IF is one of the most popular and useful functions in Excel. Generally, you use an IF statement to test a condition and to return one value if the condition is met, and another value if the condition is not met. Continue reading
by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on
IF is one of the most popular and useful functions in Excel. Generally, you use an IF statement to test a condition and to return one value if the condition is met, and another value if the condition is not met. Continue reading
Comments page 143. Total comments: 4830
I am looking to match data points along each row in a worksheet.
One column contains values (0-3)
The other column contains values (0-1)
And the last column contains values (1-7)
I want to find a formula that will find out how many times each of these scenarios happen:
-Column one is 3/Column 2 is 0/Column 3 is 1 or 2
-Column one is 2/Column 2 is 0/Column 3 is 3 or 4
-Column one is 1/ Column 2 is 1/Column 3 is 4 or 5
-Column one is 0/ Column 2 is 0/ Column 3 is 5, 6, or 7
I need a formula to see if the same name is contained in each column
for example a1 - z1 contains the word accounts receivable
a2 - z2 the word cash
a3 - z3 the word land
and etc.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi can you help me with this formula, I want to create an "IF" Formula
example :
FinDate AgreeDate ActDate Delay Formula
10 31.08.2013 22.08.2014 -356 C10-E10
11 21.09.2013 10.03.2014 13.03.2014 -3 D11-E11
12 30.10.2013 15.04.2015 76 D12-TODAY()
13 30.10.2013 -456 C13-TODAY()
Everything start with act date if blank, check Agree date, then check Fin Date. Final Result is delay ... ( Days )
i need to add today's date on one cell if i write a number o letter on another cell some like this. =if(F3=text, "(today()") but i can't make it work.
=if(F3="text", today(),"")
I don't know VBA code. Just a little familiar with basic formulas. I need a simple condition formula that when specific data is entered by user in a cell of one worksheet it will open other worksheets within the workbook. Greatly appreciate any help.
Hi,can you get me a if condition to display the value as 0 with out disturbing the present formula = if(R12>15000,15000*12/100,R12*12/100)
can you help me with this formula?
Currently it shows TRUE when I use this formula =RIGHT(A1,8)=D1 want to add below conditions as well accordingly it should show TRUE or FALSE.
If A1 is not blank it should go for =RIGHT(A1,8) = D1 return values should be TRUE
If A1 is blank D1 may be 123 or 456 when d1 falls in 123 or 456 return value should be TRUE when the condition falls out of this scope return values should be FALSE.
Please help me.
I am trying to create a purchase order that is tied into my existing estimating sheet. I would like the items that are selected in my estimating sheet to transfer over to the Purchase Order Sheet. The IF function that I am looking for will not only calculate $'s but also text in the same line. Is there an easy function that would work out for this.
This is the example that I can add for your reference.
(2) Work Sheets one labeled Estimating Sheet the other is Labeled Purchase Order.
(4) Cells Needed Per Line which are: Quantity, Description, Unit Price, and Total.
Please let me know if there is any thing more that you may need!
i am trying to write a formula. if d7 contains the word late display 1.
Hi Tahsa,
Here you go:
=IF(D7="late", 1, "")
I am trying to create a formula which will tell me when two dates in two separate columns do not match. Then if they do not match, what the earliest of the two dates is. Many cells in the second column are blank.
something like =IF(J2=K2,"Yes","No"&J2-K2)
But it only gives me #VALUE
Create a 2 columns, one after each current date column. Convert the columns to a number, not a date. Divide one column by the other. If 1/1 = 1, then all rows with a value of 1 have no difference. If the value isn't one, there is a difference. I'm sure there's a formula, but this little trick works great! I call them "divchecks".
i have this check list with a checkbox, and i need to know how i can make the question status cell to display a text(done, pending) while changing the cell color (red to green),when i select one of the checkbox answer.
ex. do you have a list of traces on PCB? []yes []no []n/a [question status]
Case Qty (CQ) = 20
Max Level (MQ) = 18
Min Level (MiQ) = 8
Quantity on Hand (QOH) = 5
Reorder Level (ROL) = If(QOH<=MiQ,MQ-MiQ,0)
Reorder Quantity (ROQ) = ?
