Comments on: How to merge several Google sheets into one without copy-pasting

Every once in a while each Google Sheets user faces the inevitable: combining several sheets into one. Copy-pasting is tedious and time-consuming, so there has to be another way. And you're right - there are several ways, in fact. So get your tables ready and follow the steps from this article. Continue reading

Comments page 4. Total comments: 234

  1. Hi Natalia

    I have few questions

    1) I was using a combination of Array sum, Query and Import-range to merge data from 4 different sheets into a master sheet.

    However the contact numbers in a column separated by commas were not displayed in the results. Only those without commas were displayed. Is there a way around this?

    2) Also I then tried a combination of Array sum, Filter function and Import range using "" as the condition. It works but sometimes the latest fields are not displayed. I need to refresh the page and then it's displayed. Do you know the reason behind this? I delete old data and add new data as well.

    Is there a better alternative? The formula has become enormous.

    3) As the amount of data is increasing in each of the 4 sheets the lag is also increasing. I used a few measures like deleting the excess blank cells and shifting the master sheet to different sheet and linking both. I am also going to upgrade my machine from i3 4gb ram hhd to i5 8gb ram ssd. Will this make any difference or does it solely depend on the internet speed? Does complex formulae make a difference?


    1. Hi Swapnil,

      1) If there are several numbers separated by a comma within a cell, Google will treat such data as text. As a result, you will have a column with mixed data: numbers and text. In cases like this, QUERY pulls only the majority data type into the result – numbers in your case.

      2) IMPORTRANGE needs time to upload all data. Especially if you filter everything at the same time.
      As an alternative, I suggest you try our Combine Sheets add-on. We've just introduced our own formula there so your result could update automatically upon changes in source sheets. Please visit the help page for more details.

      3) The more complex your formula gets and the more data it processes, the more time it is required to get the result. Of course, a strong and stable Internet connection is vital here. But the power of your machine is as important.

  2. Hi Natalia,

    I am using four survey forms that export its results to four different google sheets. The surveys constantly get filled out and google sheets get new data on a daily basis.

    I would like all of the results to be combined into one master sheet but is it even possible for the file to be autopopulated whenever one of the sheets with results gets a new entry?

    1. HI Oleg,

      I guess you'll get what you described if you use the Combine Sheets add-on and use the "Use formula" option on the last step of the add-on. That option was designed exactly for that case.

    1. Hi Mauro,

      The thing is, you work with Italy locale in the spreadsheet: it requires a semicolon as a delimiter. In my formula, there's a comma before "select" since I work with a different locale. Just replace that comma with the semicolon symbol, and the formula will work on your side:
      =QUERY({'Spring 2019'!A2:D7;'Summer 2019'!A2:D7};"select * where Col1''")

  3. Hello,
    Is there a way to write the query formula to bring in the data regardless of of it is text, date, number, etc.? I have some columns that contain a mix of both numeric and text data and it appears that only the numbers are being brought in. This question is in reference to the query section above:

    select * where Col1 '' – I tell the formula to import all records (select *) only if cells in the first column of the tables (where Col1) are not blank (''). I use a pair of single quotes to indicate the non-blanks.
    Note. I use '' because my column contains text. If your column contains other data type (e.g. date or time, etc.), you need to use is not null instead: "select * where Col1 is not null"

    1. Hello Jordan,

      Unfortunately, QUERY has a limit regarding mixed data in a column. Each column can only hold one data type. If there are mixed data in a column, the function processes the majority data type returning the rest as empty cells.
      Thus, if numbers are your majority type in the column, I'm afraid there's no way to make QUERY pull the rest data from the same column as well.

  4. i create a new tab each day taht is a duplicate template of the previous. the difference being the volumes used in each tab. each tab is the day. i would like to combine the data from each date on one spreadsheet so I can see the totals for the month for each column that interests me. i have an idea of how to do it but i dont know how to execute my idea. any help would be great thanks

    1. Hello Colin,

      For us to be able to help you, please share a small sample spreadsheet with us ( with 3 sheets: a couple of sheets with your source data and the result you expect to get. I kindly ask you to shorten the tables to 10-20 rows.
      Note. We keep that Google account for file sharing only, please do not email there. Once you share the file, just confirm by replying here.
      We'll look into it.

  5. Hi,

    I have two sheets named sheet1 & sheet2.
    I want to apply formula/function in sheet1 so that it can pull data from sheet2.

    Waiting for your tips.


