If someone asks you what Excel function you use most often, what would your answer be? In most cases, it's the Excel IF function. A regular If formula is very straightforward and easy to write. But what if your data requires more elaborate logical tests with multiple conditions? Continue reading
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I have a spreadsheet calculating months of service to clients. They can have a start date, a suspended date, a restart date and an exit date. The service may have never been suspended so the suspended date and the restart date could be empty. There could be a suspended date and never restart so the exit would be the same as the suspended date. I am trying to calculate the total months of service to each client. How can I write an if/or statement to tell it to use start date then suspended date then restart date then exit date, but to ignore there is no suspended date, but to use start and suspend date if there is no restart date? This is what I have so far: =(DATEDIF(D2,E2,"D")+DATEDIF(F2,I2,"D"))/30
Hi, I would like to kindly request some assistance.
Is there any formula that can select a few cells below a VLookup result if a certain condition is met? Example VLOOKUP result is cell D10 but if the amount in cell E10 is >1, then the Vlookup should pull the result in cell D15. Appreciate any advice. Thank you so much
Hello, Im looking to insert a nested IF function but only on blank cells of a column. Any idea?
I Know how to fill out blank spaces with a value, but not with a formula.
Thanks in advance!
Need help to select items from column A with respect to range of items available in D column using if function.
=if(A:A=range excluded plants,"YES","NO")
PLANT Excluded Plants
1 1052
2 1014
3 1033
4 1015
5 1018
6 1017
Any help would be appreciated, i want to look at a cell and if it meets the criteria of GMBH or INC INC then it looks up the cell reference otherwise returns N/A but cant' get it to work.
=IF(D708="GMBH",IF(D708-"INC", VLOOKUP('2018 Margin Data'!A$1:A$65536,'Master Margin'!$A$4:$T$983,17,0),"N/A"))
I have an excel sheet in which "C1" column is "MODEL" & "D1" column is "LANDING".
Another side I have created a list of MODELS in "Q1" column & LANDING PRICE in "R1" column.
I want a formula...that if I type a model number in column "C2" landing will automatically will put in column "D2"
I have an excel sheet in which "C1" column is "MODEL" & "D1" column is "LANDING".
Another side I have created a list of MODELS in "Q1" column & LANDING PRICE in "R1" column.
I want a formula...that if I type a model number in column "C2" landing will automatically will put in column "D2"
And If I type any model number in the column "C2" landing price automatically will come to the column number "D2"
Hi, I have two conditional parameters..
The simple formula is: =IF(F19<=15; F18*F19*72; IF(F1930; F19*F18*72*0,91)))
F19 is number of days.
F18 is number of cats.
But I need another one when is more then 1 cat, so for each extra cat the value is $20, and not the same price of one. How do I work a formula with more then one condition parameter?
Is there a way to write the formula below in Excel? The percentage ranges are column headings not individual cells.
=if(B6 is greater than 5% but less than 10%,E4,if(B6(greater than 10% then F2,if(B6 is less than 5%, B3,error)))
I'm hoping you can help me with a formula for this
if A1:A2="","" if A1="" & A2 = X,"O" if A1:A2 = X,"X"
I need to do a formula that will look at a range of columns on a specific row and if a value then give data from that column with value row 2, where the column with value is different row.
I have 2 sheets in excel, the first carrying the data and the second where the data will be placed. I am to compute the fuel consumption of the different types of equipment however there are types of equipment in the first sheet which has the same dates and have to be added together in a single cell in the 2nd sheet. Which formula should I use to compute it?
=IF(H39>99,"5000",IF(H39>89,"4500", IF(H39>79,"4000", IF(H39>69,"3500",IF(H39>59,"3000", IF(H39>49,"2500",IF(H39>39,"2000", IF(H39>29,"1500", IF(H39>19,"1000", IF(H39>9,"500","NOT ELEGIBLE"))))))))))
I have made a formula to conduct screening work from data and that is
but it shows that the formula is too large.
how can I reduce it.
Seeking help from any one.
I think the issue you are having is you are using ";" to separate you if statement. You should us "," instead. Let me know if this works for you.
I am trying to write a formula for a behavioural rating at a given time point (second by second) where a rating is available for a given time range. So if the time point falls withing the range then the relevant behavioural rating applies, but if it falls in the next time range then a different behavioural rating applies. I hope this makes sense?! So Column 1 = behavioural rating, column 2 & 3 = the time range in which that behaviour occurs, column 4 & 5 = one second time range and I want column 6 to apply the behavioural rating that is associated with the value in column 5 (it's okay to ignore column 4). Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
Kindest regards :)
Thanks a lot...this helped me really !!!