I want to have ROQ as.... If ROL is Zero then Zero, If ROL is Less than 60% of CQ then CQ, if ROL is greater than 60% of CQ then zero. Pl advice.
Hi Sreedhar
Please let me know if it is working for you...
=IF(ROL=0,0,IF(ROL 0.6*CQ,0)))
I have a cell that contains: Check # 0000
In other words, Check # 0000 - 9999
Can you recommend an If Formula. I have tried
This works only if I have Check in the cell but with the number sign and numbers it returns a false value. Does anyone have a solution?
Hi William,
Try this one
Please let me know if it is working...
Hi, Svetlana,
I'm a bit stuck on finding a formula that will suit my needs. My spreadsheet has column A: first name; column B: last name; column C: type of training; column D: date of training.
I need a formula that will look at column A, B, and C and if they match any other row in column A, B, and C I need it to select the most recent date.
this will remove all duplicate training and keep only their most current training record.
Any suggestions? i'm stumped on this one.
is this something you can help me with? i'd really appreciate it. I'm in a time crunch and I have no one else to ask for help.
Hi Amanda,
You can simply sort your table by column D (most recent dates will be at the top), and then use the standard Excel Remove Duplicates tool to find duplicates in columns A, B, C and delete them.
If it is not the case, then send us a small sample workbook with your data at support@ablebits.com including the expected result, and our support team will try to help.
I'm trying to avoid having to do this manually as the workbook is very large and will continue to get larger. I have emailed you a copy of the workbook as well as what i'm looking for.
Thank you,
I want a function which will solve my query as mentioned below.
1 71501 giri 1
1 76597 sekhar 1
1 71503 satish 1
I want value of column C in column E If value of column A and particular value of column B match with value in column D
for example my requirement is column E = "sekhar"
please help.
Svetlana Cheusheva,how can u do, i tell u when i come back..........soonnnnnnn
Hi I want to include a value from a list in my IF formula.
=IF(A18 ="Other" ), D18, (SUM((D18+E18)*F18))
so basically if the value from the list in cell A18 = the word Other (that's a value in the List) I want to display the value in cell D18 if Other is not displayed in A18 then I want the Sum calculation to be done.
Is this possible?
Hi Bel,
Try this one..
Awesome! Thanks so much for your help Prasenjit!
Alternatively, you can put it in this way:
=IF(A18 ="Other"), D18, (D18+E18)*F18))
I need to check the over all strength based on five cell values where each cells have different conditions to meet. It all pass the condition i would say 100%, if any four condition pass, then 75%, similarly for 1 & 2 & 3pass condition. if all fails it is 0%.
For all pass my condition is If(and(a1>=n,a2="Yes", a3<=y, a4z, a5>=100%), 100%, ).
I need to know how to get number of pass criteria and based on that allocating the strength percentage. Is it easy to nested if or need to any other function or method.
Please Suggest.
Hi Jai,
If the Pass criteria can be used in any order, e.g. 1st, 3rd and 5th, then you'd better use the CHOOSE function:
Just change the conditions for each cell as you want.
The principle is as follows: each IF statement returns either 1 or 0 depending whether the conditions are met or not. The sum of the IFs' results varies from 0 to 5.
The CHOOSE function returns 0%,20%,40%,50%,75%,100% (you can also modify this part if needed) according to the sum of the IF functions' results.
Thanks...I got the solution................
Hi, I want to enter a formula for the following situation:
If the cell contains specific text, then calculate x-y, otherwise x
I was trying if(B1="text",A1-D1,A1) but it is not working
Hi Chacon,
The formula looks correct, I don't see any reason for it not working. You can try it on a blank sheet and you will see it does work. Maybe the problem is in the source data?
In a specific cell I am wanting it to tell me If a Response is LESS than 28 days old it is Outstanding & If it is MORE than 28 days old it is Overdue (this I can do) BUT I also want it to tell me if another cell on the same sheet contains 'Yes' it overides the previous command and that cell needs to read Complete but if that cell is blank it will ignore the rule. At the minute I have this:- =IF((E3-B7)>28,"Overdue","Outstanding"),IF(M9="Yes","Complete","0")
Hi Jen
Try this one
I want to calculate age between 0-14, 15-24, 25-59 and 70+ from single age registered over the months in input sheet to analysis sheet. I want to know the formula;
the logic is if a person of 24 age is registered in January, 2014 then it should be counted in 14-24 age group in analysis sheet.
