ISOBUTYLPHENYL)PROPIONIC ACID;N-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)acetamide etc


    1H-Purine-2,6-dione, 3,7-dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-

    (+/-)-2-(P-ISOBUTYLPHENYL)PROPIONIC ACID;N-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)acetamide



  10. I have following data.

    cell A1 = ap232pple 2017.01.01. aaaaasb
    cell A2 = gra2pe s7s 2018.01.01. ssss ed
    cell A3 = ora123nge see 2018.03.05 sse

    Is there a folmula to extract the date (A1 = 2017.01.01)?

    Thank you very much for your help!

    1. I got the formula for this case so far below. I don't know why it does not recognize first digit (2) so I had to manually add it..

      =IFERROR("2"&MID(E5,MIN(IFERROR(FIND({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},E5,1),LEN(E5)+1)),LOOKUP(1,0/MID(E5,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(E5))),1),ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(E5)))) + 1 - MIN(IFERROR(FIND({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},E5,1),LEN(E5)+1))),LEN(E5))

  11. I have a column of values (see example below, column A):
    What formulas do I use to split the numerical value into column B and the Unit of Measure (alpha characters) into column C, (see example, Columns B & C)??

    A B C
    1 1g 1 g
    2 10g 10 g
    3 5g 5 g
    4 50mg 50 mg
    5 250mg 250 mg

    What formulas do I use to split the numerical value into column B and the Unit of Measure into column C, example

    1. Formatting didn't come through correctly...

      cell A1 is 1g / want 1 in cell B1 / want g in cell C1
      cell A2 is 10g / want 10 in cell B2 / want g in cell C2
      cell A3 is 5g / want 5 in cell B3 / want g in cell C3
      cell A4 is 50mg / want 50 in cell B4 / want mg in cell C4
      cell A5 is 250mg /want 250 in cell B5/want mg in cell C5

      1. AMA:
        This requires a different formula for each cell.
        In the cell which will contain the number the formula is:
        In my example the cell holding the original data is H40. You can change this cell address to whatever suits you.
        The formula which will contain the units is:
        Again, my example has the data in H40 you can change that address.

        1. Doug,
          Thank you SO VERY Much!...These formulas worked!
          I had racked my brain trying so many different approaches and could not find the solution.
          Thank you for your help

  12. Hello, I have quite a difficulty task, can't seem to resolve it.
    Cell A1:
    0123456789 Description Item 1 $150.01 0123456789 Description of item 2 $1400.01 0123456789 Description of item 3 $50.01 0123456789 Description of item 4 $15

    I want to extract all the prices and sum them.
    In cell B2 it should be: $1615.03 - which is sum of 150.01+1400.01+50.01+15.

    Note that example in cell A1 can vary with number of items, it can go from 1 to 10 items in total, resulting in 10 prices that need to be SUMed. Also for this text string, what is constant always is the "$" before the price and space (blank) after the price.

    I'm able to pull the first price only, but can't quite figure out how to move on to the next price.

    Can someone help me out with this?

    1. Djole:
      You say you are able to get the first price. How are you able to do this?

      1. Djole:
        Because the values were not the same length, the only way I could extract the dollar values was to use Text-to-Columns using the "$" as the delimiter, then where the data had been entered into cell A8 through D8 I entered this: =LEFT(A8,FIND(" ",A8)-1)+0 in an empty cell, then formatted the cells as currency and created a cell to enter SUM(A8:D8).
        Is there a way the values can be entered into separate cells as they're entered? Putting all the info in one cell makes it very difficult to work with. Try to catch it at the front end.

      2. Well, at that time i thought i was able with this function:

        But, since the price is variable, it will not work well if the price is $15 for example. I was able though to find the position of each "$" in the cell with the help of FIND and SUBSTITUTE functions.

        For the example i mentioned above this will find first "$" position, then it will replace the first "$" and find the second one, etc.


        Big flaw of this method is that if you have more than 2 prices in the string, it will not work, so you'll need to add a nested SUBSTITUTE in SUBSTITUTE.

        To solve this problem i had i got help from yt channel I think they will post the solution in the next week or so.

  13. Could someone please help me with :
    "Zadnja: *41,40*
    I want to extract 41,40 and the cell in wich is located is B2.

