Shared Email Templates for Microsoft Outlook / Gmail

How to uninstall

Tip. The simplest way to uninstall the add-in is to uninstall it via Outlook Online. After uninstalling the add-in in Outlook Online, restart your desktop Outlook client, and the add-in will be uninstalled there as well.

Note. Shared Email Templates might stay in your desktop Outlook for some hours or even days. This depends on the Windows and Office versions that you use. Unfortunately, we can't influence this process.

Uninstall from the latest versions of Outlook desktop

  1. Select any email message, and then click All Apps on the ribbon.
    The All Apps button in Outlook desktop
  2. Right-click Shared Email Templates and select Uninstall:
    Click Uninstall.

Note. If you can't see Uninstall after right-clicking Shared Email Templates, it means that your system administrator used the Fixed option and you can't uninstall Shared Email Templates on your own. In this case, consult your system administrator.

Uninstall from previous versions of Outlook desktop

  1. Go to Get Add-ins, select My add-ins, and click Shared Email Templates.
  2. Select Remove:
    Click Remove.

Note. If you can't see Remove after clicking Shared Email Templates, it means that your system administrator used the Fixed option and you can't uninstall the add-in on your own. In this case, consult your system administrator.

Uninstall from Outlook Online

  1. Select any email message and click Apps:
    The Apps button in Outlook Online
  2. Right-click Shared Email Templates, and then select Uninstall:
    Click Uninstall.

Note. If you can't see Uninstall after right-clicking Shared Email Templates, it means that your system administrator used the Fixed option and you can't uninstall Shared Email Templates on your own. In this case, consult your system administrator.

What to do if the Apps button is missing

If you don't see the Apps button, check whether the Get Add-ins option is available to you. If so, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Get Add-ins, select My add-ins, and click Shared Email Templates.
  2. Select Remove:
    Click Remove.

Note. If you can't see Remove after clicking Shared Email Templates, it means that your system administrator used the Fixed option and you can't uninstall the add-in on your own. In this case, consult your system administrator.

Uninstall from Outlook for Mac

  1. Go to Get Add-ins, select My add-ins, and click Shared Email Templates.
  2. Select Remove:
    Uninstall Shared Email Templates in Outlook for Mac.

Note. If you can't see Remove after clicking Shared Email Templates, it means that your system administrator used the Fixed option and you can't uninstall the add-in on your own. In this case, consult your system administrator.

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