Comments on: Excel IF statement with multiple conditions

For powerful data analysis, you may often need to build an Excel IF statement with multiple conditions or use IF together with other functions. This tutorial will show you the most effective ways to do this. Continue reading

Comments page 110. Total comments: 4573

  1. Hi

    I have 4 cells in a row, 1 has a date in and the other 3 are blank.


    A1 - Blank
    B1 - Blank
    C1 - 01/04/2016
    D1 - Blank

    Therfore I want the answer in E1 with the date in.

    The next row may be

    A2 - 05/04/2016
    B2 - Blank
    B3 - Blank
    C$ - Blank

    I want column E1 to always give me the date from whichever column has a date in, can you help please? Ive tried alsorts of formulas which either come up with an error or TRUE.

    1. Hi KD,

      Please try the following formula:

      IF(NOT(ISBLANK(D1)), D1, "blank"))))

  2. Hi,
    I would like to know if you could advice me on this, I have two numbers in different cells, what I want is that, if these numbers are similar, on a third cell obtain the text "OK" and "Error" if they're different; the detail is that the data isn't precise, I mean one cell has 1.2 and the other one has 1.3, and they are similar but not equal, so what I want to know, is it possible to use an IF with a certain percent of tolerance?

    1. Hi Victor,

      I think you can use a formula similar to this, where 0.1 is the "tolerance":

      =IF(ABS(A1-B1)<=0.1, "OK", "Error")

      1. Yes thats the same method I used, thanks! it work perfectly!

  3. I have a document with multiple sheets. I need to use one for a "master" entry form to keep continuous record. A second sheet "Current" would record the most recent data entered pertaining to an exact unit. In this case lockers assigned to employees. When a locker is reassigned I would like the spreadsheet to transfer the data to the "Current" spreadsheet for an updated active list. Is this possible?

    1. Well you could use a VLOOKUP or if you don't edit the "Current" sheet you could manage it as a Pivottable instead of a separate SHEET you would only have to press the update on the pivottable.
      If this was helpful or if you want to know something you can always ask c:
      Hope this was useful.

  4. Hi,

    I am trying to do an if statement, but it doesn't seem to be working.

    It should indicate the following...

    Ignite 30 - $7.00
    Ignite 60 - $15.00
    Ignite 100 - $25.00
    Ignite 150 - $26.00
    Ignite 250 - $26.00
    Ignite 60 1S - $14.00
    Ignite 100 1S - $14.00
    Ignite 150 1S - $14.00
    Ignite 60 5S - $20.00
    Ignite 100 5S - $20.00
    Ignite 150 5S - $20.00
    Business Basic - $6.00
    Business VIP - $10.00
    Legacy to New - $3.00
    Upgrade - $3.00
    1S to 5S - $6.00
    IBLC Basic - $10.00
    IBLC Standard - $12.00
    IBLC Pro - $14.00
    Wireless Business Phone - $5.00

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Can yo

  5. I need the formula please help me

    If a1=15,b1=9,"5500"....
    If a1=12 to 14, b1=8, "4000"
    If a1= 9 to 11, b1=7," 3300"
    If a1=5 to 8 ,b1=5 to 6, "1600"

  6. I am trying to build a nested function that includes the following conditions:

    IF I2 >0.3, then write "Focus on A"
    IF I2 <-0.3, then write "Focus on M" (here is -0.3 (minus 0.3))
    IF G+H<20 AND G<5 OR IF G+H<20 AND H<5, then write "OUT"
    If none of the conditions apply, write "non-specialist"

    I've created the following nested IF function, but I got an error message saying that I have too many conditions/terms on it. I would like to know how could I fix it:

    =IF(OR(AND((G2+H2)<20),G2<5), AND((G2+H2)<20,H20.3,"Focus on A",IF(I2<-0.3,"Focus on M", "Non-specialist")))

    I very appreciate you attention and help.


