Comments on: How to use IF function in Excel: examples for text, numbers, dates, blanks

IF is one of the most popular and useful functions in Excel. Generally, you use an IF statement to test a condition and to return one value if the condition is met, and another value if the condition is not met. Continue reading

Comments page 81. Total comments: 4830

  1. Hi, i hope you can help me with this. I'd really appreciate it. I'm not that good with formulas. I need to do a calander. I have a drop down box with every month. I need the calendar to put the dates 1-31 under the right day for each month that is selected from the drop down box. Any suggestings? Please

  2. hi,
    I need to have 2 cells which only can have 2 times to use,
    if the 3rd data occurred , then it will show nok.

    example :

    352 5 ok
    352 5 ok
    353 4 ok
    353 4 ok
    354 3 ok
    354 3 ok
    354 3 nok

  3. Hi Svetlana, Can you please help. I have about 50 persons names who must complete +-twenty documents before a following process can start, How can I put that into a If statement. I would like to use a right mark for yes and X for not complete. Then I would like to hyperlink from a summary back to the detailed spread sheet. The summary contains several steps with several document per step.

    Your help is appreciated,


    1. Hello Anton,

      To help you better, we need a sample table with your data in Excel and the result you want to get.
      You can email it to Please add the link to this article and your comment number.

  4. Can anyone figure this out? IF there is duplicate text in column A (customer's email) THEN add their sales up in column B. (So we can determine a total customer's sales.) Thanks!!

  5. Hi I need to make performance monitor for my team mates,

    If >2 mean Poor
    2 to 3 mean Good
    5 mean excellent

  6. For example:
    If these are my students score

    exam 1 exam 2 exam 3 exam 4 Description
    72 100 100 60 .............
    100 50 90 60 ............

    then i want to give the description on each of exam (for example good in exam 2 and 3 but bad in exam 1 and 4) How to do like that? please help me?

  7. Hi there! Love your site, and I use it all the time! Thanks for the help in advance.

    I have dates 8/22/16-12/31/2016 (past and future)across row 2 from H2:CX2, and data for each date in cells H3:CX3. There are 650 total rows of data for each date.
    I am looking to make a column starting in CY3 that provides a simple "Y", "N" if 2 conditions are met for that particular row. The formula will be dragged down to all 650 rows, and each row needs to be tested independently.
    1. The date in H2:CX2 is greater than todays date. AND
    2. The value in H3:CX3 is greater than 0.

    This is what I have right now.
    =IF(AND(COUNTIF($H$2:$CX$2,">"&TODAY()),COUNTIF(H3:CX3,">0")), "Y","N")
    It reports a Y if the value in H3:CX3 is >0, but ignores the date part. I only want a Y if the value is associated to a future date, and an "N" if the value is from a past date.

    Thank you!

  8. I am working in time office, i want to prepare a labour wage sheet. I am giving Food only to those labour who are working at site. we have differencet trade Like mason, carpenter, Cook, washerman etc. but I want to give food allowance USD 05 per day only Mason, Carpenter, Fabricator only. Any one can help me to find out solution by using MS Excel.

    I will thankful to you.


  9. Hi Svetlana,

    Can you please guide or help on my concern, It would be of great help.

    I have data in sheet1 & almost same data in Sheet2 (eg:- below)
    please note-the only difference is in the formation of name of medicine.

    Sheet1 Sheet - 2

    how can i get value (prescription not required) after knowing that sheet1 & sheet2 has same name of medicine regardless the formation of name.


  10. Hello.
    I need simple logical formula, but not understand.
    It is a cell with a value of 1 or 2, and need to be a value corresponding to the name.
    Please help to understand how to do it.

    1. =IF(D2=1,”JĀ”,IF(D2=2,”Nē”,”Varbūt”))
      This formula doesn't work :(

    2. =IF(B2=1,”JĀ”,IF(B2=2,”Nē”,”Varbūt”))
      Doesn't work :(

  11. Dear how i can write this condition please
    if total score =8 "high" if it is 6 to less than 8 "medium", if less than 6"low"
    thank you

    1. Hi Ahmad,

      You can use this formula with nested IF's:

      =IF(A1>=8, "high", IF(A1>=6, "medium", "low"))

  12. hello
    can i get a support please?
    I need a formula that :

    if there is date equal date,
    if there is another thing equal empty

    many thanks

    1. Hello Ghayss,

      Because in the internal Excel system, dates are stored as numbers, there is no function that can distinguish dates. The only solution that I can think of is using the ISNUMBER function within IF:

      =IF(ISNUMBER(A1), A1, "")

      The above formula will return the contents of A1 if there is a date or number in it, an empty string otherwise.

