Comments on: Excel nested IF statement - multiple conditions in a single formula

If someone asks you what Excel function you use most often, what would your answer be? In most cases, it's the Excel IF function. A regular If formula is very straightforward and easy to write. But what if your data requires more elaborate logical tests with multiple conditions? Continue reading

Comments page 6. Total comments: 656

  1. Can someone please help me with a basic formula. I have 5 product codes each with a $ value, and I have 200 rows of information, each time I enter a product code in 1 cell then I would like the value shown in the next cell without having to do a manual calculation each time. Is this possible and what would the formula be please. Thank you for any assistance you can offer in this regard.

    1. Hi!
      The information you provided is not enough to understand your case and give you any advice.
      What value do you want to display in the next cell? Please describe your problem in more detail.

      1. How do I send you the spreadsheet and you can see how Im trying to work it.

        1. Hi!
          Please describe your task in more detail and send us a small sample workbook with the source data and expected result to Please shorten your tables to 10-20 rows/columns and include the link to your blog comment.
          We'll look into your task and try to help.

  2. I am looking for a formula that will give me a percentage if a certain number falls within a range of numbers.
    $200-$299 I get 1%
    $300-$399 I get 2%
    $400-$1000 I get 3%

    Scenario--My total sales are $39,308 and I worked 147 hours this would put me at $267.40 per hour, by the example below I would get 1% of the 39,308 totaling $393.08 commission

  3. I think, it is more simple you face multiple range data, just make a reference table, sort by value asc, then use VLOOKUP (value, table, col_index, [range_lookup]), with [range_lookup]=1.

  4. Hi how can I make this formula shorter? It seems like it doesn't work because its too long but its all the data i need to input. thank you!!

    =IF(H21>2.8,6.60,IF(H21>2.7,7.20,IF(H21>2.6,7.80,IF(H21>2.5,8.40,IF(H21>2.4,9.00, IF(H21>2.3,9.60,IF(H21>2.2,10.20,IF(H21>2.1,10.80,IF(H21>2.0,11.40,IF(H21>1.9,12.00,IF(H21>1.8,12.60,IF(H21>1.7,13.20,IF(H21>1.6,13.80,IF(H21>1.5,14.40,IF(H21>1.4,15.00,IF(H21>1.3,15.60,IF(H21>1.2,16.20,IF(H21>1.1,16.80,IF(H21>1.0,17.40,IF(H21>0.1,18.00))))))))))))))))))))

    1. Kindly,remove the commas from the digits

  5. Thank you - this post of yours helped me to learn something new today.

  6. Here is the IF(AND formula that returns the first answer: =IF(AND(C8="PL",D8="1/4",K8="S304L"),11.16). The problem is I cannot connect that in the same cell with: =IF(AND(C9="PL",D9="1/4",K9="A36"),10.21).

  7. I need to check 3 cells and return an answer, then check the same 3 cells with new conditions and return a new answer. This is a spreadsheet for steel estimates. It needs to see "PL" (plate), "1/4" (thickness), and "S304L" (Stainless Steel) and return a weight per Square Foot. It also needs the see "L" (angle), 2x2x1/4 (size), and "A529-50" (Carbon Steel) and return a weight per Linear Foot. It also needs to see a lot of different shapes, sizes, and grades and return a correct weight per unit. Automating this function would save a lot of time looking through steel books!

    Happy Friday!

    1. Hello!
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. Could you please describe it in more detail? What result do you want to get? Give an example of the source data and the expected result.

  8. I am trying to write a formula such as this:
    Basically i want to return a value of 1 if M10 is equal to FORD and M23 is equal to either F550 or F750.

