For powerful data analysis, you may often need to build an Excel IF statement with multiple conditions or use IF together with other functions. This tutorial will show you the most effective ways to do this. Continue reading
by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on
For powerful data analysis, you may often need to build an Excel IF statement with multiple conditions or use IF together with other functions. This tutorial will show you the most effective ways to do this. Continue reading
Comments page 108. Total comments: 4575
I would like to add multiple conditions to my spreadsheet for example: for every A.. that has "name" and B.. that has 1 then add 0.05 to G1
Dear Sir,
How can use over 9 conditions.
It may have to do with the version of Excel you are using. If it is an older version, I believe you can only have a maximum of 7 conditions. The newer versions allow up to 64. You may want to look into that.
l still need help my formula isn't giving me an answer
l'm still having problems with finding grade using the average mark
l need help on calculating grade using average mark.l used =if(average (B2:G2)>75,"A",if(average (B2:G2)>60,"B",if(average(B2:G2)>50,"C",if(average(B2:G2)>45,"D",if(average(B2:G2)>40,"E","U"))))).It says there is an error in my formula.please help.
i want a formula so that i come to know that if a particular cheque issued then amount of that cheque will appear in next cell,
for example
2977 54808 issued 21.04.2016 25.04.2016
as above mentioned i want to next cell which is blank shows the amount if a particular cheque has cleared from bank and also i've given the clearance date of cheque
please guid
Thanx & Regards
Ghayas Ahmad
I am trying to make an If then statement for the following:
If box F5 = 100, then box F6 = 3000
if box F5 100, then box F6 = 5 x every number over 100 + 3000
(example if F5 = 105, the box F6 would need to be (5*5)+3000
Could you help me make a formula? Please?
it cut off part of my formula:
also add in: if box F5 < 100, than F6 = 3000
Hi Emily,
Try the following formula:
=IF(F5<=100, 3000, 5*(F5-100)+3000)
I have a spreadsheet that has a due date in column j, and a status of open or closed in column K.
I need Column L to calculate if the date is after today's date, and the status is open, then it says On Track, if the date is after today's date and the status is closed, then it says completed, and if the date is before today's date and the status is either open or closed then it shows Delayed... I've figured out how to get it to show On Track, Completed and Delayed based on just the date in column j, but I can't figure out how to get the status involved.
Hi Kayla,
Please use the below function,
=IF(AND(J14>TODAY(),K14="Open"),"On Track",IF(AND(J14>TODAY(),K14="Close"),"Completed",IF(AND(J14<TODAY(),OR(K14="Open",K14="Close")),"Delayed","")))
I have scenario,
I am trying to get all the blank fields from the column, for ex- if I have this column.
13 years 6 months 0 days
34 years 5 months 0 days
10 years 9 months 0 days
14 years 0 days
6 years 8 months 0 days
5 years 11 months 0 days
23 years 6 months
6 years 9 months 0 days
8 years 9 months 0 days
30 years 9 months 0 days
7 years 7 months 0 days
15 years 4 months 0 days
45 years 3 months 0 days
40 years 10 months 0 days
33 years 2 months 0 days
13 years 9 months 0 days
30 years 2 months 0 days
29 years 10 months 0 days
25 years 6 months 0 days
14 years 9 months 0 days
41 years 3 months 0 days
10 years 11 months 0 days
30 years 3 months 0 days
15 years 11 months 0 days
27 years 0 days 6 years
As you can the column has the blank fields, I need to get the blank fields out from the column, also it has "NUM" error and 0, which I also need need to take out.
Can you please tell me how to construct the formula for that.
Hello Saurabh,
I recommend you to use filter. So you can select blank rows and remove them.
Similarly you can choose the rows with errors and remove them.
Hi can you help me with the conditions for this !
If age is between 0 - 12 months then 0.5 to 1.8 µmol/L
If age is between 1 - 6 years: then 0.7 to 1.5 µmol/L
If age is between 7 - 12 years: then 0.9 to 1.7 µmol/L
If age is between 13 - 18 years:then 0.9 to 2.5 µmol/L
If age is ≥ 18 years:then 1.5 - 3.5 µmol/L
Hi Sam!