  7. Hello,

    I need to set the formula for the following,

    F3 column is having different percentage data. In want to grade the same as A,b & C.
    for ex : 0-70% = A, 70%-90% = B, 90%-100% = C
    Pl help,

    Thnx & regrds

  8. Manager of MKT = Rs 20000
    Manager of other department = Rs 18000
    Officer of MKT = Rs 15000
    Officer of other department = Rs 13000
    pls.tell me now

  9. Hi

    I am trying to get this formula to work but it keeps on coming up with #NAME when there is no data. If there is a “P” in either bb7 or bc7 then it works.

    Basically I am trying to work out whether a pupil has a unit pass. Not sure if you will be able to work out from the formula what I am looking for but here is the explanation:
    There must be a “P” in either BB7 or BC7 AND the following before a unit pass is awarded. (BK7 or bf7), (Bl7 or bg7), (bm7 or bh7).

    Here is the formula:


    1. Sorry - Wrong formula above. This is the one.


  10. Hello,

    i need to put the ending filter to IF function. How can i write the formula?

    Ex:- if this ending with "I" (AL-FRE-EXP-I), True = Invoice, False = Credit Note


  11. 01/01/2015 0123 DEF Co High Risk
    01/01/2015 1234 ABC Co Medium Risk
    01/02/2015 1234 ABC Co Low Risk
    01/01/2015 5678 XYZ Co Low Risk
    01/02/2015 5678 XYZ Co Low Risk

    I need to get as a result (1) next to the company:
    -which doesn't appear the next month (such as DEF)
    -which is upgraded next month (such as ABC)
    And I need to get as a result (0) next to the company which is rated as Low Risk in every month.

    Is it possible?

    Thank you in advance

    1. Hi Elsa,

      To help you better, we need a sample table with your data in Excel and the result you want to get. You can email it to Please add the link to this article and your comment number.

  12. If I want to use the IF/OR function, but use multiple lines of text (ie, a column), can that be done?

    For example: =IF(OR(B3=O$2:O$360),"TRUE","FALSE")

    1. Hi RCL,

      If I understand you correctly you should use the following formula:
      =IF(COUNTIF(O$2:O$360, B3) > 0,"TRUE","FALSE")

  13. i am trying this formula but return by you enter more than no of nested permited by this formula is there any other way



  14. i have 5 cell like:
    when use if(a2<=5,3,if(a2<=8,5,if(a2<=10,8,if(a2<=14,10)))
    give me embty cell

  15. Trying to do a formula to calculate the following:
    Service Year is in Column A
    IF A>5 then (A-5)*2+5
    IF A<2 then "2"
    IF A is less than 5 but greater than 2 then = A

  16. Dear
    I have to use a formula that can divide the resultant column into three levels (Low, medium, and high). Suppose some values “X” is present in cell “C”. The formula should be like this
    If value in C is less than 50, result should be Low level
    If value in C is greater than and equal to 50 and less then 75, result should be Medium level
    If value in C is greater than and equal to 75, result should be Low level
    Please help me how can I develop this formula in excel?


    1. Hi Babar,

      Please try the following formula:
      =IF(C1<50, "Low", IF(AND(C1>=50, C1<75), "Medium", "High"))

  17. Hi,

    Need help solving formula issue below:

    Monthly Cost Plan Price
    Details Range Year 1
    Min 2 -25.00% -50.00% 18,256,000
    Min 1 -10.00% -24.99% 15,876,000
    Deadband 0.00% 9.99% 14,434,000
    Max 1 10.00% 24.99% 12,992,000
    Max 2 25.00% 50.00% 12,348,000

    My deadband number (limit) is constantly changing, e.g deadband 12 so
    if my delivery plan is 70 then it fell to range max 2 with price 12,348,000 ==> because max 2 unit range will be:
    12+(12*25)to 12+(12*50)

    How can I create an array formula with condition as follows:
    1. If delivery plan = 0, then monthly billing also 0
    3. If delivery plan > deadband, then monthly billing fell to which range and which monthly billing

    Hope it's not confusing. Thanks for your help.

