Comments on: Excel IF statement with multiple conditions

For powerful data analysis, you may often need to build an Excel IF statement with multiple conditions or use IF together with other functions. This tutorial will show you the most effective ways to do this. Continue reading

Comments page 42. Total comments: 4573

  1. I have a spreadsheet with 10 years and am trying to blend in raises over that time to figure an amount we can afford each year. Current Wage versus what they should be at (new wage). So, if current wage is 10 and new wage is 15, he is 50% behind. I have 100 employees and have 4 tiers to try to catch them up depending on how far behind whereby those that are further behind will get a bigger pay increase. My problem is they need to be more than tier 1 behind but less than tier 2 and, if the percentage increase brings them over the new wage, they should only get up to that new wage. G3 is the current rate and N3 is the new rate. O3 is the percentage behind they are. Q1,R1,S1,T1 are where I'm figuring the percentage behind is what will give them the % raise (which is Q2, R2, S2, T2). Help please?


    1. Hello!
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. Could you please describe it in more detail? What do you want to calculate with this formula? What result do you want to get? Give an example of the source data and the expected result.
      Thank you!

  2. hi
    I want to set a criteria when met by three scenarios e.g. if extraction % is greater than 80%,waste % is greater than 60% and status is ready, Give me Sample the Area.

    1. Hello!
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. Could you please describe it in more detail? What result do you want to get? Thank you!

  3. Never mind this one

  4. Hello! I have another problem with my formula again, because my boss wants to add some details:

    Column A have either "Oranges" or "Appleas", Column B have either "Fresh", "Moderate", or "Mature", I'll input a number on C, and result on D

    If A1 is "Oranges"
    (a) If B1 is "Fresh",
    (1) If C1 is greater than or equal to 50, C1 should multiply to 3
    (2) If C1 is less than 50, C1 should be subtracted by 10
    (b) If B1 is "Moderate", the value of C1 is the same as result in D1
    (c) If B1 is "Mature", the value of C1 should multiply to 3
    If A1 is "Apples", it should multiply B1 to 5, regardless of B1 and C1's values
    If A1 is empty, C1 and D1 should be empty too

    I tried to modify the old formula, but it's confusing! Please help me!
    Thank You and God Bless!

    1. Hello!
      I recommend that you study the recommendations on how to use the AND function in the conditions of the IF function, which are given above in this article.

  5. Is it possible to do a formula like this. If the value of cell F65 is "Negligible" and the value of cell G65 is "Insgnificant" then cell F66 will be "Low". I have multiple conditions I would need to add to this formula along with what I provided above. For example if F65 is "Very Low" and G65 is "Minor" then F66 will be "Low" also if F65 is "Negligible" and G65 is "Minor" then F66 is "Low" could we add all of this to one formula and add more conditions if needed later on?

  6. Thank you for your page, it really helped me in some of the formulas I was looking for.
    I thank you for all your future assistance in advance and I will be keep in contact and.

  7. Is it possible to use an IF statement to sum columns? That is, if any cell in E3:E17 = Y, sum the values in their respective C3:C17 cells

  8. HI, I was just wondering if you could help me.
    What excel formula should I use to carry out this task:
    If B1 is in A:A then C1 to be 'True'

    Thank you so much

    1. Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:


      I hope this will help

  9. Hi,
    If i have 3 values of same number i.e A1=1,B1=1,C1=1, i need a result as "ok". Appreciate the help

    1. Hello!
      I hope you have studied the recommendations in the above tutorial.
      Please try the following formula:


  10. Hi,
    I am working on a commission sheet and would like to put a formula so that the user does not have to manually put the commission %. I have four ranges and 0 to 20 % discounts.
    So the criteria is:
    1) amount is less than equal to 50,000, disc is 0%, 4% commission,
    2) amount is greater than 50,000 and less than equal to 250,000, disc is 0%, 3% commission,
    3) amount is greater than 250,000 and less than equal to 500,000, disc is 0%, 2% commission,
    4) amount is greater than 500,000 1% commission.
    IF function works fine till I have 1 and 2, but once I add 3 It gives FALSE value, cant figure out the issue can anyone help.
    Thank U

  11. Hi,
    I am working on a commission sheet and would like to put a formula so that the user does not have to manually put the commission %. I have four ranges and 0 to 20 % discounts.
    So the criteria is:
    1) amount is 50,000 and 250,000 and 500,000 1% commission.
    IF function works fine till I have 1 and 2, but once I add 3 It gives FALSE value, cant figure out the issue can anyone help.
    Thank U

