Comments on: Basic Excel formulas & functions with examples

Being primarily designed as a spreadsheet program, Microsoft Excel is extremely powerful and versatile when it comes to calculating numbers or solving math and engineering problems. This tutorial aims to teach you the essentials of Excel functions and show how to use basic formulas in Excel. Continue reading

Comments page 5. Total comments: 413

  1. I need help in copying results from the next table with increasing numbers.
    For example
    Column b has the following:
    1. 20
    2. 30
    3. 40
    Then I need to transfer the info onto another sheet across a row
    A B C
    1. 20 30 40

    1. copy paste special with transpose.


  3. Electricity Bill
    Units Rate

    1-100 2
    101-200 3
    200-above 4 Units Consumed Price

    1. =IF(A2<101,A2*2,IF(A2<201,A2*3,A2*4))

  4. Thanks

  5. Hi
    I need an assistance in function formula for CTC Calculator
    We calculate Basic salary on fixed monthly CTC at 40%, Hence if the monthly basic is above 15k, let the amount takes whatever it get calculated on 40% but if the monthly salary itself below 15k then whatever the amount is should get reflected in Basic salary itself not in any other component.
    Please do the needful

  6. Ex- 24546 =twenty four thousand five hundred forty six only (in formulas)

  7. it is very useful but example is less

  8. this was helpful

  9. I want to calculate TWO CELL also end of the calculation i want to add a TEXT (as a note)
    For Ex. :
    Key in info : =(A2-A3) Weeks
    want a result to be : 3 Weeks

    is it possible. pls answer me ASAP

    1. I am giving you the simple formula,
      =(A2-A3)&" Week"

  10. i loved it and send me your email id in my email id

  11. SIR,
    ATTAIN = +4
    WRONG = -1
    LEFT = 0
    KEY IF A AND B BOTH THEN 4 (FOUR OPTION A,B,C,D, GRACE) a formula for this


    1. =Sum(A7,A11)-A6

  13. how to apply the number convert to text for example 12= twele and apply a1=112 but the solution b2= one hundred and twele

  14. i will apply numbers only

  15. If E2 is under 2000 C7 should show 30%
    If E2 is between 2001 and 4000 C7 should show 40%
    If E2 is under 4001 and over C7 should show 50%
    Please help to get a formula for this

    1. =IF(A4<2001,"30%",IF(A4<=4000,"40%","50"%))

    2. If E2 is under 2000 C7 should show 30%
      If E2 is between 2001 and 4000 C7 should show 40%
      If E2 is over 4001 and over C7 should show 50%
      Please help to get a formula for this

  16. More than this

  17. It takes me Only a day to learned all the formulas..
    Very Helpfull..

  18. thank you

  19. Hello, I am trying to make a time sheet. Here is the example:
    Start time: 12:30 am
    Regular hours: 4.5 hours
    Extra hours: 40 minutes
    Break: 30 minutes if total hours more than 5 hours
    Finish Time: ??? I need the formula which should be 6:10 am as total hour more than 5.
    Total hours: 5.16 hours

    Thanks for your help.

  20. how to convert number in figures., as 1,000.00 (One thousand)

    1. Try spell number, spell number Indian formula , its a customized formula. Google it....


  22. I want set up a spread sheet whereby i have a value on one cell and the percentage of that value in another cell,for example i have $1000 in cell B and in cell C i will want to have 25% of whatever value is in cell B(in this case $1000)

    1. a simple formula would be
      =B1*0.25 OR IF IT A DIFFERENT PERCENTAGE EG 10% =B1*0.1

  23. Good work microsoft exel

  24. Dear Team
    I want to know about the best techniques of the excel with formulas & functions.

    if you provide best techniques, i shall be obliged

  25. I want to know about main formula of ms excel

    1. can i help u

      1. Hai I would like to ask a help for my report Training about excel formula i want to know more about this...please

  26. This content is very useful but example is not good

    1. Hi Sunny,
      I have updated some of the formula examples. Hope they make more sense now :)

      1. can you please show the percantage formula

      2. You are excellent,Thank you for your content it is very helpful to us.

      3. yes svetlana i want to know that the examples

  27. if a C3 value is 4.65 then D3 should show 50%
    if a C3 value is between 4.20 and 4.65 then D3 should show 45%

    Please help to get a formula on this

    1. =IF(A4>=4.2,IF(A4<=4.64,"45%","50%"))

  28. Ms excel word sheet pdf

  29. I want to Calculate, A Value of 2323.56 it should covert to nearest ten value @ 2330 can anyone tell which formula to use.

