Comments on: How to use IF function in Excel: examples for text, numbers, dates, blanks

IF is one of the most popular and useful functions in Excel. Generally, you use an IF statement to test a condition and to return one value if the condition is met, and another value if the condition is not met. Continue reading

Comments page 12. Total comments: 4813

  1. Please I would like to know how I can set an automated text on one excel sheet if a value is found in another sheet. If a value is found in sheet one, then I should get a text as ''done'' on the other sheet where that value is.

    A B C D E F G
    4 3 AMIT DDEGE12345C 77777 SURESH CDEFG12345A AMIT@G.COM

    Formula Answer
    =VLOOKUP(C2,$C$2:$G$7,4,FALSE) DDEGE12345C

    NOTE:- I Neen Answer as BALDEV@G.COM [EMIAL ID]

    1. Hi!
      I don't understand what formula helps you want. The value DDEGE12345C is in columns 2 and 5 of your range. Is this the problem?

  3. I am trying to apply a formula to the cell if a specific cell contains specific text like D8 contains the total amount of project order and E8 contains the status of order ether it is completed canceled or under revision. In F8, I want to use IF Formula in such a way that if E8=completed then it will apply the formula to get the value of 80% of the D8 Our Actual Profit, rest 20% is our cost of work) but if the text is not equal to completed then the value should be 0. How can it be possible? I am trying this formula but getting error (=IF(E8=Completed,"(D8/100)*80", "0")).


    1. Put the string to compare in "". Like =IF(E8="Completed",D8*0.8,)
      Try this.

  4. Is it possible to use IF Function (or what other function) on my case?
    If value is less than or equal 0 type "True" but if greater than it will just show the number as is? Thanks

  5. Hello sir,

    Project status of Open and closed using conditional format was done. Now i want to conclude all these in a overall project status like if all closed it shows closed, if any one open , it shows Open...Like that,,,pls help me

    1. Hello!
      If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:


  6. I am trying to set up an IF where it check a cell to see if an ‘X’ is there. I can set up for it to check for numbers, but if I put =IF(A1=‘X’,1,0) it gives me an error code.

    1. Hello!
      I don't really understand what you want to do. To check numbers, you need a separate IF formula. Or create a nested IF formula for multiple conditions, as described in this guide.

  7. Hi,

    it is possible to write a formula for this task.

    In A1 I have text "v:part1:neg:vn:undef:neutr|būti=nebūtina" and so on everytime with ending "=text". I want that formula would type that "text" into B1. Text in all the lines is different.

    Thank you.

    1. Hi!
      I am not sure I fully understand what you mean. If you want to split a text into cells, read this guide. If I didn't guess, please describe in detail the result you want to get.

      1. Hi,

        I read that guide but don't have "split text" option.
        I need to split the text into cells after equal sign. So if I have a text in cell A1 "v:part1:neg:vn:undef:neutr|būti=nebūtina", I need the word after equal sign to appear in cell B1 "nebūtina".

  8. Hi.

    I need to do a formula.

    I have the following columns:

    Status, Date offer accepted, actual start date, Client driven hold, requisition cancel date.

    In the status column, we have the following on a dropdown list (all different colours)
    Filled Not Yet Started
    Did Not Fill
    Partially Filled
    On Hold

    I need to do a formula where it will automatically choose one of the options on the dropdown (above) by inputting a date in the column and change to that colour on the status column.

  9. Hi Sir,

    I am facing a challenge to come to find a formula for the below issue. I hope if you can help me sort it out.

    I have lot of data in word format (its the syllabus for children) and I want to convert the same in Excel format to make it attractive to children. I used Left, MID, Right formulas, but the last word some times come incompletes in the sentence, do you know what can be done to skip the incomplete word in the end of the sentence and to get that in the next line.

    I know it doesn't looks straight forward, but whenever you have a solution, it would be appreciated if you would share it with me. Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi!
      The information you provided is not enough to understand your case and give you any advice. For me to be able to help you better, please specify which formula you mean and describe the problem in more detail.