Use the following formula to calculate a months count
So your formula is:
=IF((YEAR(NOW())-YEAR(A1))*12+MONTH(NOW())-MONTH(A1)>18*12,"1.5 - 3.5 µmol/L",IF((YEAR(NOW())-YEAR(A1))*12+MONTH(NOW())-MONTH(A1)>13*12,"0.9 to 2.5 µmol/L",IF((YEAR(NOW())-YEAR(A1))*12+MONTH(NOW())-MONTH(A1)>7*12,"0.9 - 1.7 µmol/L",IF((YEAR(NOW())-YEAR(A1))*12+MONTH(NOW())-MONTH(A1)>1*12,"0.7 - 1.5 µmol/L","0.5 to 1.8 µmol/L"))))
Please note A1 should be contain a birth date.
use this function,
=IF(A2<1,"0.5 to 1.8 umol/L",IF(A2<6,"0.7 to 1.5 umol/L",IF(A2<12,"0.9 to 1.7 umol/L",IF(A2<18,"0.9 to 2.5 umol/L","1.5 to 3.5 umol/L"))))
If above once is not clear. Please assist me by using this one.
Invoice # Value
MYEX0455477 10.00
MYEX0456058 5.00
MYAE0154262 8.00
MYEX0456603 8.00
MYEX0456601 7.00
MYAE0154534 2.00
MYEX0457138 11.00
MYEX0457438 9.00
MYAI0069730 14.00
MYEX0457318 6.00
Matching Amount 20.00
MYEX0455477 10.00
MYAE0154262 8.00
MYAE0154534 2.00 20.00
MYEX0455477 10.00
MYEX0456603 8.00
MYAE0154534 2.00 20.00
MYEX0456058 5.00
MYAE0154262 8.00
MYEX0456601 7.00 20.00
MYEX0456058 5.00
MYEX0456603 8.00
MYEX0456601 7.00 20.00
MYEX0457138 11.00
MYEX0457438 9.00 20.00
MYAI0069730 14.00
MYEX0457318 6.00 20.00
Hi all,
I have 10 Invoices & 10 Invoice value as below. I want to get all possible combinations of Invoices which value is equal to 20. How is it possible to get it by using excel? I have mentioned the possible combination for easy reference.
Invoice # Value Matching Amount 20
MYEX0455477 10 Combinations
MYEX0456058 5
MYAE0154262 8 MYEX0455477 10
MYEX0456603 8 MYAE0154262 8
MYEX0456601 7 MYAE0154534 2 20
MYAE0154534 2
MYEX0457138 11 MYEX0455477 10
MYEX0457438 9 MYEX0456603 8
MYAI0069730 14 MYAE0154534 2 20
MYEX0457318 6
MYEX0456058 5
MYAE0154262 8
MYEX0456601 7 20
MYEX0456058 5
MYEX0456603 8
MYEX0456601 7 20
MYEX0457138 11
MYEX0457438 9 20
MYAI0069730 14
MYEX0457318 6 20
Thank you,
Hi Svetlana,
I need some help on below issue.
Below function has been created to get the status of Customer Statement of Account as mentioned below. As per my function, If there are no details in C4, I'm getting the status as "Unapplied". But I need it to be zero. How can I write this function.
=IF(RIGHT(C4,1)="I","Invoice",IF(RIGHT(C4,1)="C","Credit Note",IF(AND(C4="NULL",A4="Unidentified"),"Unidentified","Unapplied")))
Thanks for you guidance in all the time.
Thank You,
Hi Prabath,
If "no details in C4" means "if C4 is blank", then you can simply add one more IF statement to your formula:
=IF(C4="", 0, IF(RIGHT(C4,1)="I","Invoice",IF(RIGHT(C4,1)="C","Credit Note",IF(AND(C4="NULL",A4="Unidentified"),"Unidentified","Unapplied"))))
Hi Svetlana,
Thank you very much. This is exactly what i want.
Good afternoon,
how could i round down a number when its decimals are smaller than 0,5 and if not it stays the same?