      1. it works !
        thanks Svetlana,,,you are Queen !!!

  13. Hi, I try to build a formula which states if a cell contains the text value of "acq Opp ID", then the result should display only the actual ID [(right(Q2,LEN(Q2)-12)], if the cell Q2 does not contain "acq opp ID", then if the result is to be "-" (empty).

    1. Hi KeBo,

      Because IF cannot recognize wildcard characters, you can use either SEARCH (case-insensitive) or FIND (case-sensitive) function:

      =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("acq Opp ID",Q2)), RIGHT(Q2,LEN(Q2)-12), "-")

      The 3rd option is using COUNTIF with wildcards:

      =IF(COUNTIF(Q2,"*acq Opp ID*")>0, RIGHT(Q2,LEN(Q2)-12), "-")

      1. Thank you SO much ! I was kind of on the right track but overthought it :)

  14. Him

    I'm trying to do the following.

    Having input either S, W or N into a column. I want another column to auto fill as follows, When S = W. When W = S and when N = N.

    Can you help?


    1. Hi Ken,

      You can do this with the following formula:

      =IF(A1="s", "W", IF(A1="w", "S", IF(A1="n", "N", "")))

      1. Thanks Svetlana!

        Really appreciated :)

  15. Same query as asked by Bhimashankar. How can I use range in "IF" function.

  16. Hi I need a formula for following condition

    in a column (sr. A3 to A23 )I have to enter some numbers, each individual number should fall within a range of 5 to 50. A1 is 5 and A2 is 50.

    If the more than two values from the data are out of range, statement as "Not Acceptable" in cell A24 should appear. Otherwise "Acceptable"

    If nothing has entered in the column from A3 to A23, statement "Pending should appear in cell A24.

    1. Hi Bhimashnakar,

      Try this formula:

      =IF(COUNTIF(A3:A23, "")=ROWS(A3:A23), "Pending", IF(OR(COUNTIF(A3:A23, "<"&A1)>2, COUNTIF(A3:A23, ">"&A2)>2), "Not acceptable", "Acceptable"))

  17. I require a formula where if the cell is 20 or greater it add the number 20 and if the number is less than 20 it just add whatever number is in the cell. e.g cell F1 has 14 ten it should show 14 and if cell f2 has 23 then should show the number 20 something the formula at the end, but where it doesn't just show F1 is less than 20 but the actual number in that cell? = IF(F1>20,"20",IF(F1<20,"F1"))

    1. Hi Andre,

      In Excel formulas, you should never enclose numbers and cell references in quotation marks unless you want to turn them into text strings. As soon as you remove the double quotes, the formula will work just fine:
      = IF(F1>20, 20, F1)

  18. Hi

    I require a formula that will make up the difference if one cell totals less than £50 and will input the amount into that that cell?


  19. Hi! I feel like this one might be a bit silly for this forum, but any help is appreciated :) I'm trying to minimise entering time for a speadsheet that is used quite often.
    B3 has a drop down box of crop types (canola, wheat, barley etc.). I need G3 (the excess applicable) to be 10% for canola, 0% for any other selection. If possible, I'd like to keep the "drop down box" option available for the whole G column.
    Thanks! :)


  21. I need a formula that does the following:

    If(E13:E10<44,"0")...but if E13:E19 is over 44 the value would be E13 minus 8

    1. Hi Kim,

      Use this formula for row 13, and then copy it down to other rows:

      =IF(E13<44, 0, E13-8)

  22. Hi,

    Please help me to find a formula ... I got below items

    In Cell A2=Y, B2=Y, C2=Y and D2=2500

    First check if A2=Y then check any or both of B2 or C2 is Y. if any or both of B2 or C2 is Y then return D2 value i.e. 2500

    Again if A2=Y but none of B2 or C2 is Y then return zero


  23. Hello,

    I want make date range selection in two columns as first date of month in one column and last of the particular month from a cell where a already put a drop down list of months from January to December.
    e.g. Drop down list cell month- July
    should change the two columns automatically as Starting Date and another column Ending Date.