  10. Good evening,

    I am in grad school and we had a test that asked if the following formula was wrong. =IF($A1="Yes","1","0")

    I put this in excel and gave it a set of data under column A and went from row 1-10 using yes and no. The formula worked correctly, however, I am told I was wrong and the formula wouldn't work because you are not allowed to put quotation marks on numbers in an IF statement.

    Is not using quotations on numbers in an IF statement his opinion or is it a fact? If it is fact, then why does the formula still work with the given data set?

    1. Hello!
      The quotes mean that the number is written as text. Your formula will return the number as text. The numbers in quotes follow the syntax of the IF function and are not an error in using it. However, keep in mind that with these numbers you will not be able to perform mathematical calculations, since they are already text. However, there is no prohibition in Excel to use quotes with numbers.

      1. Thank you for your time on the reply. I now understand why I gave the wrong answer.

  11. why
    =IF(A1;"text";"") - returns "text" if a1 has any data and blank if a1 is blank


    =IF(AND(A1;DAY(A1)1);"text";"") - returns "text" if a1 is blank or has data, and blank only if day(a1) is 1

    =IF(AND(A1"";DAY(A1)1);"text";"") - works as intended

    what am i missing?

  12. 1 6
    2 8
    3 12
    4 12
    5 15
    6 18
    I want If formula 1st Row Data
    2nd Row Formula Requierd kinldy Share IF formula

  13. Hai Sir,

    i need a formula for Marks to percentage,

    if the percentage is below 1% mark is 5

    if the percentage is 1% to 3% mark is 10

    if the percentage above 3% to 5% mark is 15

    if the percentage above 5% mark is 20....

      1. Thank you sir,

  14. I'm trying to come up with a formula that will input words, so if a number is below 30 it will say "within 30 days then if it's between 30-365 it will say "within 12 months and anything over 365 will be blank. so far I can do the first part but I'm not sure how to add another condition.

    =IF(E6<30, "within 30 days")

  15. I want to make a formula that goes something like this

    =if(value>blank(G3:L3 add 80 to M3)

    Sorry I'm a real novice in excel. :-(

    Hope somebody can help me out.


    1. Hello!
      Please use the following formula:


      Hope this is what you need.

  16. hi, i am trying to do a formula where the following occurs

    if the balance is greater than 37500 (say 50,000) then the excess 12500 needs to be multiplied by 40% and the original 37500 needs to be multiplied by 20%

    if its less than 37500 then only that balance needs to be multiplied by 20%

    i have tried a few IF formulas but they only do part of the task

    1. Hello!
      If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:


  17. How do i return a result to be good or bad from a list of numbers

  18. HI,
    can anyone help me to set a formula with data validate I have three conditions in my data validation list Present Absent and Paid Leave which is denoted With P, A, and PL, what I want when my leave balance is equal to zero and then I select PL then popup message appeared no leave balance

  19. A B C D

    346 INV-0354 30/06/2021 18901.52 =+IF(TODAY-B346>90<180,D346,0)
    347 INV-0355 30/06/2021 1330.20
    348 INV-0356 30/06/2021 2861.50

    Please Help On This Function and suggest me correct formula

  20. I am Trying to Use the Value(Text) in Cell E to determine the the condition in cell I to read (Pass, Fail) based on the Value(numerical) in field G. Example. IF E = Gram, Eight, Quarter, Half and G Numerical Value fits a given field then I = Pass or Fail. The Value in E will Determine if the Value in G is True. The True/Pass parameters for G will be Gram >=1.08 ,=3.7, =7.27, =14.16, <=14.4. As long as Cell G Falls Between these ranges for the appropriate value in Cell E then Cell I should show Pass. IF outside these then Fail.

    1. Hi!
      I’m sorry but your description doesn’t give me a complete understanding of your task.
      But conditions >=1.08 ,=3.7, =7.27, =14.16, <=14.4 cannot be met at the same time. I recommend leaving two conditions: >=1.08, <=14.4

  21. I want to write an if formula that if the cell has a number >0 to return a certain value, if the cell has text to return it as zero.

