Comments on: Excel SEQUENCE function - create a number series automatically

The times when you had to put numbers in sequence in Excel manually are long gone. In modern Excel, you can make a simple number series in a flash with the Auto Fill feature. If you have a more specific task in mind, then use the SEQUENCE function, which is specially designed for this purpose. Continue reading

Comments page 8. Total comments: 439

  1. Hi,

    what if I have number series like
    [1,2,3,4,5], [11,12,13,14,15], [21,22,23,24,25] and so on in one column until some hundred,
    is there any way to do this?

    thank you!

  2. Good Day

    We would like to have the following data on a separate line for a raffle draw. They unfortunately did the numbering as :


    Is there a way to have them in one column in order?

      1. Hello,
        I suggest a helper column in column B with this formula (and copy down):

        Then in cell C1, have a sort formula =SORT(A1:B1000,2)

        Hope this solves the problem.


  3. Hello sir, how about sequence with text in rows, like:

    var 1 var 2 var 3

    And so on.

    Thank you for your help

    1. Hello!
      Please re-check the article above since it covers your task. The SEQUENCE function works on a row as well.

      1. I've tried

        ="var "&SEQUENCE(1,50,1,1)

        But it doesn't work

  4. how about


    and so on.


    1. Hi!
      Try the following formula:


      1. i forgot something formula for

        1kd 1 - 20
        2kd 21 - 40
        3kd 41 - 60
        4kd 61 - 80

        thank u sir godbless

  5. Hello Sr

    how can I do a sequence of rows every 8 repetitive number, every 8 rows same number, then the next one 8 times, etc. Example: the patern is same number 8 rows or 8 times, then next number ther 8 rows or times:
    thank you

      1. Thanks

      2. thank you

  6. I am currently stuck on a problem while creating an MLB pitching model. I would like to distribute the number of batters faced across the 9 positions in a batting order. Lets say a pitcher faces 23 batters during his out outing I would like to distribute that across the 9 batting order spots in sequential order. In doing this manually I know the pitcher would face the first 5 batters 3 times and the 6-9th batter 2 times. How can I create a running tally that distributes those 23 batters across the 9 batting order spots -- more simply put how can I tally the number 23 across 9 cells in sequential order? Thank you in advance if you can solve this riddle!

  7. I want to generate the following pattern in excel cells. Would it be possible

  8. I want to generate this kind of number but I am having difficulty. Anyone can help me?


    The G Is the one only rising. Thank you to anyone who can help.

  9. Hi,

    1 have 5 digits number, for example 01234, from that number I want to generate 2 digits number for all the possible sequence, so 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21,... and so forth.

    Any way to do this? TYIA

  10. would it be possible to sequence numbers but end on the number that is in the next column.
    1 6
    2 6
    3 6
    4 6
    5 6
    6 6
    1 3
    2 3
    3 3
    1 5
    2 5

    We are using the info for a data merge for bundles. so the outcome would be "Bundle 1 of 6"

    Thank you

    1. Hello!
      You have not written what is the source data. I am assuming column B. Perhaps this formula will work -


      After that you can copy this formula down along the column.
      If this is not what you wanted, please describe the problem in more detail.

      1. Sorry, Can you tell I don't know what I'm doing?

        I was able to plug this in and worked. But I do see when I scroll down and some of the "bundles" are combined together and then go back to correct sequence. what could cause this?

        example: Source is column B.
        1 8
        2 8
        3 8
        4 8
        5 8
        6 8
        7 8
        8 8
        8 7
        9 7
        10 7
        11 7
        12 7
        13 7
        14 7
        1 9
        2 9
        3 9...

          1. The formula used was =COUNTIF($B$1:B1,B1)
            After some testing I realized that the repeating bundles would start from the previous similar bundles. see below.