  18. hi ,
    can you help me in excel . I have dispatch sheet but I want then I have enter in value in dispatch sheet and in another sheet dispatch sku's automatic less value from sheet .

  19. I need to run a function to search a table of datas.
    Eg. In Sheet 1, there are two columns A & B and as below:

    A B

    PIT- 3AR501/1 Pressure Transmitter
    PICA- 3AR501/1 Controller
    PIAL- 3AR501/1 Low Alarm
    PIAH- 3AR501/1 High Alarm
    PCV- 3AR501/1 Valve- Globe
    PIT- 3AR501/2 Pressure Transmitter
    PICA- 3AR501/2 Controller
    PIAL- 3AR501/2 Low Alarm

    In Sheet 2 I want to run a function in a cell suppose D1 to D100, that will search a specific value such as 'Pressure Transmitter' in entire column B of Sheet 1, and display the corresponding value of its column A. Likewise it will check the entire column B and give the corresponding values of column A, wherever it matches with 'Pressure Transmitter'.

  20. I am trying to create a formula for my spreadsheet with text. If there is an "a" in a cell, this equals 1 (a=1). And I want the total number of "a" in the whole column to total out so if there are 5 "a" = total of 5. Please help!

  21. I am attempting to create a column that will assign a number (1-5) dependent upon the combination of the contents of two separate cells. These cells contain either "NONE", "no", or "yes"


    As it stands I am receiving a #NAME? error.

    1. Did you ever receive feedback or know any more about this? I'm attempting something similar and I am struggling!!

  22. How to formula this:

    Deadline of submission is 10:00am but he is delayed in submitting the reports by 10:05 am so i want to get the difference in time also and in other column i want to appear the words advance or delay i want to be in this format:

    10:00am - 10:05 am = -5minutes(color red) = delay (color red) if on time or advance like this

    10:00am - 08:00 am = 2 hours (color green) = advance (color green)

    10:00am - 10:00 am = 0:00:00 (color green) = on time (color green)

    thank you

    1. Jan,
      Post #312 above is what you want to do with your formulas and it refers to what is called Conditional Formatting. In the above Post the cells are colored but in your case the text would be colored instead. Play around with the info but where it indicate "Fill" use the "Font" to change colors.
      I will play around with the formula using the time format but if anyone can also help you sooner with your formula above I can help with providing addition help on the conditional formatting of the text.

  23. Can I use this formula for text? I am trying to locate a specific word in a cell (in column A) and assign a value to that cell in column B. Here is my formula, but the error message says I have too many arguments entered. Please help!

    IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("NAME PLATES",A7)),8310.00,"",)))))

    1. Remove the "", at the end of the first four lines, leaving it at the end of the last part - should work.

  24. hi, i am trying to write a formula for the following:
    80-100 , A
    65-79, B
    50-64, C
    but im not quite sure how to do that. can you please help me. thank you

  25. Hi thank you for these blogs, I noticed above in this formula, =IF((C2+D2)>=60, "Good", IF((C2+D2)>=>40, "Satisfactory", "Poor ")) there is an extra >
    If I could request your next lesson, it would be in arrays and tables within formulas. Thanks

  26. Hi,

    Can you help for following condition.,

    Model Slab
    Indica 1
    Indica 2
    MUV 1
    MUV 2

    using formula, if model indica, slab 1 means anws will be 100, if model indica, slab 2 means anws will be 200,if model MUV, slab 1 means anws will be 300, if model MUV, slab 2 means anws will be 400

    how write the above formula.,

  27. Hi

    I am trying to do an Excel IF Array function.

    I am trying to compare a country code, with that of a list of country codes, and let it return a specific value

    Here is my formula =IF(A1='Eu Countries'!$D$2:$D$29,"EU","Non-EU")

    It keeps returning False results, even though in my sample I can see countries and expect a True Value.

    Please could you help.