    Example I have a time card Monday = 8 , Tuesday= FO, Wednesday = 8, Thursday =8, Friday = 8. I am trying to say everyday the person works they get an extra 2 minutes of pay. currently I have multiple if functions stating =if cell >0, 2,0 but the cell with the FO text is getting the true statement.

  22. Hello,

    i need a formula, that says: IF =H3-J3>0, and iF =H3-J3<0,121 (then it is ok),
    but: IF =H3-J30,121 (then rise or lower the G3 cell so it can be in the parameters from 0 to 0,121).

    If this is possible.

    1. Something is wrong. So i will send the question in 2 parts.

      1. part

      i need a formula, that says: IF =H3-J3>0, and iF =H3-J3<0,121 (then it is ok).

      1. 2. part

        but: IF =H3-J30,121 (then rise or lower the G3 cell so it can be in the parameters from 0 to 0,121).

        1. again it is not good...grrr

  23. i need a formula that if cell B3 is "A" then put the 5% in cell D3????????

  24. Hello,

    While creating a time sheet that will auto calculate an invoice amount I have tried the above, referencing the "IF formula to perform a math operation and return a result".

    My data comes from a drop down list. I want the particular cell to say "ok, if this cell says "client A", then do this math formula in this other cell". The problem is, each of the names in my drop down list corresponds to a different percentage rate to multiply the payrate by in order to get the bill rate..make sense? So if the worker had x hours working for client A I want to be able to choose client A from the drop down list, manually enter the pay rate for that employee, and then have the sheet calculate the OT pay rate, regular bill rate, OT bill rate and total it all at the bottom to show what the invoice should be. I have all of the other work done, I just cannot seem to get past this part, and I wonder if I am trying to get Excel to do too much with too little. Please help.

    Here is how I have entered the formula.

    Client A Client B Client C pay rate
    =IF(AND(OR('Dropdown Lists'!A30,'Dropdown Lists'!A34,'Dropdown Lists'!A50)), N17 + N17*45%)

    1. Hello!
      You can automatically find and insert the interest rate for the selected customer into a cell using the VLOOKUP function, as described in this article.
      I hope this will help, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.

  25. Hello,

    Is it possible to make a formula so that IF cell A is Province ( Ontario, Alberta, Yukon, Manitobia ....) then multiply cell B Number with cell C (2%,3%,9%.... ?

    basically trying to calculate taxes depending on province.

    1. Hello!
      You can read recommendations on how to use a nested IF function in this article.


      You can use the IFS function for multiple conditions:


      If the province's list and percentages are in columns D and E, you can find the percentage you want using the VLOOKUP function:


      I hope it’ll be helpful.

  26. Hello,

    Is it possible to use a formula that says if CO or CM then 8?
    I'm keeping a score at work with my coworkers and how many days they've worked and how many days they've had pto (CO) or medical (CM). i need the formula to work for 30-31 entries per persona (the days of the month) and i need something when i put cm or co in the table to return 8 back as in hours not worked. is it possible? am i making any sense?

    1. Oh. Forgot to mention. As i have 31 columns in a row, if there are more than 1 CO to sum them up. for example if i have 3 CO then the answer given should be 24. is it possible?

        1. Thank you so much! I managed to make it work. You're awesome!

  27. Forecasting spreadsheet: There are start and end dates for each project. I want the corresponding dated cells to color fill based on if they fall between the start and end dates. If I change the date, I want it to automatically change the fill. No fill if outside of dates. Ex: Start 2/25/2021 End 8/30/2021. Cells dated 2/25/2021 to 8/30/2021 will be filled. If I change date, it will change fill.


  28. I'm trying to write a formula where if b4 is $14000 and is greater than c4 which is $10000 then the amount in c4 ($10000) needs to be displayed in d4. Could you please offer some assistance.

    Thank you

    1. Hi!
      The formula for your conditions may look like this:


      If B4> 14000, then B4 will always be greater than C4, where 10000 is written. Therefore, the second condition does not make sense.
      You can learn more about IF function with multiple conditions in this article.

