This is a short step-by-step tutorial for beginners showing how to add VBA code (Visual Basic for Applications code) to your Excel workbook and run this macro to solve your spreadsheet tasks. Continue reading
by Alexander Frolov, updated on
This is a short step-by-step tutorial for beginners showing how to add VBA code (Visual Basic for Applications code) to your Excel workbook and run this macro to solve your spreadsheet tasks. Continue reading
Comments page 5. Total comments: 256
can you please tell how to copy paste from row1(sheet1) to any cell in sheet2.. and create a button for going to next row in sheet1
VBA Macro for Change Case works well
thank you very much
Dear hoe to i set vba project in colum as(rohit kumar parasshar)in single colum i read in a video (by right click view code
(Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
...................what i write heare
End Sub)
There are many mistakes in this post
Im afraid horrible text and doesnt work
This does not work
I want to thank you for this code and tutorial. I don't write VB code and just need a quick solution to a problem and this resolved it. Thank you so much for your time and effort.
Hi I am trying to create a template workbook for some data analysis. I have worked it up but now need to delete the data and save it as a template.
I was just wondering if you have a workbook that has a VBA code attached if it is save as a macro enabled workbook do you have to add the code again when you reopen the workbook?
Many thanks,
When you put the VBA in the module and saved it, the code would be in Excel. It would be available to be called from inside that workbook. Click Alt-F8 and you can see what code is available in that workbook. You should see the names of the modules you built and saved.
Dear Sir / Madam.
I have made a user form with 7 entries. I would like to have an Even number to become a Red font through my user form. So if the number is 346 then this number and all the other 7 boxes become a red font. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I just don't know what to write.
Thanks and Kind regards
Thank you. Works perfectly!!
Hi there,
I tried your code but it doesn't do anything. No messages, nothing. What am I doing wrong?
the same here!!
Same for me
I just want to say thank you for this fantastic, simple solution and for your awesome products in general.
I want a code which is used to cut the rows having the red color and paste in another sheet and when color changes to white should transfer to same sheet (online spread sheets)
Hellow Team,
we need your help for VBA Coding in excel i don't know VBA coding how to start
learning VBA Coding.
Please help me to reference link to enhance skills I vBa
Anyone who can assist me to provide a vba code on how to generate a responses that will be consolidated to another worsheet. Example, Response with "Will be included in the remediation" and "Partial Remediation" will be generated to the consolidated worksheet. Thanks
Hi All,
I would appreciate if someone could help me with some VBA coding I need to do. I am creating a userform for an excel document. It is quite simple but I really dont know how VBA coding works. I have 6 categories in my spreadsheet that have got to filled up in the form with numbers from 1/10 and then there is a comments box to for extra comments and a name box for the user name. finally it has 2 command boxes: Add company and close form.
I have done the form now and given the usual names to the boxes such as:
Can someone help me out with the code so that once the form is filled and the command box for add clicked all the information goes to the spreadsheet?
It would be greatly appreciated
Thank You! Big help!
If i can't save file after i add this VBA code. It says that there is an error and Excel may able to save file by removing or repairing some features. Options are to click continue or cancel. When clicking continue it want to save file as another one, but in the end it says :file was not saved".
Thank you so much. Big help.
Excellent guideline. Thanks.
This is excellent! I work at an I-Bank this is gold! Thank you Sir.
Hi. I'm using a macro to combine multiple sheets in one excel workbook. Macro works but I keep getting a screen that asks me if I want to save or dont save I want to add this step into the macro, can someone please help?
Thank you in advance.
Sub GetSheets()
Path = "\\>>>>>>>>>Extract for CD 20171027\"
Filename = Dir(Path & "*.xls")
Do While Filename ""
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Path & Filename, ReadOnly:=True
For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
Sheet.Copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Next Sheet
Filename = Dir()
End Sub
Thank you so much! I've never added a macro and the steps were super easy to follow. Easy fix.
how to use a module in a userform more than textboxes in same module
please given the code and how to create a time symbol provide a number format example (1230 =12:30) in this code give to me
thanks you
Please help me. I want to color cell background by comparing with cell value and one more cell value. Example: Col A (1:10) has values 0 & 1. Col B:E (B1:E10) has values of 1-100. Color B1:E10 if the value of cell >50 & A1 equal to 0. Total four colors and four conditions.