            1 5
            2 5
            3 5
            4 5
            5 5
            1 7
            2 7
            3 7
            4 7
            5 7
            6 7
            7 7
            6 5
            7 5
            8 5
            9 5
            10 5

  11. What if we want this
    1 6 11
    2 7 12
    3 8 13
    4 9 14
    5 10 15

  12. Sequence reference for Bookmark pdf
    1st row is 1 - 5 (sequence)
    2nd row is 2 - 2
    3rd row is 2 - 4
    4th row is 4 - 5
    5th row is 6 - 7 (sequence)
    6th row is 8 - 9 (sequence)
    7th row is 9 - 11
    8th row is 10 - 11 (sequence)
    9th row is 14 - 15 (sequence)

    How to check missing sequence 12 - 13
    For above type of page range.

  13. Hello,
    I am trying to have a One Column, with the following parameters:

    First 20 Columns (1-20) is 1
    Next 30 Column (21-50) is 2
    Next 40 Column (51-90) is 3 and so forth.

    Also I want to make it dynamic where I can change the columns i.e Instead of having the first 20 columns to 1, I can plug into a cell 30 and the first 30 column is 1 and the rest adjust accordingly.

    I am create a training plan and I can decide to have the first 20 go to training in Wave 1 or first 30 to Wave 2 etc.

    Please how can I create this formula.

    Thanks for your help.


  14. This is perfect - Thank You!

  15. how can I generate this kind of Sequence

    Chapter: 1 - 3
    Chapter: 4 - 6
    Chapter: 7 - 9

  16. Hello,

    What would the formula be to create this sequence?

    A1001A A1001B A1001C A1001D A1002A A1002B A1002C A1002D A1003A A1003B A1003C A1003D

    A1004A A1004B A1004C A1004D A1005A A1005B A1005C A1005D A1006A A1006B A1006C A1006D

    Where the last letter in the series ends with "D", but the preceding number will increase as the sequence proceeds.


    1. Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:

      ="A"&(1000+CEILING(SEQUENCE(1000,1,1,1)/4,1)) & CHOOSE(TRUNC(MOD((ROW(A1:A1000)-1)/1,4)+1),"A","B","C","D")

      Hope this is what you need.

  17. I really prefer the sequence function. However, my computer, Microsoft 2016, doesn't exist the function. I accessed to the internet and i found that Sequence Function can be only supported by Microsoft 360. How can i install the function and does it affect my computer if i install it? Thank you very much

  18. Hi thank you so much for your informative guidance.

    This is pdf index page sequence.

    How to check missing sequence 102...

    eg. sequence of numbers 1-1, 2-2, 4-5. Number 3 was skipped..

  19. I have 4 sheets , the number of rows is random for each sheet. How to make the sequential number continue from sheet 1 to sheet 4 meanwhile the number of rows is random .

    1. Hello!
      Find the maximum number on the previous sheet using the MAX function and add 1 to it.


      Then, on the current sheet, simply add 1 to this number.

  20. Hello,

    I hope you can help. I am trying to identify the number of transactions per date and per supplier, and create a sequence from this.

    For example, on 20th May 2021, 1 transaction was from British Gas, 3 transactions were put through from Amazon, and 1 from Sainsbury's. I assume a formula can cluster per unique supplier whilst incrementing sequentially, I just haven't cracked it yet:


    Essentially, I want to match 3 transactions to one from a Cash Book to a Bank Statement. The CB would list 3 individual items from Amazon and the Bank would show one transaction. I would like to be able to cross-reference automatically/dynamically. That way I can SUMIF and MATCH to reconcile (hopefully).

    If there is a better way, please say! Currently, I am working on historic 'chunks' of formula and concatenating. I thought it was time to get up to date.

    Also, I can only get the date sequence as 44336 when appearing in a formula. That's fine if it has to be this way, I'd just prefer it to be Gregorian if possible. Do you know if I can use a format for this?

    Much appreciated in anticipation.

  21. I want sequence something like this:


    how to achieve this?

    1. Hi!
      A sequence is a series of consecutive numbers: 1,2,3 ... or 3,5,7 ... Each next number is not less than the previous one.
      Your example is not a sequence. Write 1 and 2 in the cells and copy them down the column.

