Comments on: How to use IF function in Excel: examples for text, numbers, dates, blanks

IF is one of the most popular and useful functions in Excel. Generally, you use an IF statement to test a condition and to return one value if the condition is met, and another value if the condition is not met. Continue reading

Comments page 62. Total comments: 4830

  1. I am trying to write a formula where 'x'=1 in 1 cell, then 'x'=0 in the 2nd cell, then 'x'=0.5 in the 3rd cell. (ie B6, C6, D6), and then I need (ie E6) to be the sum of B6,C6,D6.

    I am in desperate need of help. Please help!

  2. Inv. No. Cust Code
    390100209 800412
    390100210 800808
    390100211 801007
    390100212 801392
    390100213 801395
    390100214 801405
    390100215 801412
    390100216 801547
    390100217 802697
    390100218 802775
    390100219 802836
    390100220 803033
    390100221 803346
    390100222 800733
    390100223 800121
    390100224 800527
    390100225 800558
    390100226 800577
    390100227 800702
    390100228 800702
    390100229 800702
    390100230 800702
    390100231 800702

  3. I am trying to build a price list based on tiers. If C2 is less than 20, multiple it by two, if 20 to 99 multiple by 1.54%, if 99 to 599 multiple by 1.43, if 599 or more multiple by 1.34. Also C2 needs to have a tax rate of .08517 added to it but before commission markup.
    Ex: $20 x .08517 = 1.71 $20 x 2 = $40 plus $1.71 tax = $41.71.
    I keep getting errors.

    1. Hello, June,

      as for the first part of your task, you can use this nested IF:

      As for the second part, could you please describe it in more details? Thanks

  4. I want to convert x into an absolute number. The value of "x" has to be 0 to 5. I have 3 different rows, (ie B6, C6 and D6). I then need total sum of these rows ie in E6.
    I have this formula so far, =IF(AND(ISBLANK(B4)=FALSE,B4>=0),IF(AND(ISBLANK(C4)=FALSE,CB42>=0),IF(AND(ISBLANK(D4)=FALSE,D4>=0),B4+C4+D4))) but I cannot figure out how to include the x=a number 0-5.
    Please help.

  5. Hi,

    I want to convert KB values and MB values into GB's, could you please help me in this .

    cells are filled like below
    eg : 19K, 1.0M
    I want to convert them into GB's

  6. hi i need vb code for
    if my value of sheet 1 "B" column value is same as sheet 2 "B" column value is correct and then sheet 1 "k"column value print in sheet 2 "K" column if anybody know please let me know

    1. Hi, Irfan,

      I'm sorry, we don't create VBA codes. Also, I'm afraid that your task is not entirely clear.
      I kindly suggest you to ask around MrExcel forum for the vba code you're looking for. Make sure to explain your task in more details.


  7. hi i need vb code for
    if my value of sheet 1 b2 is same as sheet 2 b2 value is correct and then sheet 1 k2 value print in sheet k2 if anybody know please let me know

  8. I am trying to figure out what to do with VBA code and to get some kind of conditional function in Excel, but it doesn't seems to work.
    I have a list of articles in one column and a list of numbers in another column. What I want is to get the number display in the cell in third column but conditionally. Example: if A2=B2 then in the cell C2 I want the number which is in D2. But cells in A column are all set up as validations from E column. If something is not clear let me know please.
    Thank you!

  9. if(B5>20,B5<50,"20-50") How to work, please find like this

    1. Hello

      Try the following formula:
      =IF((AND(B5 > 20, B5 < 50)), "20-50", " " )

      You can also read more about IF formulas with multiple conditions here

      Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.

      1. Hi,
        Please correct this,

  10. Great work and service to us Excel noobs :-)

    I have multiple sheets and my main dashboard is assigning a "word" rating based on the value from different sheets (from 0 to 1). But it is broken and I am at a loss - any help?

