Comments on: How to use IF function in Excel: examples for text, numbers, dates, blanks

IF is one of the most popular and useful functions in Excel. Generally, you use an IF statement to test a condition and to return one value if the condition is met, and another value if the condition is not met. Continue reading

Comments page 99. Total comments: 4830

  1. Hi,

    I am needing a little assistance. I am looking for a formula that will do the following:

    If cell A39 is less than zero it will give me the exact amount it shows but if cell A39 is greater than zero it will "-"

    Can someone please assist?


    1. Hi Pam,

      If my understanding of the task is correct, you can use the following formula:

      =IF(A39<0, A39, "-")

  2. Hi
    I need a formula that enters the time on a cell if data or text is entered in another cell
    so lets say I enter data/text on a1- I would like for the entering of the text to trigger the current time to show on b1
    please help!

    1. Hi Leslie,

      One of our developers created a macro that will help you, please follow these steps:
      - Open your Excel file and press Alt+F11 on your keyboard,
      - Double-click the necessary sheet in the list, select "Worksheet" at the top and choose "Change" in the drop-down list in the top-right corner.
      - Paste the following code and click Run:

      Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

      If Target.Address = [a1].Address Then
      ActiveCell.Value = Time()
      End If

      End Sub

  3. Hi,

    This is probably pretty simple, but I don't work with excel enough to figure it out.
    I just want to double check that the numbers that I am inputting in certain cells add up to the total in another cell.
    For example:
    A2=$7434.54 A4=$5432.78 A6=$2001.76
    If this is true I want to leave my test cell (A1) blank.
    If this is false I want to populate my test cell (A1) with an x.
    The problem I am unable to solve is when A4=$ - , which it sometimes does and is fine. I just keep getting a x, when it should be blank.
    Please help if you can. Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Jason,

      If we understand your task correctly and you have a dash in some cells instead of a number like zero, you can use the following formula to calculate the cells without a dash, or show an "X" if there is a dash:
      =IF(AND(A6<>" - ",A4<>" - "),A4+A6,"X")

      If the task is different, please describe it in more detail.

  4. Hello,

    Wondering if you could help me please?

    I'm trying to set up a cell so that if all of the cells this one relates to contains a number of 1 or more then it will say yes, if not no.

    Its a spreadsheet to help me keep track of things, this cell is whether I have collected quotes from all suppliers. So if I have entered numbers in ALL of the cells, Id like it to say yes, if not no and I have chasing to do.

    I've given it a go from what I've read but it wont work. (Although from what I have read I'm thinking it's probably easier to put if all the cells contain something then yes, if blank no)

    =IF(AND(Orders!M4=Orders!M4>=1,Orders!T4=Orders!T4>=1,Orders!AA4=Orders!AA4>=1,Orders!AG4=Orders!AG4>=1,Orders!AN4=,Orders!AN4>=1,Orders!AU4=Orders!AU4>=1,Orders!BA4=Orders!BA4>=1,Orders!BG4=Orders!BG4>=1, Orders!BM4= Orders!BM4<=1))"YES","NO"

    Many thanks

    1. Hello Vicky,

      The last condition in the formula is "less than or equal to 1", it seems like it should look the following way:

      I hope this helps.

  5. if values in cell M2 are between 2 and 5 (2,3,4 and 5)display OK if not NO

    1. Hi Toni,

      Here you go:

      =IF(AND(M2>=2, M2<=5), "OK", "NO)

  6. Hi Svetlana,

    How are you?

    I did a pivot table to compare sales growth % between 2015 vs 2014. So for Sales -100% = customer did not buy
    Sales -1 to -99 = sales is in deficit
    Sales 0 = sales is maintain
    Sales above 0 = sales growth

    I created the following formula but i am not able to capture the formula for "New" for new customers who did not buy in 2014 (base) but bought in 2015 as the formula came out empty.

    =IF(D7>0,"Growth",IF(D7=0,"Maintain",IF(D7>-99,"Deficit",IF(D7=-100,"Did Not Buy","New"))))

    Appreciate if you could advise me. Many thanks

  7. Hi there
    I am trying to work out how I can use the IF Formula to do the follow:
    The idea is that when a date range for organisation staff training is selected in a training information sheet that it will populate the Calendar which is on another sheet with the title of the training.

    I am using a date picker/vba form to select the dates in the information sheet.
    Each training type has its own sheet with the relevant information on it and the number of these sheets will grow as additional training is added.