    Chrystian Michalowski

  28. I am looking to only put 1 text if multiple values of a search is found in my search. Right now my formula will put multiple values in the output. The formula I am presently using is :


    If this matches 2 conditions it puts in EXEMPTEXEMPT

    What I would like to find is if any of the criteria matches write exempt.

    If (TEXT1 in B2) OR (TEXT2 in B2) OR (TEXT3 in B2) OR (TEXT4 in C2)then write EXEMPT otherwise leave blank

  29. Hi,

    Im trying to use the formula IF to do the following:

    If in Cell P9 = PASS then Cell Q9 displays a value i have logged in cell P2 (which I have named the cell scpass) in same respect if P9 = FAIL then the value shown in Q9 displays a value I have logged in P3 (again I have named this cell SCFAIL)

    I have used this formula =IF(P9="PASS","SCPASS","")&IF(P9="FAIL","SCFAIL","")

    It works but rather than show the value logged in these cells it just displays the name I have put in the formula...

    Please help!!

    1. Adam,
      On the formula you used when you break it down:
      =IF(P9="PASS","SCPASS"," "") - When you type the word PASS on cell P9 then Excel goes to the next string which is the true statement and you have indicated to be true is the actual word "SCPASS". What you want to do is to reference the cells P2,Q2 in the formula for your true statement. If you change the words in cell P2 or Q2 then if would reflect in the formula what you typed on the cell.

      Do this instead:


  30. I'm looking for a formula so I can make the text in one cell appear in another, within my IF statement.


    A B C

    Anna 90 This is an excellent score, (Anna) should be very proud of herself

    How can I tell excel to write the text in (e.g.) cell A1 into (e.g.) cell C1, while still using the IF statement for cell (e.g.) B1?

    1. Katherine,
      Below is I think what you were looking for. This is a simple one with cell A1= "A" and cell A2 would be Anna. The formula can be located in any cell. Would get intensive if you have multiple names and grades if this is what you are trying to accomplish.

      =IF(A1="A",A2 &" " &B2 &" This is an excellent score, (" &A2 &" ) should be very proud of herself."," ")

  31. =IF(Q4=1,"A",IF(Q4=2,"B",IF(Q4=3,"C",IF(Q4=4,"D",IF(Q4=5,"E",IF(Q4=6,"F",IF(Q4=7,"Provisional")))))))

    Hi ive used the above formula to return a text response to a number result but its not working consistently. The number can be from 1-8 and there are corresponding text responses for each. What can i do?

    1. Lorraine,
      Not sure what you are trying to accomplish but if cell Q4 is your input value and the formula that you have done is located on another cell. The formula works as long as Q4 is where you type your input numbers.
      The number can only be from 1-7. If you type 8 or any other number the cell in your formula would indicate "FALSE" due to the "If statement" only has 7 conditions to check starting from 1 and end in 7.

      1. =IF(Q43>=8,"Probationary",IF(Q43>6,"Provisional",IF(Q43>5,"F",IF(Q43>4,"E",IF(Q43>3,"D",IF(Q43>2,"C",IF(Q43>1,"B","A")))))))

        Hi Pete, thanks for your response. I've changed the formula to be whats above which appeared to work but again its not consistent. I have 2 examples where the number in the target cell, in this case Q43, has been 6 and the response returned in the destination cell was "provisional" whilst other cells have shown the correct response of 'F". The numbers 1-8 are results of a median formula in the adjacent column.

        Any further thoughts?

        1. Hello again, ive looked at the entries again and there appears to be something in the array of numbers that may explain whats happening... (then again i might just have come across a coincidence!)
          Examples are two median results of '5' but one is showing an 'E' response and the other an 'F'
          The median of the number sets when written out are almost identical:
          1st one: 4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7
          2nd one: 4,4,5,5,5,6,6,7,7
          both median numbers are 5 with a 5 and a 6 on either side.