    =IF('sheet #1'!S21=",",IF(<=.20,"Not Effective",IF(<=.40,"Needs Improvement",IF(<=.60,"Generally Effective",IF(<=.80,"Effective",IF(<=1,Strong,"Error"))))))

  11. Hi could you please help me to apply if conditions with multiple results.

    A B C Result
    Transactions No Yes Client custom in both versions >Transactions
    Accounts No Yes Client custom in both versions > Accounts
    No Yes Client custom in both versions

    Cotains "History" No No This metadata appears only in V7 client
    database. Newly added metadata item under
    "History" folder.
    Cotains "1000INT BE"No No Interest BE added in V7

    Yes No New Standard Data item
    Yes Yes 712 Metadata items match with both 61 and
    712 Standard Template

  12. I want to get the difference of the two numbers but what if one of my cell is blank or have a text value?

    My CELL A1 = 5


  13. Have different tables that have been joined into one spreadsheet
    table 1 has account open date, account ID#, & last updated
    table 2 has account ID, code, name, status, & update code

    Column A1 has an ID#
    Column B1 has a Code#
    Column C1 has a Name
    Column D1 has a Status
    Column E1 has an Update Code
    Column F1 has the Last Updated Date

    I have duplicate account IDs that are missing vital information.
    I would like to attach that information to row that contains the account open and account ID

    How can I get B2 & C2 into B1 & C1 if A1 = A2?

    1. Table 1
      ID Up Date
      18318ZE3-B96F-448F-8501-70625246C49E 20170404
      Table 2
      ID Code Name Stat UC
      18318ZE3-B96F-448F-8501-70625246C49E 1122 Jones A 1

      In Excel

      ID Code Name Stat UC Date
      18318ZE3-B96F-448F-8501-70625246C49E 20170404
      18318ZE3-B96F-448F-8501-70625246C49E 1122 Jones A 1
      18931ZE3-D97F-449A-8571-78452211D12G 20170301
      18898ZE3-K96F-446F-8581-70625246C49G 1123 Smith A 1
      18998ZE3-H96F-448L-8502-71625246C49A 20170404
      18998ZE3-H96F-448L-8502-71625246C49A 1124 Brown A 1

  14. Please help me to use this funtion

    culum a colum B
    abc 10
    dfe 7

    I want to show that: If (abc & 10) > 6 "fhggh", If (dfe & 7) > 4 "ssjfj"


    1. Hello, Phun,

      if I understand your task correctly, this formula should do:
      If you mean something other than that, please explain your task in more details.

  15. Hai i have one doubt

    First cell contains "F"
    Second cell contains "S"
    Third cell contains "V"
    & Fourth cell contains "Absent"

    First Cell & Fourth cell is mark as "fail"

    and remaining second & Third cell is mark as "pass"

    please rectify the problem through IF CONDITION

    i am using this condition i.e. =IF(C2="F","FAIL","PASS")

    i am using this formula only "f" is shown as "fail" what about "absent"

    how to come both at a time "F" and "Absent" are "fail" please rectify

  16. Think i am missing something, or just being dumb here, but what i want is a blank space :/

    If i add 2 cells, and if the result is below 0 i want the answer cell to be blank so that it is not included in a cross reference.

    Example (i think) :P

    H23,H24 if H24<H23 then =Blank cell

  17. hi
    Good Morning
    I have required a value in cell in if and formula of other cell value in e5
    For Example i have value in a2 is 9320 and c3 is Ketan in have this both in and formula and i want to required d3 cell value in e5

  18. Hi Natalia,

    Any help with my excel problem?

  19. Hi Natalia,

    Thanks for the quick response.

    here is the actual scenarios:
    FIRST - a student obtained grades for three pieces of assignments as follow:
    9/10 (1), 80/100 (1) and 30/50 (1). These were input in excel as follows: C2=10, D2=100, E2=50; C4=9, D4=80, E4=30. The total assignment weight () is H4=3. Therefore, the formula I used to calculate the overall assignment % weight is =SUM((C4/C2*100)+(D4/D2*100)+(E4/E2*100))/H4, which gave a result of 76.67%/77%...perfect.

