Excel SEQUENCE function - create a number series automatically

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a number sequence in Excel with formulas. Additionally, we'll show you how to auto generate a series of Roman numbers and random integers - all by using a new dynamic array SEQUENCE function.

The times when you had to put numbers in sequence in Excel manually are long gone. In modern Excel, you can make a simple number series in a flash with the Auto Fill feature. If you have a more specific task in mind, then use the SEQUENCE function, which is specially designed for this purpose.

Excel SEQUENCE function

The SEQUENCE function in Excel is used to generate an array of sequential numbers such as 1, 2, 3, etc.

It is a new dynamic array function introduced in Microsoft Excel 365. The result is a dynamic array that spills into the specified number of rows and columns automatically.

The function has the following syntax:

SEQUENCE(rows, [columns], [start], [step])


Rows (optional) - the number of rows to fill.

Columns (optional) - the number of columns to fill. If omitted, defaults to 1 column.

Start (optional) - the starting number in the sequence. If omitted, defaults to 1.

Step (optional) - the increment for each subsequent value in the sequence. It can be positive or negative.

  • If positive, subsequent values increase, creating an ascending sequence.
  • If negative, subsequent values decrease, producing a descending sequence.
  • If omitted, the step defaults to 1.

The SEQUENCE function is only supported in Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel 2021, and Excel for the web.

Basic formula to create a number sequence in Excel

If you are looking to populate a column of rows with sequential numbers starting at 1, you can use the Excel SEQUENCE function in its simplest form:

To put numbers in a column:


To place numbers in a row:


Where n is the number of elements in the sequence.

For example, to populate a column with 10 incremental numbers, type the below formula in the first cell (A2 in our case) and press the Enter key:


The results will spill in the other rows automatically.
Creating a 1 column sequence with a formula

To make a horizontal sequence, set the rows argument to 1 (or omit it) and define the number of columns, 8 in our case:

Formula to generate a horizontal sequence

If you'd like to fill a range of cells with sequential numbers, then define both the rows and columns arguments. For instance, to populate 5 rows and 3 columns, you'd use this formula:

Using the SEQUENCE function to fill a range of cells

To start with a specific number, say 100, supply that number in the 3rd argument:

A sequence starting at a specific number

To generate a list of numbers with a specific increment step, define the step in the 4th argument, 10 in our case:

A sequence incrementing by a specific step

Translated into plain English, our complete formula reads as follows:
Excel SEQUENCE formula

SEQUENCE function - things to remember

To efficiently do a sequence of numbers in Excel, please remember these 4 simple facts:

  • The SEQUENCE function is only available with Microsoft 365 subscriptions and Excel 2021. In Excel 2019, Excel 2016 and earlier versions, it does not work since those versions do not support dynamic arrays.
  • If the array of sequential numbers is the final result, Excel outputs all the numbers automatically in a so-called spill range. So, be sure you have enough empty cells down and to the right of the cell where you enter the formula, otherwise a #SPILL error will occur.
  • The resulting array can be one-dimensional or two-dimensional, depending on how you configure the rows and columns arguments.
  • Any optional argument that is not set defaults to 1.

How to create a number sequence in Excel - formula examples

Though the basic SEQUENCE formula does not look very exciting, when combined with other functions, it takes on a whole new level of usefulness.

Make a decreasing (descending) sequence in Excel

To generate a descending sequential series, such that each subsequent value is less than the preceding one, supply a negative number for the step argument.

For example, to create a list of numbers starting at 10 and decreasing by 1, use this formula:

=SEQUENCE(10, 1, 10, -1)
Formula to Make a decreasing sequence in Excel

Force a two-dimensional sequence to move vertically top to bottom

When populating a range of cells with sequential numbers, by default, the series always goes horizontally across the first row and then down to the next row, just like reading a book from left to right. To get it to propagate vertically, i.e. top to bottom across the first column and then right to the next column, nest SEQUENCE in the TRANSPOSE function. Please note that TRANSPOSE swaps rows and columns, so you should specify them in the reverse order:

TRANSPOSE(SEQUENCE(columns, rows, start, step))

For example, to fill 5 rows and 3 columns with sequential numbers starting at 100 and incremented by 10, the formula takes this form:

=TRANSPOSE(SEQUENCE(3, 5, 100, 10))

To better understand the approach, please have a look at the screenshot below. Here, we input all the parameters in separate cells (E1:E4) and create 2 sequences with the below formulas. Please pay attention rows and columns are supplied in different order!

Sequence that moves vertically top to bottom (row-wise):


Regular sequence that moves horizontally left to right (column-wise):

=SEQUENCE(E1, E2, E3, E4)
A formula to generate a two-dimensional sequence that moves vertically

Create a sequence of Roman numbers

Need a Roman number sequence for some task, or just for fun? That's easy! Build a regular SEQUENCE formula and warp it in the ROMAN function. For example:


Where B1 is the number of rows, B2 is the number of columns, B3 is the start number and B4 is the step.
Creating a sequence of Roman numbers

Generate an increasing or decreasing sequence of random numbers

As you probably know, in new Excel there is a special function for generating random numbers, RANDARRAY, which we discussed a few articles ago. This function can do a lot of useful things, but in our case it cannot help. To generate either an ascending or descending series of random whole numbers, we'll be needing the good old RANDBETWEEN function for the step argument of SEQUENCE.