    This formula returns a value of 1 every time even if i have M23 equal to F250

  9. hi could you help me? im having trouble with my formula.

    here are the conditions;
    if 17<=X<=28, then the answer would be 0.85
    but if 28<X=55, the answer should be 0.65

    thank you

    1. X is in cell C4.
      i hope i could reach some help :((

  10. HI,

    I need to calculate the IF statement between two numbers having multiple criteria:

    ex: Criteria
    from 20-30 =200
    from 31-40=300
    from 41-50=500

    B2 = 18
    B3= 25
    B4= 39

    With only one criteria I can calculated: =IF(AND( B2>=31,B2<=40),"300","0"), but when it comes to more I am not sure how to do it.

    Thank you.

    1. Hello!
      The formula below will do the trick for you:

      A B
      20 200
      31 300
      41 500
      50 500
      D1 --- 18, 25,39 or 41

      I hope my advice will help you solve your task.

  11. Can you please help me. I have been struggling with this nested formula.

    Cell Values:
    C12 - 85, C13 - 87, C14 - 90, C15 - 95
    D12 - 200, D13 - 300, D14 - 500, D15 - 1000
    E3 - 90, E4 - 86, E5 - 98, E6 - 85

    I need to find the corresponding value for E cells from D cells if the number is greater than or equal to numbers in C cells. [how can I come up with a formula for this? - Cell F should be "500" since E3 => C14]

    Formula in Cell F:

    1. Hi,
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. Could you please describe it in more detail? What result do you want to get?
      What does "Cell F should be “500” since E3 => C14"??
      Give an example of the expected result.

  12. Good day Sir

    Can you please help me. I have been struggling with this nested formula.
    I just need someone to please explain it to me cause I just can't grasp this.

    I need a formula which helps me with the following:

    1) If Column B & C has no date populated the Cell E should reflect a " "

    2) IF column B has a date populated and no date populated for Column C then Column E must read "Open"

    3) IF column B & C have a date populated then Column E must read "Finalized"

    I need to have these conditions nested in one in Column E

    Here's the formula I'm using, I think I'm on the right track ;

    =IF(AND(ColumnB>1,ColumC>1),"Finalised", "Open")

    Somewhere in this formula I need amend it to display " " in fields where no Date is captured in Column B

    Column A Column B Column C Column E

    Policy number: Task Start: Task End:
    1234567890 22/02/2021 16:11 22/02/2021 16:14:07

    Please help kind Sir

    1. Hello!
      Please use the following formula

      =IF(B1&C1="","",IF(AND(B1 < > "",C1=""),"Open","Finalized"))

      After that you can copy this formula down along the column.

  13. I am working with data across multiple sheets. I have a dropdown list in one sheet. I need a formula that will take the data from multiple sheets and return it to cells on the first sheet of the book based on data chosen in the drop down menu. All data is text I have tried if statements but can't seem to make it work. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

  14. Greetings,
    This is the general idea of the formula I need but the data spans thousands of rows. In column L is numbers, column B is dates in descending order. The purpose is to display the date from the same row as cell value in Column L =>1. This formula works but I obviously cannot type out that many conditions. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

      1. A B C D E F G H I J K L
        1 1-May-20 FS 1.0 1.0
        2 3-Jun-21 BS 1.0
        3 5-Jul-19 FS 5.0 1.0
        4 3-Nov-21 BS 1.0
        5 2-Feb-21 BS 1.0
        6 3-Feb-21 1.0
        7 4-Feb-21 .7
        I apologize I don't know how to show the gridlines on here but essentially I need to scan column J for the most recent entry greater than 1 & display the date from column A of the same row. The formula would yield, based on the numbers above, 3 Feb 21 as the most recent date column J was >=1. So one result based on multiple conditions I guess. I just don't know how to get it to scan thousands of rows in a column without doing individual IF formulas in descending order. Thank you for the help.

        1. Hello!
          To find the last match of a value in a column, use the formula


          D2:D8 - column in which we are looking for the condition
          B2:B8 - the column from which we show the value

        2. I have looked into the Vlookup option. This function will not work due to the fact that multiple cells may have the same data & it is not in descending order. I need to scan for values >=1.0 & display the date in the same row that is closest to today. So if Cell L14=1.5 the date in B14 would be displayed unless cell L36=1.0 in which case the date in B36 should be displayed. Again, if further down L45=1.0 I want the date in B45 displayed. Thank you again!

