When subtracting and adding time in Excel, you may sometimes want to display the resulting time intervals over 24 hours in the hh:mm format, over 60 minutes in the mm:ss format, and over 60 seconds in the ss format. The task is a lot easier than it may sound, and you will know the solution in a moment. Continue reading
Comments page 4. Total comments: 202
Thnaks so much
I need to subtract dates and time where the numerator is MM/DD/YY HH:MM (military time, cell = O8) is in one cell and the denominator is in two separate cells one for date (cell = A8) the other for time (cell = W8).
Very useful and helpful explanation and information.TQ
I have 4 machines, which run for few hours in a shift,I note down the number of hours of breakdown/ idle time (In hours) for each machine individually. At the end i want to calculate run time of "all the machines combined" by subtracting the " SUM of idle times of all machines" from 32 hours.
Please suggest a suitable formula/ technique for the same
Hi I am trying to create a time sheet that displays elasped time between start time and end time. I have times that cross over 24 hours, where the end time is smaller than the start time. I have been using =mod(end time - start time,1). However this does not work when subtracting a smaller end time from a start time on another date. Is there one formula that I could use for all types of subtraction of time that would also capture the smaller end time - larger start time crossing over 24 hours?
I am trying to show my kid when he improves in his swimming times. It is all good when he improves. Formula works great. But, if he did not improve the formula does not work. For example: last month it took him 00:36.55 (milliseconds) to swim 50 yards. This month it took him 00:35.70. So, he improved 00:00.85.
But, if the numbers are opposite and he did worse the formula will not give me the negative number I am looking for. 00:35.70 - 00:36.85 = -00:00.85
All cells are formatted mm:ss.00;@
Is there a way to show a negative number in time when deducting?
When I use custom format to represent times greater than 24 hours, the [h]:mm:ss displays 575:00:00.
Why the addition of 551 hours to the total?
Because the [h]:mm actually requires that you convert the total hours to DAYS.fraction. So take (calculated hours)/24. to display with [h]:mm format
this is a time related query.
when i do 23:59 - 23:30, i get an answer as 29 minutes formula=(b1-a1)*1440
when i do 00:15 - 23:59, i get a negative with same formula, this is the problem.
solution required = how do i get the number of minutes? which should be 16 minutes.
Look forward to getting a solution, thanking everyone for their inputs!
I have a question, If I have 01:40am and i want to minus 20:55:00pm what is the correct formula I need in order for it to see I have gone into the next day? I have tried and it will give me a -19... I need it to see that it is a 24hr period
Hi, I had a similar problem working with time. For 24 hours Excel stores this as 1 day, 0 hours. My solution was to convert everything to seconds and work from there. If you have formatted as days, multiply by 86400 (seconds in a day), if you have formatted as hours, multiply by 3600 (seconds) in an hour, etc.
Hi, i need help please. I have data that auto loads daily at 5pm. The process is broken into 2 parts (ETL1 and ETL2). ETL1 starts at 5pm till 11pm and ETL2 starts at 11 till 4 am. at 7 am i run a script to check if everything ran. each row has a start and end date time. i would like to flag all data after 5pm yesterday as todays data. Currently when i filter on today, i only see the rows where the date is after 00:00
I got it
Hi, I am trying to produce an hourly blood pressure chart in Excel. How do I enter and how do I display the hourly entry of each observation please?
I am trying to get a series of value for a column with datetime datatype showing seconds over 60 seconds. For Instance, take the example as "23-06-2019 14:30:59". When I am trying to use the custom format as "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:[s]" then it is giving error and throwing some decimal number for "23-06-2019 14:30:60" or "23-06-2019 14:30:61". Can anyone please help me out to get the correct logic for the same
Im really confused because this all seems like it should be easy but I just dont get the correct result.
Example: Start time is 08:40 (A1)
Current time is 10:45 (B1)
Time difference 02:05 (C1)
in D1 I have =C1*1440 but the result is 62,860,445
and I know thats not how many minutes are between 8:40 and 10:45
My Current time cell uses =NOW(), could that be the issue?
Many thanks
I am trying to get the difference of the total breaks that my agent is taking. Can anyone tell me here the exact formula in google sheets for this pleaseee 60 minutes minus 00:55:00+00:15:23+00:24:56.
Hi Romel,
if I get it correctly, I believe you can enter these values to your cells (for example, 00:60:00 to A1; 00:55:00 to A2; and so on), apply Duration format to them, and create a simple formula like this: =(A2+A3+A4)-A1
Then set Duration format to the resulting cell as well and you'll see a difference of 00:35:19.
I have this two time duration in text format(HH:MM:SS). I am trying to add both and find the total time duration of the activity. However the values are not reflecting correctly. It is showing as 0:00 only.
Can anyone please me in understanding the issue.
how to calculate total running hours
last month running Hrs. xxxx (format cell - [H]:mm)
but if I enter more then 4 digit total running Hrs. cell show #VALUE!
Last Month R/HRS 1358:06
TOTAL R/HRS 1358:06
But if enter 5 digit show #VALUE!
Last Month R/HRS 13580:06
TOTAL R/HRS 13580:06
Please help me to resoles this error
I am trying to figure out how to add a remainder of time to a total.
Example: time in 8:00 am, time out 5:00 pm = total time 9:00 hours. Allowed 0:30 minute paid break but went over (0:47). How do I add the 0:17 minutes to the total time if allowed time goes over 0,30,0
Thank you
Hi, i have a questions,
Start date 31/1/2019 10:00:00am and End Date 01/02/2019 11:00:00am
i tried to minus =End date-Start date, but it shows me #value! anyway to solve this?