    1. Hi Robin,
      It is difficult to understand this task without seeing your data. If possible, please send a sample spreadsheet to and include a link to this post with your comment number.

      We'll do our best to assist you.

  8. If i2=0 f2+h2=value in - sign And
    If i2=1 ((f2*g2)+f2)-h2

  9. HI,

    I'm doing a vlookup but want to put in a condition, if column E has data, but column F is blank I want it to return a 0 after vlookup, but if column E has 12am-9pm and Column F has 12:54, I want it to return a number 3. This is for login time of person, vs if they are absent. I'm ok with the vlookup but i need a formula that will be 0 if Column F is blank and there is data on E, and if there is data on both column E & F, the return would be 3 or any number I choose. Thanks for your help in advance.

    Column E - 12am-9pm
    Column F - Blank (no Data)

  10. I am trying to enter a formual.

    Max Payable Rate Income Max
    EI Max 955.04 1.88 50800
    CPP Max 2544.3 4.95 51400
    WCB 229.24 0.27 52200

    Family Pride

    Old Rate Old Gross New Gross New Rate ei
    3230.77 $84,000.02 Marilyn $85,680.02 $3,295.39 955.04
    1873.75 $48,717.50 Debbie $49,691.85 $1,911.23 FALSE
    1821.74 $47,365.24 Stacey $48,312.54 $1,858.18 955.04
    1821.74 $47,365.24 Brent $48,312.54 $1,858.18 955.04
    1688.38 $43,897.88 Tyler $44,775.84 $1,722.15 955.04
    2188.13 $56,891.38 Jodi $58,029.21 $2,231.90 955.04
    2583.00 $67,158.00 Sarah $68,501.16 $2,634.66 955.04
    Totals $395,395.26 $403,303.17 $15,511.69 $5,730.24

    What I am trying to do is a formula for if the new gross pay * the EI Rate / 100 is greater that the max allowable of 955.04, it will enter 955.04, otherwise enter the lower value. I have up to the max but not entering the lower value. Please help.
    Thank you.

    1. Hello MaryAnne,

      It sounds like you need a formula of this type:

      Here D11 is contains the new gross pay, F11 contains the EI Rate, $B$2 is the cell with the max allowable, and F11 is the cell with the lower value. Please replace the references with the corresponding addresses in your spreadsheet.

  11. Hi,


  12. If 10 to 20= 5
    21 to 30 = 10
    31 to 40 = 15
    Anyone pls sent me the excel formula....

    1. =IF(A1<10,"",IF(A1<=20,"5",IF(A1<=30,"10",IF(A1<=40,"15",""))))

  13. Can the IF function have the "value if true" value as a calculation of variables in the same row??

    E.g., Something like this for every row: IF A2=E2, then calculate difference between F2 and C2? if A2 and E2 are not equal, then leave cell blank. Column A and E are numbers, and columns F and C are dates. I want the output to be a calculation (difference in time).

    Please let me know! Thanks.

  14. I want to crosscheck many values, for example:

    IF x is between 20% and 17% cell value = 30€
    IF x is between 16.99% and 14% cell value = 50€
    IF x is between 13.99% and 11% cell value = 70€
    IF x is between 10.99% and 8% cell value = 80€
    IF x is between 7.99% and 5% cell value = 90€
    IF x is between 4.99% and 0% cell value = 100€

    This is a chart inserted in my excel and the monetary values are a cell each.

    The formula I came up with was this:


    (assume that the "SE" is "IF", since the excel in my workplace is in Portuguese)

    This formula is huge and it takes a while to do, but it works.
    My question is if there is anyway to do this faster than what I did here

  15. can any one help me on to explain this formula and i need to include a condition in the same formula that a guest is foreign who will be considered for the counting otherwise it should be Zero


    Category status

    Foreign - 1 Current guest

    Local 2 stayed Back

    staying back


    Category Departure Arrival time days status
    1 01/01/2016 10:52 06/01/2016 14:40 29 4 current guets

    =IF(M8="Stayed and Staying back",($H$3-$H$2+1),IF(M8="Stayed Back",(H8-($H$2-1))+(IF(J8=36,1,0))),IF(M8="Staying Back",(($H$3-E8)+(IF(J8=36,1,0)))),(IF(M8="Current Month Guest",((H8-E8)+(IF(J8=36,1,0)))))))))

    please help me as soon as possible

  16. Hi - looking to find out if we can use "IF" with date column or if there is another formula / solution to solve this.