  14. Could someone please help me with :
    "Zadnja: *41,40*
    I want to extract 41,40 and the cell in wich is located is B2.

  15. how to extract only numbers from a text like this "€ 1'234'567" or this "EUR 803'765" ?

    1. ece:
      This formula works great. Found it on the web some years ago.
      =IF(SUM(LEN(A8)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A8,{"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"},"")))>0, SUMPRODUCT(MID(0&A8, LARGE(INDEX(ISNUMBER(--MID(A8, ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A8))), 1)) * ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A8))), 0), ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A8))))+1, 1) * 10^ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A8)))/10),"")
      Remember, there are no line breaks in it.

      1. Thanks mate, this is awesome and I got no idea how this is working but it definitely worked...

  16. im looking to extract a series and replace it with "-" to keep the min() and max() values of the series. Then to repeat IF() there are more series sets example:

    from this:

    100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 506

    to this:

    100 TO 122 124 TO 142 506

  17. This formula doesn't seem to work when the string of numbers I'm trying to capture starts with zeros, is there a workaround for this?

  18. Indranovich:
    Probably the easiest way to do it is to use the Text-to-Columns technique.
    Highlight the data you want to split
    Under the Data tab select Text-to-Columns
    Click the Delimited button, click Next
    Select the Space option, click next
    In this window you'll see the way Excel will split the text, click Finish
    The text will be in separate cells.

  19. Hi all,

    can you help me to extract the numbers from this kind of text:

    RODC - Jakarta 25105372 **
    RODC - Singapore 74297001 **

    many thanks

  20. Dear all,

    Thank you for the post!
    Can someone help me?

    I want to extract value of Metre from
    AXNASL137/16 JJ80029874 DOBJ JAN17 1.55M @DOLLAR1930.5 = 1.55
    AXNASL14/17 JJ 80033100 DOBJ OKT17 10.6M @DOLLAR1830.0 = 10.6
    YAH N133/17 JJOB F1 29.05M@DOLLAR1870 MONTREAL = 29.05
    AXNASL14/17 JJOB 80033071 DOBJ OKT17 12M @DOLLAR1620.00 = 12

    Thank you so much!!!

    1. Zul:
      I will provide you with a solution that will work most of the time. It will extract the Metre length from the third string in your sample, but because there is no space before the "@" it will also extract a little more. You'll have to clean this one up manually.
      Where the string is in A10 the formula is:
      =TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A10," ",REPT(" ",99)),MAX(1,FIND("M",SUBSTITUTE(A10," ",REPT(" ",99)))-50),99))
      First enter this into an empty cell and then copy it down as far as you need. The target cell will update as you copy the formula down.

      1. Thanks brilliant!!! This has helped me so much, though i've to make few cleaning. You are a genius. Thank you.

  21. I am trying to extract anything that looks like a credit card number from a string, and this could be anywhere in the cell. Assume a blank always precedes and succeeds the string.
    Either xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.
    Can you provide such a solution? I would like to know the string AND I would like to know the position in the string where it begins.

  22. 16.91cm 217415 BAKE KING ESSENCE ALMOND
    I want to find the number as 217415, can help the formula in Excel

    1. Mary:
      Does this number appear in the exact same position in every line of text?

  23. Dear all,

    Thank you for the post!
    Can someone help me?

    I need to separate the numbers from text but in 3 dif collumns.
    Cataflam 30mg 10 cp| Col1=Cataflam / Col2= 30 / Col3= 10
    Diclofenaco potassico Clavulanato 180mg 20cp | Col1=Diclofenaco potassico Clavulanato/ Col2=180 / Col3=20

    Thank you very much!