I'm trying to create a nested formula with 12 arguments. example, farmer, hair dresser, okada driver, pastor, teacher, student, trader, petty trade, agricultural activities, tailor, and banker. I want to group this into 4 groups using the nested IF formula like this: =IF(columnH=farmer,hair dresser,okada driver,pastor,"Baseline2016",IF(columnH=teacher,student,trader,petty trade,"Baseline2016",). But the formula isn't working, please help.
I am trying to write a formula to look in cell V1, if the value = 11 or 12 and V3 is less than 25 in V73 I want the result to read 25, but if V1 = 16 and the vale is less than 28 I want it to read 28.....when I have 16 in V1 the formula I am using does not work....any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is my current formula:
Svetlana Cheusheva mam please hlep i have table in which i will waive charges on those which are lay at our company after 7 days but which i used if formula then system calculate amount less then seven days its shows amount in minus i want to stop this and system reflected 0 amount instead of amount in minus kindly help and guide me thanks
my formula is following and just add the above condition if possible.
Svetlana Cheusheva mam please hlep i have table in which i will waive charges on those which are lay at our company after 7 days but which i used if formula then system calculate amount less then seven days its shows amount in minus i want to stop this and system reflected 0 amount instead of amount in minus kindly help and guide me thanks
What is the wroung in this formula plz help
I have 4 scenarios I'm working with and created 4 columns with these formulas, which all work.
=IF($EJ5="","",IF(AND($BF5="y",$EJ5"",$EA5="A"),$EJ5&" - A, "&$EH5,""))
=IF($EJ5="","",IF(AND($BF5="n",$EJ5"",$EA5="A"),$EH5&", "&$EJ5&" - A",""))
=IF($EJ5="","",IF(AND($BF5="y",$EJ5"",$EA5=""),$EJ5&", "&$EH5,""))
=IF($EJ5="","",IF(AND($BF5="n",$EJ5"",$EA5=""),$EH5&", "&$EJ5,""))
And then I created a 5th column with: =EL5&EN5&EP5&ER5 so the results are in one column.
Is there anyway to take the 4 column formulas and merge them into one column.... not doing it the manual way I created?
How would go about writing an excel formula for the following:
Start Date must be later than April 1st following the calendar year in which you attain age 70 1/2.
Eg DOB = 10/17/1954, Age 70 1/2 = 04/17/2025 the start date would be 04/01/2026 because the Age 70 1/2 date is after 04/01 and has to go to the following year.
I am trying to use IF function to assign different ore types to different stockpiles. The ore types are based on source of material( PIT A, PIT B or PIT C), type of material (FRESH, TRANSITION or OXIDE), and the grade of the ore (HIGH or LOW).
For example, I want to allocate High Grade Fresh Material from Pit A to stockpile F12, and High Grade Oxide Material from Pit B to stockpile F15 and so on
I need help. I am trying to come up with a formula for a grading system, but there are two factors involved.
For the students grades they have two categories that they have Summative and Synthesis.
To get Honors, they need to get 72 pts in Summative and 18 pts in Synthesis
To get High Pass, they need 68 pts in Summative and 17 pts in Synthesis
To get Pass, theye need 56 pts in Summative and 14 pts in Synthesis.
Help please. What formula would I use for that. I already have the calculations for each students summative and synthesis grades, just need to get their letter grade.
I'm trying to set up a nest. One column is why and if order error is chosen, then I'd like the next column to give me a drop down of choices for only that answer. Such as: Customer Service
Sales, Dealer. Any ideas
Hello, Lynnie,
Unfortunately, it is not possible to solve your task using standard Excel tools and functions. Most likely you need a special macro. I am really sorry we can’t help you with this.
You may try to find the solution in VBA sections on mrexcel.com or excelforum.com.
I wish I could assist you better.
I want to check two conditions, e.g. if associate contract end date is less than today then i want result "LEFT" and if associate has put resignation and his LWD is entered in cell then i want result "LEFT" and if if contract end date is not less than today then want result "ACTIVE" and if contract end date is not less than today but his LWD is entered in LWD cell then want result "LEFT".
Please give formula for the same.
I think what you need to use is an IF AND OR statement.
Check out this article here on AbleBits and see if it helps.
Specifically in the "Using the OR function in Excel" there is a description and examples of how to use OR and AND together.
I need to write a formula that checks two columns for values and return one of three values based on the results. Specifically:
- If the two column cells are null, return a null.
- If they both have a value of zero, return the number 0.
- Otherwise if the first cell is greater than zero, return the first cell divided by the second.