    I want dates in a column to appear as: dd-mmm-yyyy
    However, in some cases we do not have a dd, we only have the mmm-yyyy. In these cases I would like to ONLY display mmm-yyyy. (Currently excel autofills with the first of the month if no dd is entered.) We would like to stop excel from autofilling the missing dd with the 01.

    Thanks in advance for any help the community can offer.

  17. Heya, looking for a solution to this please,

    If 'wall value =1000 or less then use 600 door, if its between 1000&2000 use door 700 and so on'

    hope that makes sense. thanks

    1. hi,


      1. Thanks David,

      2. Hi Paul,

        Try this one:

        =IF(A1<=1000, 600, IF(A1<=2000, 700, ""))

        If you want to return text strings rather than numbers, enclose the values in double quotes:

        =IF(A1<=1000, "600 door", IF(A1<=2000, "700 door", ""))

        1. Cool, thanks a lot x

  18. Heya, looking for a solution to this please,

    If 'wall value =1000 or less then use 600 door, if its between 1000 - 2000 use door 700 and so on'

    hope that makes sense. thanks

  19. if the cell is blank the value come yes other wise no. can u help me for this

    1. =IF(A1="","no","yes")

  20. Hi,
    I have the following problem that I want to solve in excel:
    I have two rows with values- first column with Quality class (which is from 1 to 4) and the second column which is with diameters (from 2 to 50 almost from one to one). All these values are introduced aleatory are are almost thousands of combinations. Separately I want to order them and count them on quality class and diameters. Something like quality I - diameter 2 how many they are ?. So separately I want to have on rows the quality classes (1,2,3,4) and on column the diameters and for each combination quality class - diameter to have the count. How can I build an if function to go through the values of the two columns and have their sum.

    I hope I made myself understood.

    All the best

    1. Hi,
      Sorry for bothering you. I solve it by using COUNTIFS.

      All the best!

  21. Ps: Can i do this with Countif function?

  22. Hi again,i need some help.
    In GDP column i have numbers equaled to the current year GDP.I want to count the values in the whole GDP column. In one cell to have information how many values i have in column GDP.Thanks!

  23. Hi Just to add to the above point i need to show the total number of due items in the next row

    Total Amount Due :
    Total Number of Due Invoices

  24. Hi,

    I am trying for a formula where if Column H is having due it should sum the total amount of Due from Column F

    For example =IF((H9:H70)="Due","SUM(F9,F70)",0)

    Column H contains Paid and Due
    Please advised.

  25. Hi, I need to write a formula to achieve following.

    If (cell No.) is >1 and 1100 then "350" and If (cell No.) is >1101 and <2100 then "300" and so on

    Can anyone help?

    Thanks in Advance

    1. hi,


    2. Hi,


  26. Hi, I need to write a formula to achieve following.

    If (cell No.) is >1 and 1101 and 2101 and <3100 then "250" and so on......
    Can anyone help?

    Thanks in Advance

  27. Hello. What a wonderful resource! I've learned a lot but unfortunately, not a solution to my problem. In column B I have a dollar amount. Column C is a dollar amount too, but by way of the vlookup function, so if there is no value returned, it has #N/A. I am trying to add columns B and C, but if column C is #N/A then you get #N/A when trying to add the two columns. I thought that if I used the IF function and said if C is > 0, then add the two columns, but if that argument is not true (it's #N/A), then just list what's in B. In other words, if columns B and C both have a dollar amount, then add them in column C. If column C does not have a dollar amount, then just list what's in B. Perhaps I should be approaching this differently?
    Thank you very much for any assistance you can provide.

    1. Hello Steve,

      Thank you very much for your feedback!

      You can use the following formula for your task:

  28. This formula works if the 2 cases are true:
    =IF(AND(J4<50%, N4<75%), "Mit Attendance < 50%; Toes Cut < 75%")

    I want to also add that if J4 is true, to output "Mit Attendance < 50%" and if N4 is true to output "Toes Cut < 75%".

    How do I combine them to get 3 possible outputs? Thanks for your help.

  29. Hi,

    how bout if I return the value of the difference of two cells for the false item? goes something like this =if(A2=B2, "ok", =A2-B2). I tried that one but it says the formula contains an error, then it recommended this one, =if(A2=B2, "ok", =difference(A2-B2)), but again, no luck was achieved. A little help please. Thanks.

    1. Hello, Marjorie,

      Please modify your formula so that it looks the following way:
      =if(A2=B2, "ok", A2-B2)

  30. It still was not working correctly but I figured the problem was bcos I did not put % sign in the formula. My cells are all in percentages.
    This is the one that worked:
    =IF(AND(I11>=50%, L11>=75%), "Qualified", "Disqualified")

    Thank you very much!