  6. Thank you for this forum. I have successfully combined multiple sheets into one document using your help! I have 2 data sheets that people add names to a list and I have combined both sheets into a Master doc. I have a need to add on an additional columns to track notes in the Master data. My problem is when new names are added onto the two other data sheets, the feed to the Master data tab is not in order and the notes are shifting in the column I created only on the Master tab, messing up the notes and making it not applicable to row once new data is added. Do you have a solution or work around please? Thank you so much!

    1. Hello Kitesha,

      I'm afraid I need more details to be able to help you out. Please consider sharing a small sample of your Master spreadsheet with us ( with 2 sheets: a copy of your source data and the result you expect to get. I kindly ask you to shorten the tables to 10-20 rows. If you have confidential information there, you can replace it with some irrelevant data, just keep the format.
      Note. We keep that Google account for file sharing only, please do not email there. Once you share the file, just confirm by replying here.

      I'll look into your data and do my best to help you.

  7. I am using Query to pull info from multiple tabs, how can I also pull in the color of the cell in the imported information.

  8. Hi Natalia,
    Thank you for providing such helpful information.
    My question is similar to question 12: I have 3 Google Forms that I want to merge into one document with separate 3 tabs. These are active forms that I want to still capture incoming information. Is this possible?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi Ahtziri,

      Glad to know our blog is helpful!
      Unfortunately, we haven't come up with a way for our add-ons to solve this task yet. So I'm afraid for now my answer is the same: QUERY and IMPORTRANGE is the best way to pull data and make sure it updates along with source tables.

  9. Natalia! this has been so helpful. Thank you very much.
    However xD
    I tried to combine two tabs from different Spreadsheet. Getting an Error (ARRAY_LITERAL, an Array Literal was missing values for one or more rows)
    I wonder if its because a large amount of data? Since both of them has up to Column BU, 6100 & 700 rows respectively. My first file has couple of blank rows (4-5) within the data.

    Any insight? and thank you once again =)

    1. Hello NC,

      First, please make sure all IMPORTRANGE functions you use have permissions to pull data. I’d advise you to enter each IMPORTRANGE on a separate sheet and grant access to each of them.
      If this doesn't help, try to create a formula like this:

      If it doesn't work as well, then I'm afraid there's a problem on Google side preventing loading data quickly and correctly. You can also try clearing cache in your browser.

  10. Hey,
    I want to import data from multiple google sheets (say Col A to col F) in 1 sheet, and then adding Comment in Col G in the merged sheet
    Able to do it as well with the help of query + Import range function.
    Now, when any data is added/deleted in the source sheet, the "Comment" in Col G is not fixed.
    How to add data below and not in between, so that the comments are freezed?


    1. Hey Ruchi,

      Thank you for your question.
      I'm sorry but it's not entirely clear what you mean by 'Comment'. Is it a value in a cell or a comment that you add with a right-click (or Ctrl+Alt+M)? Also, please describe in detail how you want to 'freeze' the comment. I'll try my best to suggest to you.

  11. Thank you so much for this. I often pull rows of data from google form submissions in a sheet into other tabs within the sheet based on a specific answer in a certain column. In this case, I am looking to pull the rows of data with the word "Katski" in column AF. This formula works when I remove one of the sheets to pull from, but not when I have both listed. For example, this formula works:

    =QUERY(Haynes!A2:AF, "Select * Where AF = 'Katski'")

    When I add the second sheet to attempt to pull from, as seen in the formula below, it says no column AF which does in fact exist in both sheets.

    =QUERY({Haynes!A2:AF,Jitiam!A2:AF}, "Select * Where AF = 'Katski'")

    Changing the comma between the two names of the sheets to a semicolon does not do anything either. Any ideas? Thanks!

    1. Hello Justin,

      When listing conditions (select, where, etc), please replace column labels (A, B,..., AF) with order numbers (Col1, Col2,... Col32) if pulling data from multiple sheets, like this:
      =QUERY({Haynes!A2:AF,Jitiam!A2:AF}, "select * where Col32 = 'Katski'")

      Please look for more examples in this part of the article above.

      1. Hi Natalia,
        That makes perfect sense. Changing it to Col32 did the track. Thank you so much for your prompt reply!!

  12. Hi there,

    thank you for the insightful article. I am currently trying to make my import range document work that it would import range based on two conditions. I managed to make it work under one condition (simply added "where Col35='x'" at the end of the query - full function below). Now I would like to add an additional condition, to only importrange where Col36 is either 'In Progress' OR 'Outstanding' OR 'Urgent'. I am trying to make a comprehensive to-do list when everyone could see only the tasks that are not finished yet (esentially the only option that would not import would be 'Complete') Is there some quick way to do this?