Hi Bocirnea,
Please use this function,
Hi there, how can I make this less complicated or shorter. If a cell is =IF(OR(A1=B1:B250,C1,IF(A1=B251:265,C2))
CURRENTLY I HAVE IT AS - =IF(F6=D217,A285,IF(F6=D218,A285,IF(F6=D219,A285,IF(F6=D220,A285,IF(F6=D221,A285,IF(F6=D222,A285,IF(F6=D223,A285,IF(F6=D224,A285,IF(F6=D225,A285,IF(F6=D226,A285,IF(F6=D227,A285,IF(F6=D228,A285,IF(F6=D229,A285,IF(F6=D230,A285,IF(F6=D231,A285,IF(F6=D232,A285,IF(F6=D233,A285,IF(F6=D234,A285,IF(F6=D235,A285,IF(F6=D236,A285,IF(F6=D237,A285,IF(F6=D238,A285,IF(F6=D239,A285,IF(F6=D240,A285,IF(F6=D241,A285,IF(F6=D242,A285,IF(F6=D243,A285,IF(F6=D244,A285,IF(F6=D245,A285,IF(F6=D246,A285,IF(F6=D247,A285,IF(F6=D248,A285,IF(F6=D249,A285,IF(F6=D250,A285,IF(F6=D251,A285,IF(F6=D252,A285,IF(F6=D253,A286,IF(F6=D254,A286,IF(F6=D255,A286,IF(F6=D256,A286,IF(F6=D257,A286,IF(F6=D258,A286,IF(F6=D259,A286,IF(F6=D260,A286,IF(F6=D261,A286,IF(F6=D262,A286))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Hi Svetlana,
Need your help
I want a formula for these conditions
If the labour take leave more than 5 days the value should be "no. of leave days".
If the labour take leave less than 5 days the value should be "0".
8 days leave means ans should be "8".
4 days leave means ans should be "0".
Hi Saravana,
You can use a formula similar to this:
=IF(A1>=5, A1, 0)
where A1 is the cell containing the number of leave days.
Hi Svetlana,
Need your help
i was trying the formula unfortunately something wrong can you pls help
Name Start time log in time
12:30 12:40 late login
12:30 12:30 on time
=IF(C2-B2>0,"late login","on time")
when the third column is nil i have put the fourmula
=IF(C4-B4>0,"late login","on time",if(c4="","leave")).
Thanks and regards
Hi Giriraj,
Try the following syntax:
=IF(C2="","leave", IF(C2-B2>0,"late login","on time"))
I need a formula to calculate the below conditions.
if 800 is 160% of 500, first 100% should be calculated in .1% and next 50% should be calculated in .2% and remaining 10% should be calculated in .25%.
Please help
I'm trying to merge multiple workbooks/sheets into 1 master. I have a template that someone made (who know who) that works but only to a certain row and not through out the workbook so when I copy and paste or when I consolidate the formula/condition doesn't transfer so I wanted to create one from scratch.
Here's the criteria:
The row will highlight yellow if at least one of the grades in either column E or F is less than 73.
The row will highlight red if both grades are less than 73.
Help please! I've Googled, YouTube, and even taken a a short course and nothing.
I have a tool size range and I'd like to determine if a given measurement falls within the range.
Column A is the RANGE (.7"-1.4")
Column C is a TOLERANCE such as (+/- .0001)
Column D is a target such as .75
Column E is the ACTUAL READING such as .1200
What would the formula be to determine if the value of Column E (ACTUAL READING) falls into the (RANGE) while taking the TOLERANCE into consideration? In this example .1200 does NOT fall within the range listed in Column A, but .80 DOES fall within the range.
Please help. Your answers look beautifully simple, but I'm not sure how to use them to solve my particular situation.
Thanks. so much!
Can you help figure out what formula i'm going to use? i want to get the sum of the whole column with the same equivalent in other column. for example a1 to A10 has different value let say 2,3,4,5,6 and in B1 to B10 has its equivalent value like 100,123,121,333 etc. i want to get the sum of row with 2 value in B column and its total sum.
Hello Manny,
If my understanding is correct, you need to sum only those cells in column B, that have 2 in the same row in column A. If so, you can use the following SUMIF formula:
=SUMIF(A1:A10, 2, B1:B10)
Value in cell A3 is 10
I want to check this value tn 4 Different Criteria
1)Less than 20
2)Greater than 20 but less than 50
3)Greater than 50 but less than 80
4)greater than 80
Please help
I want to only bring back a value when column A shows "Project". I want to multiply 2 different columns together but the tricky part is that sometimes those fields are blank and it's returning a #Value! error which I would like to remove and show as a blank field.
Column A: "Project" Verbiage needed
Column B: Value 1 for multiplication (can be blank sometimes)
Column C: Value 2 for multiplication (can be blank sometimes)
If Column A = "Project", multiply column B x column C and if it returns a #Value error (from at least 1 field being blank), return an empty cell.
Thoughts? Thank you in advance!