    1. Hello!
      If I understood your problem correctly you can use something like this formula


      Replace 0,1,2 with what you need

  12. Hello,
    I have the following situation:
    Column A - unique patient ID
    Column B - Diagnostics Service
    Column C - Therapy Service
    Patient IDs can repeat in Column A if they have received multiple services (Diagnostics and Therapy)
    I am trying to create formula:
    If patient ID has diagnostics AND therapy, then display 1
    If patient ID only has one service (either one), then display 0
    Thank you

    1. Hello,
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:

      =IF(COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$5,A2,$B$2:$B$5,"Diagnostics") + COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$5,A2,$C$2:$C$5,"Therapy")=2,1,"")

      I hope this will help

  13. Hi Need help on an a if formula.
    Two partners (A&B) invest in a project; A puts in £80000 and B £Nil. At end of the project if there is a loss, A & B get NIL back. If its is a profit then;
    (i) Profits are split 50:50 till both A & B have £80000 profit allocated; and
    (ii) Once profits have been allocated as in (i), then all other profits get split between A and B as 40:60.
    I need to be able to show on excel so that I can change the profit figure to show various scenarios (e.g. if profit was £20000, £100000, £400000, etc)

  14. Muchos Gracias! :)

  15. I am trying to right a formula that will do the following:
    If Cell B13 is 1 or 2 then (B13*1.1)
    If Cell B13 is 3 4 or 5 then (B13*1.05)
    If Cell B13 is 6,7,8 or 9 then (B13*1)
    If Cell B13 is 10,11,12,13,14 or 15 then (B15*.09)
    I've spent hours trying to figure this out any help would be appreciated, Thanks

    1. Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:

      =IF(OR(B13=1,B13=2),B13*1.1,IF(OR(B13=3,B13=4,B13=5),B13*1.05,IF(B13<10,B13*1,IF(B13<16,B13*0.9, ) ) ) )

      You can change this formula and use the OR function in all conditions.

  16. I am a salesman trying to take when I have reached a certain number in sales that I reach a new bonus level. So say I sell between 14 to 16 cars then I get a bonus of $2500. How could I use an IF function and use a range for 14-16. Right now I have to do individual numbers like IF(C17=14,2500) then IF(C17=14.5,2500) and so on.

    1. Hello!
      Your condition for the sale of 14 to 16 cars can be written as a formula


      I hope it’ll be helpful.

      1. Thank you so much! It worked! I was doing something close but it wouldn’t calculate

  17. I have this problem:
    Column A have either "Apples" or "Oranges", I'll input a number on B, and result on C
    If A1 is "Apples", it should multiply B1 to 5, regardless of B1's value
    If A1 is "Oranges" --- If B1 is greater than or equal to 50, B1 should multiply to 3
    If B1 is less than 50, B1 should be subtracted by 10
    If A1 is empty, C should be empty too

    I did a lot of thinking, but can't get it right. Please help me!
    Thank You and God Bless!

    1. Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:

      =IF(A1="Apples",B1*5, IF(A1="Oranges", IF(B1>=50,B1*3,B1-10), "") )

      1. Thank You Very Much for the answer! :)

    2. Never mind this duplicate

  18. I have 3 cells that have yes or no drop down boxes. How can I write a formula for a 4th cell that gives a different specific number value if all are yes, all are no, one is yes and two are no, two are yes and one is no, and all other possible combinations?

    1. Hello!
      To count the number of "Yes" in cells, you can use the formula


      I cannot give more detailed recommendations, since the description of your problem is very short.

      1. I think this is what he wants Alex (hopefully lol):
        Col A Col B Col C Col D
        Row 1 Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Count
        Row 2 Yes Yes Yes 3
        In Cell D2 Type this in: =COUNTIFS(A2:C2, "Yes")
        and as Long as your Yes is exactly the same as the yes in the formula you should be fine

  19. Hello, This has all been really helpful and i've solved an awful lot of issues with it. Unfortunately I have one I cant solve.
    I'm trying to reduce a list of items that have qtys in the next column. The list may be 20 rows long but only 10 have qtys. I would like the new list to ignore blank rows and only pull through the 10 items into a new list.
    Column A Column B
    Books 5
    CDs 56
    Tapes 4

    The new list should read

    Without blank rows between them, I've been playing with nested IF & VLOOKUP but cant get the blanks lines removed.I've started with a simple IF formula below
    I feel like the 'If True' part needs to have something that tells it to look for the next non blank cell.