    Kind Regards

    1. Aline:
      The only way I could get your result was by utilizing two different multi-step processes. There may be other ways, but this is how I did it.
      First, let me say thanks to Ron Coderre a MrExcel MVP who worked through this lengthy discussion back in January 2010 while working with a couple of other folks to arrive at his final formula.
      Next, let me say thanks to the folks over at extendoffice where I found this handy piece of VBA code. Here is the address:
      If you cannot save your workbook as a macro-enabled workbook, you will need to employ a different multi-step process that is not too hard.
      To begin here is the data I started with: Diclofenaco potassico Clavulanato 180mg 20cp.
      Notice there are spaces between the chemical names and the drug amounts, but not within the drug amounts. Keep your data structure consistently like this and you will be able to use either of these processes. If you do not, the methods will not work.
      OK, the multi-step process not using the VBA.
      The first part of this process is putting all the data into separate cells.
      First, select the data. Second, in the Data tab select Text-to-Columns. Third, in the Text-to-Column window select the delimited button, then next. Fourth, select the spaces button then next. Fifth, select the general button then finish. Now your data is in five separate columns.
      The second step is to combine the chemical names into one cell. For the sake of discussion, let us say the data is now in cells A2 to E2. First, select an empty cell where you would like to see the drug name, let us say B3. To accomplish this you will concatenate the names with =Concatenate(A2,” “,B2,” “,C2). Now the drug name is in one cell.
      The fourth step requires the use of an array. This means after you enter the complete formula in the formula bar, select the entire formula and select CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER or CSE as the boys in the backroom say. This will let Excel know this is an array and Excel will enclose the formula in curly brackets. Entering curly brackets via the keyboard will not work. So, select the entire formula then CSE.
      Keeping the array rule in mind you can extract the numbers. After the text-to-columns step 180mg is in cell D2. So, let us say you would like to see the 180 in C3. Enter this formula in C3:
      {=LOOKUP(10^99,--MID("|"&D2,SMALL(IF(((--ISNUMBER(--MID("|"&D2, ROW($1:$1003),1))=0)*ISNUMBER(--MID("|"&D2,ROW($2:$1004),1))),ROW($2:$1004)),1), ROW($1:$1003)))}
      After the text-to-columns step 20cp is in cell E2 and keeping the array rule and the CSE part in mind you move to the fifth and final step in this process where you extract 20 to cell D3. To accomplish this enter this formula in D3:
      {=LOOKUP(10^99,--MID("|"&E2,SMALL(IF(((--ISNUMBER(--MID("|"&E2, ROW($1:$1003),1))=0)*ISNUMBER(--MID("|"&E2,ROW($2:$1004),1))),ROW($2:$1004)),2), ROW($1:$1003)))}
      It is the long way round the barn, but I think you have achieved the result you wanted.

  24. Hi - How do get the number with decimal

    Examples : 3.5 days , 4.5 days?, 1 day?, 1 day

    I need 3.5,4.5,1,1 pulled out respectively from each text

    Thanks in advance

    1. Suresh:
      If you have 3.5,4.5,1,1 as text in one cell and you want to separate the numbers into four separate cells select the one cell containing the numbers and then select the data tab then text to columns then choose the delimited option then next then the comma button then finish.
      This puts the numbers in separate columns. If you'd rather have the numbers in one column in separate rows then select the numbers in each column, copy them then highlight a cell in one row then from the paste tab choose paste special then the transpose option and the numbers will be pasted into separate cells in one row.

  25. Hi, want to extract the right side of equation.

    PARK HILL 3277 = 3277
    CONWAY,AR 10667 = 10667
    TRADTNL 16849 3a = 16849
    ToC 011066 = 011066


    1. Randy:
      I think the simplest method is to use Excel's built-in Text to Column tool.
      Highlight the data then
      Under Data choose the Text to Column tool.
      In the Text to Column window choose Delimited then Next
      Then select the Other radio button and enter "=" in that field then next
      Then if you want to format the numbers as something other than General you can do it here
      Then select Finish and you're done.

  26. Hi here is the text "Brd 2Duplex&1VDM Btm 21.5x95.5" , want to extract 21.5 in one cell and 95.5 in another cell , it is not supposed that all description comes with sizes at the end sometimes text come at the end. thanking you.

  27. Can anyone help me to extract and match few alphanumeric consecutive records in an excel

    Excel Records - Pattern is like
    1) _00004Y74A 4427
    2) _00004Y74A 4428
    3) _00004Z74A 4429

    I have to pick numbers from the right of the string till user get some character /special character.
    e.g, 1st record - we have to pick 4427 and ignore _00004Y74A

    Then I will go to the next row and find out again numbers from the right of the string till user get some character /special character .
    If number is consecutive (4428 in this case) , then I have to match the string before the consecutive numbers e,g,'_00004Y74A' is same for first and second record and next four numbers are consecutive.
    As we can see third record doesn’t have same string before the last four consecutive numbers. So this will not be picked