    Please help,

    Thank You.

  24. It's good formula and i satisfied filling my work life

  25. hi can you advice me if value between A1 and B1 then multiple by C1 and if value between A2 and B2 then multiple by C2 And if value between A3 and B3 hen multiple by C3

  26. Hi DANIEL,

    Please put number in 'A1' cell OR 'B1' cell

    Please use below formula..

    =IF(A1>=1,"Number available in Cell A",IF(B1>=1,"Number available in Cell B","Number Not available in A and B Cells"))

    If Number in A1 Cell then output: Number available in Cell A
    If Number in B1 Cell then output: Number available in Cell B
    If Number Not in A1 and B1 cells output: Number Not available in A and B Cells


  28. I hope you can see my full posting this keeps removing part of my question

  29. Hi, I have an if formulae that I want to create. I have 3 commission rates applicable at different age groups. I want to have on formulae to represent these variations.
    age is=21 or =41 apply 15%
    see below formulae let me know where I'm going wrong? Thanks
    Ignore 1st posting

  30. help if the validation check. for example if A1 = USD , B1 >1 , A1 = MYR, B1 < 1 otherwise 1?

    1. Hi Jerome,
      Try this:


      1. Hi thanks for this however the result is FALSE if use the above formula. can this be put into data validation ?

        1. Yes U put in data validation and let me know if u get any problem.

          1. IF(M15="USD",O15>1,IF(M15="MYR",O15<1,1)) Hi venugopla. this is what i put in data validation. the cell i input will be 015 but no validation check. ie any value can be inputted

  31. Madam, I would like to compare a cell in 'a' worksheet with the values in two columns of 'b' worksheet and would like to get the value from the third column of 'b' worksheet to 'a' work sheet
    Example: =IF(AND((B4=1800),(C:C>Sheet1!B:B),(C:C<Sheet1!C:C)),Sheet1!D:D,0)
    though the condition is true, it is still giving 0 only. Kindly explain it by using Array formula please.

  32. if column a=rural and col b is less than 25 type non performing else performing.
    and if column a=semi urban or urban and col b is less than 50 type non performing or else performing

  33. Hello Svetlana,

    I am beginner and don't really have much excel knowledge on complex formulas. here's my question and would be grateful if you can please answer.

    I have worksheet with different tabs (named as Sales, marketing, Finance etc) and each tab has invoices recorded with dates, code and the amounts. I want to get the total value of each month for each invoice to a summary sheet. Ex: - I want to get the total value of Month May for code 7000 in all the departments.

    Thank you so much for your help in advance!

  34. Hi,

    I need to analyse have a preference value for a graph and I tried using an IF formula with a score value below but it doesn't work. Is there a function I missed? Or can someone help me find a better solution? So For example

    IF: (1 = Highest, 2 = Medium, 3 = Low) (P2 = 50, Q2 = 40, R2 = 30)
    Butter = 1
    Light Butter = 2
    100% Organic Butter = 3



  35. I want to check Three colums Example (A1 "T",B1"T" ,C1'E") in three Colums two colums "T" Iwant N in D colum, In three colum two colums "E" I want Y in D colum .Please give reply


  36. Madam ,
    I want to check Three coloums Example (A1 "T",B1"T" ,C1'E") in three Coloums two coloums "T" Iwant N in D coloum, In three coloum two coloums "E" I want Y in D coloum .Please give reply

  37. is there a possibility if I select a name from a drop down list then the datas of the selected list must be displayed in next column,
    in B2 i've a drop down list of continents Asia, Australia, america, Africa and if i select Asia in drop down list B2 then countries of Asia must be showed in 'C' column and same goes to other continents.

    1. its possible but you should have a seperate data with a list with all countries. Best way is each continent on seperate sheet and then use indirect and address functions together some lookup and iserror to remove unwanted results, but this is a bit complicated to explain whitout actual data because the number of results varay depends on your choice which means that if there is some other stuff happening in the result display area you will need to give more info.