    1. Hello Alan!
      Select the range of cells in which you want to get the result. Then, in the formula bar, enter your array formula.

      =IFERROR(INDEX(A1:A10, SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER(B1:B10), ROW(A1:A10)-0), ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&ROWS(A1:A10))))),"")

      This is an array formula and it needs to be entered via Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
      I hope my advice will help you solve your task.

      1. Well, it appears to be doing mostly what I'm looking for but has pulled the wrong items through. Does it matter if the number in question is 0.7, instead of a whole number?

        I can't see how it has pulled the items through given the selection I have gone with as it would skip them as they are blank. So unsure where I may have selected the wrong details.

        1. Hello!
          The formula I sent to you was created based on the description you provided in your first request. The formula works with any numbers. But if your number is written as text, then it won't work. You haven't written what exactly doesn't work. But I recommend checking your data. You haven't written what doesn't work. And I will not guess.

  20. I am trying to have one cell reference another, but if blank have it reference a different cell with getting a FALSE response.
    I have been using

    and this works as long as L4 remains blank, but the goal is if I put something in L4 then THAT is what goes into my desired formula cell, not "FALSE."

    1. Hello Tracy!
      If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:


      I hope my advice will help you solve your task.

    2. Sorry, *without getting a "FALSE" response.

  21. How to i make a list of words in a drop down box in excel equal a number 1 or 0 when selected.

    1. Hello!
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. Give an example of the source data and the expected result.
      It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.

  22. Please help in vote results to ascertain Candidate(s) who only WON, TIED in top results in cell G2:G106 "Who Won" in polling stations B2:B106 in colum B2 for
    Two or more candidates results example Abraham Colum C2=40, Bryan Colum D2=70, Charles Colum E2=102 Denis Colum F2=102

    1. Hello!
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. Please specify what you were trying to find. What do you want to write in columns B and G? Give an example of the expected result.
      It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.

  23. Hello! I need help with an IF formula:

    If column A is CAD, return value from column F
    If column A is USD, return value from column F & G with a space between the two values. Column F will always be text and G will be numbers.


    1. Hello!
      If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:

      =IF(A1="CAD",F1,IF(A1="USD",F1&" "&G1,""))


      =IF(A1="CAD",F1,IF(A1="USD",CONCATENATE(F1," ",G1),""))


      =IFERROR(IFS(A1="CAD",F1,A1="USD",CONCATENATE(F1," ",G1)),"") (Office2019, Office365)

      I hope it’ll be helpful.

      1. Thank you sooo much this worked perfectly!!

  24. Hi, I am new to excel formulas. Can you help me with this
    if a date listed in a column of another page equals the same date of the current page, then a specific column/row total from the other page equals total on current page designated column/row.

    1. hmm, guess I don't even get a reply...? thanks

      1. Hello!
        Your description of the problem is not very clear. However, a formula like this may be suitable for you.


        If this is not what you wanted, please describe your problem in more detail.

  25. I have days in one column line 1, 2, 5, 6, 1, 2, 6 5,3,2,0,4,6,7,4,1,3,2
    I need the result like if the days are between 1 to 3, then the next column should update as 1 to 3 Days.

    1 next to that cell should show 1 to 3 Days
    2 next to that cell should show 1 to 3 Days
    3 next to that cell should show 1 to 3 Days
    4 next to that cell should show 4 to 6 Days

    1. Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:

      =IF(A1<4,"1 to 3 Days",IF(A1<6,"4 to 6 Days","7 Days" ))

      I hope this will help

    2. Hi,
      had to try. I have a suggestion for this. It is not pretty, someone for sure will find more elegant solution, but it should work.

      For me in this forum the larger than and smaller than symbols doesn't seem to show at all so I'll use capital L for larger than symbol and capital S for smaller than symbol. Let's assume that the list of days is located to A-column and it starts from line 2. I wrote this formula on cell B2.

      =If(A2L6, "error, too high date", IF(A2L=, "4 to 6 Days", IF(A2=0, "error too low", IF(A2S=3, "1 to 3 Days", "unknown error")

      Hopefully this helps :)

  26. Hi,
    I think this answer should be exctremely easy, but I just cant find the correct answer.

    I have column with differend numbers (1-18 representing differend areas and I have named the column "Area") and I like to use the Area column to let my formula count all the data from that spesific line. Formula looks something like this:

    =AVERAGEIFS(E3:E1500, E3:E1500,"0", Area, 1)
    (there might be errors in my typing, because Finnish version has a bit differend style to write the formula).