    SECOND - another student got the following grades for the same three pieces of assignments: Abs/10 (1), 50/100 (1) and 25/50 (1). The grades were input in excel as follows: C2=10, D2=100, E2=50; C5=Abs, D5=50, E5=25. The total assignment weight () is H5=2. My problem now is trying to use a IF statement or formula to calculate the student's overall assignment % weight, without the student being penalized for the 'Abs' (absent).

    Thanks again for the assistance.

  20. I need help with one of my formulas. I need to calculate an outstanding number of days when f2 is blank but I do not want a calculation when f2 has a value in the cell. My formula currently looks like this: =IF(ISBLANK(F2),DAYS360(E2,G2),G2-E2) the problem is when I input a date into f2, my calculation in h2 does not go away. I do not need it to be blank though. It could say "complete" if need be. e2 is the date submitted and g2 is =today(). If f2 is blank then h2 should be calculating how many days has passed since submission. When the task is complete I need the outstanding days to change to blank or "complete".

  21. Hi

    I need to asign a value to prices which falls in a specific range

    0-50000 = Level 1
    50001 - 300000 = Level 2
    300001 - 500000 = Level 3

    This is what i did, but that only gives a value for the first level.

    =IF(E2:E10<=50000,"Level 1", "Other Value")

    1. Hi, Johan,

      please try this formula:
      =IF((COUNTIF(A1:C1,"<=50000"))>0,"Level 1",(IF((COUNTIF(A1:C1,">=50001")-COUNTIF(A1:C1,">300000"))>0,"Level 2",(IF((COUNTIF(A1:C1,">=300001")-COUNTIF(A1:C1,">500000"))>0,"Level 3","")))))

      Please note that the first criterion will be checked at first, and if there's at least one cell in the range that falls under this criterion, the rest won't apply.

      If you need something other than that, please specify.
      Hope it helps.

  22. Hi,

    I am trying to create a spreadsheet to calculate high school grades using the weighted average and weighted percentage method.

    My problem is, I want to show that if a student is absent for 1 or 2 assignments or tests, they will not be penalized in their average assignment grade.

    How then can I write a IF function to show this calculation?

    Thanks for your usual assistance.

    1. Hi, Hamack,

      for us to be able to assist you with an approximate formula, please specify the names of the columns you have, what values are stored there, and how you indicate that the student was absent.


  23. Hi, I'm creating a formula that once your if you change status to Complete in column B, then column C will provide the current date

    1. Hi, Nyleve,

      if the status is in B2 and you need the result to return into C2, here's a formula:

      Then copy the formula down column C.
      Please note that if B2 doesn't contain "Complete", C2 will remain empty.

  24. I have two workbooks that I am trying to link together. The first workbook is Participants' Weight. The cell I am looking at is G2. If G2 is blank, I want to only add cells C3, E3, G3, and I3 on the second workbook (Nutrition and Fitness). If G2 has a value, I want it to add that value PLUS C3, E3,G3, and I3. Can you please help with my formula? This is what I have..

    =IF(ISBLANK('Participants'' Weight'!G2),=SUM('Nutrition & Fitness'!C3+'Nutrition & Fitness'!E3+'Nutrition & Fitness'!G3+'Nutrition & Fitness'!I3),=SUM('Nutrition & Fitness'!C3+'Nutrition & Fitness'!E3+'Nutrition & Fitness'!G3+'Nutrition & Fitness'!I3+'Participants'' Weight'!G2))

    1. Nevermind, I figured it out!

  25. =IFERROR(INDEX(Tbl_Task2[Activity Actual Start Date],MATCH($B4&X$1,Tbl_Task2[Activity ID]&Tbl_Task2[Task Name],0)),"")

    How do I make the dates come out as blanks using this formula?

  26. Hi, I'm trying to create a schedule for our workers using the schedule for our kids. I'm trying to figure out how to put in a formula that says " If Cell A3 on Sheet 1 equals "JohnDoe" then cell A2 on Sheet 1 will be copied to cell A2 on Sheet 3". Is there a way I can do this?

