Excel IF statement for partial text match (wildcard)

Trying to build an IF statement with wildcard text, but it fails every time? The problem is not in your formula but in the function itself - Excel IF does not support wildcard characters. However, there is a way to get it to work for partial text match, and this tutorial will teach you how.

Whenever you want to perform partial or fuzzy matching in Excel, the most obvious solution is to use wildcards. But what if a specific function that you need to use does not support wildcards characters? Sadly, Excel IF is one of such functions. This is especially disappointing considering that other "conditional" functions such as COUNTIF, SUMIF, and AVERAGEIFS work with wildcards perfectly well.

Luckily, it is not the obstacle that can stop a creative Excel user :) By combining IF with other functions, you can force it to evaluate a partial match and get a nice alternative to an Excel IF wildcard formula.

Why Excel IF function with wildcard not working

In the sample table below, supposing you want to check whether the IDs in the first column contain the letter "A". If found - display "Yes" in column B, if not - display "No".

It seems like including wildcard text in the logical test would be an easy solution:

=IF(A2="*a*","Yes", "No")

But regrettably it does not work. The formula returns "No" for all the cells, even those that contain "A":
Excel IF function with wildcard not working

Why does a wildcard IF statement fail? From all appearances, Excel doesn't recognize wildcards used with an equal sign or other logical operators. Taking a closer look at the list of functions supporting wildcards, you will notice that their syntax assumes a wildcard text to appear directly in an argument like this:

=COUNTIF(A2:A10, "*a*")

Excel IF contains partial text

Now that you know the reason why a wildcard IF formula fails, let's try to figure out how to get it to work. For this, we'll simply embed a function that accepts wildcards in the logical test of IF, namely the COUNTIF function:

IF(COUNTIF(cell, "*text*"), value_if_true, value_if_false)

With this approach, IF has no problem with understanding wildcards and flawlessly identifies the cells that contain either "A" or "a" (since COUNTIF is not case-sensitive):

=IF(COUNTIF(A2, "*a*"),"Yes", "No")

This formula goes to B2, or any other cell in row 2, and then you can drag it down to as many cells as needed:
Excel IF statement with wildcard text

This solution can also be used to locate strings of a specific pattern. Assuming only the IDs consisting of 2 groups of 2 characters separated with a hyphen are valid, you can use the "??-??" wildcard string to identify them:

=IF(COUNTIF(A2, "??-??"), "Valid", "")
IF wildcard formula to identify strings of a specific pattern

How this formula works:

For the logical test of IF, we use the COUNTIF function that counts the number of cells matching the specified wildcard string. Since the criteria range is a single cell (A2), the result is always 1 (match is found) or 0 (match is not found). Given that 1 equates to TRUE and 0 to FALSE, the formula returns "Valid" (value_if_true) when the count is 1 and an empty string (value_if_false) when the count is 0.

IF ISNUMBER SEARCH formula for partial matches

Another way to force Excel IF to work for partial text match is to include either the FIND or SEARCH function in the logical test. The difference is that FIND is case-sensitive while SEARCH is not.

So, depending on whether you want to treat lowercase and uppercase as the same or different characters, one of these formulas will work a treat:

Case-insensitive formula for partial match:

IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("text", cell)), value_if_true, value_if_false)

Case-sensitive formula for partial match:

IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("text", cell)), value_if_true, value_if_false)

As both functions are designed to perform a "cell contains" type of match, wildcards aren't really needed in this case.

For example, to detect IDs containing "A" or "a", the formula is:

=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("A", A2)), "Yes", "No")

To only search for a capital "A" and ignore "a", the formula is:

=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("A", A2)), "Yes", "No")

In B6 in the screenshot below, you can observe the difference in the result:
Excel IF formula for partial matches

How this formula works:

At the heart of the formula, there is a combination of ISNUMBER and SEARCH (or FIND):


The SEARCH function looks for the specified text ("A" in this example) and returns its position within a string in A2. If the text is not found, a #VALUE error is returned. As both SEARCH and FIND are designed to perform a "cell contains" type of match, wildcards aren't really needed in this case.

The ISNUMBER function converts a number to TRUE and any other value including error to FALSE. The logical value goes directly to the logical test of IF. In our case, A2 contains "A", so ISNUMBER returns TRUE:

IF(TRUE, "Yes", "No")

As the result, IF returns the value set for the value_if_true argument, which is "Yes".

Excel IF OR statement with wildcards

Need to identify cells that contain one of wildcard text strings? In this case, you can combine the classic IF OR statement with the COUNTIF or ISNUMBER SEARCH formula discussed above.

