Comments on: How to merge two columns in Excel without losing data

From this short article you will learn how to merge multiple Excel columns into one without losing data. Continue reading

Comments page 8. Total comments: 260

  1. This is a very helpful, thank you!

  2. Sir I need a little help please. I have two column, the first column have text "species name (Italicized) with author name (not italicized)" whereas 2nd column have numbers. when I merge both column, the italic species names becomes non italic too. How can I preserve the unique format of each column intact. As there are hundards of rows thus making spp. name italic again one by one taking lot of time.Thanks

  3. This is a very helpful tutorial

  4. In one column I have D.
    ANother column I have 00002

    I want to combine these two

    as D.00002

    I did with =(E5&D5)

    gives me result as D.2, I need D.00002

  5. in one column I have 00002 and one column I have D.

    I want mergee these two columns, I tried It give s me result as D.2, But I want D.00002

    How can I

  6. i want to combine two cell data into one cell with one cell data contain alphanumeric value PMKVY-INVJ- and other one contain numeric value 00000425, how to combine them

    1. i have tried so many methods like Concatnate function, =a1&a2 etc. all the time what i got is PMKVY-INVJ-425, there are no zeroes, what to do?

  7. Need some help please. I have 3 separate cells, each ca contain variable data
    e.g. Cells A1 and A2 can contain one of the following P, p, pi, pe,F, f, -, untested, Cell A3 can contain P,p,F,f,-,untested - what I want as a result in A4 is - If A1 and A2 and A3 all contain P or p(i or e also)then ALL OK, IF A1 or A2 or both contain an F or f but A3 = P or p then A4 should read T OK but prob. If Ai and A2 have P,p,pi,pe but A3 is F then A4 should read T OK up to x-point. If A1,A2 and A3 all contain an F or f then A4 should read T F
    Hope you can help - Many Thanks

  8. thank you so much sir ....

  9. please suggest 1, 2 3 columns vlooup shortcut

    1. Hello, select three columns and do the vlookup same and enter the vlookup(A1,Table Array,{1,2,3},0)} in last and enter. you will get the data for three columns at a time.

  10. well the final option doesn't seem to work for Mac.

  11. Absolutely amazing! Great explanation! Thank you very much! THis was very helpful.

  12. Awesome work! Microsoft needs to pay you royalties for this one.

  13. This was perfect!! Thank you for the amazing tutorial!

  14. Many thanks. Same as Mike, Brill instructions, thanks

  15. Wow, first time I was ever able to google something like this and get an easy solution that works. Thanks!

  16. Awesome notepad trick! Thanks meistro

  17. Hellow..i have difficulties in excel.
    How do i merge several columns into one ? Not concatenating.

    Example below (the result intended is in column D:
    A B C D (result)
    Apple Apple (Blank) Apple
    Pear (Blank) Pear Pear
    Plum (Blank) (Blank) Plum
    (Blank) Grape Grape Grape
    (Blank) (Blank) Peach Peach

    Kindly need your help...

    1. Hi Junny,

      You should use the following formula:
      =TRIM(A1 & (IF(AND(NOT(ISBLANK(B1)), B1 <> A1), " " & B1, "")) & (IF(AND(NOT(ISBLANK(C1)), C1 <> A1, C1 <> B1), " " & C1, "")))

  18. Thanks ! It Works.

  19. thank you

  20. The Notepad trick is so simple. It was exactly what I needed to get the job done.

    One comment: I found that if I highlighted and copied the tab between two cells after pasting the data into Notepad, I could then paste that into the Notepad search window's FIND field.

    Thanks for the excellent help!

  21. This article is really help me to solve a problem. Nice

  22. Exactly the info I needed! Thanks!

  23. I need your help.

    I have combined =concatenate(A1," ",A2). but i want "A2" to be bold?

    is this possible? I always send email every day but i only change the A2 part.

    1. Hello, rara

      Sorry, but you can't apply rich text formatting to the formula result.
      Excel doesn't provide such functionality.