    1. =IF(Sheet1!A3="enter text here", Sheet1!A2, " ")

      Enter this formula into A2 on sheet 3. Where it says "Enter text here" you can either enter the text you want to use or take away the quotations and enter a cell like B2...

      Drag the formula all the wya down

  27. =IF(SQRT(BP22-(BS22/BS23))+0.5>=BY19,0.95,SUM(BY22))

    I want to generate an expression that basically states that if the number in cell BY22 is not greater than 0.95, then this figure is to be used. The expression is being placed into BY22.

    Please help!!!!


  28. Hi, I have a spread sheet with validated filtered lists and I need help constructing a formula that will add 14 or 28 days to the current date for a smart target review depending whether I select 2 week review or 4 week review.
    the current date is displayed in cell A19, the two week review in G21 and the four week review in G22. the answer will appear in cell G20 and should display the result of todays date plus 14 or 28 days displayed as a date. thanks if you can help.

  29. Hi,
    I wantto select one value from a set of values which is there in column and if it matches to the logical statement, then it should take the corresponding row value as true result else some zero.

    SWG Dia with enamel, mm Area of bare conductor, mm^2 R/Km@20oC ohms Weight Kg/Km
    8 4.219 12.97 1.3 116
    9 3.8 10.51 1.6 94
    10 3.383 8.302 2.1 74
    11 3.068 6.818 2.5 61
    12 2.756 5.48 3.1 49.22
    13 2.441 4.289 4 38.56
    14 2.129 3.243 5.3 29.15
    15 1.92 2.627 6.6 23.64
    16 1.709 2.075 8.3 18.678
    17 1.501 1.589 10.8 14.313
    18 1.293 1.167 14.8 10.537
    19 1.082 0.8107 21.3 7.324
    20 0.978 0.6567 26.3 5.939
    21 0.874 0.5189 33.2 4.702
    22 0.77 0.3973 43.4 3.607
    23 0.665 0.2919 59.1 2.655
    24 0.612 0.2452 70.3 2.233
    25 0.561 0.2027 85.1 1.851
    26 0.505 0.1642 105 1.499
    27 0.462 0.1363 126.5 1.245
    28 0.417 0.111 155.3 1.014
    29 0.384 0.09372 184 0.8559
    30 0.351 0.07791 221.3 0.7121
    31 0.33 0.06818 252.9 0.6245
    32 0.307 0.0591 291.7 0.5408
    33 0.287 0.05067 340.3 0.465
    34 0.264 0.04289 402 0.3932
    35 0.241 0.03575 482.2 0.3281
    36 0.218 0.02927 589.1 0.2686
    37 0.198 0.02343 735.9 0.2202
    38 0.175 0.01824 945.2 0.1679
    39 0.152 0.0137 1,258 0.1262
    40 0.142 0.011675 1,477 0.1079
    41 0.132 0.00981 1,758 0.0908
    42 0.119 0.008107 2,127 0.075
    43 0.109 0.006567 2,626 0.061
    44 0.097 0.005189 3,323 0.0481
    45 0.086 0.003973 4,340 0.0369

    e.g SWG = 39, select 0.0137 as true else 0
    SWG = 40, select 0.011675 as true else 0

    Please give solution.

    Thanks & Regards

  30. I am trying to get a spreadsheet to calculate a time penalty for a certain class in racing. The time penalty formula is =+IF(AND($A33="",$B33=""),"",IF($B$5=0,IF(K33="","",K33),IF(K33="","",IF($B33="A",K33*$B$5,K33)))), however if I enter a DNS or DNF (did not start/finish) in cell K33 then the formula comes up with a #value error because it expects a time value in K33.
    This only causes an issues where B33=A.
    So basically B5 is a percentage time penalty, column K is the actual time taken for the race and for a specific class of vehicle we need to add a time penalty.
    There may be 6 heats, one heat the vehicle may not have finished, so instead of a time entered it is DNF, but this will not multiply the time penalty. What I want is for the adjusted time column to show DNF as well but it won't because of the calculation it is trying to do

  31. Hi

    I'm trying to get an IF formula to work but I am having trouble. I'm trying to do an IF formula for both cells. I want the formula to return the number 2 if cell D7 is not blank (ie has data in it), return the number 6 if cell E7 has data in it or remain blank if neither of them have data in. Can anyone help please?