  15. Been working at this for 3 days and my Brain is starting to hurt. I have these formulas and need to get it into 1 line formula. Each single line works but I can't get them to play nice together.

    Appreciate the help to make this work


    1. Hello!
      Your formulas contradict each other. For example, if A3 = "" and E3 = 0, then the conditions of all formulas will return FALSE. What value do you want to write in the cell - 500, 300 or 200? Therefore, you cannot combine your formulas. Change the conditions.

  16. Hi Guys,

    Am trying to create an if formula but keep getting errors.

    I am looking at four years data and want to compare individual or collective year results to a rating
    Year 1 = 33%
    Year = 60%
    Year 3 =20%
    Year 5 = 1%
    I want to create a formula which says that if the average of year1 to Year 4 is >=60% but =60%,=60%,<=90%),"meet requirements", "not met requirements").

    Any suggestion is appreciated.


    1. Hello!
      Describe the background and conditions more precisely. Which means -
      Year = 60% ??
      average of year1 to Year 4 is >=60% but =60%,=60%,<=90%),"meet requirements", "not met requirements") -??

    2. Should say if Year 1 to 4 is >=60% but <=90%

  17. Can anyone guess why my formula below get error

    =IF(J2>=750000, I2+(J2/2), IF(J2>=250000, I2+(J2/3), IF(J2>=100000, I2+(J2/4), IF(J2>=50000), I2+(J2/5))))

    Thanks Guys

    1. Hello!
      Please try the following formula:

      =IF(J2>=750000,I2+(J2/2),IF(J2>=250000,I2+(J2/3), IF(J2>=100000,I2+(J2/4),IF(J2>=50000,I2+(J2/5),""))))

      I hope it’ll be helpful.

      1. Got formula parse error.. Can i send you Mr Alexander, my screenshot excel, so you can help me analyze it.. thanks a lot mr. alex

        1. Hello!
          This formula

          =IF(J2>=750000,I2+(J2/2),IF(J2>=250000,I2+(J2/3), IF(J2>=100000,I2+(J2/4),IF(J2>=50000,I2+(J2/5),""))))

          works for me. J2 and I2 must have numbers.
          What error are you getting?

          1. yes, my J2 and I2 already numbers but also get #ERROR! sir.. can you help me review my excel?
            thanks mr.alex

  18. I do hope that you guys/gals are all ok in this time of stress.

    I am trying to use IF, And, and also Or in the same formula.

    =IF(AND('Project Information'!H12="EST",B8>0),LOOKUP(B8,EST),"")

    =IF(AND('Project Information'!H12="system sensor",B8>0),LOOKUP(B8,SS),"")

    I know both the above formulas work but I want to be able to use them both in one formula so if the 1st one doesn't work it will go on to the 2nd one and if neither one work it will show a blank cell.

    Is this possible.

    Thank You Very Much

    Walter Culpepper

  19. Good

  20. =IF(F7=1,((100-H7)*E7)/88),IF(F7=2,((100-H7)*G7)/88)

  21. 2 worksheets A and B

    B pulls from A

    A has 4 columns that are used to calculate monthly median in B.

    Formula: =IFERROR(MEDIAN(IF('[FY2020 Volumes.xlsx]Transplants'!$E:$E="Adult", IF('[FY2020 Volumes.xlsx]Transplants'!$K:$K="Kidney", IF('[FY2020 Volumes.xlsx]Transplants'!$U:$U>=DATE(2019,10,1), IF('[FY2020 Volumes.xlsx]Transplants'!$U:$U<=DATE(2019,10,31), '[FY2020 Volumes.xlsx]Transplants'!$Y:$Y))))), "N/A")

    This pull from Oct 2019 to Sept 2020 calculates the monthly median just fine.

    When i change the dates to 2020,10,1 and 2020,10,31 all i get is zero from Oct 2020 onwards.