You can calculate it using the COUNTIF function.
Here are the formulas to count age 14 – 24.
If dates are entered as text, e.g. " January, 2014":
= COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$100, "<=24", $A$2:$A$100, ">=14", $B$2:$B$100, "January, 2014")
If the date is formatted like this 1/10/2014, please use this formula:
=COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$100, "<=24", $A$2:$A$100, ">=14", $B$2:$B$100, "<=1/31/2014", $B$2:$B$100, ">=1/11/2014")
if a1>20 and b1> 50 add a1+b1 if if a1<20 and b1< 50 do nothing
please i need help on that
Hi Shabtom,
Here you go:
=IF(AND(A1>20, B1<50), A1+B1, "")
1 a:5 b:4 a:26 b:3
2 a:4 b:45 a:6 b:18
3 M3 a:50 b:40 a:26 b:30
how to use IF function on above data. i want to print:
1) let's say, if the number after the colon [:] equal or more than 5, then just print "a" or "b"
2)if the number after the colon [:] is less than 5 then print "X".
Sorry, I am not sure I can follow you. Can you try to explain in other words?
Hi, Svetlana,
I'm a bit stuck on finding a formula that will suit my needs. My spreadsheet has column A: first name; column B: last name; column C: type of training; column D: date of training.
I need a formula that will look at column A, B, and C and if they match any other row in column A, B, and C I need it to select the most recent date.
this will remove all duplicate training and keep only their most current training record.
Any suggestions? i'm stumped on this one.
If it helps, I can certainly send you a copy of the workbook that I'm trying to do this in.
I have following formula but it writes the result as only A even condition not satisfied
Please Help me
Hi Kumar,
First off, please check the VLOOKUP range. Currently it contains just one column (D) and naturally Excel returns an error. You probably meant:
hi i am not sure if i will explain it correct but i need help i need a formula to say if c2>d2 then true 3 false 0 and if c2=d2 then true 1 false 0
thanks very much
Try this one:
=IF(C2>D2, 3, IF(C2=D2, 1, 0))
I am trying to come up with an IF statement that put a name only if the column to the left of it is not blank. However, there are formulas in the columns to the left that make some of them look blank, even though the actual cell is not blank. What formula can I use to return a blank if the cell has a formula, but is blank?
I started with this, but I don't know how to exclude the formula.
=IF(ISBLANK(B8)," ","Clarence")
Hi Janna,
If my understanding of the task is correct, replacing ISBLANK(B8) with B8="" should work a treat:
=IF(B8=""," ","Clarence")
is there a way to concatenate more than 3 IF functions
Sure, you can include as many as you want as long as the total number of arguments in the formula does not exceed 255.
You can find more info about the the CONCATENATE function as well as other alternatives to nested IF in the following article:
i will try my best to explain......let's say we have 1,500 users in c25
Login's per Month............................Fee
e25 = 1-1999 ..........................f25 = $10.00
e26 = 2,000 - 4,999....................f26 = $6.00
e27 = 5,000 - 9,999....................f27 = $4.00
if c25 is between 1 and 1999 logins how do we make c28 = f25 or $10.00
if c25 is between 2,000 and 4,999 logins how do we make c28 = f26 or $6.00
if c25 is between 5,000 and 9,999 logins how do we make c28 = f27 or $4.00
We would like to plug the number into c25 and then c28 will change to what ever the fee is.
thank you soooooooo much
I think you can concatenate 3 IF functions in this way:
=IF(AND(C25>=1, C25<=1999), F25, "") &IF(AND(C25>1999, C25<=4999), F26, "") &IF(AND(C25>4999, C25<=9999), F27, "")
Please note that if a value in cell C28 is outside of 1-9,999 range, the formula will return an empty string.
Thank Svetlana... This conversation was a great help for me.
i'm very new at this I preformed a If and put it into cell c28 and got no return, I do put the formula in where I want the change to occur correct?