    1. =IF(D7>0, "2", IF(E7>0,"6"," "))

      I am not sure if this is what you are asking

  32. Hi,
    I try to do like, =IF(A1="no","no need to fill in the blank", "") and If the A1 = "yes" I need to fill in the blank. How to do that? because if I do like above IF statement, the IF statement will gone when A1 = "yes" after I filled the blank.

    1. =IF(A1="yes", "Fill in the blank", IF(A1="No","Do not fill in the Blank"," "))

  33. I need a formula that can place the date from sheet 1 on sheet 2 when a number value is greater than or equal to a set number. The date would be in the same row in sheet 1 as the number. Example sheet 1 column A row 1 (5/5/17 entered) column B row 1(405 entered) set value is 400. 5/5/17 would then be shown in cell choosen on sheet 2.

    1. Example:

      =IF(405>=400, Sheet2!A1, "" )

    2. Example:

      =IF(405>=400, Sheet1!A1, "" )

  34. The number in an Excel cell in the formulator to select a cell like?
    for example
    Ten is the number in cell a3
    Five is the number in cell a4
    Three is the number in cell c5
    Four is the number in cell c6
    Now we want to write the formula:
    The c5 gets three
    And ac5 gets a3
    Which is equal to ten
    How is this done?

  35. ID NO- M123, M124, M125, F126,F127

  36. I need help for this thankx.if cell b1 greather than 0 then add A3 and B2 if not return A3 VALUE in b3 .

    1. use the or formula within cell B3...
      =IF(0>B1, B2+B3, A3)

  37. I am trying to use an if/than stmt and change the color of the cell based on that stmt. example if the cell is greater than or equal to than $1000 i want the cell to turn green

    1. Use the conditional formatting tool. Any number great than or equal to 1000 turn green.

  38. Hello,

    need to create a formula that would, if not manually entered number in cell, the formula would read data from other cell.

    in cell A1 if i type 10 it says 10, but if i skip it then it would read from cell D1 where i get the number from some equation.

    Thank you

    1. Hello, Alen,

      I believe, the formula below will help you:

      It will return any numeric value from A1, but if there's a text in A1 or it's empty, the formula reads D2 then.

      1. It did,
        thank you very much !

  39. i need to create a formula that, when i click "yes/no" in one cell, I get the answer in another cell. the formula is complex but not sure how to navigate this.

    1. Hello, Greg,

      if your first cell (let's name it A1) has only two options - Yes and No, your formula should look like this:

      If A1 may remain empty or contain other value for which you don't want anything to return, then:

      You can learn more about nested IF function on our blog page.

  40. Hi,

    Need help for this formula.

    Duration: Must be more 60 Seconds.

    IF duration 60 seconds, but the Status = "POOR", then need to check.

    My current formula:

    I'm stuck with that.


    1. Hi,

      if I understand your task correctly, this formula should do:
      =IF(AND(A2<60,B2="POOR"),"NOT OK",IF(AND(A2<60,B2="GOOD"),"OK",IF(AND(A2<60,B2="EXCELLENT"),"OK","")))

      If it's not what you're looking for, please describe in details what values you already have and in which cells, and specify your condition for when there's poor/good/excellent in B2.

  41. Hi team,
    Why if functions excepts text greater than any number value? if I write values in A1 -100, A2-200, A3-300 and write function in B1 =if(A1>=250,"Fine",if(A1>=100,"Not so bad","")) when instead of 100 i write in cell A1 text NO VALUE - if function returns me "Fine"


    1. up,, any info about why text values are greater than number values in logical functions?