    =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE(" BLAH BLAH","Comprehensive publishing calendar!B:AK"),"where Col35='x'")

    1. Thank you very much in advance for your help!!

      1. Hi Alex,

        Sure, there is a way. You just need to list all your conditions in your QUERY like this:
        "where Col35='x' and Col36 !='Complete'"

        This will skip all rows with the status Complete pulling all the rest.
        Feel free to read more about QUERY and its Where clause in this blog post.

        1. Excellent, this helped a lot!! Thank you very much! :)

  13. Hi, Thank you for your article and for providing a space in which to ask questions.
    My situation is this, I have 2 spreadsheets:
    > Spreadsheet 1 (Budget) is a summary of yearly expenses for each month (from different categories (eg. rent, utilities, grocery spending, etc) that are the rows and columns are the months of the year.
    > Spreadsheet 2 (Varaible Expenses) has 12 tabs (January to December). In each tab there are columns for each spending category that can vary each month. So Groceries is a header in two merged cells, and under it are two columns, one for the store name, and one for amount spent. At the bottom (row 40) there is a total of the expense for the category. There are about 15 categories and totals. But between each total, there is a blank cell because the store names are in that column.
    My issue is that I want to import the totals from each category for each month into the Budget spreadsheet. For example, in the Budget spreadsheet, there is a row call Groceries, and there are 12 columns for each month. So 12 cells to fill. I want to Fill those 12 cells with the Groceries total on the January tab, the February tab, March tab etc.
    I appreciate any advice you can offer. Thanks again for providing this service.

  14. Hello,
    I can't seem to figure this one out.
    =SUMPRODUCT(IMPORTRANGE("15PUcrFFxb6OI40m6KI0iJczjSF-1-v3VSEWvftZa1uQ","PO #001!E18:E35"),IMPORTRANGE("15PUcrFFxb6OI40m6KI0iJczjSF-1-v3VSEWvftZa1uQ","PO #001!A18:A35")=A7)
    How can I grab PO # 003, PO #004, PO #005 etc. from this same workbook so that it adds the totals from all the sheets into one cell on my budget sheet?

    1. Hello Jared,
      There's no need to incorporate IMPORTRANGE to sum the numbers unless you need to combine all records on one sheet and then calculate there.

      For me to understand your task better, please share a small sample spreadsheet with us ( please include an example of your source sheets (up to 3) and the result you expect to get. I kindly ask you to shorten the tables to 10-20 rows. You can replace any confidential info with some irrelevant data, just keep the format.

      Note. We keep that Google account for file sharing only and don't monitor its Inbox. Please do not email there. Once you share the file, just confirm by replying here.

      I'll look into your task and try my best to help.

  15. Absolutely love this post. Thanks for sharing. This helped me set up a sheet that will help my team work more seamlessly on our clients

  16. Hi
    I have multiple sheets in one google sheet
    Response will save according to radio button selected in Google form in respective sheet.
    how can I do this?

  17. Hi Natalia,
    I am looking to combine multiple sheets into one using your Query method. I am running into issues with the ,"select * where Col1''". Before I enter this portion of the formula, I have content in my sheet, but it is very spaced out with many rows in between. It was my hope that the addition of "select * where Col1''", would remove any blank cells, but when I add it, all information from the sheet disappears with the exception of the header column.

    Ultimately, I would like to take 9 separate sheets and combine them into one. The 9 sheets are actively collecting responses from Google Forms, and I would like the Master sheet to populate with new responses in a row automatically. Any input?

    I see the add ons have to be run every time the sheets are updated, other wise I would use them.

    1. Hi Joe,

      For me to understand how your data is arranged exactly and to help you, please consider sharing a small sample spreadsheet with us ( with 2 sheets: an example of your data and the result you expect to get. I kindly ask you to shorten the tables to 10-20 rows.
      Note. We keep that Google account for file sharing only and don't monitor its Inbox. Please do not email there. Once you share the file, just confirm by replying here.

      As for your 9 sheets with responses from forms, I believe the way with QUERY+IMPORTRANGE will work. You can indicate a bigger range than the actual one for IMPORTRANGE – this way all future responses will be collected as well; and ask QUERY to pull only rows with data – this way no empty lines will be collected.