You put the formula in the cell where you want the result to appear.
I need to modify the following formula so that when cells B2 or C2 are blank then the output cell is also blank.
Currently it defaults to "Yes" when they are blank. Can you help me with this? Thank you.
Hi Blas,
Try a nested IF that checks for blanks, like this:
=IF(OR(C2-B2>30, C2>DATEVALUE("12/13/2014")), "No", IF(AND(B2="",C2=""), "", "Yes"))
It worked but I changed the nested IF to OR instead of AND. Thank you very much Svetlana.
I Love You! spot on
Please can you help me with this 1
If a range of cells (A1:A100) have another cell's data(B1) I want it to return the amount of times that reoccurs into cell C1
I need to be able to repeat the formula down C column for adding up different data in B1, B2, B3, etc column
Any Help much appriciated!
Column A is lots of different part numbers that repeat sometimes (purchases)
Column B is the part numbers aranged in numerical order (stock list)and one of each
Column C is the total of times it was Purchased
Hope that is clear enough!
Hi Andrew,
I believe the COUNTIF function is better suited for this job. Here's the formula for cell C1, and you can drag it down to other cells in column C:
=COUNTIF($A$1:$A$100, B1)
Hi TanMan,
Try this one:
=IF(A3>6.5, "c", IF(A3<4.5, "a", "b"))
Hi, what if I want to do the opposite:
=IF('Enter Scores'!B7="D", "3",IF('Enter Scores'!B7="B","5.10",IF('Enter Scores'!B7="C","4.50",IF('Enter Scores'!B7="E","1.50",IF('Enter Scores'!B7="F","0",IF('Enter Scores'!B7="A,"6"))))))
Basically each letter has a number value, if A is entered to B7 on another sheet then the number 6 should show up on the current sheet in the appropriate cell.
I've added this function to a number of cells and I can't use a =SUM(B6:B12) function because the numbers aren't really 'numbers' according to excel.
I've formated the cells to recognise the number; but I can't seem to get them to add up; I only get a total of 0.00
MAybe I need to use another function entirely
looking for some assistance on a formula.
I have the number 5 in cell a3
I need in cell b3 if a3 is > 6.5 then I need a letter "c" inputted / if a3 is < 4.5 then I need a letter "a" inputted / and if the a3 is between 4.5 and 6.5 then I need a letter "b" inputted in cell b3
I tried to do all of this and correcting the errors don't make sense
any help would be appreciated
Plead help, I need a formula to do the following:
If A1=Y then both B1 and C1 should either be N or blank, or IF B1=Y then both A1 and C1 should either be N or blank, or IF C1=Y then both A1 and B1 should either be N or blank.
What I mean is there should only be one Y in any of the cells A1,A2 and A3. Otherwise display error message if there is more than one Y.
Hi Ticia,
The following formula displays "error" if there is more than one Y in any of the cells A1, B1 and C1, it returns an empty string in all other cases.
=IF(AND(A1="Y", B1<>"Y", C1<>"Y"), "", IF(AND(A1<>"Y", B1="Y", C1<>"Y"), "", IF(AND(A1<>"Y", B1<>"Y", C1="Y"), "", "error")))
Hopefully this is what you are looking for.
Hi Svetlana,
Thanks for your prompt response. The formula does not seen to work, probably because of where I have placed it. Where can I put the formula to make it work? I placed the formula in data validation -> settings -> allow -> custom -> formula.
Simply copy it into a cell where you want the error message to be displayed.
Can you help me with this:
IF(D4="DSSM", "B4-210"), IF(D4="DSSM", "B4-180")
Hi Rawle,
I am not sure I fully understand what the formula is supposed to do. If you can explain the conditions to me, I will try to help.
somehow I cannot put does not equal, therefore I will put it in text, in the last bit, the argument is AU19 does not equal zero.
Hello Ganaa,
Try the following IF statement:
sorry, the last bit looks like this. IF('12'!AU190,"Required","")))
I desperately need help on below case. I am combining two reports, on sheets 12 and 13. With below formula I should be seeing "Required" in the cell because '12'!AU19 is not blank nor zero. Other cells with the same circumstances shows "Required" with no problem. When I evaluate this formula on '12'!AU190 it will actually say that it contains a constant.