I am having trouble displaying multiple matches from nested IF statements.
As an example:
I have a meal planner with QUICK, CASUAL, EXTRAVAGANT. QUICK = =15 but 30.
Now say meal 1 takes 13-18 minutes, which puts it in Quick and Casual, but the validation stops after it meets the <15 logic, how can I get it to check the rest of the specifications to check the Casual block also?
Thanks for any help.
Something didn't post right.
Quick: first IF is less than or equal to 15, "QUICK" next IF equal or greater than 15 but less than equal to 30, "CASUAL", third IF equal to or greater than 30 "EXTRAVAGANT". The rest is correct as I put in a meal that takes 13-18 minutes, how to I have the formula block identify it as a Quick Casual Meal.
Hi Sam,
You can use the following nested If functions:
=IF(A1>=30, "EXTRAVAGANT", IF(A1>=15, "CASUAL", "QUICK"))
I need help combining 3 individual IF formulas into one. All work correctly as individual formulas but I can't figure out how to combine the 3 formulas into one. The individual formulas are as follows:
Thanks for the help!
I have written this syntax:
Why FALSE came up?
Hope you could help.
let me make a bit more clear
I am a FOREX Currency Trader. I record all of my trades in a Trading Journal (excel file). I would like calculate the What is the Maximum Consecutive Winning or Loosing streak in number (don't want to add them together).
If we have over 1000 rows & there are positive & negative values in one column. I want a formula to take out the maximum consecutive values (either positive or negative). I tried a lot but couldn't workout. Please help.
Mark Sheet
StudentName Tamil English Hindi Maths
Arun 22 34 44 55
Vinoth 45 56 76 43
David 98 34 22 96
Vasanth 35 87 45 69
Andrew 78 89 98 74
Student name-
Subject name-
Subject Mark-
1. Should Not use Vlooup
2. If Student name and subject name change in Result , automatically subject score should display.
3. The changes should done based on Mark Sheet given at above.
Good day I need to write an if formula on tax brackets.
If a person earns between 100 and 500 for example the tax will be X amount minus rebate of X amount. And if a person earns between 600 and 1000 the ta X will be a amount and the amount above X amount multiply with x% + a minus X amount rebate
a b c d
1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
a, b and c are my conditions and d is my result so can I get the excel formula to get result for all six conditions.
I seem to be going around in circles, I have two fields, one contains First Names and the other Surnames. Most surnames are single names but some are two names hyphenated and some are two names with a space between them.
The end result I am looking for is for single surnames it will result in first character or first name followed by surname, no spaces.
Both hyphenated and spaced dual surnames will be first character of firstname, followed by first character of first surname followed by last surname. So somebody with a name of Peter Barkley Smith for instance will result in pbsmith.
I need help!! I am using the following formula:
Basically, I am summing the total in C:C if B:B has the name SGIANNA and the date in E:E is the same as the date in J33. It works just fine, but if the date in J33 is not found in E:E, I want to leave the cell blank. Any guidance would be much appreciated!
my question is???
My Product Name - Samsung-E1200 just time price - 1120/-
and then price drop it this product - Samsung-E1200 - 1175/-
so sir howes condition apply i m not understand????
so sir please suggest me............. and question is ????
01-feb to 14-feb price 1120/-
then 15-feb to 29-feb- price change 1175/-
so suggest me???????
Can anyone help me with this. I need an excel formula for the following. If there are 4 price ranges depending on volume sold, then what is the total revenue for a given volume sold?
For example
<10,000, price is 4
10,000 - 20,000, price is 3
20,000 - 30,000, price is 2
More than 30,000, price is 1
The formula should calculate the total revenues if I enter any volume number.
Any help much appreciated.
Dear Svetlana,
I need a formula for the following. If there are 4 price ranges depending on volume sold, then what is the total revenue for a given volume sold?
For example
<10,000, price is 4
10,000 - 20,000, price is 3
20,000 - 30,000, price is 2
More than 30,000, price is 1
The formula should calculate the total revenues if I enter any volume number
IF Cell1 <90 and Cell2 =180 and Cell2 values >=110 then return "Emergency"
Hi, Ihave this conditions
IF Cell1 <90 and Cell2 =180 and Cell2 values >=110 then return "Emergency"
help meee
How to calculate in excel if my ach% is 70% then score is 3 & value is 2175
Ach % Score Value
70% 3 2175
85% 4 2900
100% 5 3630
kindly help me pls..