      1. Hi Natalia,
        I'm encountering a similar problem to Joe:
        - need to import two ranges into a new sheet into a new document.
        - Ranges are open (A1:I) because the original sheets are feeding from an API.
        - The headers are exactly the same, the content is the same (two websites feeding same kind of transactional info to two sheets, and I would like to work on them together while not corrupting the original raw data sheets.

        I have zero knowledge about query and import range syntax, but what happens is that either I don't get one of the two ranges to be imported, or they get imported but one of the two is missing data in the first column (completely blank, while that doesn't happen for the second range), or I get both ranges fine, but with all the empty rows at the end of the first open range imported in between the first and the second range in the destination sheet.


        1. Hi Francesco,

          You can try using our Combine Sheets add-on instead. It can combine data with a formula that will update the resulting table as the source data changes. Here's a help page and a video with details

          If you'd rather create formulas manually, for me to be able to help you, I need to see your data and the formula you build. I kindly ask you to create editable copies of your spreadsheets with the example of the data that is being pulled from the web. If you have confidential information there, you can replace it with some irrelevant data, just keep the format. Also, create a third spreadsheet with the exact formula you use to pull data. Then share these 3 spreadsheets with us:

          Note. We keep that Google account for file sharing only, please do not email there. Once you share the files, just confirm by replying here.

          I'll look into your task and do my best to help.

      2. Hi Natalia,
        I have shared three sheets with you, two that data are being pulled from and then the "master sheet".
        Thank you!

        1. Hi Joe,

          Thank you for the files! The formula from my example doesn't work for you because you have timestamps in Col1. Since '' is a string for QUERY, it can be compared with textual strings only.
          For your case, you can either change Col1 to any other column with text (assuming the cells there are always filled in in order not to lose any row) or use the following ending instead: "select * where Col1 is not null"

          I'm going to update the article accordingly as well, thank you :)

          1. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Is there a way to filter or alphabetize responses or change the order with this formula in there? Seems like it resets every time I try to alphabetize the list.

  18. Hi Natalia,
    Thank you for sharing this information. I have a question in regards to a google sheet project Im currently working on that I was hoping you may be able to help with.

    My question is how can I combine multiple sheets into one 'master sheet' without having duplicated names, age etc? So that any changes (adding and subtracting names and information) in the tabs automatically updates the master slide. What would you advise to be best way to go about this?

    Im have multiple tabs referencing years (2021, 2022, 2023 and so on) and some of the information, in particular names, appear on more than one occasion across the tabs. I tried a Query formula but that resulted in having multiple duplicates in my master sheet that I wasn't able to remove without effecting the specific yearly tab.

    1. Hi Jarrod,

      The result of the QUERY cannot be deduplicated because it's a formula. If you convert it to values, you'll be able to remove duplicates without affecting the source data.
      I believe it's the best way if you don't want to use add-ons and are not familiar with Google Apps Script.

  19. Hi Natasha,
    I used the =IMPORTRANGE and it worked but I had a few of the tabs in the original google sheet highlighted. When I imported the data, it was no longer highlighted. Do you know how I can do that?


  20. Hi Natalia,

    I need to combine responses from multiple google forms into one google spreadsheet, on one tab. Will this work considering that the google forms are continuously being filled out?


  21. Hello Natalia,
    Thank you for sharing this. I've been using importrange for a while and it's been working great for us.
    I'm hoping i can step things up a notch.

    Q: Can we have a list of spreadsheet IDs (or URL) that a Script uses to add to a QUERY of several IMPORTRANGE as oppose to having to manually edit to formula to add each added spreadsheet?

    Thank you!

    1. Hello Guillaume,

      Technically, Script lets you automate lots of different tasks. But sadly, we do not cover the programming area (script-related questions).

      You may try to find an answer here – an overview of Google Apps Script with a lot of helpful content and links:

      I hope you’ll find this information helpful. I wish I could assist you better.

  22. Hi, is it possible to import every Nth Cell from another Sheet. I am trying to import every 6th cell from Column C. I’ve tried doing this but I keep ending up with the imported data appearing every 6 rows. I then tried to sort the range this compiled the data but also alphabetised it which I don’t want. Thanks!

    1. Hello Abi,

      Assuming there's a header that you don't need to count, please try this formula and copy it down the column where you want to pull every 6th cell:

  23. Hi Natalia,
    I am a novice with google sheets, I have 8 separate. How do I sheets that I want to put into one file with 8 tabs, not sure how to do this without changing the look of each page.

