Comments on: How to use IF function in Excel: examples for text, numbers, dates, blanks

IF is one of the most popular and useful functions in Excel. Generally, you use an IF statement to test a condition and to return one value if the condition is met, and another value if the condition is not met. Continue reading

Comments page 83. Total comments: 4830

  1. I have a value for the row. I want to know if a value (column G) = the min or the max for a range of values, else it is between (mid). the range is also listed in the same row (columns H and I).

    I have the following formula:


    All I get is FALSE. and for all possibilities,
    when G2=H2
    when G2=I2
    when G2H2 nor I2

    I am not sure why this isn't working.

    I made sure the columns G, H and I are numbers, but that doesn't impact things. I am not getting a syntax error.


  2. Hi!

    I'm trying to get a formula (either an IF function or Conditional Formatting function) to help me assign the proper Customer Name &/or Customer # to an invoice in the proper row, but it's difficult because there are numerous invoices for some customers and a few for others. Here is what the raw data looks like:

    Customer # Customer Name Invoice #
    123 ABC 123 - ABC <=PLEASE NOTE, not a real inv.#
    789 XYQW 789 - XYQW
    453 ZZZZZZ 453 - ZZZZZZ

    Thanks for your help!

    1. give an example what is the data and what it should become and i can make you a formula because i dont really get what is happening in your data

  3. Hi I want to make formula for
    if value>=5% and if value>=-5% then yes

  4. Hi
    i want to know how to get a value if

    if e2="rl5" then Return system date - 5 days
    or if e2="rl4" then return system date - 3 days

    thank you!

    1. Hi Timothy,

      You can use the following formula for your Return system date column:

      =IF(E2="rl5", "5 days", IF(E2="rl4", "3 days", ""))

  5. I need help to put formula like this

    If Column L from another sheet has 35 then then the value 4002 should be taken, if it has 56 then 4004, if it has 38 then 4102, if it has 39 then 4104

    Please help

    1. Hi sunny,

      U write formula in Sheet1, please put value (eg:35,56,38,39...)in Sheet2..
      Please try below..

      =IF(Sheet2!L1=35,4002,IF(Sheet2!L1=56,4004,IF(Sheet2!L1=38,4102,IF(Sheet2!L1=39,4104,"Not in Our Range"))))

  6. Thanks......

  7. If there is a value in one of the cells in c5 and i5 then equate it with b4,B10,B16,B22.


  8. I have 2 columns one has a number of calls (G) and number of seconds in the second (H). I want to have the next column to show which calls were over 18 secs and also to include the total number of calls from (G) in that cell. So if one cell in G shows 2 how would I make the IF command work. I am using right now =IF(H2>18,1*1,1*0) and that just allows me to count how many cells are over 18 secs but not the actual call amount from column G.


  9. Hello,

    I have a problem and I can't find a solution anywhere.

    I have a sheet with dates of invoices that have been approved for different hospitals and things we need to pay them for. It's a very long sheet with main variants being 'Hospital number', 'Procedure' and 'Date of invoice approval'.
    I would like to create a seperate tab with a table generating a formula which could cross check 'Hospital number', 'Procedure' and 'Date of invoice approval' from the other tab - but instead of generating a result in form of 'good' or 'bad' i would like the formula to enter the actual date of invoice approval -into the table. Not sure if this is possible?

    Please help!!!???

  10. Hi,

    I am wondering if there is a way to make a cell a specific color depending on a value it has. The values come from a formula (VLOOKUP). If excel doesn't find any values then it leaves the cell blank, otherwise it writes the value which can be anything from letters to numbers (so I can't be that specific and therefore not be able to use conditional formating...). I want to color all cells which get a value and leave the blank cells white. Would you know how to tackle this issue?


  11. Hi,
    I am looking for a formula to add 21 days to a date if a certain phrase is in another column. For example - A2 is 01/08/2016, if B2 says 'PA1' I would like C2 to add 21 days to the date in A1. I have so far got =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("PA1",B2)),"A2+21","") which works as far as getting C2 filled with an answer but I can't make the sum "A2+21" work as a formula - can anyone help?


    1. Sorry - Just read back - should read, A2 is 01/08/2016, if B2 says 'PA1' I would like C2 to add 21 days to the date in A2

  12. Hi,
    This is a formula for 2 energy use efficiencies one for gaining weight, one for weight loss. Obviously I have the syntax wrong, but I can't work out what the error is. I would be really grateful if you could help me.