For example, to search for "aa" OR "bb" in A2 ignoring the letter case and return "Yes" if either is found, use one of these formulas:

=IF(OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("aa", A2)), ISNUMBER(SEARCH("bb", A2))), "Yes", "")


=IF(OR(COUNTIF(A2, "*aa*"), COUNTIF(A2, "*bb*")), "Yes", "")

Adding up two COUNTIF functions will also work. In this case, the plus sign works like the OR operator:

=IF(COUNTIF(A3, "*aa*") + COUNTIF(A3, "*bb*"), "Yes", "")

Instead of hardcoding wildcard strings in the formula, you can input them in separate cells, say D2 and F2, as shown in the screenshot below. Please notice that these cell references are locked with the $ sign so that the formula copies correctly to the below cells:

=IF(OR(COUNTIF(A2, "*"&$D$2&"*"), COUNTIF(A2, "*"&$F$2&"*")), "Yes", "")
Excel IF OR statement with wildcards

The above formulas work well for 2 partial matches, but if you are searching for 3 or more, they would become too lengthy. In this case, it stands to reason to approach the task differently:

Supply multiple substrings to the SEARCH function in an array constant, count the returned numbers, and check if the result is greater than zero (which would mean that at least one of the substrings if found):

=IF(COUNT(SEARCH({"aa","bb"}, A2))>0, "Yes", "")

This way, you will get exactly the same result with a more compact formula:
A more compact alternative to Excel IF OR wildcard formula

Excel IF AND formula with wildcards

When you want to check if a cell contains two or more different substrings, the easiest way is to use the COUNTIFS function with wildcards for the logical test.

Supposing you want to locate cells in column A that contain both "b" AND "2". To have it done, use "*b*" and "*2*" for COUNTIFS's criteria and A2 for the criteria range:

=IF(COUNTIFS(A2, "*b*", A2, "*2*"), "Yes", "")

Another way is to use the IF AND formula together with ISNUMBER SEARCH:

=IF(AND(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("b", A2)), ISNUMBER(SEARCH("2", A2))), "Yes", "")

Though we do not include any wildcard characters in this formula, it does work like searching for two wildcard strings ("*b*" and "*2*") in the same cell.

Of course, nothing prevents you from entering the search values in predefined cells, D2 and F2 in our case, and supplying the cell references to the formula:

Excel IF AND formula with wildcards

If you prefer using more compact formulas wherever possible, then you may better like the array constant approach. The IF COUNT SEARCH formula is very much like in the previous example, but because this time both substrings must appear in A2, we check if the count is equal to 2:

=IF(COUNT(SEARCH({"b","2"}, A2))=2, "Yes", "")
An alternative to the IF AND formula with wildcards

These are the main methods of using wildcard in IF statement in Excel. If you know any other solutions, other users will certainly appreciate if you share your experience in comments. I thank you for reading and hope to see you on our blog next week!

Practice workbook for download

Excel IF wildcard formula examples (.xlsx file)


  1. Hi Alexander

    I'm hoping you'll be able to help :)

    I am looking for a partial vlookup. And example would be:

    In tab 1 it might say; Michelle is bad at excel
    In tab 2 it will say: She is not good at excel

    I need to do a partial search - and then bring back a row in the 2nd tab (to the first tab) if "excel" (as an example) is in both tabs - Does that make sense? The issue is - "excel" won't be the same in every line (I have about 600 lines) which has somewhat matching info, but slightly different!


  2. Hello all. Fantastic advice here. Hope there is help for this query.

    How to write formula to determine if numerical portion/partial text from Column B exists in Column A?
    The data in Column B will change so I'm trying to avoid needing to enter it manually.

    What I have so far is


    The "110101" is the portion I'm stuck on. This value will not always remain the same. Unsure if I'm using the correct formula or need to add a COUNTIF. Any help would be appreciated.

    Example of spreadsheet data

    Column A Column B
    DC-11010101 XM110101
    DC-11010102 XM110101
    DC-11010103 XM110101
    DC-11010201 XM110102
    DC-11010202 XM110102
    DC-11010203 XM110102
    DC-11010301 XM110103
    DC-11010302 XM110103

    • Apologies in advance, but looks like formatting in spreadsheet example didn't come through.

      Column A

      Column B

    • Hello!
      You are on the right path. Replace the text string in the formula with a reference to the cell that contains the lookup value.
      For example,


  3. Hi,

    I'm looking for a way to see if a field contains a wildcard match from a list from a different sheet.

    So: if field A2 is 'www.website.com/full-url.html' I'd hope to see 'YES' in B2, and for A3 -which is 'www.website-no2.com/url-string.php' - it would return 'NO' in B3, with the other sheet containing the following list:


    I'm aware that the other way around is easier, but I have to match multiple sheets with the same list...

    Thanks a lot for your help!