I've tried several formulae, using both AND and IFBLANK. The most concise to illustrate what I want is:
=IF(AND(B132=””, C132=””),””, IF(AND(B132=0, C132=0),"100%", IF(B132>0,C132/B132,0)))
All of the individual bits work, but I can't seem to string them together without making syntax errors. I get either a "too many arguments" error or a name error.
Try entering lowest variable to highest and check the logic of the statement. Something like this where the data is in A2:
=IF(A2<65,"Less Than 65%",IF(A2<=69,"65%-69%",IF(A2<=70,"70%-79%",IF(A2<=80,"80%-89%",IF(A2<=90,"90%-100%","Fail")))))
Hello -
I am wondering why the formula I copied from above is not picking up the various conditions, rather only returns "Fail" for all rows.
Hi, and thank you for all of the above, but still having an issue:
E134 Review Posted F134 No
E135 Job Posted F135 No
E136 Work Complete F136 N/A
E137 Overtime F137 Yes
I now need to Executive Summary Cell C150, to show all those equal in Col F to No, but to show whats in Col E, through the use of IF and CONCATENATE as there will be several responses (Col E to fit into Cell C150
IE Cell 150 to show Review Posted
Job Posted
HI,I have the followimg information.
political political party.
if Bosco NRM,
Use nested if function to assign each of them the respective political party.Assuming that entries start from cell A1.
I have A2=28, B2=45 to get a smaller value i applied the formula =IF(A2>B2,A2-B2,A2). So i got an answer has 28.
My question is if i change a value in A2=50 now i should get a value has B2 in C2 cell.
So i have entered has =IF(A2>B2,A2-B2,A2)*OR(IF(A2<B2,B2,B2))
Still it is not working, can someone assist me how to put a formula with a proper condition?
Hi all,
Need your help and widsom... is it possible to do a nesting if like? I have a raw with a GL account (3500 to 6500) and another column with finish goods & raw part number, which the first 3 numbers of a finish good will give me what color of finish good it is, and on the raw materials it's the 3rd to 5th number will give me the color, I need something like, "if, B2 has 3500, do a mid on D2 for 1-3, and or if B2 has 4000, do a mid on D2 for 3-5, is it possible to do this in excel?
thank you in advance!
Hello guys
Rajesh Kumar, here's my example of what I was talking about on combining or nesting an IF formula with a MID at the same time.
thank you all for your help in advance! :)
column "E" "N" "Y"
Product GL# Color
01016103007 3050 =IF((N2=3500),MID(E2,5,3),IF((N2=3070),MID(E2,3,3)))
51640200801 3070 =IF((N2=3500),MID(E2,5,3),IF((N2=3070),MID(E2,3,3)))
I have a dataset in which I need to index column J1:J30000 IF column BF1:30000 is greater than 94% and if it is less than 101%. I can already get =IFERROR(INDEX('GM400'!$J$1:$J$30000,SMALL(IF('GM400'!$BE$1:$BE$30000<$L$1,ROW('GM400'!$J$1:$J$30000)),ROW(1:1))),"") to work to locate projects over budget but I'd like to show those projects that are within 5%, 10% and 20% of their respective budgets.
Hello Mam!
I have Question. Thats <> how can I do this?
Hello Mam!
I have Question. Thats If A1 is True then Multiply B2 and C2.
How can I do this?
There should be a value in A1 that can be tested for true or false. For example the formula might read, =IF(A1=1,B2*C2,"A1 is not true")
So the formula says, If A1 equals 1 then multiply the value in B2 times the value in C2 otherwise display A1 is not true.
A1 can be text like "Yes". If you want Excel to evaluate text enclose the text in double quotes as shown here.
I have the following data in C7:
S123 - using formula will result in D7 as 80123
SA123 - using formula will result in D7 as 81123
E123 - using formula will result in D7 as 82123
EA123 - using formula will result in D7 as 83123
C123 - using formula will result in D7 as 84123
CA123 - using formula will result in D7 as 85123
U123 - using formula will result in D7 as 87123
UA123 - using formula will result in D7 as 86123
I tried to nest IF statements but excel is returning an error that maximum nesting is reached.
can someone please help me with this If statement,
so basically I want the cell B1 to do three things :
1- if date is entered in A1, B1 needs to show that date + years so I used =IF(ISNUMBER(A1), A1+740)
2- if A1 is empty, B1 will show "Expiry date not found"
3- if date shown in B1 is expired I want it to Print "expired"
so basically I have 3 statements but not sure how to arrange them in 1 if statement, can someone please help ?
Assuming "date shown in B1 is expired" means the date in B1 is earlier than today's date, the following formula should work a treat:
=IF(A1="","Expiry date not found", IF(A1+740<TODAY(), "Expired", IF( ISNUMBER(A1), A1+740, "")))
If "expired" means something different, please clarify.