    =IF(L7>0,[(L7*0.92*18)/(0.0043*((0.172*$L$3)-1.707))], [(L7*0.92*18)/0.8])

  13. Hi .
    Can you pls. Help yo formulate a formula inside a single cell. The condition is this for dates.
    1. I both cell is empty result is empty.
    2. If thedifference of two dates is > 0 answer is 0, if not result is 1
    3. If one cell is empty result is 0
    4. If both dates are equal result is 1

    Pls. Help tnx

  14. Hello,

    I have two different dates in two different cells (A1 = 4/12/1993 and B1 = 04/05/1993) and i want to verify if the two dates fall in the same quarters. If two dates are within the same quarter, the data "passed" if outside of 89 days, it fails...

    thanks for your help....

  15. need help.
    on A column we have names like sam, nick, ... on G column we have $ amount, how calculate from xxx row till yyy row all $ for sam ?
    thank you for help

  16. I believe I need to combine an IF function and a SUMIF function...but not 100% sure (all I know is it is not working). I was able to do a SUMIF formula to have it add up invoice dollar amounts if the vendor equaled a certain name. That is great for a total amount owed; however, what I am having issues with is when giving it a criteria, like if the invoice date is =< 12/31/15, then add up only those invoices that are before that date and that are from a certain vendor. I am trying to enter this formula into a summary this would help a lot!

  17. Hi Svetlana,

    Hope you can help me on this tough one and thank you in advance for any help you can give.

    So I have created an Excel spreadsheet which I'm tracking snow removal times that happen during the winter so I can charge my customers. Row 1, I have the times that have been summed up. Row 2 where I a value that been calculated from Row 1 to get number of times 15 mins fits in it (For example, a cell in Row 1 would show 1:20 minutes and I divide that by 15 minutes which should give me a value of 8. Now here's the problem, I been trying to use the "IF" function in Row 2 to perform a function say if the time in Row 1 is less than 15 minutes than the value should be 0 or if it's 15 or more than I divide that by 15.

    Any suggestion what I could do? Thank you in advance for any help you can give!


    1. Hi Gary,

      I believe this formula does what you need:
      =IF(A$1*1440>=15, A$1*1440/15, 0)

  18. Very Excel illiterate...please help if you can! I have been using this formula (which I did not create) to calculate data for vacation, sick time, personal days, etc. on our time sheets:
    Cell J9 - 1.50v
    Cell K9 - 1.50v
    Formulated cell returns the correct value of 3.
    The problem is when numbers with 2 decimal places (other than '0') are used:
    1.25v plus 1.25v returns a value of 2.4
    I'm thinking it has something to do with using the letter 'v', in this case...maybe I'm wrong!
    I've tried to format the cell different ways but I've had no success.
    Sure hope you can help! Thanks!

  19. Dear,
    Can you please in using IF command for the below
    <32.7 Lower
    32.8 to 39.4 Moderate
    40 to 46.1 High
    46.6 Very High

  20. I want to use IF function, for a cell contains email address then the resulting cell will return with a numeric value as 1 and if there is written as "NA" then return a numeric 0 (zero), so that at last I can count by using sum function to add and get how many emails are there in my sheet. Please give me the solution.

    1. Hi Kamesh,

      You can use a formula similar to this:
      =IF(A1="NA", 0, IF(ISTEXT(A1), 1, ""))

  21. Nice greet tutorial of if function, very useful and informative

  22. I want to put a formula for assigning a person job from a start date to end date .

    How to put a formula to ensure that person is not reassigned during the given start and end date.


  23. I want to write a function that will evaluate if a cell is >1, and if it is, copy the text in any designated cell and copy that text to another cell


    1. Hi Don,

      You can use a formula similar to this:
      =IF(A1>1, B1, "")

      Where A1 is the cell to evaluate, and B1 is the cell to copy the text from.

  24. Hi,
    Excel has always been my downfall. I need your help please.

    I need for D5 to show as either 0% or 25% data is from
    D4:D14 which would either contain Yes, No and blanks , Should any of the cells fro 4-14 contain a no then D5 should show as 0% and if 4-14 cells have a YES including the blanks then D5 should show as 25%.

    Your help is much appreciated.

    1. Hi Michele,

      Try this one:
      =IF(COUNTIF(D4:D14, "no")>0, 0%, 25%)

  25. what formula can i used for this
    Good 4.00-4.59
    Average 3.00-3.59
    Fair 2.00-2.59
    Poor 1.00-1.59

    if the result would be 5 i want to automatically give the corresponding rating equivalent. please help thanks.

