July 2024 – Release notes

Advanced Find and Replace v2.0

Meet the completely updated version of our Advanced Find and Replace extension for Google Sheets! Packed with new features and improvements, it's designed for smoother workflows and intuitive experience 🙂

Tip. Install the latest version of Advanced Find and Replace from the Google Workspace Marketplace to try all the features firsthand.

New find & replace capabilities

Multiple values simultaneously

Looking for each value from your list one by one is yesterday's news. Replacing each found record with its new value one by one is even older.

Now you can find and replace multiple values at once! Just supply all records to the add-on in one go.

  • Specify ranges with search values & their corresponding alternatives to find and replace multiple values simultaneously: Enter the ranges with your search and replacement words to simplify the task.
  • Or enter values themselves separated by space, comma, or semicolon: Advanced Find and Replace for Google Sheets, version 2.0, can search for multiple values simultaneously.

When found, enter all replacement values in the same order you used for the search and hit Replace. It can also find and replace multiple values in Google Sheets.

Combos of words & phrases

Looking for combinations of single words and phrases has never been easier. With phrase support, various combo searches are at your disposal: just wrap each phrase in double quotes ;)

Find entries like Alaska, "New York", Hawaii, "New Orleans" all at once: Find words and phrases — all at once.

This lets you find and replace complex combinations in one seamless operation.


Looking for cells with certain formatting? The new format options will detect bold, italic, underlined, strikethrough text, and find specific fill and font colors. Find and replace by formatting in Google Sheets.

Want to format found cells? Use the tool to color them and change their text format: font color, bold, italic, underlined, strikethrough. Format found values.

Enjoy enhanced search capabilities with additional options:

Find all fuzzy matches in your Google Sheets.

To find words regardless of typos or to include approximate matches, toggle on Fuzzy search and specify the number of fuzzy characters allowed.

2. Regular expressions

Enable Regular expressions for advanced partial search. This pattern-matching capability will find and replace text based on specific criteria.

3. Numbers by condition

Use comparison operators (>, <, =, <>, <=, >=) or formula results (=A2*0.5) to find numbers according to specific conditions.

New search locations

Find and replace within some or all the sheets.

We've refined the Search within options for a more straightforward experience. New options are:

  • Current sheet
  • All sheets
  • Selected range
  • Specific ranges (for searches in several selected sheets)

Regroup your results

Results are now grouped by sheet by default, but you can regroup by search value. Expand & collapse groups for better navigation experience. Group found records by sheet or by value.

New export locations

Extract found records to a new sheet, new spreadsheet, or a custom location.

You can now export found values not only to new sheets but also to a new spreadsheet or a specific range of cells within your current file. This lets you organize and analyze data exactly where you need it.

Currency search support

The add-on now identifies all numbers no matter their currency format, unless you explicitly include the currency symbol in your search.

Keyboard support

Navigate through the found results tab using your keyboard! Use Tab, arrow keys, and Enter to move through the list and manage found values effectively.

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If you have any questions or issues with this add-in, please feel free to post your concerns in the comments area. As soon as we answer, a notification message will be sent to your e-mail. If you do not want to share your thoughts in public, please contact us at support@ablebits.com.