  42. I am trying to write that if there is a 1 in Column B2 then write "refer to page 34". I have been using =IF(B2=1, "refer to page 34"). This works great when there is a 1 in the reference column but when the column is blank I keep getting a False statement. Help please

    1. Hello, Dave,

      The point is that IF function uses 3 arguments. You specified what to return when the value is 1, but you didn't for when the value is not 1. If you need the cell to remain empty in that case, please try this formula:
      =IF(B2=1,"refer to page 34","")

      Hope this helps!

  43. Hello Ma'am Svetlana:

    Good day.

    Ma'am, I am working on a database using excel. In an if statement, how can I return the address of a particular cell if argument is true. The statement should go like this, as an example, "Please check entry in cell G26"

    The cell "G26" is the cell address being referred whose entry should be checked if argument is true. The formula will be repeated in the rows of the database therefore it is expected that when the formula is copied to the succeeding rows, excel should automatically adjust the row (the 26) corresponding to the row where it is pasted. This will spare me from editing the formula every time it is being copied into a new cell on another row. Is this possible?

    I managed to get a returned address of a cell but it doesn't automatically update once copied to another row and so need to keep on editing. Besides, if possible I wish to get an address which is relative (G26) not absolute ($G$26). Also, I wish that the column would be in alphabet, not number.

    Thanks in advance for any help I can get.

  44. Required formula for below condition
    Final result depend on 6 column status example as below
    If cell A1=2, and B1=2,C1=2,D1=2,E1=2,F1=2 result should be “U”
    If cell A1=1, and B1=2,C1=2,D1=2,E1=2,F1=2 result should be “V”
    If cell A1=1, and B1=1,C1=2,D1=2,E1=2,F1=2 result should be “W”
    If cell A1=1, and B1=1,C1=1,D1=2,E1=2,F1=2 result should be “X”
    If cell A1=1, and B1=1,C1=1,D1=2,E1=2,F1=2 result should be “Y”
    If cell A1=1, and B1=1,C1=1,D1=2,E1=2,F1=2 result should be “Z”
    There is so many permutation and combination but I need above combination in single formula

  45. The following vlookup function


    returns the value as "#N/A" because the data is not available in the "SPORTS" tab. How can I change the value to "0" from "#N/A"?


    1. =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($E12,'SPORTS'!$A$9:$G$162,6,FALSE), "0")

  46. Hello Team,

    "If value of Cell d4 between -5 to +5 then display "Correct" Else "Error".

    Kindly help me with a formula for the above condition.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. If you have Excel 2013 or higher, use the conditional formatting tool.

  47. Hi, I am trying to use multi IF function to show certain range of values. for the numbers I have got it right but when it comes to text it is not reading it. this is the formula:

    The idea is to show cut-off values where eg.if the number I get in the cell is <92% shows 20. However, if it is just a text "S/D" then it should read =330. can you help please.

    Note: It is working for me as single IF function but in the combination it is not reading it!=IF(AS55="s/d",330,331)

  48. I want to achieve three outcomes from three arguments. I am attempting to compile a register containing current insurance policies. The policy dates are either current (OK), out of date or not provided at all.
    1. TODAY()
    2. Date registered (A4)
    2. OK (A5)
    3. Out of date (A6)
    4. Not submitted (A7)

    My attempt: =IF(TODAY()A4,"A6",IF(ISBLANK(A4),"A7")))

    This doesn't work and I suspect I don't understand functions well enough to achieve my desired outcome. Can you assist.

    1. Oops typo. Should be =IF(TODAY()>A4,"A6",IF(TODAY()<A4,"A5",IF(ISBLANK(A4),"A7")))

  49. Hi I need help in applying if function for a range of cells which contains percentage and text. Ex. A1 contains 100% and B1 contains NA; while I applied if function, if(A1=>100%,1,if(A1<100%,2,0)), which worked when cell values had percentage but gives wrong output if cell contains any text, gives 1 for NA as well. Kindly assist.

  50. Please help on this

    =if(A3=E1&B1=C1, D3*G3,0)


    1. =if(A3=E1&B1,C1, D3*G3)

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