  26. I have 3 Worksheet, one is for purchase statement, second is for sales statement and another is for stock statement. Now in purchase & sales statement against all different types of equipments there are serial no. (eg. ASHD-0674) Suppose I have purchased 25 nos. different equipments which has 25 different types of serial nos. and I have sold 19 Nos. equipments out of 25 Nos. purchased. Now in Stock Statement I want to see which serial nos. of equipments I Purchased, sold and which serial nos. in my stock. Please clarify.

  27. Hi,

    Please help to solve my query, I want to pick city name in separate column from excel formula.

    INST_ADDR Output Required
    asasdsdddAzadpur, Azadpur New Delhi, New Delhi, 110033 Azadpur
    asasdsdddGreater Noida New Delhi, New Delhi, 110033 Greater Noida
    asasdsdddNoida New Delhi, New Delhi, 110033 Noida
    dfdfdfdGurgaon,New Delhi, New Delhi, 110033 Gurgaon
    1fdfdf11 GK New Delhi, New Delhi, 110075 GK
    dfdfdfdDwarka,New Delhi, New Delhi, 110033 Dwarka
    dfdfdfdGhaziabad,New Delhi, New Delhi, 110033 Ghaziabad


    neeraj Kaushik

  28. I have a column in Excel. User points to a cell in the column. A drop down menu populated as follows: 1/4 in screws, 1/4 in screws, 1.2 in screws. When the user selects any one of these, the associated part number is entered in the cell. How do I do it in Excel?

  29. Hello,

    I have been attempting to figure out a formula for an issue I have for a while. I'll try my best to explain it, but referring to my below examples may be your be more helpful. I have a 86K plus spreadsheet in which I need to combine multiple cells into a single cell if certain criteria are met.

    Raw Data Example:
    A 1 2 3
    B 23456 Coffee
    C 8975 Tea
    D 99238 Soda
    E 23456 Tea
    F 23456 Soda
    G 8975 Soda

    I need a cell in column 3 to combine what column 2 has every time a number in column 1 matches.

    What needs to happen Example:

    A 1 2 3
    B 23456 Coffee Coffee;Tea;Soda
    C 8975 Tea Tea;Soda
    D 99238 Soda Soda
    E 23456 Tea Coffee;Tea;Soda
    F 23456 Soda Coffee;Tea;Soda
    G 8975 Soda Tea;Soda

    Thank you,

  30. Salary Exemption Salary 0 100000@15%
    1,485,079 400,000 1,085,079 4,000 15,000 246,270
    300,000 350,000 524,759 4,000 15,000 106,190

    I need if the Annual Salary is More then 400000 or 350000 multiply 1% on Exemption otherwise multiply 1% on A

  31. Hi, please can you help me, I am busy with a deal comm excel sheet, I need to create a drop down box with "inclusive / exclusive" and then when either button is clicked the value on the formula needs to be linked from the selling price. How do I do this?

  32. I've 5 different sheets of data with heading of each sheet is Normal /Urgent / very urgent / Platinum / Emergency and each having different data. if the order is urgent then it should select data from Sheet "URGENT" for that particular country / product / kg / rate. I've around 50 countries and 400 destinations. Pls advise how to create a formula for this complexity.

  33. Sir/Madam

    I wanted to know the IFCOUNT condition for bank use for example
    State Bank of India put the NEFT charges for other banks except SBI the criteria is

    10000/- 2.87
    10001 100000/- 5.75
    100001 200000/- 17.25
    200000 ABOVE 28.75

    requesting you to help in this regard.

    Thanks & Regards
    Ibrahim Khan

    1. Hi Ibrahim,
      Please consider amount in A1 cell.. then follow below formula...


  34. Hi,

    Ive created a dropdown list (periods 12) to pull data for various months depending on the period selected. I have 2 summaries, In the month, which pulls the current month and for that I used sumifs and used the display in the dropdown box as the condition for result, however for year to date which requires summation of more than one period I am having difficulty figuring out what function would allow me to link to the drop box to automatically update. Currenty I am using if and have 12 stipulation which is quite long (eg if(a2=y1,sum y7:y8, if(a2=y2,sumy7:y9.....etc have to do this for 12 periods. Can you help?

  35. Hi,
    I am trying to do an IF function where Excel would return:
    1 when the cell has Monday in it
    2 when the cell has Tuesday in it
    3 when the cell has Wednesday in it, and so on.
    The cell that has the weekday (Monday) in it has a formula =A3 where the cell A3 would be a date. For example, A3 = 13/7/2016, B3 has a function =A3 (formatted to return 'Wednesday'), C3 would have an IF function returning '3'.
    How do get this IF function to work?