  4. Hi,

    I want max partial match formula in excel. Few example given below.

  5. Hi, I wonder if you can help me?

    I need a formula which will count strings in cells whereby if a particular value appears multiple times within a particular string it will count each occurrence within one cell and for the full row.


      • Hi, thanks for your speedy response!

        Unfortunately this returned a '0' rather than the intended '11'

        Perhaps I should have been more clear in the first instance

        My data is stored on a second tab within the same workbook, titled 'Data Input', the column of the data which I need the formula to count is titled 'Colour Used?'

        The formula is present on another tab called 'Analysis' and the word 'blue' in in cell C40

        The data appears as follows, as a string of text within one cell, in column 'U';

        Colour Used?
        red, yellow, blue, green
        red, blue, green
        yellow, blue, green
        blue, yellow, blue, red, green
        green, red, blue
        blue, green, yellow
        red, blue, green, yellow
        blue, red, yellow, green
        yellow, blue, green
        pink, yellow, blue, red

        I need the formula to count each occurrence of the word 'blue' when it appears more than once within a particular cell, as it does in the 4th cell down, above, total should be '11'.

        I have tried the following formula which retuned '0'

        =SUM(--(MID('Data Input'!U2,ROW(Table1[Colour Used?]),LEN(C40))=C40))

        Any further advice would be greatly appreciated

        Many thanks

          • Hi Alexander,

            No not that one either, i need to count recurrences of partial text within a cell and a column where that text may appear multiple times,

            Currently i can only get it to count the cells whereby it returns and inaccurate value as it is counting the cells rather than the occurrences of text.

            Is this possible?


  6. Hello, I already read the whole page, and I am amazed of your expertise.

    I want to ask you for opinion, as I am struggling with the following requirement.

    I need to search for a few substrings at once in the proper column, and based on that to make decision what to replace on those fields as whole value, not replace just the substring. So I need to check which of the x substrings the value belongs to, and based on that, to be replaced in whole column at once.

    I tried these queries but they work just for the first cell,not for the whole column. I guess the issue occurs when I put the part "A2:A27".
    =IF(COUNT(SEARCH({"substring1", "substring2", "substring3"}, A2:A27)) >0, "some preset day", DATEDIF(some preset date, A2:A27, "d"))

    =IF(OR(COUNTIF(A2:A27, "*substring1*"), COUNTIF(A2:A27, "*substring2")), "some preset day", DATEDIF(some preset date, A2:A27, "d"))

  7. Hi,
    I'm struggling with matching two worksheets with names ( last name, first name). One worksheet includes names with middle name initials and the other doesn't( it's a large file).
    I'm using the formula:
    A1 = names from worksheet 1 ( names without middle initials)
    Datasource = worksheet 2 ( names with middle initials)
    I'm getting a true/false result. Some results show "FALSE" even though they should be "TRUE" only because names in sheet 1 don't include middle names.
    How can match them partially so worksheet 1 matches worksheet 2?
    Please help! Thanks.

    • Hello!
      To determine partial text matches, you can use the SEARCH function.
      If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:


      I hope my advice will help you solve your task.

      • Thank you for your prompt reply.
        I tried the formula you provided, and it worked!
        Thank you! I greatly appreciate your help!


  8. Tried many examples of the =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("A", A2)), "Yes", "No") function, but none of them work.

  9. I've been trying to find a formula that searches a column of postal codes where if the another cell matches on from the column it labels the cell true.

      • EG.
        Column A consist of A6123, B4569, C1238, D7895, E1239.
        Column B consist data 123 = V1, 456 = V2 , 789 = V3 (lets say we have 100 of these need to match with Column A)

        Column A which cell partial consist of 123 or 456 or 789... will prompt as V1 or V2 or V3

          • =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH($B$1,A1)),"V1"...

            By any chance i could change $B$1 to refer from a table? EG: =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH($B$1:$B$100,A1)) "but this is not working"

  10. Hello,
    Thanks for this article. I still have a question: can we replace the *text* i'm looking for by the cell number with * to check in the whole cell if the text appears ?
    Thank you

  11. =IF(COUNTIF(AC8, "*Tue*"),"40", ""+COUNTIF(AC8, "*Wed*"),"32.5", ""+COUNTIF(AC8, "*Fri*"),"40", ""+COUNTIF(AC8, "*Sat*"),"48", ""))

    Is there another way to rewrite this as excel is not allowing this because there are too many arguments

  12. Hi there,

    I kindly need help with an If function and wild cards returning different values based on if a job title contains a certain word as below

    =IF(C2="*Manager*", 100, IF(C2="*Director*", 100, IF(C2="*Specialist*", 20, 0))).......