=IF('12'!CQ190,'12'!CQ19,IFERROR(INDEX('13'!$A$1:$ABG$1466,MATCH('Draft (2)'!$A19,'13'!$A:$A,0),MATCH('Draft (2)'!AU$1,'13'!$1:$1,0)),IF('12'!AU190,"Required","")))
If you could help me on this it would be great. Thank you.
I need an If formula that will provide me with a value that is deterimed by the data validations that are selected contain different text selections:
for example: If cell D2 that has been selected from a data validation that has the text "No Show" or the text "Cancelled" then I want cell G2 to enter a value of 50 ... if it has any other text, then enter the value as 200 in cell G2
Any way of doing this?
Hi Sheldon,
The solution is to use the OR function in IF's logical test, like this:
=IF(OR(D2="No Show", D2="Cancelled"), 50, 200)
i need help with this formula
"if d4 equal 0 display 0, if d4 is greater than 0 but less than 9 display 1"
Hi Tahsa,
Here you are:
Thank you Svetlana.
This was extremly helpful
That is great thank you Svetlana just what I needed
I need to make a an if formula that will tell me yes if something matches but then also has a text and amount for if the match is not correct. So I need a =if(A1=B1,"Yes" and then if A1 doesn't = B1 for the formula to say "Difference noted of (A1-B1)" to say how much the difference is while also having text in the same false side of the if function.
Can you help me?
Hi Zach,
You were almost there :)
=IF(A1=B1,"Yes","Difference noted of "&A1-B1)
Thank you! Worked perfectly :)
J21's % & M21's % are added together then devide by 2 to get a % that can be used
The this help
Here you go:
=IF(AND(J21>0, M21>0), (J21+M21)/2, IF(J21>0, J21, IF(M21>0, M21,"")))
hi Svetlana,
i have 3 dates and wish to use these dates for formula calculation, can you help me? all dates have some different rates applicable
Could you help with this project?
If J21's % is > then 0 then put that % in K18
If M21's % is > then 0 then put that % in K18
But if J21 & M21 %'s are > then 0 then devied
By 2 then put the result in K18 as a %
Only 1 of the 3 formula's can be true at
a time
Thank you
Hi Gene,
The first 2 conditions are clear. As for "if J21 & M21 %'s are > 0", which value shall we divide by 2?
Hi I am looking for a forumlar to completed the following calculation in a cell:
If A1 > 200,000 cell = A1-200000 but if A1>1,000,000 cell = 800,000
Please can you help me out with this formula
Hi Chris,
The following nested IF formula might work a treat:
=IF(A1>1000000, 800000, IF(A1>200000, A1-200000, ""))
This was very informative, can you help with this formula please?
If Cells in E:E = value "YES" AND Cells in F:F date older than 6 months then calculate result of Cell in B:B - (minus) a number "6"
Hi Sami,
Excel cannot understand the "month duration" because the number of days in each month varies. So, here is the formula as per your conditions, except that dates in column F are older than 180 days rather than 6 months:
=IF(AND(E1="yes", TODAY()-F1>180), B1-6, "")
Thank you for the formula, It did not work, I have the date sat with date value but the input just blank... if I leave F1 blank I get the results I need but, F1 "date" is important.
I want to put in an IF function that returns different text depending of the numerical value of the cell next to it. e.g. if the number is less than 43 - "poor", 43-50 "average", 51-70 "above average" etc....
I know I have to set up some cells with the lower value of each range and the text next to each one (pivot table?) but I can't remember the formula for saying - if it is less that A1 then print "textA" etc..
Hello Fo,
You can use a nested If formula like this:
=IF(A2>=51, "above average", IF(A2>=43, "average", "Poor "))
You can find an example very close to your task as well as a few alternative formulas in this article - Using nested IF functions in Excel
Hi Svelana !!
I have two excel sheet containing a list of peoples, but there is some error e.g. font, spelling etc.
Pls help me to find the code of peoples from one sheet to other.
Hi Summy,
To find typos and other similar data that differ in 1 to 10 characters, you can use our Fuzzy Duplicate Finder add-in:
If you want to locate font/color differences, more advanced tools are required.