Shared Email Templates for Microsoft Outlook / Gmail

Comparing the Outlook and Gmail editions

Main features

Shared Email Templates
for Outlook
Shared Email Templates
for Gmail
What's Shared Email Templates? An app for classic Outlook for Windows, new Outlook for Windows, Outlook for Mac, Outlook on the web A browser extension for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge that works with Gmail
Creating email templates from scratch
Creating email templates from selected text
Sharing email templates
Templates for appointments and meetings
Template shortcuts (##)
Attachments in templates
Pictures in templates
Auto-fillable fields
Interactive fillable fields
Buttons in templates
Insert-if sections (conditions)
Simple datasets
Worksheet-based datasets Excel Google Sheets
Mail Merge
Templates export / import / backup


Shared Email Templates
for Outlook
Shared Email Templates
for Gmail
Sign-up / sign-in with email address
Sign-up / sign-in with Microsoft
Sign-up / sign-in with Google
Users management
Users import from Directory Azure Active Directory Google Workspace Directory
Users import from CSV
Teams management
Encrypted teams
Disabling personal templates for users
Disabling Signatures for users
Disabling Mail Merge for users
Subscriptions management
Single sign-on (SSO) for OneDrive and SharePoint


Shared Email Templates
for Outlook
Shared Email Templates
for Gmail
What to enter
Fill To / Cc / Bcc / Subject
Fill Location
Add to To / Cc / Bcc / Subject
Add to Location
Attach from URL
Attach file from OneDrive / all files from OneDrive folder
Attach file from SharePoint / all files from SharePoint folder
Attach file from Google Drive / all files from Google Drive folder
Attach from dataset
What to attach
Insert picture from URL
Insert picture from OneDrive / SharePoint
Insert picture from Google Drive
Insert picture from property
Insert user's photo from Azure AD
Insert Subject / To / Cc / Bcc
Insert date
Insert time
Insert dataset value
Insert mailbox property
Insert user property
Insert team property
Insert company account property
Insert Azure AD property
Insert link
Insert link to OneDrive / SharePoint file
Insert link to Google Drive file
Insert greeting
Insert random phrase
Insert signature
Insert recipient first / last / full name
Insert email address(es) from To / To and Cc
Insert sender first / last / full name
Insert Location
Insert text
Insert merge field
Disable if
Nested macros

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