    Any help is appreciated.


    1. Forgot to mention, that column Y is the numbers from whihc the monthly median is calculated.

  22. I am trying to use the following IF formula to return a date and time in D3 when I scan a value into C3:
    =IF(C3"",IF(D3"",D3,NOW()),""). However, it is not a static date/time, it is dynamic, so every time I scan in column C it replaces the last value in column D with the current value as well. I hope this makes sense.

  23. hi i have printing press and 3 machines GTO, SOLNA, HELDELBERG each machine has different capacity of handling paper GTO printing size is 12-18 inches, Solna Size is 18-25 and Heidelberg is 19-40 inches paper handling capacity


    this formula is working to some extant but not working 100% let me know how can i solve my problem

    1. Hello!
      Sorry, it's not quite clear what you are trying to achieve. What result do you want to get? What problem or error occurred? Please describe your problem in more detail. It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you.

  24. I have columns "A" and "B". "A" is defined as Currency and "B" is a date and "C" contains "=today()". I am trying to populate "B" with todays date when "A" is entered and only when "A" is entered. I have tried:

    =IF(A1>0,$C$1,"") - which populates 'B1" when the sheet is opened if A1>0...I lose the date A1 was entered

    =IF(AND(A1>0,B1=""),$C$1,"") - which didn't work at all...evaluate said circular reference "if 0 > 0"

    I have tried multiple other attempts, but these seemed the most likely. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.

    1. Hello!
      Sorry, I do not fully understand the task. Formula =IF(A1>0,$C$1,””) is correct. What does "I lose the date A1 was entered"? Explain your problem in more detail.

      1. Thank you for your response.
        I enter a currency amount ($20.00) in A1 on June 1, 2020. The currency amount appears in A1 and 06/01/2020 appears in B1 (populated by the formula). On June 5, 2020 I open the spreadsheet and A1 contains $20.00, B1 contains 06/05/2020.... I lose the date the currency amount was entered. I would like to capture the date the currency amount is entered, and once captured, do not update it again. My second example where if A1 > 0 and B1 Is blank ("") was my attempt to leave B1 alone if it has already been populated, but I couldn't get that to work.

          1. Thank you very much. It works well. I should have searched for "time stamp". I guess it just shows that "all you have to know is what you are doing". Again, thank you.

  25. I want to know how to calculate incentive for employees based on the below slab

    Sale Range Incentive
    0 - 2 lakh 0% ( Minimum level )
    2 - 2.5 Lakh 10%
    2.5 - 3 Lakh 15%
    3 - 3.5 Lakh 20%

    If the total sale is 2.75 lakh we have to give the employee an incentive for the amount of 75,000(2.75 lakh - 2.00 lakh ) . Out of the 75000, 50000 will be under 10% and balance 25000 will fall under 15% category. Can you help me to find a formula to calculate the incentive amount.

  26. If D2 is less than or equal to zero then G2 is equal to C2 plus .05, the rest is the same

  27. If D2 is less than or equal to zero then G2 is equal to C2, or if D2 is greater than zero then G2 is equal to C2

  28. Sorry I made a mistake. if D2 then G2 is equal to C2

  29. I need excel to keep/change values in G2. If D20 then I want it to record the same value that is in C2

    1. Hi!
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. What does the condition "If D20" mean? Please describe your problem in more detail.

  30. I am trying to use 2 if statements in 1 cell.

    if H2 = Y THEN I2 WILL = E AND IF H2 = N THEN I2 WILL = F
    How can I write this in a formula. I have tried everything and cant get it to work.

    Thank you


    1. Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:


      Hope this is what you need.

  31. I have a data set on multiple row;
    A1 40
    A2 80
    A3 60
    A4 30
    Is there any way I can use if condition to see A1:A4 >=40 in one take, rather that each if condition check for individual row?
    Thank you.