    Since the F function dosn't work with Wild cards how can i execute this please

    Many thanks

      • Great! Will try that. thank you

  13. Can you exclude a character, such as "the second character cannot be an "S" "?

  14. Hello Ablebits, I've been learning a lot and truly benefiting from everything you guys teach here as I love manipulating data within excel. Thank you so much for sharing such useful content!

    I wondered if you could help with this one:
    I'm working with databases that are not structured. I want to be able to structure them by pulling the strings gfromm the cells (and structure them onto another sheet. eg:

    Beautiful convertible white car 2 doors.
    4 doors tough black truck
    Used gray motorcycle

    I want to be able to capture data that are expected, such as color white, gr, type (motorcycle, truck, car) and structure them by placing them into a column /rwow in a different sheet.

    Not sure if this is too complicated but If I'm able to capture at least the expected wildcards: motorcycle, car, white etc and place them in different cells would also help me tons!

    Any help is really appreciated!

    • Hello!
      To extract color, you can use the formula

      =CONCAT(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"car","truck"},B2,1)), TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(B2," ",REPT(" ",50)), SEARCH("truck", SUBSTITUTE(B2," ",REPT(" ",50)),1)-100,99)),""))

      I hope my advice will help you solve your task.

      • Wow, thanks for your prompt reply Alexander,

        Would it be possible to unpack the formula? I try running it but it didn't work...

          • Thanks for the reply and sorry I wasn't clear, Alexander.
            I placed your formula on the B1, and the text "Beautiful convertible white car 2 doors." I placed on cel B2. The error is #VALUE.

            The is the scenario:

            A1 - Beautiful convertible white car 2 doors.
            A2 - 4 doors tough black truck
            A3 - Used gray motorcycle

            I'd like to be able to format it like:

            Car white convertible
            truck black 4 doors
            motorcycle gray -

            The parameters in the column A will be expected such as car, truck, motorcycle, bike, plane, just like the column B and C.

            I appreciate your attention and help provided so far,

            • Hi!
              The formula I sent to you was created based on the description you provided in your first request. However, as far as I can see from your second comment, your task is now different from the original one.
              The Formula

              =CONCAT(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"car","truck"},B2,1)),TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(B2," ",REPT(" ",50)),SEARCH({"car","truck"},SUBSTITUTE(B2," ",REPT(" ",50)),1)-100,99)),""))

              extracts the word that comes before the parameter "car" or "truck".
              If you immediately described what you want to receive, I would answer that this is impossible and we would not waste time.

              • Hello Alexander, thank the reply and sorry for wasting your time.
                Unfortunately, the formula hasn't worked. I've got the same #Value message.

                Regardless, I appreciate your patience and effort in trying to help...

  15. Great article! I'm wondering if you can expand on the options of the =if(or(countif......

    I want different values if true or false. example

    =IF(OR(COUNTIF(A2, "*apple*"), "fruit", ""),(COUNTIF(A2, "*lettuce*"), "Veggie", ""),COUNTIF(A2, "*potatoe*"), "root", "") etc

    Is this possible?


  16. Hi thanks for these tutorials
    I just wonder instead of marking yes or no I want the opposite cells to be marked as check mark ☑ or X mark but it won't work could it be possible? Thanks though ☺

    • Hi Cheryl,

      For a check mark, you can use CHAR(252) or CHAR(254)
      For a cross mark, CHAR(251) or CHAR(253)

      Given the above, this formula:

      =IF(COUNTIF(A2, "*a*"), "yes", "no")

      can be transformed into this one:

      =IF(COUNTIF(A2, "*a*"), CHAR(252), CHAR(251))

      Note! For the check symbol and cross mark to display correctly, the Wingdings font should be set for the formula cells.

      If you are curious to learn more, you may find this tutorial helpful: 6 easy ways to insert a tick symbol and cross mark in Excel

  17. This is a wonderful guide, very detail and well written. Thanks so much!

  18. Great solution. Had to hunt around for this!!

  19. This is a wonderful guide. I am looking for optional responses. Is this possible?

    If cell H2 contains "*>AmendCreateTerminate<*" then enter "Terminate" in this cell

    • Hello
      An Excel formula can change the value only in the cell that it is pasted in. If you need to change the content on the cell that has some value in it, you’ll need to use a VBA macro.

  20. How to compare 5 different partial texts each having a specific text value to be entered in my spread sheet. Example: Part text a = text aa
    Part text b = text bb.
    Part text c = text cc. And so on where text aa, bb, and cc are entered into my cell.

    Thank you for your help.

    • Hello!
      I hope you have studied the recommendations in the tutorial above. It contains answers to your question.
      Please specify what you were trying to find, what formula you used and what problem or error occurred. Give an example of the source data and the expected result.
      It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you.

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