  36. can someone help me how to compute

    if A5 is equal and not less than to 7083 then compute for (A5-7083)*.20 + 354.17. or if A5 is equal or not less than to 10,000 then compute for (A5-10,000)-.25+937.50

    1. I don't understand your question 354.17 "or" if A5...
      should be "And"?
      Try this:

  37. Can someone help me please?
    I need a formula showing the following:

    If the field B10 is greater than 50, then it should be 50, if the field B10 is less than 50, then it should be the sum of B10 + B13.
    But with the way the formula is written, if B10 is less then 50, then it showings SUM(B10+B13) in the field instead of the sum of B10 plus B13.

    1. You can change:

  38. Please let me know formula for converting numbers of 1,00,00,000 & 10,00,000 & 10,000 & 1000 & 100 & 10 & 1 digits in text format in other cell in excel.

  39. Hi
    Could someone help me with a formula

    Create a formula for each title under the heading re-order to display the text order if the remainnin stock is below 3 or no if not

  40. I have a drop down list for customer number and wanted for the customer name to populate when the customer number is typed in. Would this be a "if" command. If so can anyone assist.

  41. Hi, I have a problem with loop.
    The idea is that i enter a number at A1

    I want to know if the number
    less than of equal to 100 13

    101 to 500 7

    501 to 1000 7

    every 1 to 500 thereafter 6

    For example, i enter 450, the result is 13.
    550, the result is 13+7=20.

    I just know one step. "IF(A1<=500,13)"

    Please help.

    1. ====================================
      less than of equal to 100 = 13

      101 to 500 = 7

      501 to 1000 = 7

      every 1 to 500 thereafter = 6

  42. Hi,
    I have a problem where I have to write if function in Excel VBA as follows:

    Module1 = Cells(j, 80).Value
    Module2 = Cells(j, 81).Value

    Module29 = Cells(j, 108).Value
    Module30 = Cells(j, 109).Value

    If Module1 = "A" Then
    Cells(i, 9) = Module1
    End If

    If Module1 = "B" Then
    Cells(i, 9) = "Good”
    End If

    If Module2 = "A" Then
    Cells(i, 10) = Module1
    End If

    If Module2 = "B" Then
    Cells(i, 10) = "Good”
    End If

    I have to input 30 times from Module1 to Module30.

    I have changed Module1 to “Module” & k (k for next loop is added).
    It does not work.
    Module1 not equal to “Module” & k

    For k = 1 To 30
    If "Module" & k = "A" Then
    Cells(i, k + 8) = "Module" & k
    End If

    If "Module" & k = "B" Then
    Cells(i, k + 8) = "Good”
    End If

    Can I use this method in “If” fuction? How to solve?
    Many thanks.

  43. hiii sir,
    please find the following details, in credit column some amt is there that amt should be come automatically to particular column which i have mentioned,

    please help me which formula i have to apply.
    cr amt name bs kr sn
    6123 DC
    4450 BS
    1871 SN
    1871 SN
    887 KR
    6711 BS

  44. I'm trying to get the cell to return a blank if it finds the referenced cell also blank:



    I tried it both ways, using known blank cells that will always be blank (AZ and BZ), and also using "". It performed the first two in the formula, but always returns a "0" if the cell is blank.

    Also took off the [value_if_false] at the end of the formula to mirror what I was seeing in here, but didn't work either. Always getting a "0" when = CodeList or is blank.


    =IF(C49="2",I47&" "&D8,IF(C49="1"," "," "))

  46. if cell contain text how to count

  47. How to write the formula to count the no of Sundays beet ween two dates (ex-30/06/2016 beet ween 15/07/2016)

    1. Hi jayantha,

      You can use the following formula:


      Where A1 is the start date and B1 is the end date.

  48. Hi,
    I am interested to set a formula to process student's marks.

    If (A1-B1)or (B1-A1)is less than 17, D1 is (A1+B1)/2

    But If (A1-B1)or (B1-A1)is more than or equal to 17, D1 will be average of C1 and either A1 or B1 which is closer to C1.

    Thanks in advance

  49. i have question for you,

    based on my excel sheet two column is there example document type and posting key column is one sheet if this column match in second sheet document type and posting key column i have to update the remain second sheet data to first sheet.

    please help on this query!!!


  50. Hello, Sanket,
    Please try the following formula:
    =IF(B4>DATEVALUE("11/14/2015"),"15%", IF(B4>DATEVALUE("05/31/2015"), "14.5%", "14%"))

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