Comments on: Sync Google Calendar with Outlook

This article explains how to sync your Google Calendar with Outlook 2016, 2013 and Outlook 2010; it also provides an overview of free tools and services to help you choose the approach best suited for your needs. Continue reading

Comments page 11. Total comments: 454

  1. Great Post! Helped a lot!

    hugs from Brazil!


  2. great explanation thank you! but do you know if there is a way to have an update made to my phone calendar automatically show up on my outlook calendar too? it never works 2 way it seems.

    1. Thank you Alice,
      Please verify whether your phone calendar allows two-way syncing with google calendar. If it does, then it should work with Outlook too if you use Google Calendar Sync.

  3. Hi dear
    Thanks for this helpfull info, i was looking for quit long timd
    and it worked for me with outlook 2013 without any errors
    old good Google Calendar Sync

  4. You are just great! I have tried so many of the ways but it didnt work until I have found your ways. Thanks. As it is only a "Read only" option, can you advise a way to make it workable to read/write also? Great help thanks.

    1. Hi Feroz,

      Thank you for your kind words. Regrettably, writing is not possible because of the limitations of the iCalendar protocol that is used for syncing Google Calendar and Outlook.

  5. Thank you for the link to sync outlook and google. Do you have an active blog for I would like to sign up and learn more from you.

  6. Svetlana

    Excellent piece of work, very generous of you to share, well done

    I have for many years been frustrated that I can't see what is in my work (company secured) MS-Outlook schedule calendar when arranging things in my personal (Google) calendar and to a lesser extent, vise versa

    Now I can. I have set up a monthly reminder to respectively export / import both calendars, which whilst not as perfect as real-time syncing, is a million times better than having to make tentative arrangements and then try to remember to check my work calendar the next time I am in the office....and then remember to firm up with my friends / family the previous 'tentative' status of our arrangements!

    well done you!

  7. Thank you Svetlana. Your post has saved my day. I had to upgrade my OS to Windows 7 and thought I'd never get my calendar sync to work again.

  8. Thanks, that was very helpful!

  9. YES! Thank you!
    now i can see what our cubscouts are doing when my boss asks, are you busy next week.
    super easy too!

  10. A big Thank You to you, Svetlana!

  11. Many thanks for the tips and links!!! Installed and works very well.....why or why do "those folks" have to continue to screw with their users???

    1. Hi JP,

      I guess this is a rhetorical question :) But this would definitely be helpful to all of us if "those folks" got on with each other just a little bit better.

  12. Thank you for this very simple and easy step by step guide. This had been bugging me for ages until i found your post.

  13. Hello, and thank you for this great information. I installed gSyncit and am concerned with how slow the process is . I have never had a sync program that did not fly through the process. I have 300 contacts and it takes several seconds for each contact and also about 10 seconds for each contact with a photo even when there have been no changes. Is this normal?

    1. Hi Steve!

      This is definitely abnormal. I believe you can contact gSyncit with this issue, hopefully they will be able to figure out the cause of the delays.

  14. Awesome post. I tried everything under the sun prior to visiting this post for syncing ONLY my Outlook 2007 Calendar with my Gmail Calendar. There are a million ways to out there to sync the other way but that wasn't doing the trick for my situation. Synqya, however, did the trick in one attempt and was fairly easy to set up.

  15. Great article! I just moved to a new computer and was trying to figure out how to replace google calendar sync. gSyncit works even better!


  16. Svetlana: Calendar sync is working. I had to open a port for Google calendar sync in my fire wall. I also had to go into Com Add-ins in outlook and enable calendar sync and disable windows slide show for calendar.

    This is a great post and discussion

    1. Hi John,

      It's great that you've figured this out. And thank you very much for posting your solution for others!

  17. Svetlana: downloaded the calendar sync program and installed. get an error code:

    Could not initialize Google Calendar sync for Microsoft Outlook: error 214741811 code 1006.

    Looked at the help site for Calendar sync. Cleared my browser cache and made sure that my firewall allowed Google calendar sync through. Still received the same error code. Any help would be appreciated.


  18. Do you know how to sync a gmail calendar if you dont have the private address for the calendar? I keep getting an error "cannot verify or add the internet calendar in outlook. verify the link is a valid calendar link"


    1. Hi Brian,

      I am afraid this is not possible. You need to get a valid private address for the calendar.