      If you know how to use Pivot Tables thats the really easy way just put the continent into the fillter area the problem is that if you want to use that data afterwards you need to copy it.

  38. a value must be selected from a list then return another value in another cell

  39. Hi,
    i wnat to know how i get the value as i want in below

    A B C
    -67 133 ?

    In c lolum value should be only + valuse.
    Means if a is -67 the she should show 133 value.
    and if B is -67 then also c should show 133 value.

  40. if

    A B
    Tom Mia Obc
    Kon Ali gen
    broy ray sc

    what is the formula for column B

    b column fill to Mia =obc, ali = gen,ray =sc

    1. Hi Roky

      Note: Take old text in A1 column, need to add text in B column, see below formula..

      =REPLACE(A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1,4,B1)

  41. I have a value for the row. I want to know if a value (column G) = the min or the max for a range of values, else it is between (mid). the range is also listed in the same row (columns H and I).

    I have the following formula:


    All I get is FALSE. and for all possibilities,
    when G2=H2
    when G2=I2
    when G2H2 nor I2

    I am not sure why this isn't working.

    I made sure the columns G, H and I are numbers, but that doesn't impact things. I am not getting a syntax error.


  42. Hi!

    I'm trying to get a formula (either an IF function or Conditional Formatting function) to help me assign the proper Customer Name &/or Customer # to an invoice in the proper row, but it's difficult because there are numerous invoices for some customers and a few for others. Here is what the raw data looks like:

    Customer # Customer Name Invoice #
    123 ABC 123 - ABC <=PLEASE NOTE, not a real inv.#
    789 XYQW 789 - XYQW
    453 ZZZZZZ 453 - ZZZZZZ

    Thanks for your help!

    1. give an example what is the data and what it should become and i can make you a formula because i dont really get what is happening in your data

  43. Hi I want to make formula for
    if value>=5% and if value>=-5% then yes

  44. Hi
    i want to know how to get a value if

    if e2="rl5" then Return system date - 5 days
    or if e2="rl4" then return system date - 3 days

    thank you!

    1. Hi Timothy,

      You can use the following formula for your Return system date column:

      =IF(E2="rl5", "5 days", IF(E2="rl4", "3 days", ""))

  45. I need help to put formula like this

    If Column L from another sheet has 35 then then the value 4002 should be taken, if it has 56 then 4004, if it has 38 then 4102, if it has 39 then 4104

    Please help

    1. Hi sunny,

      U write formula in Sheet1, please put value (eg:35,56,38,39...)in Sheet2..
      Please try below..

      =IF(Sheet2!L1=35,4002,IF(Sheet2!L1=56,4004,IF(Sheet2!L1=38,4102,IF(Sheet2!L1=39,4104,"Not in Our Range"))))

  46. Thanks......

  47. If there is a value in one of the cells in c5 and i5 then equate it with b4,B10,B16,B22.


  48. I have 2 columns one has a number of calls (G) and number of seconds in the second (H). I want to have the next column to show which calls were over 18 secs and also to include the total number of calls from (G) in that cell. So if one cell in G shows 2 how would I make the IF command work. I am using right now =IF(H2>18,1*1,1*0) and that just allows me to count how many cells are over 18 secs but not the actual call amount from column G.


  49. Hello,

    I have a problem and I can't find a solution anywhere.

    I have a sheet with dates of invoices that have been approved for different hospitals and things we need to pay them for. It's a very long sheet with main variants being 'Hospital number', 'Procedure' and 'Date of invoice approval'.
    I would like to create a seperate tab with a table generating a formula which could cross check 'Hospital number', 'Procedure' and 'Date of invoice approval' from the other tab - but instead of generating a result in form of 'good' or 'bad' i would like the formula to enter the actual date of invoice approval -into the table. Not sure if this is possible?

    Please help!!!???

  50. Hi,

    I am wondering if there is a way to make a cell a specific color depending on a value it has. The values come from a formula (VLOOKUP). If excel doesn't find any values then it leaves the cell blank, otherwise it writes the value which can be anything from letters to numbers (so I can't be that specific and therefore not be able to use conditional formating...). I want to color all cells which get a value and leave the blank cells white. Would you know how to tackle this issue?


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