    So result will for alphanumeric consecutive invoices will be
    1) _00004Y74A4427
    2) _00004Y74A4428

  28. This has helped me so much. You are a genius. Thank you.

  29. Could one of you Excel masterminds help with this simple formula?
    Needs the first digit of the group of numbers, but if it's only 3 numbers needs to = 0.


    i3-520 need = 1
    i5-550 need = 1
    i5-650m need = 1
    i5-2500k need = 2
    i5-3500L need = 3
    i7-6700HQ need = 6
    i5-7700HK need = 7

    Something along the lines of locate the group of 3-4 numbers, then output the first digit unless it's less than or equal to 999 in which case output

    1. simple as =LEFT(RIGHT(A1,3),1) if data is in A1

  30. Guys,

    How to find 2nd highest number from one string cell by cell.

    result should be 4

    result should be 5

    Any solution?

  31. Hi,

    i am successful in using this formulas for my work but i want to use this same formula in VBA. when i tried it in VBA for copy pasting this formula for multiple cells, it throws error. can you please help me on this.


  32. hi guys!

    I have a credit card number starting with 5433xxxxxxxx3019. how can I find the masked numbers through excel? or do i have to enter any other formulae?

    1. Try this and put vlookup formula instead of A2 if you have database with full credit card no. or I need one example of .xlxs file so that I can give you precise support.

    2. If the credit card number is in Cell number A1, then =MID(A1,5,8) formula will extract masked xxxxxxxx number.

      1. Thanks worked!!! sorry for my late reply...

  33. Dear Ladies,

    Could you please help with the formulas?
    I need to extract the profile and thickness in separate cells.

    Thank you in advance!

    1. Try this
      =LEFT(A2,5) & RIGHT(A2,2)
      hope this helps...

  34. Dears ,

    Could you please help with the formulas?
    in cell A1 i input Forse41.24 and in cell B1 i input Forse 41.24
    I need to extract the number and text in separate cells.
    41.24 and Forse

    Thank you in advance!


    1. Hello,

      If I understand your task correctly, please try the following formula:



      Hope it will help you.

  35. Dear Svetlana!
    Thank you so much!!!

    Best regards,

  36. Dear Ladies,

    Could you please help with the formulas?
    The input is LME_04329_100_VSH_04122017_SHUBIN_AMEND
    I need to extract the date and surname in separate cells.
    04122017 and SHUBIN

    Thank you in advance!


    1. Extract date
      =TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"_",REPT(" ",100)),400,100))
      Extract SHUBIN
      =TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"_",REPT(" ",100)),500,100))

    2. Hi Vitaly,

      With input in A2, the formulas go as follows:

      To extract the date:

      =MID(A2, FIND(CHAR(1),SUBSTITUTE(A2,"_",CHAR(1),4))+1, FIND(CHAR(1),SUBSTITUTE(A2,"_",CHAR(1),5)) - FIND(CHAR(1),SUBSTITUTE(A2,"_",CHAR(1),4))-1)

      To extract the last name:

      =MID(A2, FIND(CHAR(1),SUBSTITUTE(A2,"_",CHAR(1),5))+1, FIND(CHAR(1),SUBSTITUTE(A2,"_",CHAR(1),6)) - FIND(CHAR(1),SUBSTITUTE(A2,"_",CHAR(1),5))-1)

      Please note, the formulas work only for strings of the same pattern where a date is always between the 4th and 5th underscores and a surname is between the 5th and 6th underscores.

  37. Hello, Ramkey,

    The formula below should help you:
    =SUMPRODUCT(MID(0&RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(")",A1)), LARGE(INDEX(ISNUMBER(--MID(RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(")",A1)), ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(")",A1))))), 1))*ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(")",A1))))), 0), ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(")",A1))))))+1, 1) * 10^ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(")",A1)))))/10)

    If you need a quicker solution, then you can use our add-in. The last point of the article above explains how it works.

    Hope this helps!

    1. eg: 1 (12) 500 555-0117 shall change to 5005550117
      Write a formula to extract the numbers, eliminating all the spaces symbols state codes

  38. Input result
    1 (21) 500 555-0145----> 5005550117
    Write a formula to extract the numbers, eliminating all the spaces symbols state codes
    for eg eg: 1 (12) 500 555-0117 shall change to 5005550117

    thanks for advance

    my requiremnt is

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