  19. Thanks a lot for sharing this.. It works for me straight away and it is really useful when trying to keep an eye on personal appointments in Google without peeing to the phone while working in Outlook

  20. The loss of this feature was terrible for us! I manage an events centre. We previously added bookings to our outlook calendar which then synced to google calendar which then displayed on our website. I don't want to start just using the google calendar as it isn't as clear to look at and doesn't print out as well (i print the calendar weekly for our caretakers). I may though use the feature where I sync the google calendar to the outlook one. That could work and help us ensure that bookings are on both calendars - at the moment we having to add them to both calendars individually which isn't a biggie but it's easy to forget to add it to the google one if you have been distracted. Worst case sceanario - the appointments show up twice on the outlook calendar - at least we would be able to see where entries don't match. Thanks

  21. This was AWESOME help. THANK YOU.

  22. Looking for the Google Calendar Sync that I had on my old laptop. GCS wouldn't sync some appts. and I just live with it since it seems to be a common problem. Tried your suggestion with gSyncit, all my appts. sync'ed without problems.

    Thank you!

  23. thanx for link on old Google Calendar Sync

  24. Hi Svetlana,

    I have been trying to sync my outlook 2007 running on my dell, ms windows vista home premium edition with my google calendar which currently syncs to my lg g2. I have followed your instructions above, installing the google calendar/sync, changing the regedit etc. but it still won't sync. As seems to be with other above, I keep getting the error message and being asked for the default profile. Any suggestions?

    1. Under control panel you need to open mail
      then you can can choose profile
      there should be a button that says to use a profile as default
      it worked for me

      1. Thanks for the info, Frank, I looked into your suggestion. It was already the default, I went ahead and told it to default there again; its still doing it. Honestly I will deal with the pop up window if I could just get it to sync! :/ Any advice is welcome.

        1. This seems to be a common problem. Hopefully, one of the solutions posted here will work for you too.

  25. Sorry! I missed out mentioning the software that I was talking about. It's Google Calendar Sync.

    1. Hi Sandeep,
      I don't think it will work for multiple accounts because Google Calendar Sync works with the default calendar only, both in Outlook and Google.

  26. Thanks for sharing this great article. I had gone nuts hunting around the web until I found this.

    By the way, can I sync multiple Google accounts with this software?

  27. Thanks a lot for the document. gsyncit works for me. Thanks!

  28. On the other side of the coin, how do you totally remove Outlook calendar events from your Google calendar if you did install Google Sync? I thought I'd try Google Sync on my Win7 machine and Android phone and while it worked great, after a day I actually didn't like my work Outlook calendar events showing on my phone!
    So, I just went to Control Panel-Programs-Uninstall Google Sync and it did uninstall the app. However, my Google Calendar still has all the Outlook calendar events on it? Can I get these off?

    1. Hi Nick,
      I am afraid I cannot suggest any solution other than deleting unwanted Outlook appointments in your Google Calendar manually. Uninstalling Google Sync does not delete the events that have already been synced.

  29. Could you post an export of your registry settings because this did not seem to fix my issue. W7 + Outlook 2013

  30. Thank you very much.

  31. I have a Windows 7 machine and use Outlook 2013. Will the synch instructions still work as you describe in "How to get the old good Google Calendar Sync to work for you?"

    1. I have exactly the same configuration (Win7 + Outlook 2013) and the Old Google Sync works absolutely fine.

  32. Thanks for the article, and especially for continuing to respond to comments! I recently started a new job, and here, they use Outlook, which I haven't used in close to a decade -- very different now! I have my Outlook calendar displaying on my Google calendar, and vice versa, but what I don't know is whether my coworkers will be able to see my Google calendar free / busy information. If I put a dentist appointment on my Google calendar from my phone, will they see that I'll be in late? All the details? Nothing?

    My main reason to want to sync the two is so I don't have to enter that sort of info twice, but I'm not sure how to check, other than asking a coworker to look, I guess.

    1. If you use the default Outlook calendar and have shared it with your co-workers, then yes, they should see your Google appointments as well.

      >...but I'm not sure how to check, other than asking a coworker to look, I guess.

      I believe this is a very reasonable approach. To know with certainty, I'd create a test appointment and check with a colleague what exactly details they see.

  33. hi, so thanks about all. in Iran we can't pay for google app. your advises solve my problem. Bests

  34. Svetlana,

    I wish to echo what others have already noted. Thank you so much for a clear and intelligent article that offers multiple solutions to syncing Outlook and Google calendars AND explains the features of these options. I was going to try the Google Calendar Sync on my pc even though I knew it had been shut to new users. I had set it up on my wife's laptop prior to it being discontinued but, somehow, I had not saved the file. Finding your article, with an active link to the file, was more than I could have hoped for.

    Thank you very much for a fantastic article.


  35. Thank you sooooo... much for this information!!! After having to replace my hard drive on my laptop computer (and subsequently reinstalling all of my software), I didn't know what I was going sync my Outlook calendar with my Google calendar that my assistant needs in order to schedule my appointments since Google Calendar Sync is no longer available. The information contained in this article was a lifesaver!