For example, to create a series of increasing random numbers that spills in as many rows and columns as specified in B1 and B2, respectively, and start at the integer in B3, the formula goes as follows:


Depending on whether you want a smaller or bigger step, supply a lower or higher number for the second argument of RANDBETWEEN.
Formula to generate a series of increasing random integers

To make a sequence of decreasing random numbers, the step should be negative, so you put the minus sign before the RANDBETWEEN function:

Formula to create a series of decreasing random integers

Note. Because the Excel RANDBETWEEN function is volatile, it will generate new random values with every change in your worksheet. As the result, your sequence of random numbers will be continuously changing. To prevent this from happening, you can use Excel's Paste Special > Values feature to replace formulas with values.

Excel SEQUENCE function missing

Like any other dynamic array function, SEQUENCE is only available in Excel for Microsoft 365 and Excel 2021 that support dynamic arrays. You won't find it in pre-dynamic Excel 2019, Excel 2016, and lower.

That's how to create sequence in Excel with formulas. I hope the examples were both useful and fun. Anyway, thank you for reading and hope to see you on our blog next week!

Practice workbook for download

Excel SEQUENCE formula examples (.xlsx file)


  1. Hello sir plz solve this problem in excel formula


    is there a way to do this in excel? thanks

    • Hello! To create a sequence of repeating numbers, use the CEILING function along with SEQUENCE and specify the number of repeats in the formula. Please try the following formula:


  2. 00-00-98

    can i use sequence in this?

  3. Hello

    is there a formula to create numbers in cells for instance put 1 in column A and then in Column B it would put 1-2, then skip a number and put 3-4,6-7,9-10,12-13. trying to set up for custom print pages. and another code to skip 2 pages for instance 1-2,5-6,9-10,13-14,17-18. but would be put in column A 1 and in cell A2 put a 2 there and it would go in sequence like that.

    Thank you

    • Hi! Please re-check the article above since it covers your case. Use the SEQUENCE function to create a sequence of numbers. For example:


  4. Hello sir plz solve this problem in excel formula

    As a like number one coulum and wants to be A 4789 second number 792
    Etc every cells drag the formula but automatic every number combine .
    A 8
    A 9
    B 7
    B 9
    C 6
    E 7
    E 8
    G 1
    G 4

    • To extract each symbol from the text into a separate cell, you can use the MID function. For example:


      I hope it’ll be helpful. If this is not what you wanted, please describe the problem in more detail.

  5. Hi!
    Looking for a formula for a sequence (seems basic but somehow have not been able to figure it out):


    The "24" as in the year, so for next years it would need to be 25, and numbers always start at 1 and could go anywhere from 80 to 150 to end (used to number closed files).

    Any guidance is greatly appreciated.

    • Hi! To repeat 100 times the number 24 and then 100 times the number 25, use this formula:


      Combine sequences of numbers and text using the CONCATENATE function. For example:


      • Thank you so much for your guidance. After trying your formulas and getting the #SPILL! message, I realized that it wasn't going to work on an Excel table, and had to convert it to range (it was the only way the formulas would work, I just don't understand why?).

  6. Hi,
    I'm after some help. I want to create a project reference number in excel The first will read GBP1000M-24 This will be GBP1000 03/24, the next one would read GBP100103/24 or to could be GBP100104/24 and so on....

    Many thanks

    • Hi! Your 4 examples are not a sequence of numbers. If you see a pattern in them, describe it. I suggest you study the above article and comments. You will find many examples. Or describe your problem in detail.

  7. This would be really usual if you could spill into a different column. So if you had a list of 60 names in column B and you wanted to do those in three sets of 20, yould need the spill area to be Column A (Name in B), Column C (Name in D) and Column E (Name in E).

    • Sorry, I have no idea exactly what the task is. To understand what you want to do, give an example of the source data and the expected result.

  8. Hi Alexander,

    I'm trying to implement a sequence in a set of (same sized) merged cells.
    For this i'm getting a #spill! error.

    Is there any way of implementing a sequence function in a set of merged cells?

    Thanks in advance!

  9. Hi I need to make a number sequence for 500 items.


    is there a way to do this in excel?

  10. Hi, how do I create a sequence just like in my sample
    50-34386-1582 S. 2000

  11. Bonsoir,
    comment créer cette séquence :

  12. Hi! I'd like to create rows that has a pattern like this...


    up to 15990-16000

    I was wondering which formula to use. Thnak you!

  13. Need sequence like below: could you please help me.

    1 01-02-2024 S1
    2 01-02-2024 S2
    3 01-02-2024 S3
    4 02-02-2024 S1
    5 02-02-2024 S2
    6 02-02-2024 S3
    7 03-02-2024 S1
    8 03-02-2024 S2
    9 03-02-2024 S3

    • Hi! As I wrote earlier in the comments, you can create a sequence of repeating numbers or dates using the CEILING + SEQUENCE function.
      To create a repeating sequence of numbers from 1 to 3, use the MOD and TRUNC functions.
      Try these formulas:


      I hope this will help.