    I would just like to be able to choose with the same time with the same formula multiple area numbers. Like:
    =AVERAGEIFS(E3:E1500, E3:E1500,"0", Area, 1 or 3 or 8)

    Thank you for your help.

    1. I don't know why it removed my typing for with the 0. The formula checking that the counted number is differend than 0 (with Finnish Excel it is " 0")

      1. Ok, larger than and smaller than wont show up :)

  27. Hello - I need some help with IF/AND functions or maybe it is another formula entirely. I have two columns of data with numbers separating subsets. I am trying to assign the number value to each subset. So there could be 10 data points in one subset, and 20 in another but I want the same identifier for all of the datasets in that subset. This formula simply found that what I'm looking for is a number, but how do I return the value of that number? =IF(ISTEXT(B4),"Text",IF(ISNUMBER(B4),"Number",IF(ISBLANK(B1),"Blank",""))) Thank you!

  28. hey everyone, need help with a formula with a different outcome for 4 different Conditions;
    IF A1=R output should be 25
    IF A1=RR output should be 37.5
    IF A1=G output Should be 50
    IF A1=GG output Should be 93
    please anyone???

    1. Hi,
      Try this.
      =IF(A1="R", 25, IF(A1="RR", 37.5, IF(A1="G, 50, IF(A1="GG", 93, "Wrong input"))))

  29. Hi!
    I need to highlight 20 columns, if 3 of the columns have yes then its good if not I need it flagged. How can I accomplish this?

  30. Hi, I have a pretty complex (for me) formula that i want to write.
    If a<b, then a*c
    If d e, AND if f="x", then a*g; BUT if f="y", then a*h; BUT if f="z", then a*i
    If j k, AND if f="x", then a*l; BUT if f="y", then a*m; BUT if f="z", then a*n
    If o p, AND if f="x", then a*q; BUT if f="y", then a*r; BUT if f="z", then a*s
    If a>p, AND if f="x", then a*t; BUT if f="y", then a*u; BUT if f="z", then a*v
    Can anyone please suggest a way how I can do this.

  31. Hi, I am using the IF with AND & OR functions. Within that though, I have a cell with a flavour name, which I want to assign a number. How do I do that, please?

    1. Basically, I want to say "(C3)banana + (D3)1.0 = (E3)$40" or "(C3)banana + (D3)2.0 = (E3)$75"
      C3 being the flavour and D3 being the weight, while E3 has the function which gives the price for the stated flavour and weight.

  32. I am trying to work an amortization schedule that will be calculated base on Purchase date-Sale Date-Floor plan-Non Floor Plan Date and availability date.
    Column G Column H Column K Column M
    Date of Purchase Date of Sale Floor plan due date Loan End date
    Jun-17 Jun-20 Dec-19 Jul-20
    Jun-17 Available None May-22
    Jun-17 June-20 None May-22
    This is what i have so far and it is working great.
    But as soon as my Floor Plan end date has None, the formula doesn't work any more. I need to add a this condition to my formula IF(AND(AND(Month=G1,K1="None",h1="available",Loan amount,0)
    Any suggestions?

  33. Hello.
    I have a spreadsheet that is giving me an issue.
    This what I have and its returning the correct response except for 128:Up with 132: Down
    and it returns "FALSE" if AV5 is blank.

    What I want it to do in cell AV134:
    If AV5 is blank then I want AV134 to also be blank.
    IF AV132 AV128 AV134
    Down Down Yes
    Down Up No
    Up Down No
    Up Up Yes
    Thank you for any clarification that you are able to provide.

  34. I need to write formula where if column A equals multiple value (e.g. 1, 2, 5 & 6) and column B is more than 7, then "Y" if not "N".
    I wrote the formula as "IF(AND(OR(A=1, A=2, A=5, A=6), (B>7), "Y", "N")
    i think it's wrong since there's no "Y" value at all.