  32. IF(Data)>F$1,F$1,(Data))
    Can anyone explain, what comes from it and how?

  33. if debit days 0-31 or security=2 month ,"5%",if security=1 month ,"4","3".and other condition is if debit days 31-62 or security=2 month,"4.5",if security=1 month,'3','1.5'. how can we use if formula

  34. Hi
    I've looked across this page trying to find a solution to my problem i have learnt a lot, tried many examples and with adaptions but keep getting errors.
    I'm querying a cell entry, there would be a possible 10 entries but need to show something different in another cell.
    problem - (if_C1=###,then###,or###,then###)
    So if the data in C1=FCP-1 THEN IN CELL J1 SHOW !F1, BUT if C1=FCP-2 then in J1 show !F2 and so on.
    any help would be appreciated.
    Kind regards,

    1. Hello!
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. Please specify what you were trying to find, what formula you used and what problem or error occurred. Give an example of the source data and the expected result.
      It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.

  35. I am trying to enter a code that says if text is in the P column on row 4 then the $ amount entered in Q column row 4 would be automatically entered into a merged cell column K/L lines 4-7. I can't figure it out. Can you help me with that?

    1. Hello Sue!
      If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:


      Write this formula in merged cell column K/L lines 4-7

  36. Hi
    I have a bus having seater size 40 and customer price is 100 below slab and want to calculate the Amount earn by A & B :-
    Occupancy A share % B Share % Amount A earn Amount B earn
    SLAB 1 20% 100% 0%
    30% 100% 0%
    40% 100% 0%
    50% 100% 0%
    60% 100% 0%
    SLAB 2 60.1% 60% 40%
    65% 60% 40%
    70% 60% 40%
    75% 60% 40%
    80% 60% 40%
    SLAB 3 80.1% 10% 90%
    85% 10% 90%
    90% 10% 90%
    95% 10% 90%
    100% 10% 90%

    1. Hello!
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. Explain your details. Please specify what you were trying to find, what formula you used and what problem or error occurred. It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.

  37. I reviewed several formulas, entry level, and couldn't find one to do the following: compare three numbers, select the lowest of the three and once selected to input a text outcome.
    Ex: 115000/Low 125000/Median 130000/High
    They are in different boxes but on same row. G21, J21 & N21 with the text to be written on say P21. Could someone please direct me to a proper formula that I can use. Thank You!!

    1. Hello Eve!
      For me to be able to help you better, please specify which formula you mean and describe the problem in more detail. Are only numbers or numbers and text written in the cells? Do you want to display the minimum value in some other cell? Or want to select a cell with a minimum value? What does "text to be written on say P21" mean? Thank you.

  38. dear,
    please solve this,
    if i take some figures total in need how many times coming actual coming
    for ex:
    120+128+126+59+596+1669+1556 = 4254
    now i need how many times coming 600 in 4254 so need formula in excel

    thanks and regards

  39. I am using the following: =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($F5,ndapo,$E5)+30,($F5-150)*VLOOKUP($F5,ndappo,$E5)+VLOOKUP($F5,ndapo,$E5))
    It works with the exception that it doesn't add the per pound rate. Example:

    column References: F=Bill Wgt; ndapo=net rates; e=Zone
    Rated Zone Bill WGT rate with no per lb rates
    108 225 $1,276.50
    108 225 $1,281.20
    My goal:
    150lb Rate <150 rate Per lbs Excess Wgt <150 Total Per lbs Result should be
    $1,246.50 8.31 75 $623.25 $1,869.75

    1. Hello Gabriela!
      I'm sorry, it is not very clear what result you want to get. Could you please describe your task in more detail? What is the ndapo named range (or ndappo?) Or send us a small sample workbook with the source data and expected result to Please shorten your tables to 5-10 rows/columns and include the link to your blog comment.

      We'll look into your task and try to help.