  14. is there any logic to create a conditional sequence as shown below?

    Sl.No. Ref
    1.1 aa
    1.2 aa
    1.3 aa
    2.1 ab
    2.2 ab
    3.1 abc
    3.2 abc
    3.3 abc
    3.4 abc

    • Hi! If there is some logical sequence in your data, describe it. Then I can understand what you want to do. Also note that you can create a sequence of digits using the SEQUENCE function.

      • mentioned is the sample of logical sequence.

        Sl.No. Band Product
        1.1 Dell Laptop
        1.2 Dell Monitor
        1.3 Dell NUC
        2.1 Lenovo Laptop
        2.2 Lenovo Tablet
        3.1 Apple i-Phone
        3.2 Apple i-Pad
        3.3 Apple i-Mac
        3.4 Apple i-Watch

  15. I'm using the SEQUENCE function to make a dynamic calendar that is auto populated by the year input. My formula is =SEQUENCE(1,7,DATE(C2,1,1)-WEEKDAY(DATE(C2,1,1))+1,1). It works out great however I would like the sequence to skip every other row so I have room to add items to my calendar. How can I do this?

    • Hi! Based on your description, it is hard to completely understand your task. To understand what you want to do, tell me what is written in cell C2 and give an example of the desired result.

      • i believe he is looking for

        a1 15 jan
        a3 22 Jan
        a5 29 Jan

        there is an empty line after each auto filled seq line, so we can fill in information/ make notes like how we have on paper calendar

        • Hi! Specify the starting date using the DATE function. Using the formula CEILING(SEQUENCE(50,1,0,1)/2,1)*7, add the numbers 0 7 7 14 14 14 21 21 21 and so on consecutively to this date. This formula will generate a sequence of 50 numbers, starting from 0. The CEILING function rounds each number in the sequence up to the nearest integer that is divisible by 1. This effectively rounds up each number to the nearest whole number. The result is then multiplied by 7.
          The formula (IF(MOD(SEQUENCE(50),2)=0,0,1)) will generate a sequence of numbers 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 and so on in the cells. The SEQUENCE function generates a sequence of numbers from 1 to 50, and the MOD function checks if each number in the sequence is even or odd. If the number is even, the formula returns 0, and if the number is odd, the formula returns 1.

          =(DATE(2024,1,15) + CEILING(SEQUENCE(50,1,0,1)/2,1)*7) * (IF(MOD(SEQUENCE(50),2)=0,0,1))

          To show dates in the format you want and not show zeros, set a custom date format in the cells: dd mmm;;

          • Thank you for your help. It is greatly appreciated!

  16. Hi there, I'm attempting to generate a sequence where the number of rows is dependent on Column A, with only one Column, starting with 0, and increment step is 1.

    Column B has an identifier that repeats for every like row. For example, in the case of multiple Contact records under one Company, the Company in this case would repeat in Column B, where each Contact Record would be unique in Column A.

    The sequence I want to apply would start over from 0 once Column B no longer repeats. The output would be in Column C. Please see the example table below of my desired outcome.

    Contact Company Sequence ID
    5991 416 0
    4565 416 1
    1790 416 2
    1761 416 3
    1023 416 4
    6924 417 0
    4770 417 1
    4640 417 2
    1309 418 0
    7773 418 1
    2682 419 0
    7898 419 1
    8310 419 2
    1209 419 3
    1314 419 4

    How do I achieve the output in Column C?

  17. hello sir
    i want to make sequence of digits which are with alphabets like ( PLR-101-1) how can i do this please help me out. and if the article is change like ( Thu-508--Set) then how can i make the center digit sequence ?

  18. Hi.
    I want to create a dynamic numbering for some kind of Database for Samples.
    I got an Input Table where i write the basic informations in. Then i write the total Number of Objects.
    Object1 4
    Object2 3

    Now i want to create a Dynamich numbering in a list where i have following collumns

    Intern ID Position Date Sample Number Samples Name

    after the 4th Sample for Object 1 it should start with the First Sample of Object 2

  19. I have 3 columns of numbers data . The device count changes, The AMP and channel is always the same. I was trying to see if a =sequence function would work but not figuring it out if so.

    AMP Channel Device Count
    1 1 20
    1 2 1
    1 3 10
    1 4 5
    1 5 2
    1 6 3
    1 7 7
    1 8 9
    2 1
    2 2
    2 3
    2 4

    I need to create a column that looks like

    Any help would be great thanks.

      • Thanks for that help, Is there a way to get it then to continue and the second number change after 20 entries, to 1-2-1? I worded it wrong maybe above.

        • Hi! I advised you to read the comments above. Too bad you didn't. To repeat each number of the sequence 20 times, use the formula:


          To repeat the sequence several times, use the formula


          Concatenate into a text string using & operator:


  20. How to generate consecutive numbers starting from 43 to 60 and each number should repeat 5 times.

    For example

    column A
    upto 60 ?

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