  35. D S.I 0-35 36-45 46-60 70+
    300000 300000 1778 2576 3651 6642
    300000 500000 2446 3451 4646 8283
    500000 500000 1523 1936 2480 4127
    500000 700000 1790 2240 2888 5167
    600000 600000 1398 1707 2310 4127
    600000 800000 1650 1993 2643 5006
    800000 800000 1387 1570 2230 4641
    800000 1000000 1655 1859 2576 5397
    1000000 1000000 1409 1560 2089 4641
    1000000 1500000 2052 2272 2982 6073
    1500000 1000000 1325 1449 1955 3471
    1500000 1500000 1968 2160 2848 4641
    1800000 1000000 1306 1437 1967 3029
    1800000 1200000 1563 1722 2325 3471
    2000000 1000000 1294 1432 1979 2795
    2000000 2000000 2506 2785 3682 4899
    2000000 3000000 3652 4076 5310 6936

    how to use if formula when i enter age, deductible and sum insured and automatically premium generated

  36. What kind of formula I need to obtain expiration date on courses that have different length of expiration i.e some expire in 7 days, some in 14 and others in 21 days. I only have their start date.

  37. Hello everyone,
    I hope you are well.
    I have a question, if somebody can help me out, I am struggling long time already.

    i have numbers from 0 to 360°. When i enter any numbers from 0 to 360, it should gave me the final answer as per below table. I did a formula that works but only for few numbers not all (=IF(AND(0H10), "0.5", "0")), so if am choosing numbers from 0 to 44, i have the answer 0.5 and more than 45 is answer 0,
    but now i came to a problem how to insert multiple IF and AND in one long formula. I tried but always something wrong.
    I would like to have in the empty cell with formula that is choosing automatically from the main table as per the insert number from 0 to 360°.

    N 000 0.5
    015 0.5
    030 0.5
    NE 045 0
    060 0
    075 0
    E 090 -1
    105 -1
    120 -1
    SE 135 -1.5
    150 -1.5
    165 -1.5
    S 180 0
    195 0
    210 0
    SW 225 -0.5
    240 -0.5
    255 -0.5
    W 270 0.5
    285 0.5
    300 0.5
    NW 315 0
    330 0
    345 0

    Thank you very much guys, much much appreciated. Have a great day all !!

  38. I have a list of mileage date captured over a month with numerous entries each day I need to extract the max and min mileage per day.
    please help with a formula

  39. I need help on a timecard formula. I'm brain-dead right now. If A + B + C > =40, "40" otherwise it should be the sum of A + B + C only. How do I do the "Otherwise" portion of this formula is the sum is less than forty hours?

  40. Hi, I am hoping there is a way to do this. It seems basic, but I am new to these Excel IF statements. I have two columns (F & G) that I need to have high, medium and low values in. And then I want to have a priority level column where I assign a priority level of either high, medium or low based off of the combination of the entries in columns F & G.
    Here is my scoring logic below. Wondering if this can be put into an IF statement and how to enter it?

    If 1 value is high and the other is high then the result is high
    If 1 value is high and the other is medium then the result is high
    If 1 value is high and the other is low then the result is medium
    If 1 value is medium and the other is medium then the result is medium
    If 1 value is medium and the other is low then the result is medium
    If 1 value is low and the other is low then the result is low

  41. Please send me correct formula

    BELOW 1 THEN 0
    FROM 250000 ABOVE THEN 250000

    1. Hi,
      Again, I don't know why, but for me this message board wont show my larger (L) than and smaller (S) than symbols. I will use capital L and capital S for them.

      Let's say that your number is on A column and starting from A1.

      =IF(A1 L= 250000, 250000, IF(A1 S 1, 0, A1))

      Hopefully this helps.

  42. This is scenario I am struggling to create a multiple formula:
    1.If AA2 = Y and AB2 = Y results should be "Accrue income"
    2 If AA2 = N and AB2 = N results should be "not Accrue Income" and
    3. If AA2 = Y and AB2 = N results should be " Not Accrue Income and vice versa.
    Thank you for your help

    1. Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:

      =IF(AND(A2="Y",B2="Y"),"Accrue income",IF(AND(A2="N",B2="not Accrue income"),"N",IF(AND(A2="Y",B2="N"),"Not Accrue income and")))

      I hope my advice will help you solve your task.

      1. Hello.
        I have a spreadsheet that is giving me an issue.
        This what I have and its returning the correct response except for 128:Up with 132: Down
        and it returns "FALSE" if AV5 is blank.

        What I want it to do in cell AV134:
        If AV5 is blank then I want AV134 to also be blank.
        IF AV132 AV128 AV134
        Down Down Yes
        Down Up No
        Up Down No
        Up Up Yes
        Thank you for any clarification that you are able to provide.