  24. not working. I typed in =CONCATENATE(A1,B1) and pressed 'enter' but nothing happened. the text remains the same - it still just says =CONCATENATE(A1,B1) and yes the 'number' of that colum is set to 'general'

    1. Hello, josh,

      To be able to assist you better, please send us a sample table with your data in Excel and the result you want to get. You can email the file to Please add a link to this article and the number of your comment.

  25. Excellent demonstration. Keep up the good work !

  26. i want to know how to track duplicate entry in excel on the basis of two column like emp id and date suppose 101 emp id & 15/07/2016 entered in the sheet if again i entered the same emp id and same date than i want to show the message entry already done. please help me in this regards.
    150 Ab Executive 27/01/2016
    150 Ab Executive 27/01/2016
    like this type entry should not be accepted showing any already done this entry..

  27. Very nice and easy.
    Made me feel happy.
    Thank you sir

  28. sir i have 10 sheet in one excel file i want to marge all 10 sheet in a new sheet pls let me know

  29. This was helpful. I downloaded the free trial of the Ablebits Data, but I ended up using the formula method, because the Ablebits data, didn't give me the option that I wanted to separate the data once merged into one cell.

  30. Many Thanks =D

  31. Thanks.

  32. thanks.

  33. Thank you the wonderful fix for my problem!! I am adding you to my Firefox tabs. You made the problem melt away.

  34. Thanks a lot.

  35. Superb, Simple if we try to adopt it in our daily task but very useful which results in saving time!!!

  36. Hello Alex,

    Using the example above with 2 columns "Last Name" and "First Name", if I format all first names in the column "First Name" in RED and BOLD. Can it still retain the BOLD and RED font color of the first name in a new merging cell?

    If that's not possible, then if you know any other methods to advise, I am truly appreciated.

    Thanks Alex.

  37. Wow that copy tab in Notepad was clever.

  38. Very Nice Thanks....

  39. Very Nice

  40. I want to copy and paste THE COMBINED CONCATENATED COLUMN but get a Ref# in each row in the new column. Can you help please?

    1. you used concatenated formal used right that your pasting some other place right time you used past special option then select to values that time come to answer sir

  41. I want to change a date format fro 20001108 to 08/11/2000. I have tried Format Cells but end up with a row of ######. Can any one help?

    1. Hi Jeff,
      I hope you meant ‘November 8, 2000’. If so, the following formula suggested by Nick Mikhuta, a colleague of mine, will bring ‘36838’ (instead of ‘20001108’ in F2) which can easily be transformed into ‘08/11/2000’ via the Excel ‘Format Cells’ menu afterwards:

  42. Wow. its great. but i want to merge the so many sets of column. i can't merge one by one. how can i merge all sets in one time?

  43. sir i am having data shown in excel like
    Robert john
    52 broklyn,
    but i want data look like
    robert john in first column
    52 broklyn,ny-10001 in 2nd column
    24631124 in third column

    1. Hi Rukhsana,
      If I get it right, each of your records consists of four lines, fills a single cell, and has been typed in with three breaks. You can easily change that by applying the ‘Split Text’ and ‘Merge Cells’ tools from ‘Ablebits Ultimate Suite’. Select the column with the original records and opt for ‘Split by Characters’ in the Ablebits ‘Split Text’ drop-down menu. Fix on the ‘Line break’ and ‘Split to columns’ options and click ‘Split’. So, there are four new columns in your table now. Since you need three columns, make use of the ‘Merge Columns into One’ tool (you can find it in the Ablebits ‘Merge Cells’ drop-down menu).

  44. Wonderful!! Seems you have mastered Excel even better than the developers

  45. Brilliant! Thanks!!

  46. THANKS A LOT... :)

  47. Thanks for this hlep...

  48. Such a time saver!! Works beautifully!! Thank you!!

  49. I was really struggling with deleting unwanted columns once I had concatenated information them. This step by step guide was so simple to use and I got the perfect result first time! Thank you.

  50. This worked perfectly - thank you!!

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