  24. Hi Natalia,
    Thanks for sharing this good tips.
    However, i would like to know if this is possible:
    I have one Workbook contains all the my clients' info. However there will be 5 different people in charge of the different clients according to the region. So this workbook has 6 different tabs: Master Sheet; P1; P2: P3; P4 ; P5.
    My question is:
    How can I auto-populate the data in Master Sheet tab from each sub tabs (tabs P1 - tabs P5)?
    I know how to work on the other way round (Master sheet into sub tabs).
    Can you help me with this please?
    Thank you! =)

    1. Hi Kim,

      Sorry, I'm a bit confused by your question actually :) The ways of transferring data between sheets are the same, you just need to pick one based on your exact goal.
      Are you trying to paste all tables one under another? If so, I'm afraid you'll have to do that manually (even with the add-on you'll have to run it each time) since the ranges on single tabs may expand and overlap anything below when combined. If that's not what you mean, please try to be more specific, I'll do my best to suggest the solution.

      1. Hi Natalia,
        Sorry for the confusing you.
        I was trying to create a CRM via the google sheet.
        We have 5 people responsible for different region clients. I will name them P1 - P5.
        And in the google worksheet, we will have 1 Master Sheet tab (which has ALL clients information) and another 5 tabs for each person respectively.

        The question is:
        How do I auto-poupulate the data on the Master Sheet tab while I input in the individual tab?

        1. Thank you for replying, Kim.

          To bring the info from all 5 tabs into one and make sure all new rows from those P1-P5 appear on the Master sheet automatically, I'd advise you to use one of these functions. You will still have to build a formula manually on the Master sheet so it starts working. For example, your QUERY may look like this:
          =QUERY({'P1'!A:Z;'P2'!A:Z;'P3'!A:Z;'P4'!A:Z},"select * where Col1 ''")

          I used A:Z instead of specific ranges to make sure all new records will appear.
          Please note that you won't be able to make changes to this summary table since it will be returned by a formula. To be able to edit it, you'll have to convert your formula to values or use add-ons to bring all tables to one sheet.

          1. Hi Natalia,
            Thank you for your reply.
            I will try it out and play around the worksheet a little. =)

  25. Hi Natalia,
    I'm trying to use Importrange for the first time. I get the error "You don't have permissions to access that sheet." I have just created both sheets and own both of them. They are both shared with 1 person (as a result of having been created inside a folder I own and have shared with her). What am I missing? Thank you!

  26. How can I make sure that the notes or comments are also included if I'm using a =IMPORTANTRANGE formula?

    1. Melanie,
      unfortunately, Google Sheets doesn't offer this functionality at the moment. IMPORTRANGE cannot return comments and notes.

  27. QUERY and IMPORTRANGE did what I was trying to do, except the data from the two sheets stays separate if I try to sort it. So if I want to sort "sheet1" and "sheet2" by "date", the data displays as dates for sheet1 in order and then dates for sheet2 in order. Is there a way to make them intermingle?

    1. Hello Nicole,

      When using QUERY, you should put sorting directly to the formula. Please read here (Sort data with Query) how to do that correctly.

      Also, if you use two different formulas to bring the data, consider combining them into one formula. Otherwise, each new formula will sort only its contents.

  28. Hi Natalia,
    Your instructions have been very helpful - so thank you in advance for being clear about how to do things. However, I'm stuck :) I'm pulling 3 unique workbooks into 1 master worksheet using the Query Importrange. Everything is working as it should but I have 4 questions:
    1. In the original file, if a cell is a merge (for example A1:A5) and each row has unique content, it doesn't pull this through to the new spreadsheet. All I get is the content in A1. The content in A2:A5 doesn't show up. Is there a work around?
    2. I need to add rows to each workbook but each time I do this, it throws off the new spreadsheet. I added 'dummy' rows to the original files and this works, but if the owner needs to add a new row, it's going to mess everything up. Is there a workaround to be able to add more rows without messing up the new spreadsheet?
    3. Formatting is a nightmare. I've done a lot of investigating and it seems there is no easy way around it. Can you please confirm or let me know if there's a trick to keep the original formatting? Also, when I add a row (as in question 2) and I can make it work, it pushes all of the content down but the formatting stays in place, so I have to reformat the whole thing again. Any work arounds?
    4. If a cell in the original file is blank, it doesn't show up in the new file. I added a space and then it shows up. I read your example above but I'm not following it. Can you please clarify? (select * where Col1 '' - I tell the formula to import all records (select *) only if cells in the first column of the tables (where Col1) are not blank (''). I use a pair of single quotes to indicate the non-blanks.)