I have an excel spreadsheet that have patients who either has only medical visits or medical and dental visits. Column A is patient name, column B is the type of visit. How do I identify if that patient only has one type of visit service, or if they have multiple type of services. Please help. Thank you very much
Does anyone know how to use if and function on following arguments:
If any two cells has false value then it should print previous argument as follow:
If C24 = 4, D24 = 7% print PM, C24 = 15, D24 = 7% print LM. The following function is not working correctly:
Does anyone has any idea what this formula means?
it used to set CRM goals (data capture)
I have 4 cells in a row, 1 has a date in and the other 3 are blank.
A1 - Blank
B1 - Blank
C1 - 01/04/2016
D1 - Blank
Therfore I want the answer in E1 with the date in.
The next row may be
A2 - 05/04/2016
B2 - Blank
B3 - Blank
C$ - Blank
I want column E1 to always give me the date from whichever column has a date in, can you help please? Ive tried alsorts of formulas which either come up with an error or TRUE.
Hi KD,
Please try the following formula:
IF(NOT(ISBLANK(D1)), D1, "blank"))))
I would like to know if you could advice me on this, I have two numbers in different cells, what I want is that, if these numbers are similar, on a third cell obtain the text "OK" and "Error" if they're different; the detail is that the data isn't precise, I mean one cell has 1.2 and the other one has 1.3, and they are similar but not equal, so what I want to know, is it possible to use an IF with a certain percent of tolerance?
Hi Victor,
I think you can use a formula similar to this, where 0.1 is the "tolerance":
=IF(ABS(A1-B1)<=0.1, "OK", "Error")
Yes thats the same method I used, thanks! it work perfectly!
I have a document with multiple sheets. I need to use one for a "master" entry form to keep continuous record. A second sheet "Current" would record the most recent data entered pertaining to an exact unit. In this case lockers assigned to employees. When a locker is reassigned I would like the spreadsheet to transfer the data to the "Current" spreadsheet for an updated active list. Is this possible?
Well you could use a VLOOKUP or if you don't edit the "Current" sheet you could manage it as a Pivottable instead of a separate SHEET you would only have to press the update on the pivottable.
If this was helpful or if you want to know something you can always ask c:
Hope this was useful.
By the way, here is the link for the vlookup tutorial, which I think is more suited for your question, hope this helps!
I am trying to do an if statement, but it doesn't seem to be working.
It should indicate the following...
Ignite 30 - $7.00
Ignite 60 - $15.00
Ignite 100 - $25.00
Ignite 150 - $26.00
Ignite 250 - $26.00
Ignite 60 1S - $14.00
Ignite 100 1S - $14.00
Ignite 150 1S - $14.00
Ignite 60 5S - $20.00
Ignite 100 5S - $20.00
Ignite 150 5S - $20.00
Business Basic - $6.00
Business VIP - $10.00
Legacy to New - $3.00
Upgrade - $3.00
1S to 5S - $6.00
IBLC Basic - $10.00
IBLC Standard - $12.00
IBLC Pro - $14.00
Wireless Business Phone - $5.00
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Can yo
I need the formula please help me
If a1=15,b1=9,"5500"....
If a1=12 to 14, b1=8, "4000"
If a1= 9 to 11, b1=7," 3300"
If a1=5 to 8 ,b1=5 to 6, "1600"
I am trying to build a nested function that includes the following conditions:
IF I2 >0.3, then write "Focus on A"
IF I2 <-0.3, then write "Focus on M" (here is -0.3 (minus 0.3))
IF G+H<20 AND G<5 OR IF G+H<20 AND H<5, then write "OUT"
If none of the conditions apply, write "non-specialist"
I've created the following nested IF function, but I got an error message saying that I have too many conditions/terms on it. I would like to know how could I fix it:
=IF(OR(AND((G2+H2)<20),G2<5), AND((G2+H2)<20,H20.3,"Focus on A",IF(I2<-0.3,"Focus on M", "Non-specialist")))
I very appreciate you attention and help.
I need to set the formula for the following,
F3 column is having different percentage data. In want to grade the same as A,b & C.
for ex : 0-70% = A, 70%-90% = B, 90%-100% = C
Pl help,
Thnx & regrds
Manager of MKT = Rs 20000
Manager of other department = Rs 18000
Officer of MKT = Rs 15000
Officer of other department = Rs 13000
pls.tell me now