  22. Hello,

    I have a sequence generated say in one column on one sheet (List A)

    Now I want to assign the numbers from this list A at various place on different sheet. Is there a way to every time assign number from this list A which is not already assigned (taken up earlier)

    - For now I have created a named list B combining all ranges in which I have assigned (manually) the number from from this list A.
    - Then in next column to list A put in a look up for each sequence number from this named list B to indicate which one is used up and which one not using 1 an 0. lets say this is indicator column
    - Further in one cell on sheet where i assign the numbers, put a formula to look up in this indicator column to find the first 0 and correspondingly return the sequence number against it. thus displaying the next number available for assignment.
    - I then manually assign (type) that displayed number from above cell and since that cell where i type the number is in the range included in list B, the cell displaying the next sequence updates to next one and so on continues.

    Is it possible to automatically do this instead of me typing it manually. If we can identify the formula then it would be great.

  23. i want a sequence where number is skipped
    eg. sequence of days where sunday is skipped

    15 ......

    1. Hello!
      The formula below will do the trick for you:


      Hope this is what you need.

  24. Greetings.
    I want to make sequence like these:
    15x number 1
    53x number 2
    45x number 3

    How can I do this?
    Than you in advance

  25. DEAR SIR
    I want to make sequence in different cells i mean selected cells .
    make select cells and put sequence in selected cell .
    not upcoming cell.

    1. Hi!
      An Excel formula can only work over a continuous range. It is not possible to select individual cells.

  26. I have a sequence of numbers, let's say:


    and would like Excel to return on a cell(another sheet) the next available number in the given column, starting in 1 to n, if this makes sense.

    Is this possible?

    1. Hello!
      Write down your numbers starting at cell A2. Write this formula in cell B2


      and then copy it down along the column.
      You can learn more about FILTER function in Excel in this article on our blog.
      Hope this is what you need.

  27. i have a sequence of number

    AAA0001 --- AAA9999 , after the 9999 the next number i need is AAB0001 and continue increasement .

    please help , and the alphabet increase is without "I" and "o" .

    thanks !

    1. ok I have refined my previous answer a little
      set $C$2 to either 999 or 9999 depending on the number series you want
      then use this formula to get the series you asked for.
      No letters i or o and skip from 9999 to 0001

      This was a fun puzzle!!!

      =IF(SEQUENCE(1048576)>$C$2*24^2,"B","A") & CHAR(65 + INT(MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576)/(24*$C$2)- 0.000001,24)) + IFS(INT(MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576)/(24*$C$2)- 0.000001,24))>12,2,INT(MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576)/(24*$C$2)- 0.000001,24))>7,1,TRUE,0)) & CHAR(65 + INT(MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576)/($C$2)- 0.000001,24)) + IFS(INT(MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576)/($C$2)- 0.000001,24))>12,2,INT(MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576)/($C$2)-0.000001,24))>7,1,TRUE,0)) & RIGHT("00000" & ROUNDUP(MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576),($C$2)+0.000001),0),LEN(C2))

      1. for even more fun ;o)
        you can use this formula and drag from a1 to k1 or more
        This will continue the series since column limit in excel doesn't go far enough for your series
        in this case the number series 999 or 9999 is in $M$2

        =CHAR(65 + INT(MOD((SEQUENCE(1048576)+((COLUMN()-1)*1048576))/(24^2*$M$2)- 0.0000001,24)) + IFS(INT(MOD((SEQUENCE(1048576)+((COLUMN()-1)*1048576))/(24^2*$M$2)- 0.0000001,24))>12,2,INT(MOD((SEQUENCE(1048576)+((COLUMN()-1)*1048576))/(24^2*$M$2)- 0.0000001,24))>7,1,TRUE,0)) & CHAR(65 + INT(MOD((SEQUENCE(1048576)+((COLUMN()-1)*1048576))/(24*$M$2)- 0.0000001,24)) + IFS(INT(MOD((SEQUENCE(1048576)+((COLUMN()-1)*1048576))/(24*$M$2)- 0.000001,24))>12,2,INT(MOD((SEQUENCE(1048576)+((COLUMN()-1)*1048576))/(24*$M$2)- 0.000001,24))>7,1,TRUE,0)) & CHAR(65 + INT(MOD((SEQUENCE(1048576)+((COLUMN()-1)*1048576))/($M$2)- 0.000001,24)) + IFS(INT(MOD((SEQUENCE(1048576)+((COLUMN()-1)*1048576))/($M$2)- 0.000001,24))>12,2,INT(MOD((SEQUENCE(1048576)+((COLUMN()-1)*1048576))/($M$2)-0.000001,24))>7,1,TRUE,0)) & RIGHT("00000" & ROUNDUP(MOD((SEQUENCE(1048576)+((COLUMN()-1)*1048576)),($M$2)+0.000001),0),LEN($M$2))