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Thank you so much for your questions!

      1. I'm really sorry but I'm unable to reproduce this. QUERY IMPORTRANGE returns all merged cell with everything that lies in them. In case I misunderstood you, please provide a clear example of how your merged cell looks like before and after importing.
      2. If you need to add rows at the end of each table, try limiting the ranges in the formulas so that they do not include new rows.
        The other way would be to convert all formulas to values using a special tool. But in this case, any new info added to source sheets won't be added to your new spreadsheet.
      3. Unfortunately, there's no standard way to do that, I had to pre-format cells before pulling data with IMPORTRANGE. We provided this possibility in our Combine Sheets add-on though.
      4. In my example, I return non-blank cells only. In the formula, it's written like this <>''. <> is the operator for "not equal", and two single quotes '' mean "empty". Combine them together and you get not equal to empty, or equal to not blank. If you need all cells including blanks, just omit this. select * (meaning "select all") should be enough for you.

      You can look at the clauses used in QUERY closer in this recent blog post.

      Please let me know if some of the answers are still not clear. :)

  29. This works perfectly with a total of about 1700 records retrieved from the 4 data sources.
    But if I include a data source with a range of 12,000 rows, it returns # N / A
    The query has been completed with an empty result.

    I do not think such a large number of rows, especially because it is only 8 columns wide.
    Data sources are imports of other spreadsheets made using IMPORTRANGE (), since only the relevant columns are imported. Could that be why it is difficult to work with that many records?

    =QUERY({'Destinatarios Importados 1'!A2:H;'Destinatarios Importados 2'!A2:H;'Destinatarios Importados 3'!A2:H;'Destinatarios Importados 4'!A2:H};"select * where Col1 ''")

    1. Alfredo,

      yes, IMPORTRANGE can take some time returning data, especially when you refer to 4 different ranges in one formula at the same time. If ranges don't load up, try to change the condition to the one below:
      "select * where (Col1 is not null)"

      If you're still unable to make it work, please consider sharing your file (with along with your source data and the formula that doesn't work.
      Note. That email is for file sharing only. Please do not email there. Once you share the file, just reply to this comment.

      I'll look into it and do my best to help.

  30. This doesn't work
    Tip: Separate the ranges with a semicolon to pull data from different tabs one under another. Use commas instead to have them imported side by side.

    How should be the syntax to put a range on the side of the other? Replacing ";" for "," does not work.
    Could you give an example?

    1. Hello Alfredo,

      {'Spring 2019'!A2:D7;'Summer 2019'!A2:D7} - here I used a semicolon to put ranges one under another.
      To put them one next to each other, it should be {'Spring 2019'!A2:D7,'Summer 2019'!A2:D7}

      If it's still doesn't work for you, perhaps, your locale requires different separators.

      1. Hello, I use commas and it works. However there is a column gap (atleast 8 columns) How to fix this one?

  31. Hi,
    this seems pretty useful, but I'm looking for something slightly different. Perhaps you can provide info on how to do this?

    I want to have several spreadsheets, all accessible to ONE person to edit them. Then, I want one spreadsheet which combines all the data from the other spreadsheets. The trick is, that the amount of rows per spreadsheet can vary. So the ranges would be dynamic.

    Is it possible to do this, while getting a read-only table which contains ALL info, without white spaces?

    So if spreadsheet 1 gets more rows, they go in seamlessly into the read only, with the info from spreadsheet 2 going down a few lines?

    1. add a sort function to the formula and sort by submission dates or incremental data. All new rows to be added should be timestamped in a consecutive manner without any sort of backdating. This will always drop the new rows in a sorted and incremental fashion. Thats what i do to make sure the previous rows dont move while any new rows drop down under older data.

    2. Hi Jerry,

      I'm afraid there's no single option to get all of these at once.

      Q: I want to have several spreadsheets, all accessible to ONE person to edit them.
      A: You can share those spreadsheets and set the permissions - decide who can view, comment, or edit each file.
      What's more, you can protect separate sheets and ranges and make them read-only for certain collaborators.

      Q: Then, I want one spreadsheet which combines all the data from the other spreadsheets. The trick is, that the amount of rows per spreadsheet can vary. So the ranges would be dynamic.
      A: The IMPORTRANGE function will help you pull all current and future data from one file to another.
      Our tool also brings everything together but it doesn't work automatically. You'll need to run it each time you need to have combined data.

      If this is not exactly what you need, please try to describe the task in more detail.

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