1) A1:A10 = 0 then B1:E10 =50
3) A1:A10 = 1 then B1:E10 =50
I am able to create only for if B1:E10 >/<50.
I went through the steps above to add VBA code to my spreadsheet, however, when opening the macro, there is nothing listed for selection. Why is that? (In other words, I can see the information through ALT + F11, but when selecting ALT + F8, the macro is not there).
I wanted to have the Grouping function on a protected excel. I got a solution on the web, for a vba code to be used.
link -
But the issue is that I want it all the time on the excel. How can I save it so that each time I open the excel, the function is working for grouping and ungrouping in the excel template.
I want to save a running total from a cell in Excel and wondered can this be done? I have a formula to put the total in a cell on a certain date but when the date has passed it clears the cell again and I want the running total on that date to be captured. My formaula in excel to capture data on a certian date is:- =IF(D2=(DATE(2017,6,11)),D3,0)
Thanks for any info, Cheers Trev
Can this code be applied to all worksheets? if yes help me make it permanent in excel. I tried to save as a add-in but its not working all workbooks.
How to run macro in MS Task scheduler, please help me.
I am trying to create a button in excel that when clicked it, will add 1 point to a score on different sheet (sheet 2). I can't seem to find out if this is possible, and if it is, how to do it.
Ideally I want to have multiple buttons so I can create scoring charts (team 1's score in B1, team 2's score in B2, etc) but you won't be able to see it until you go on to sheet 2.
Any help would be gratefully received!
A notification bar appears which reads:
Be careful! Parts of your document may include personal information that cannot be removed by the Document Inspector
Is there a way to have this constant and not having to run the Macro for it to be applied?
Hi sir
I want VBA code for to display the excel data in text box. For example 3 text boxes in VBA form in excel a1,b1,c1 have data. If a1 and b1 data typed in text box 1 and 2 c1 data will display in textbox3.
Hi Alexander,
Please help me out when i use VBA coding for Consolidated Data show this error.
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
Compile error:
Sub or Function not defined
OK Help
I've followed all the steps, but I'm having a problem with the code doing what I need. Instead of adding the dollar amounts in the cells that have a specific colored background, I'm getting how many cells have that colored background. Example: 5 green cells with $20 in each of them, the code gives me $5 when it should be $100.
I need to Increment 50 by 0.64 everyday at 8:00 AM and I would like to automate it. I've already have a Now function that updates every second, I also need a way to start it when Excel is opened.
Where/how do I see the results, after I run the code above?
it is way too complicated i just want a print screen macro
Worked great! I didn't bother with any of the added code. Thanks!
Can anyone tell me that how to run any of macro program in excel?
I entered a VBA for excel 2013. I wanted to make a drop down list w/ multi items to select. It works perfectly for me, but when I send it to my associate it does not work...only single selection is possible. Is that because they do not have a, "developer" ribbon? I cannot have everyone do is there a workaround? Thanks for your valuable time!
thank you sir for treating my worries
how do i run a vba code using a macro such that each time i click on the macro, it runs my vba code
Thanks for the Aritical.
Delete entire row from A2 downwards with the word "0o,rb,t"in column A
I am trying to import data from certain columns from an excel sheet "MyData.xlsx" into "PriceInc.xlsx"
There is a button on the "PriceInc.xlsx" file that, when clicked should bring in the required data.
Hi , I just started with VBA using it for the first time , I wrote code under module but When I am clicking on "Run".
It is not giving me any result.
Suppose I use a command :
Sub hello()
MsgBox ("Helloworld")
End Sub
When I am running it , it is not getting published in Excel workbook
Hi, khush
Sub hello()
MsgBox "Helloworld"
End Sub