  40. I'm hoping someone can help with this. I'm trying to calculate a timesheet (working Hours), but if someone has annual leave. I want to be able to calculate the annual leave, with leave loading, without typing a start and finish time. just 'AL' in the start time cell and it'll calculate the 8hrs with the workers pay rate. because there are different pay rates.
    this is the formula i started but it only calculates the first day and no more 'AL' in that week. PLEASE HELP

    1. Hello Jack!
      I'm sorry, it is not very clear what result you want to get. Could you please describe your task in more detail and send us a small sample workbook with the source data and expected result to Please shorten your tables to 10-20 rows/columns and include the link to your blog comment.

      We'll look into your task and try to help.

  41. Hi,
    Hope you can help me with this. I want to return a result for a cell called "Risk Class" based on a text value of "severity" and "probability". Depending on the combinations of "severity" and "probability" the following "Risk Class" results should be presented. Hope someone can come up with the relevant nested IF?
    using the formula
    If severity = L and Probability = L then Risk Class = 3
    severity Probability = Risk Class
    L L = 3

  42. hi,
    i am getting trouble in if statement
    i have more then 300 product code with there values so if i multiple code by more than 64 steps it doesn't count any one suggest me what to do ?
    example .

    1. Hello Abid!
      I'm sorry, it is not very clear what result you want to get. Could you please describe your task in more detail and send us a small sample workbook with the source data and expected result to Please shorten your tables to 10-20 rows/columns and include the link to your blog comment.

      We'll look into your task and try to help.

  43. Thank you! This is exactly what I needed to sort out my IF formula!

  44. Hi,

    Please help me to solve this
    Deposits Lots Category
    150,000 1,750 Platinum
    50,000 1,000 Gold
    25,000 200 Silver
    If both Column A & B satisfied the respective category should be displayed.

    Thanks in advance

  45. Help! I need a formula that helps with the following:
    I have an average formula in a cell G4 (averaging B4:F4)
    I need to have a functional formula that does:
    If G4 is between 1.0-1.5, then 1
    If G4 is between 1.6-2.5, then 2
    If G4 is between 2.6-3.5, then 3
    If G4 is greater than 3.6, then 4

  46. I am getting "False" forthis formula.
    Advice on how to correct it please ?

    =IF(AND(AF2="Incomplete",BE2=""),"Not Done",IF(AND(AF2="Negative",BE2=""),"Negative",IF(AND(AF2="Positive",BE2=BE2:BE5),"Done")))

  47. So I use to work for a company that I helped them out with replacing parts on their machines when it got within a certain date range. I did this using excel and its the only one that I did. I currently working on something similar where lets say there is an end date of 1-6-2020 and I need a formula that gives me a red flag when the actual date gets within 30 days of that June Date. I can't remember how the formula goes. could anyone give me a little bit of advice?

    1. Assuming the end date is entered in A1:
      =IF(TODAY()+30>=A1,"Deadline coming up","Still enough time")

  48. =IF(H2>=$F$1;IF(H1="NED";"NE";IF(H1>=$F$1;"DA";));"NE")
    i need to add another IF- if it is "SUB" then "NE"
    (H1="NED";"NE";IF(H1>=$F$1;"DA";));"NE")-> this but with SUB, and it needs to fit in the formula on the top

  49. Hey I need some help, is it possible to fetch the below data with formula.
    I have a length formula in column b which is returning various values from col A. 17,14,13
    In case of 17 i have two arguments to check simultaneously,
    1. check the 4th character if it is "-" (hyphen) then mid(5,10)
    2.check the 14th character if it is "-" (hyphen) then mid(4,10)
    in case of 14 i have 4 arguments to check simultaneously,
    1. look for 4 character to be "-"(hyphen), then need right(10)
    2. look for 4 character to be " "(space), then need right(10)
    3. look for 11 character to be "-"(hyphen), then left(10)
    4. look for 1 character to be "*"(star shift8), then right(10)
    in case of len 13 2 arguments
    1. look for 11 character to be "-"(hyphen), then left(10),
    2. right(10)
    Can all the above arguments can happen with 1 if function starting in column c
    Please help

  50. Amazing !!!!
    Excellent !!!
    Great !!!

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