  31. Hi,

    I need 1 to be low, 2 to be medium and 3 to be high.
    I tried out =IF(A5=''LOW'',''1'',,) but error. Where is the error and how can I correct them?

    1. Hi Farah,

      Try this formula:

      =IF(A5="low", 1, IF(A5="medium", 2, IF(A5="high", 3, "")))

  32. formula below:
    =IF(AND(I11>=50, L11>=75), "Qualified", "Disqualified")

    1. Hello Gbesimi,

      Your formula is correct. Please carefully check your entry and numbers. I say this because if I11=49 and L11=75, it will show "Disqualified" as instructed; and vice versa. If there is still an error, please provide an example and I will help to the best of my ability.

      Mr. Ninja

  33. Pls see formula below. Atho both conditions are met, it is giving me Disqualified. Thank you.

  34. Hello Sashko,

    I believe I understand your question now. Every cell that contains the number '24', you would like to add 48 but if not, then sum all the numbers together. So if A1=24, B1=24, and C1=3; then your total you want would be 96, correct? On the other side, if A1=1, B1=2, and C1=3; then your total would be 6. This is what I am understanding from your clarification. If this is correct, I would use the formula below to calculate and verify if any cells contain the specific number '24'.


    Please verify if this is what you are wanting.

    Mr. Ninja

    1. Hi,Ninja.
      Yes that is it ! It worked! Thanks for the help!

  35. Hi,
    I just cant figure it out how to do this so in cells A2 to C2 i have numbers.I want in cell D2 to get the sum of the numbers with the following conditions if any number is equaled to 24 in cells A2 to C2 that cell in the sum(D2 ) to be 48! Any cell! i just cant fugure it out! Can you help me?

    1. Hello Sashko,

      To clarify, are the cells that contain value A2, B2, and C2? If so I would use this:


      If not, please help clear up the confusion for a better answer.


      1. Hi,Ninja well it is hard for to explain but i will say it that way
        If i have one cell for example C2 yes the result is 48 but i want if D2 is also 24 the sum to be 2.48=96 for every 24 to have 48 plus.I hope you understood the problem.Thanks!

        1. Hello Sashko,

          I believe I understand your question now. Every cell that contains the number '24', you would like to add 48 but if not, then sum all the numbers together. So if A1=24, B1=24, and C1=3; then your total you want would be 96, correct? On the other side, if A1=1, B1=2, and C1=3; then your total would be 6. This is what I am understanding from your clarification. If this is correct, I would use the formula below to calculate and verify if any cells contain the specific number '24'.


          Please verify if this is what you are wanting.

          Mr. Ninja

  36. Which nottation is used 1 to 100

    thanks and regards

  37. Hi,
    I'm a day trader. I fetch data from Internet and the Market price updates in a particular cell in My Excel Professional Plus 2010. Is there any method where I can fetch that changing number and make it to a list of numbers updated by ticks so that during aftermarket time I could use those numbers for analyzing the data.
    Thank you in Advance.

    1. How do you fetch the data from the internet pls?

  38. Hi Svetlana,

    I was wondering if you could help me out? I'm trying to update a formula in a cell which takes information from a set of cells which, in turn are subject to information from another set of cells.


    A1 Apples C1 Bananas
    A2 Oranges C2 Plums
    A3 Pears C3 Peaches

    One of A1, A2, A3 will populate A4 depending on information in cells B1-B3 (say highest number), likewise C4 from C1-C3 depending on information from cells D1-D3.

    I'm trying to write a formula in A6 based on the data from A4 and C4 again depending on which has the highest number in cells B4 and D4. The formula is something along the lines of =IF(AND(B4>D4),"data from A4", "data from C4").

    As the information in cells A4, and C4 are subject to data from cells A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 & B3 and C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, & D3 respectively while A6 is subject to data from A4, B4, C4 & D4, how do I create the formula in A6 which takes in the data which is subject to change as opposed to any text e.g. "data from A4"?

    If you can follow all of that I would appreciate any help you can give.