  43. Hi, Im trying to calculate the following,
    Rep 1 belongs to team 1
    Rep 2 belongs to team 2
    Rep 1 has an individual Count
    Team 1 has an average rate
    for Example:
    If rep 1 Count >=2 or the average rate for Team 1 >=3% then rep 1 will get 5 points, if the cell is blank then zero, if none of these is met then -2 points and same for team 2. this is what i have so far but is giving me an error on the formula:
    =IF(AND(C8="Team 1",$C$30>=3%),5,IF(AND(C8="Team 2",$C$29>=3%),5, IF(D8>=2),5, IF(OR(D8="-",d8=””)0, -2))))
    Hope this is clear, thank you in advance

    1. Hello!
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. Could you please describe it in more detail?
      What does "If rep 1 Count >=2"? Write an example of the source data and the result you want to get.
      It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.

    2. Nevermind, i was able to figure it out, =IF(OR(AND(C9="Team1",$C$30>=3%),(D9>=2)),5,IF(OR(AND(C9="Team2",$C$29>=3%)),5,-2))
      Thanks anyways, you're examples really helped me.

      1. =IF(D8="",0,IF(OR(AND(C8="Villains",$C$30>=3%),(D8>=2)),5,IF(OR(AND(C8="Heroes",$C$29>=3%)),5,-2)))

  44. My query is that in marksheet or data sheet some cell are empty and i want that i only write student name and blank cell with subject show automatically.

  45. I'm not sure if this has already been asked before but I am looking for a formula with both And and OR I believe that is looking at 3 different cells to have 4 different outcomes. with numbers between a certain figure
    if a1,b1,c1 is less than 5 and less than 240 then it is letter if a1,b1,c1 is less than 26 and less than 353 it is Large letter and then if it a1,b1,c1 is less than 160 and less than 450 it is Packet? if over 160 and 450 then box.
    Thank you for your time.

    1. Hello!
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. Could you please describe it in more detail? What result do you want to get? Thank you!

      1. I would like 1 formula to display whether entering 3 dimensions (a1,b1,c1=25,150,350) if 1 of the cells is less than 5 and another is less than 240 it brings back "Letter" if 1 of the cells is less than 26 and another is less than 353 then it brings back "Large letter" if 1 of the cells is less than 160 and another is less 450 then it brings back "Packet" and if it has 1 cell over 450 then it is "box".

  46. If an excel sheet acetic acid 15kg, another sheet acitic acid, how i correct spell automatically acetic acid for collect information through vlook up formula from a sheet where 15 kg have.this type of problems i face continuously when i work big data. Pls give me solution

    1. Hello!
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. Please specify what you were trying to find, what formula you used and what problem or error occurred. Give an example of the source data and the expected result.
      It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.

  47. Hello, this site has some great tutorials, but I'm stuck with a problem I can't find a solution to. Hoping you can assist. I have a table showing values month over month, like this:
    A1=project number
    B1=Project name
    C1=October budget
    D1=November budget
    E1=December budget
    What I would like to do is verify the values month over month and if it is the same it replace the value with $0, if it is more than the previous month, it shows the difference, if it is blank it shows the previous month as a negative loss, if it is less, it shows the difference as a negative. A bit convoluted but I feel the solution is just out of my reach!

    1. Hello!
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. Could you please describe it in more detail?
      Write an example of the source data and the result you want to get.
      It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.

  48. I want if b2=1,20% (1+1)*10
    if b2=2,50% (2+1+2)*10
    if b2=3,90% (3+1+3+2)*10 continue to n number how to possible?

    1. Hello!
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. Give an example of the source data and the expected result.
      It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.

  49. N4=IF(G4=1,"H4+I4-L4",IF(G4=2,"H4+I4",IF(G4=3,"H4")))

    Incase of G4=1 Output come, H4+I4-L4 instead of numerical value
    Incase of G4=2 Output come, H4+I4 instead of numerical value
    Is there any problem with my if formula? why i dont get numerical value on N Column?

  50. Good Morning! im trying to write a formula that looks at a frequency eg. 6 months, 1 year, 2 year, 5 years and if its X add that number to date inserted in a seperate column. so A would be 1 year, B would be "test date" and C "Due Date" currently have the below, but isn't working.
    =IF(OR(E17="1 Year",EDATE(L17,12)),IF(E17="2 Years",EDATE(L17,24)),IF(E17="5 Years",EDATE(L17,60)))
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:

      =IF(E17="1 Year",EDATE(L17,12),IF(E17="2 Years", EDATE(L17,24),IF(E17="5 Years",EDATE(L17,60))))

      I hope this will help

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