  30. i want to calculate expenses, if container is of 20ft then the total amount should be different, and if container is of 40ft then also the amount should come different. can anyone tell which formula to use as it should be in one cell only.

  31. Same example while using shows error.
    formula used is =(AVERAGEIF(A2:A8,E2,B2:B8)) but error shows as #DIV/0!

  32. Same example while using shows error.
    formula used is =(AVERAGEIF(A2:A8,E2,B2:B8)) but error shows as #DIV/0!

  33. How to salary in excel

  34. i wanted to ask whats is the logic of *1 or +1 in below mentioned formula for example =DATE(2019,MID(B2775,4,2)*1,LEFT(B2775,2)*1)

  35. How to change from S12223 to S122-23?

  36. Hi
    I want to write 265324 Lac as 2.65 Lac in open office.
    Pl. help with the formula.

  37. how can i create A New Sheet In a single excel file

  38. Hi, Im hoping someone may be able to help me with this.
    Currently I have these columns:
    C D E
    2 Started Ended Days
    3 08/07/2016 15/07/2016 7 (=DAYS(D3,C3)
    4 08/07/2016 17 (=TODAY()-C4)
    I have a formula in another square to count the number of completed investigations that were completed in less or equal to 28 days - =COUNTIFS(E3:E4,"<=28")
    However, I only want the formula to count those investigations that have been completed, so essentially only where the cells in column D is not blank, it has a date. This will then allow me to show current investigations and time taken to date, plus a count of completed investigations based on meeting KPI's.
    Any help you can provide would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

  39. Please Advice me, how to add personal details together (ex: name, designation office name, mob no, address )i have these each seperate columns, but in the final columns i want all together, what is the formula for these? i hope you understand what i'm asked here.

  40. 20161130 how to convert date from number to dot format in excel
    i am tired this formula =date(left(A..4),mid(A..5,2),right(A..2)),I GOT 30.11.2016.But this format not supported SAP

  41. how to convert date from number to dot format in excel
    for uploading in SAP format

  42. Tables!$D$14:$E$49, this is the formula that is seen on a cell of excel, can you explain to me how to track that table

  43. I want to know how to copy "now" formula for a whole row or column. By which i can get time exect to that related cell.

  44. carry a total from one worksheet to another in the same workbook? Need formula, please

  45. >6000 DA is 15%
    4000 to 6000 DA is 12%
    <4000 DA is 10%
    suggest me the formula

  46. Please give me advice how I can lock cell protect from VBA code.

  47. I must say that I am reading thru all comments, etc and I must say I am very impressed.
    For me what I am working on is simple; 1 sheet has all my menu items with the before and after taxes, mark up 30%, 32%, menu price with g.s.t. and price without g.s.t.
    2nd sheet has stock with price/numbers i.e. Carrots: 10#; 8.99$, 1 # cost x, 1 oz costs X
    3rd sheet has all and I mean all recipe.
    Simply put, I would like to enter i.e. cost of 1 # of carrots (from sheet 2 to sheet 3) into my recipe on sheet 2. Then the end cost (bottom line) import it into Sheet 1 under say Soup du jour. Just that simple.
    I'll get there soon. p.s. really appreciate all those feedback's on Excell

  48. Suggest me a formula for this
    if Cell A1 has value (27.5*6.25/2*2) i put formula in cell B1 =27.5*6.25/2*2 it shows value 171.88 but when i change value in cell a1 it should change in the value in cell B1

  49. Please gimme advice. I need one formula ex.cell a1 value -3 multiple b1 or cell a1 value 3 multiple c1

  50. Simple question...What is the formula I should use if I want a column to list consecutive dates, such as 2001, 2002, 2003...2035, without having to type each year in a cell manually? It is similar to the @sum formula.

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