          I also considered using the mean value (which could work with these examples as there are no outliers) and when you look at the mean of these number sets the 1st is 4.2 (rounded to 4) and the latter 4.9 (rounded to 5). I need the median when i consider the purpose of this exercise and other examples - there are 87 rows of data) and in some examples the mean is not reflective.

          Could the use of the median be the issue?

          1. Lorraine,
            Based on what you are testing to get the results.

            Using the mean can give an erroneous result which may not be what you want when using your new "If" statements with the greater than test. Sometimes excel may show a number but the calculation may not reflect the result.

            Median seam to work with your test to get the calculations and result that you would be expecting.

  32. i have only one doubt which is:
    i have in E1,drop down list,and i have in I1 the Qty, and J1 the price, and K1 the Net price,
    what i want exactly to choose only 2 types from the drop down list.
    which means

    if x or Y in the drop down list, should the following:

    I1*J1/2 and the same i want for Y, else i want I1*J1

  33. Hi Svetlana Cheusheva,


    My formula as above, why my as above value never deduct inside the SUM total?

    Any formula i missing out in above formula?

    1. Hello May,

      The syntax of this formula is wrong (or maybe it was broken by our blog engine when posting, sorry if it's the case). Anyway, you should never use any currency signs like $ in Excel formulas because it's only a visual representation of the underlying value. Also, surrounding a number in double quotes turns it into a text string, and as the result Excel cannot perform any calculations on it.

      If you can explain what the formula is supposed to do, I will try to help you make it right.

  34. what is the expected result of following formula?

  35. I need to know what is the right way to have both AND OR in one statement.
    A and B have 3 status C, N, or O;
    If (A=C or A=N) AND (B=C or B=N), output should be C, otherwise is O
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Frieda,

      Here you go:

      =IF(AND(OR(A1=C1, A1=N1), OR(B1=C1, B1=N1)), C1, 0)

  36. I am trying to create two IF statements.
    1) If the due date is equal to/less than 30 days the text should read "In Progress"

    2) If the due date is greater than 30 days the cell should be Bank ""

  37. I can't figure out why this formula isn't working:

    =IF(e2="AB", (F2="Cash", J2, (J2*40%)), IF(E2="LSI", (F2="Cash", J2, (J2*60%)))

    1. Christie,
      This is a logical function where the "IF" and "AND" operators need to be involved. Is this what you were looking for on the formula to do.Try this revision to your formula above.
      You can also use a drop down on cell E2 instead of typing the two words.


  38. Hi im trying to use a drop down list by in cooperating it with a nested if statement. the drop down list is on B8 therefore I want to derive the diff values from the list. How do I write that formula

  39. Hi Svetlana,
    Pls what formula do I use to calculate, lets say, the number of "A"s in a group of grades?


    Final Grade
    74.1 A
    52.2 C
    69.6 B
    32 F
    70.2 A
    45.6 D
    47.1 D
    53 C
    41.4 D
    59.3 C
    30 F
    45 D
    63.7 B
    73.2 A
    71.2 A

    A ??
    B ??
    C ??
    D ??
    F ??

    Pls help. Thanks

    1. Hi Usman,

      You can use the COUNTIF function for this. For example:

      =COUNTIF(B:B, "A")

      Where B is the column containing grades.

  40. Dear Svetlana Cheusheva i need help for following conditional formula

    Suppose Buyer Name is "K-Mart, H&M" and Fabrics types is "General,Ordinary and Special) length range in (+-5) and width range in (+-7) its will be pass, if not its will be fail.

    When change the value of Length and width then result will be changed.

    If you help me i will be grateful to you.

  41. I have worksheet that lists int exp and payment for multiple leases. I'm manually opening each amtz schedule and inputing these into each column,each month. I would like to write a formula that will say when the lease number in column A matches a lease from one the amtz schedules, and when the date matches, lookup the int exp and return in column O.

  42. =IF(B2>90,"A",IF(B2>80,"B",IF(B2>70,"C",IF(B2>60,"D",IF(B2="absent","F","F")))))

    i want to excel display F for absent also.