    2. Hi,
      I'm really sorry, we cannot help you with this task. Your task cannot be accomplished with Excel formulas.

      1. I'm spending way too much time on this but who doesn't like a good excel challenge.
        after playing with the start value I was able to make it a bit more elegant
        this solves the no i and o in the letter sequence and skips from 9999 to 0001
        also you can change the number series from 9999 to 999 in P2
        you can drag the top cell across to continue the series in the next column as this series exceeds the max rows allowed in a column.

        =CHAR(65 + MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576,1,(COLUMN()-1)*1048576,1)/(24^2*$P$2),24) + IFS(MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576,1,(COLUMN()-1)*1048576,1)/(24^2*$P$2),24)>12,2,MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576,1,(COLUMN()-1)*1048576,1)/(24^2*$P$2),24)>7,1,TRUE,0)) & CHAR(65 + MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576,1,(COLUMN()-1)*1048576,1)/(24*$P$2),24) + IFS(MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576,1,(COLUMN()-1)*1048576,1)/(24*$P$2),24)>12,2,MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576,1,(COLUMN()-1)*1048576,1)/(24*$P$2),24)>7,1,TRUE,0)) & CHAR(65 + MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576,1,(COLUMN()-1)*1048576,1)/($P$2),24) + IFS(MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576,1,(COLUMN()-1)*1048576,1)/($P$2),24)>12,2,MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576,1,(COLUMN()-1)*1048576,1)/($P$2),24)>7,1,TRUE,0)) & RIGHT("00000" & MOD(SEQUENCE(1048576,1,(COLUMN()-1)*1048576,1),($P$2))+1,LEN($P$2))

  28. Hello,

    I have a sequence of numbers, let's say:


    and would like Excel to return on a cell(another sheet) the next available number in the given column, starting in 1 to n, if this makes sense.

    Is this possible?

  29. Hi, thank you, Sir Alexander, I'm working on making a sequence of Admission number like
    Please help me, thank you?

    1. Hi,
      The constant 1910404 can be combined with a changing value using the & operator. To always have 3 digits in a number, use the TEXT function.
      I’ll try to guess and offer you the following formula:


  30. How can i make sequence of number series with one column or row blank.

    1 2 3 4 5 6
    - - - - - -
    7 8 9 10 11
    - - - - - -

  31. Hi, I am looking to take data from one column and create a sequential number in another column. However the data in my reference column (location codes) are duplicated in more than one row but I need my sequential number column to be the same value for each location code. Example: My first entry is Location code K051 that has three rows of data so it's sequential number should be 1 for each of the three rows. Next location code is K052 that has five rows of data so it's sequential number column should be 2 for each of it's 5 rows.
    Each location code could have a varying amount of rows associated.
    Is there a formula that can create these sequential numbers? Thank you!

    1. Hello!
      If the Location code is written in column A, the order number of each code can be obtained using the formula


      After that you can copy this formula down along the column.

  32. i want to make a series of 3 digit 'n' numbers
    please help

    1. Hi,
      You can get 3-digit numbers with this formula:


      If this is not what you wanted, please describe the problem in more detail.

  33. Hi,
    I'm trying to generate a sequence of numbers in the below order. Could you please help?

    40000 / 01
    40002 / 03
    40004 / 05
    40006 / 07
    40008 / 09

      1. Hi Alex,
        Highly appreciate your quick response. Excel shows that 'there's a problem with this formula'.
        Thanks again!!!


  34. I'm wondering if anyone could help me.
    I am trying to generate some 1-column sequences like this:

    1. Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:

      =CEILING(ROW(A3001)/3,1)&" - 0"&TRUNC(MOD((ROW(A1)-1)/1,3)+1)

      I hope my advice will help you solve your task.