    Thank you in advance,


    1. Hi Darren,

      If your task is to return the number from A4 if the number in B4 is larger than the number in D4, and otherwise return the number from C4, then you can use the following formula in A6:

  39. how can solve this problem
    if 200 captured 4, 600 captured 8,& 1000 captured 10
    pl. give the correct link

    1. Hi,

      use this below formula, I have taken 200, 600, 1000 in Column "A"


      1. Hi Hemanth,
        thanks for info.
        but we need if any value is less than 200 it's captured "4"
        if its 400 to 599 its captured "6" & it's 600 or above then itwill be captured "10"

        Pl help

        1. Hi,


  40. =IF(AND(A7>=5.5,A7=5.5 and <=13

    true = A7-0.5
    false= if A7<5.5 true A7 False A7-1.

    Please help me!

    1. Hi Grissy,

      Here you go:

      =IF(AND(A7>=5.5, A7<=13), A7-0.5, IF(A7<5.5, A7, A7-1))

  41. If A7>=5.5 and A7<=13 then A7-0.5,

    if no then if A7<5.5,A7,A7-0.5

    Can you help me
    Pretty please!!! =)

  42. Hi Svetlana,
    there is a 9 figure number and a character(ex. 7730082766V) in a1. what I want is if the 3rd number of that number less than or equal 3, print "male" or if it is bigger than or equal 5, print "female" in b2. i tried with =if(mid(a1,3,1)<=3,"male","female") formula in b2. but it doesn't work. help me.

    1. Hi Chaminda,

      The point is the MID function always returns a text string, even if the original value is a number. You can simply multiply the result by 1 to convert it back to number, like this:


      Alternatively, you can use the NUMBERVALUE function:


  43. hi
    iwant formulas Please explain i need help

  44. I am trying to write a formula using data from a different tab that says "if cell in column A is not blank, count the number of cells in column V which are not blank". And make this applicable for an unlimited number of rows.

    I have tried amongst others;
    =COUNTIF('Action Register'!A2:A100,"",'Action Register'!V2:V100"")

    =COUNT(IF('Action Register'!A2:A100,""), AND, IF('Action

    I am getting a standard error message to say there is a problem with the formula every time. Any suggestions?

  45. Kindly help me,
    i want to apply formula ( IF function formula for text values ) to multi ple columns but i am not able to do

  46. I would like to create multiple condition in single column

    If 88000-44000 is more than 50% then multiply with 0.06% or equal to 50% then multiply with 0.14% of less than 50% then multiply with 0.21%

    please arrange the same formula.

  47. I have created 3 lists for date drop down menus. The lists are Month (Jan-Dec), Day (1-31), and Year (2016-2020). The problem I am trying to find a formula for is this: If February is selected as the Month, how do I prevent the days of 29 (for non-Leap Years) and 30-31 for all years to be selected from the Day drop down list? Not sure if Conditional Formatting or Data Validation is the way to go. If there is not a way to specifically prevent them from selecting 29-31 from the Day drop down list, then how to generate an error message when 29-31 is selected? Your help is greatly appreciated.

  48. HI,

    I need a small clarification in excel formula.

    =COUNTIF(J6:J27,"Not Met")

    E F G H I J K
    2/13/2016 4:47 PM 12:00 26 Met
    2/13/2016 15:00 35 Not Met
    2/13/2016 12:12 45 Met
    2/13/2016 13:14 82 Not Met
    2/13/2016 15:00 1 Not Met
    2/13/2016 12:12 45 Met
    2/13/2016 13:14 82 Not Met
    2/13/2016 15:00 1 Not Met
    2/14/2016 12:12 45 Met
    2/14/2016 13:14 45 Not Met
    2/14/2016 12:00 45 Met
    2/14/2016 15:00 45 Not Met
    2/14/2016 12:12 82 Met
    2/14/2016 13:14 26 Not Met
    2/15/2016 12:00 35 Met
    2/15/2016 15:00 45 Not Met
    2/15/2016 12:12 82 Met
    2/15/2016 13:14 1 Not Met
    2/15/2016 12:00 45 Met
    2/15/2016 15:00 82 Not Met
    2/15/2016 12:12 1 Met
    2/15/2016 13:14 45 Not Met

  49. Hello there
    Can anyone help me with this function, please: =IF(14<D9<17),"15"
    I need that the cell takes the value of number "15" if the value from the equation in "D9" is between 14 and 17.
    Thanks in advance

    1. Hello!

      Here you go:
      =IF(AND(D9>14, D9<17), 15, "")

  50. Dear all

    Please tell me formula for

    If sheet1 cell A1 dated match with sheet 2 date's column A:A
    Ans will Sheet1 B1

    1. Hi Ravi,

      Use this formula in Sheet1 B1 cell.


      1. Hi Ravi

        if its match will show "match" not match will show "blank cell"


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