  29. I want the formula such that value_if_false wouldn't affect other cells when I drag the formula dowwards

  30. Hi,

    I need help in Excel cell. I want a result from 2 conditions. if the cell i type 5 the answer is 100 and if i type 10 the anwer is 300 on the same cell. how to do using IF or other formula?

    1. Hello!
      If I understand correctly, you want to write both the value and the formula in one cell. It's impossible. You need to use a VBA macro. If the formula and the value 5 or 10 are in different cells, use a nested IF function.

  31. Is it possible to get substracted value with suffix/test.
    to be precise,
    i want to get the following,

    10:00 PM-04:00 PM=06:00 hrs
    after subtraction i get 06:00, but not with hrs. I want to get with hrs "suffix".

  32. I want to do the following work with IF function,
    If(A2=A-620,"Bose",""); can i do it.
    here A-620 is Mr. Bose's ID number.

  33. please help

    if a2 is >1 check if the date on b2 is > date on a1 and return yes if all statements are true no if false

  34. How do I do something like an IF with a random test and one of the outputs is the same random like this:


    I hope you know what I'm saying cause I don't.

    1. Oh, wait I figured it out myself. Never mind.

      Thanks anyway!

  35. HI,

    I want to make a formula in which the value of A1 is less than or equal to 10, A2 will show "1" but if A1 is greater than 10 say 12 for example the excess 2 will multiplied to 0.5 then A2 will be 10+(X*0.5)/A1


  36. Hi,
    i need a formula to do the following calculations:
    IF A2 and A3 are blank then to return blank but if there are values greater than zero to multiply A2*A3

  37. (auto result req)
    Packing sr no no of box
    D1 to D2 2
    D3 to d5 3
    D5 to D9 4
    as per above example i want auto sum in excel for packing sr no

  38. I need help with the below given formula. It has two sells to chose from. Cell AE5 is a date. The output required is taht if the date in AE% is lower than today then output cell should read "Note Due", However if the other cell that is AF5 is blank then output required is "Not Received" and if it is not blance the the output required is "Received"

    If the date criteia is satisfied then i do not want further output of "Not Received" or "Received"

    =IF(AND(AE5<TODAY(),"Not Due"),IF(AND(ISBLANK(AF5)),"Not Received","Received"))

    Requesting to please help.

    1. Hello!
      If my understanding is correct, you can use this formula:

      =IF(AE5<TODAY(),"Not Due",IF(ISBLANK(AF5),"Not Received","Received"))

      1. Dear Mr. Trifuntov,
        Thank you for your revert. You have made it amazingly simple. Sincerely appreciate. It fits well and resolves my query with exception to scenerio under option 4. The final formula i am using is:
        =IF(AE5>TODAY(),"Not Due",IF(ISBLANK(AF5),"Not Received","Received"))

        In the outputs below Amount is AD5 , Date due on is AE5, Received on is AF5 and output cell is the column marked Status that is AG5. Under option 4 we receive the amount before the due date. We wanted to give a preference that if the amount is received before due date then output should show "Received" instead of showing "Not Due". Would it be possible to incorporate such preference in the formula.

        Output 1
        Amount Date Status
        Due On Received On
        200,000 27-10-21 Not Received

        Output 2
        Amount Date Status
        Due On Received On
        200,000 27-10-21 28-10-21 Received

        Output 3
        Amount Date Status
        Due On Received On
        200,000 30-11-21 Not Due

        Output 4
        Amount Date Status
        Due On Received On
        200,000 30-11-21 29-10-21 Not Due

  39. Hi, i am trying to create an IF function that when you have typed "DONE", the exact date when the word was typed will be reflected on another cell. Whilst when "ONGOING" is typed, the date shown will be the date today, and will still continue only until the word DONE is typed. Thanks for the help.

  40. Hi,


    I am in urgent need to a formula to help me update a current file with new COGS and RRP pricing.

    But not all articles under a certain category need to be updated. So if I filtered original file to a specific category and did a VLOOKUP, will any data on not filtered rows change also if row numbers are not in running order and skips rows?