  43. I am trying to write a nested formula. The first vlookup works, however the second and third vlookups are not working. Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong please?

    =IFERROR(IF(AB2="Other",VLOOKUP(M2,'price list'!A$2:$N$1247,13,FALSE),IF(AB2="Sysco",VLOOKUP(L2,'Sysco US Foods Pricelist'!$A$5:$J$214,5,FALSE),IF(AB2="USF",VLOOKUP(L2,'Sysco US Foods Pricelist'!$A$5:$J$214,10,FALSE),0))),0)

  44. Hi,
    i want to write a formula in C1
    column A1 date is less or equal to today date then = Yes
    column B1 date is less or equal to today date then= No
    if both are less or equal to today date then= Both.

    please help me out.
    i tried if & And but not successes.

  45. Hi,
    I'm trying to create an If function that would evaluate a score, then based on that score value predict a future test date based off of the date the first test was taken. Here are two examples:

    1.) TESTED: 1/1/2015 SCORE:>70 NEXT TEST:12 months from first date(1/1/2016) 2.) TESTED: 1/1/2015 SCORE:<70 NEXT TEST:6 months from first date(7/1/2016) Do you have any idea how to format this correctly? Every time I try, I end up with either an error, or the result of my text. Thanks!

  46. I am trying to create above formula to find the efforts based upon the inputs from respective columns as referred, but with 1-1 its returning right when i am trying to add multiple conditions its not working for which need help.

    Below Query1 for one condition but the second query tried to build for another condition its returing Medium value everytime.

    Columns: Technology || No. Of Interfaces || Interface Type || Phases || Complexity || Total Efforts

    Query1: =IF(AND(A3="SOA", C3="New", D3="Requirement", E3="Simple", OR(A3="SOA", C3="Enhancement", D3="Requirement", E3="Simple")), B3*'Efforts Summary'!C3, B3*0.6*'Efforts Summary'!C3)

    Query2:=IF(IF(AND(A3="SOA", C3="New", D3="Requirement", E3="Simple", OR(A3="SOA", C3="Enhancement", D3="Requirement", E3="Simple")), B3*'Efforts Summary'!C3, B3*0.6*'Efforts Summary'!C3), IF(AND(A3="SOA", C3="New", D3="Requirement", E3="Medium", OR(A3="SOA", C3="Enhancement", D3="Requirement", E3="Medium")), B3*'Efforts Summary'!D3, B3*0.65*'Efforts Summary'!D3))

    I need to add similary for design, build, test along with complex category overll.

    Appreciate if anybody can provide some help here.

  47. Hi Savetlana,

    when I input 17 or 20 digits in Cell F8 the result should be "Pass" otherwise "Fail"

    also note that I am checking the length of digits in the cell.

    below condition is not showing positive result.

    =IF(OR(LEN(F8)=17, LEN(F8)=20), "Pass", "Fail")


  48. Please give a formula to get answer for the following:
    TDS (Tax deducted from source) 10% for employees below Gross pay Rs.15000 and for other employees 20% ?

  49. Hello,
    I have a question, in my worksheet i have 2 cell where i have to input value "O13 & Y13", now i want an alert to be flashed if a value is entered in O13 and not in Y13 & vice-versa, how can i do it.

    awaiting your earlist reply.


  50. I am using below

    =IF(OR(AND(LEN(TRIM(F8 = 17)), AND(LEN(TRIM(F8 = 20))))), "Pass", "Fail")

    1. Hello Khalid,

      From your formula, it's difficult to understand what result you are trying to achieve. I have the following suggestions:

      Show "Pass" if cell F8 contains 17 or 20 characters, "Fail" otherwise:
      =IF(OR(LEN(F8)=17, LEN(F8)=20), "Pass", "Fail")

      Show "Pass" if the value in cell F8 is either 17 or 20, "Fail" otherwise:
      =IF(OR(F8=17, F8=20), "Pass", "Fail")

      If you are looking for something different, please clarify.

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