The cell i need it formula to be [h]:mm:ss
I searched all over youtube for a formula to show lapsed time from start time and couldn't find the answer. I knew there must be some simple formula, and you had it. Great directions, down to the important details. Many thanks, I took a couple hours trying to find the answer and in five minutes you showed me how. THANK YOU Svetlana for your help. Excel angel!
if i create 1st date column 2nd, 3rd time column and 4th column again date. if we add 2nd and 3rd column times and get less than 24hrs then 4th column should reflect same date as of 1st column if it is more than 24hrs then 4th column date should be one more tha 1st column. please suggest any formula
thanks in advanvce.
I am trying to subtract talk time from one year over the next to see if there was a reduction or increase. It works fine if the time decreases but if there is an increase I get the below. 15:01-17:32
give me ######## How do I get it to subtract and give me a negative result
if value of a1 is 2 and value of p1 is 15how to fine vale of b1 c1 d1 e1
This isn't working for me. When the total hits 24 hours it starts over; adding time that totals 28:30 shows a total of 4:30.
I am certain both the cells I am adding and the cell I am putting the total in are formatted as custom h:mm.
I am using Excel on an Office 365 subscription; Excel for Mac, version 15.32.
Do you have any further guidance?
Hi Josh,
To get an "over 24 hours" custom format, you should enclose the hour code in square brackets. So, the total cell should be formatted [h]:mm
i got it, thanks
Hi Svetlana, can you give an exemple please? thanks
Thank you. I figured out how to sum times in Excel, and I've almost figured out how to merge them into a Word document. I say "almost" because Word doesn't seem to be able to handle summed times greater than 24 hours (I'm summing total hours worked).
I've tried every "switch" I can think of, and once the hours:minutes (32:12) goes beyond 24 hours, it will not longer display properly. Is it possible to merge such information to Word and have them display as they display in Excel? (I've not tried using a DDE link because it seems that Microsoft is moving away from this so I didn't want to get attached to something that will be phased out).
plz solve this problem.
how to calculate 24hours working format....
the labours check in 10-09-2018 5:44AM and they check out next morning 11-09-2018 4:58AM....
When I was doing the formula to add how many hours working in hours:minutes, for example 1.17 one day and next day 0.59 total should be showing 2.26 but formula is showing 1.76. How to make a formula if anything over 60 minutes should become a hour?
I want to add 1 hour 30 minutes + 2 hour 50 min in XL sheet.please help me by the formula.
I'm calculating staff OT for 5PM onward and just wanna show 30minute and above in the cell. Which function can be useful?
If end time is 8:30 PM, i wanna see in the cell is 3:30 as OT and If the end if only 8:15PM. I wanna see in the cell is 3:00 a OT
I got my answer i.e. 24+(24*(endtime-starttime) = no. of hours difference. I hope I am right in this.
Say my start time is 18:00 hours today and my end time will be 12:00 hours next day. Then how to I calculate the total hours duration (hh:mm format) and also how to get it in decimal format for other calculations (may be y*24).
Many thanks for your kind help.
I am compiling a running total of generator running time. I have start and end times in Columns B & C, with format: mm/dd/yy hh:mm. I subtract C from B with formula:
=INT($C4-$B4)&" : "&HOUR(MOD($C4-$B4,1))&" : "&MINUTE(MOD($C4-$B4,1))
Results go into Col. D with results formatted as dd: hh: mm. So far so good, but then I add the individual running times to get cumulative running times in Col. E, and even this works until I get to where the hours exceed 24. They don't add to the days. Example:
2: 23: 43 (d: hh: mm) plus 30 minutes displays as 2: 24: 13 but it should be 3: 0: 13. What do I do to get the correct display?
suppose I need to add another 30mins to 17.40 hrs. The answer should be 18.10 hrs. Can help me to create a fomula
I need to subtract for ex,
10:10 hours from 24 hours,
what formula should i need to use,
Warm regards,
Thyagaraj V
Hi, I need to take a monthly decimal total number of hours worked (i.e. 160.833333) and display as "X hours and Y minutes" which should be 160 hours and 50 minutes, where 49.998 minutes is rounded to the nearest whole minute. I am tearing my hair out.
how to without mention date calculation hours check for example 23:00PM -05:30 =06:30
Thank you so very much. Much appreciated
Hi there!
How should i add running clock in excel?
Hi, Indra,
most likely you need a VBA code. Please take a look at these topics, they may help:
1) Running clock VBA from stackoverflow
2) Mr.Excel running clock
Thanks Svetlana
Hi Svetlana, This is very useful and very informative. I have some doubt if have time 12:30 and i apply formula as A2+(2/25) then it decreases the time by 5 Minutes and gives 14:25 time and if apply A2+(2/23) then it increases the time by 5 Minutes and gives 14:35. Could please give me clarity on this how does it calculate?
Thanks, Svetlana again!!
Hi Rohan,
I don't know the reasoning behind your calculations, but the results are correct. As you probably know, in internal Excel system, times are stored as decimal fractions, e.g. 00:00:00 is stored as 0.0 and 23:59:59 is stored as 0.99999. So, in terms of times, 2/25 (0.08) is 1:55, when added to 12:30, it gives you 14:25.
Thanks, Svetlana.
I believe you have an error in the section "How to add / subtract more than 24 hours, 60 minutes, 60 seconds".
"Here're a few real-life formula examples:
To add 45 hours to the start time in cell A2:
the formula should be =A2 + (45/24)
the other info was helpful
It worked!
Thanks, Larry! Corrected.