    Basically, I only want to update some articles with new data and retain existing data for those articles not on new data file.

    Thanking you.


  41. what if I want to use VLOOKUP but the value is a specific word in the cell
    I mean the formula have to find text first and then make it value

  42. Hi, I am tracking 'aging overdue invoices', and I am creating an IF statement formula where it finds the total per days outstanding. My database output provides the days outstanding and many ROWS I get the text "NULL". All overdue days list correctly on second column with current formula. How can I insert the TEXT "NULL" on "column B" Aging Bucket when "Column A" reads NULL?

    Here is my current formula inserted on "Column "Aging Bucket" ROW "B2":

    =IF(A2>90,"91-120 Days Past Due ",IF(A2>60,"61-90 Days Past Due",IF(A2>15,"16-30 Days Past due",IF(A2>-0.1,"0-15 Days Past Due","0 Current"))))

    My current data output:

    Column A


    Column B

    Aging Bucket
    181-365+ Days Past Due
    181-365+ Days Past Due
    181-365+ Days Past Due
    0-30 Current

  43. Hi

    Please could someone help me I am trying to create the following

    If M2 is less or equal to 0.01-0.99 return the text in cell N2 "0"


    iF M2 is less 12 return the N2 "12" and above 12, 13 14 is return N2 12,13,14.

  44. hi, i'd like to ask more about this

    How should I type if the value is between 1-200, it types 40%;
    201-300 type 15%;
    301-600 type 10%;
    601-900 type 5%

    Thank you

  45. Hi,
    I'm trying to find the right function to give me the following.
    For any price that is a full number, give me back 'reg price', ex. 5.00
    for any price ending with .98, give me back 'mkdn price', ex. 4.98.

    Can anyone help?

  46. Hello,

    I'm using an IF function so that if the ranking in table A is either 9, 10 or 11, we shall output the performance from another corresponding, yet separate table of data and leave blank if otherwise.

    The formula looks like:

    This has worked to the point where the correct corresponding performance data has been outputted, however, these are in decimal format and it will not allow me to change these to a percentage format (despite allowing me to select the 'percentage option', nothing changes). Furthermore, I cannot alter the number of decimal points that the newly outputted data is displayed to.

    As the data is essentially the same, I thought this might not be too big of an issue. However, when I go to find the average of the 3 outputted performances, I get the error message:
    Upon further digging, I found that when I go to simply sum up the three outputs, It gives me zero (when this shouldn't be the case).

    It's almost as if the IF function output isn't being recognised by excel despite being visible (and correct) on my screen.

    Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

  47. Hi, I'm trying to use an IF function with an email address.

    Example: =If(J3=123,,IF(j3=4567,,0))

    I've tried using " " around the email addresses, but nothing works.


    1. Hello!
      Always use quotation marks for text expressions. I don’t know what kind of result you wanted to get. If you wanted to get the email address as a hyperlink, then use the HYPERLINK function.

  48. Hello,

    I am unsure if this is possible though any assistance is appreciated.

    I have cell B2 with the value 4 (YVL)

    I am trying to write a formula that says IF(B2<10&" (YVL)","over","shift").

    Is this possible?

    Thank you in advance

    1. Hello gain,

      Please ignore the above question. I tried a IF(COUNT(FIND formula and it seems to have worked.


  49. Hi, thank you for share all of functions above. This helped me a lot, ^^.

  50. Hi guys, i need help with something. I checked this text and cant find out if something like i need can be done in excel or not...

    For example, i have 12 values in dropdown menu in a cell (data validation) and i would like if i can set up something that when i change value from dropdown menu, excel can input predefined text (2 options only) in predetermined field.

    For example, if i select P-3340 from dropdown menu, i would like for excel to change cell below into From well.

    Can something like that be done? I actually dont need eny calculations, just that when i select something from dropdown menu, it changes next cell or two. I do a lot of repetitive reports and this would save a ton of time.

    1. Hi!
      The drop-down list writes the selected value from this list to the cell.
      You cannot solve your problem using standard Excel tools.

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