I have this IF statement in one of my file;
I just want to know what was 9,4,2 stand for in that statement?
hey.. can u please help with this one.
i have to make the bill and it is calculated as follow
1, select a company.
2, select an order number.
3, select a colour(and its price).
4, multiply it with the colour's price.
i have to test one cell on four different criteria to get to the billing amount. please help me.
*4, multiply the weight with the colours price.
if its not self explanatory, let me know i'll send you a sample sheet which might help you.
thanks alot guys. u all are awesome.
i need help to make a formula for the following issue:
firstly i want to make a category suppose
age 770 to 1030 milkable cow
Age 1030 to 1190 Dryer cow
Secondly if dryer then how many days gives milk a milkable cow within one year.
I have a text value as
Yes or No combination in Column A,
Completed, in-progress and YTS in Column B,
this is combination if "No" in column A and i have In-progress in Column B i need to get a value "Red" likewise
if i have "Yes" in Column B and i have Completed in column B then i need to get a value as "Green"
Kindly help to derive a formula....
I'm trying to create a formula for the following scenario and returning a #value error.
A = Yes and B = No
A = Yes and C = error
"Fail or Pass"
I think this will work:
=IF(OR(AND(D36="Yes",E36="No"),AND(D36="Yes",F36="Error")), "Fail or Pass",9)
I have a really strange problem. I have like 3 conditions for 3 conditions and expect 2 possible outcomes (and no idea how to solve it).
Example: I can have three concentrations (5%, 20% and 25%) and for given concentration I have another condition (x<y for 5%, a<b for 20% and c<d for 25%). And if the second condition is met for a given concentration, I expect outcome "OK". In other case: "not OK". Do you know how to deal with it? Please, help!
every day were allowed to use $100 for cabs. If we don't use $100 only $50 can carry over to the next day which would be $150. But If we use $125 the difference will be subtracted from the next day so the $25 will be taken out of the next day which will be $75. If $200 were taking from that day, which would be negative $125, you subtract that from the next day $100 and that would be -25. Continuing this formula how would I word it out. Only able to carry over $50 or less a day.
i have a data having diff product and diff division and i am unable to create an if nested formula to see if the product matches the division , if it matches than it should be 0 and if not than 1, so there like two divisions and 7-8 products i am confused
the division's are BI and AS , it says that product "bike" belongs to the BI and all others to AS
I am looking to create a formula that says that if cell h2 says either 1,2,3,4,5,6,or 7 it would be $287.68, $491.46, $713.82, $917.60, $1121.38, $1343.74 or $1547.52. would it be an if formula or would it be best as a having it pull from another sheet?
Do you mean IF H2=1 then G2=287.68 or do you mean something else?
Hi there - I am looking to create a formula .... cells A and B will always have data, and I'm looking to populate cell C with a "score" based upon the criteria
Cell A: (data will either be a W or NW)
Cell B: (data will either be a Yes or No)
cell C: (return score based upon one of the 4 scenarios)
If cell A = W and cell B=Yes - return score of 0
If cell A = W and cell B=No - return score of 5
If cell A = NW and cell B=Yes - return score of 0
If cell A = NW and cell B=No - return score of 10
I appreciate any help that you can offer!
Kathy B:
OK, this is what I used to get the results you wanted.
=IF(AND(A28="W",B28="Yes"),0,IF(AND(A28="W",B28="No"),5,IF(AND(A28="NW",B28="Yes"),"Zero 0",10)))
Of course, you can change the cell addresses for A and B to whatever suits you.
I entered the "Zero 0" as way to ensure the logic returned the correct result during my tests. You may want to keep this while you test it. Otherwise you can remove the quotation marks and enter a 0.
Lastly, I will pass along these thoughts from Microsoft concerning multiple IF statements:
While Excel will allow you to nest up to 64 different IF functions, it’s not at all advisable to do so. Why?
1.) Multiple IF statements require a great deal of thought to build correctly and make sure that their logic can calculate correctly through each condition all the way to the end. If you don’t nest your formula 100% accurately, then it might work 75% of the time, but return unexpected results 25% of the time. Unfortunately, the odds of you catching the 25% are slim.
2.) Multiple IF statements can become incredibly difficult to maintain, especially when you come back some time later and try to figure out what you, or worse someone else, was trying to do.
3.)If you find yourself with an IF statement that just seems to keep growing with no end in sight, it’s time to put down the mouse and rethink your strategy.
The formula we have here is relatively safe, but if you want to modify something in it, it could get confusing and error prone. Also, if someone comes behind you and wants to modify a condition or add a condition the same error problem could occur.