    I really commend you for the thoroughness of the information that was included and the straight forward presentation of it. Everything was very easy to follow.

    Thank you!


  36. Svetlana, thank you, thank you! This information was fantastic! You are awesome!

  37. Thank you for the information. Microsofts latest upgrade to S Planner now means that syncing on my Samsung Galaxy S4 is not compatible so hopefully gSyncit will provide me with a viable alternative. So far so good.


  38. thanks so much. super clear.
    so I have exported my outlook calendar to my gmail calendar. again.
    but this is not true synching.
    my Samsung G4 wants me to use KIES 3 for synching - which I find to be a clunky awful tool.
    before I spend more time on this - would gsynchit - or some other tool make my life easier?

    - M

    1. Hi Martyg,

      gSyncit can definitely make your life easier if you are looking for syncing between Outlook and Google. As for Samsung G4, sorry I am not familiar with this device and cannot recommend anything.

  39. Hi, I install the google sync, and every time that the program sync, they me for outlook profile, and only I have one profile, also I put the check as default, please help I don't want to choose every time the default profile.-

    1. Hi Alex,

      Verify whether Google Calendar Sync is checked in the COM add-ins list:
      - In Outlook 2010 and 2013, go to File -> Options -> Add-ins.
      - Select COM Add-Ins in the drop-down list next to Manage and click Go.
      - Find Google Calendar Sync in the list. If it is unchecked, add a check and click OK. If it was checked, remove a check, then check it again and click OK.

      If the above does not help, please check out other suggestions:

  40. You are great! Thanks a lot. This is the only free working system to Sync it all!

  41. Worked like a charm.
    Thanks a ton Svetlana.

  42. Thanks for sharing this. Well done!

  43. Thanks Svetlana for the wonderful piece of information. It helps a lot.

  44. Hi, Svetlana. After reading your post and all the published Q and A's, I'm still having trouble. I use Outlook to pull my yahoo ( email from the server and into the software. I have used the Google Calendar Sync software for years to sync (2-ways) between Outlook and my gmail account so the calendar events in my Outlook populate on my (Android) cell phone, and vice versa. While no changes were made to software / settings, this stopped working recently: calendar events do not copy from Outlook into my phone, nor do events added on my phone populate into the Outlook calendar on my laptop. I have triple-checked the settings on GCS, including to be sure "2-way sync" is selected. I tried the suggestion from a previous poster to set up Google's 2-step verification + app-specific passwords, to no avail. Any thoughts?

    1. (Also tried uninstalling and reinstalling GCS software using your supplied links, with the same results.)

      1. Hi Chris,
        Can you recall any other recent changes, such as installing new antivirus software or Outlook add-ins? Also, did you install SP 1 for Outlook 2013?

  45. OMG thanks Svetlana, total lifesaver, one of the most helpful posts I've ever encountered.
    Thank you!!!

  46. The link to only brings up version of Google Calendar Sync and the description says that there are "limitations" and that you should purchase the it to remove the limitations.

    1. Hello Jim,
      Thank you for pointing this out. When I posted the link, it opened the correct file. Please use this direct link instead:

  47. Regarding 2 step authentication, just wanted to note that Wayne's comment in 31 above works perfectly.

    Thanks Svetlana for the best description of this process and options anywhere!

  48. Svetlana,

    Great post - synchronization of google calendar and Outlook is configured and working.

    Thanks for your help!

  49. Hi Svetlana,

    I have been doing more test and now it is not working with my cellular or google. I have try some try found on the web (because it looks like I am not the only with this problem) and one test work but then it didn't.

    Whatever I schedule in my cellular or google are ok on both platform it just that it is 1 hr off in Outlook.

    I found this

    What do you think of this program. Is it worth it?



    1. Hi Chantal,

      As far as I understand, they recommend switching to a paid version of gSync. I cannot say anything about it because I tried only a free version of this tool when writing this article. It worked fine for me, but on the other hand I’ve never had this 1 h. late problem, so I do not know whether gSync will really be able to solve the issue.

      Anyway, I believe it's worth trying free means first : ) BTW, the link you found also says the problem is related to DST "It all started when they changed the dates for daylight savings time. Apparently Google Calendar Sync is coded in such a way that it recognizes the old dates for daylight savings time."

      I've found Microsoft's recommendations for Outlook and time zones that do not observe daylight saving here, probably this will be helpful:

      1. Hi Svetlana,

        Thank you, I will wait and see when GMT change to DST on March 26 if this get resolve otherwise I will check the paid option.

        I am in EST and we change DST on March 09.

        Thank you again and have a great day,


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