      1. this works great but how do I use a dynamic function with the solution?
        I have 2 numbers set by the user: a1 = 15 and b1 = 3
        from these two inputs I would like to dynamically create a sequence that goes:
        .... until 15.3
        is this possible?

          1. Thank you for your reply. I understood how that worked but the ideal solution for me is one that uses a dynamic array. not a drag down approach.

            1. Hello!
              Instead of the ROW function, use SEQUENCE:


              Hope this is what you need.

          2. yes but that is not making use of the dynamic array function

        1. after playing around with John's "puzzle" below I came up with this to solve my own issue:

          =INT(MOD(SEQUENCE($A$1*$B$1,1,0,1)/$B$1,$A$1)) + 1 & "." & MOD(SEQUENCE($A$1*$B$1,1,0,1),$B$1) + 1

          somehow doing it with letters from the AAA0001 loop helped me figure out my own loop better.

  35. I am wondering if you can make a sequence where the number changing is not the last character? I want it to be like this, with the stars included? I need it to go from 1-99. Thanks for the help!!


    1. Hi!
      If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:


      Hope this is what you need.

  36. Hello
    Sir I want generate the series of mobile phone numbers like 2301230000 to 2301239999 I don't know how I can?

    1. Hello Farhan,

      You can use a formula like this:


      Where 9999 is how many numbers you want to generate.

  37. Hi thank you so much for your informative guidance.
    I have a question. How would the sequence function work in case I wanted to repeat the same number twice?


    Thanks appreciate your help!

    1. Sir, how to make a formula for consecutive numbers but different from dates
      01 jan 2021 02 jan 2021
      1028365-628 1034664-629


        1. how to combine the formula ARRAY_CONSTRAIN(ARRAYFORMULA(SEQUENCE(1,5,628,1)), 1, 5) with CONVERT

    2. Hello!
      Use the following formula/the formula below to solve your task:


      After that you can copy this formula down along the column.

  38. I want a generate a sequence of numbers in order from 1 to 25. But have them starting again from 1 after 25. How would I modify this formula to satisfy this.

    1. Hello!
      For automatic line numbering from 1 to 25, use the formula


      After that you can copy this formula down along the column.

      1. so if I need to make my number start from 10001 :

        how it should look like

    2. I have the same , I need to have a sequence number generated automatically and continuance from page one to the next page ... I need to use this sequence as an order number so every time I place an order I have to get an automatic number ... is it possible ?

      thank you & appreciate

  39. Interesting piece! I am creating a spreadsheet for my wife who is a potter. All pieces, let's say 'started', are listed in the spreadsheet starting 1 and obviously going down the sheet 2,3,4 etc. However, owing to the nature of her activity, not all pieces get to the point of being saleable items - thus, the final product codes for the saleable items are also consecutive, but there might be gaps between rows, where certain pieces are rejected i.e. product code 0001,0002, gap, gap, gap, 0003 etc. Is it possible, perhaps using a second column next to the Product Code column to use something like an IFISBLANK to work with SEQUENCE, so that, for example a Y (for yes) can be added to the first column, which then lets SEQUENCE add in the next column, the next sequential product code number - if that makes sense ?

    1. Hello!
      If you want to create automatic numbering in a column, write 1 in cell C1, and the formula in cell C2:


      After that you can copy this formula down along the column.
      You can make some of the cells in column C blank. The numbering will continue from the next nonblank cell.
      I hope I answered your question. If something is still unclear, please feel free to ask.

      1. Fantastic - much appreciated - exactly what I needed!

  40. Hello
    Sir I want generate the series of mobile phone numbers like +92301230000 to +92301239999 I don't know how I can.

    1. Hi, use below:

      1. IT NOT WORK

  41. hello,
    help solve this, how many times 1 &2 appear in a column of 2,3,4 upto 20?
    1 1 2 2
    1 2 1 2
    1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
    1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
    1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
    1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
    1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
    1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

    how can i get formula to know how many times a number can appear in a column before being exhausted or repeated.

    1. Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, here is the article that may be helpful to you - COUNTIF in Excel.
      If this is not what you wanted, please describe your task in more detail. Please specify what you were trying to find. Give an example of the source data and the expected result.
      It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you

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