Comments on: Basic Excel formulas & functions with examples

Being primarily designed as a spreadsheet program, Microsoft Excel is extremely powerful and versatile when it comes to calculating numbers or solving math and engineering problems. This tutorial aims to teach you the essentials of Excel functions and show how to use basic formulas in Excel. Continue reading

Comments page 6. Total comments: 413


  2. I want set up a spread sheet whereby i have a value on one cell and the percentage of that value in another cell,for example i have $1000 in cell B and in cell C i will want to have 25% of whatever value is in cell B(in this case $1000)

    1. a simple formula would be
      =B1*0.25 OR IF IT A DIFFERENT PERCENTAGE EG 10% =B1*0.1

  3. Good work microsoft exel

  4. Dear Team
    I want to know about the best techniques of the excel with formulas & functions.

    if you provide best techniques, i shall be obliged

  5. I want to know about main formula of ms excel

    1. can i help u

      1. Hai I would like to ask a help for my report Training about excel formula i want to know more about this...please

  6. This content is very useful but example is not good

    1. Hi Sunny,
      I have updated some of the formula examples. Hope they make more sense now :)

      1. can you please show the percantage formula

      2. You are excellent,Thank you for your content it is very helpful to us.

      3. yes svetlana i want to know that the examples

  7. if a C3 value is 4.65 then D3 should show 50%
    if a C3 value is between 4.20 and 4.65 then D3 should show 45%

    Please help to get a formula on this

    1. =IF(A4>=4.2,IF(A4<=4.64,"45%","50%"))

  8. Ms excel word sheet pdf

  9. I want to Calculate, A Value of 2323.56 it should covert to nearest ten value @ 2330 can anyone tell which formula to use.

  10. i want to calculate expenses, if container is of 20ft then the total amount should be different, and if container is of 40ft then also the amount should come different. can anyone tell which formula to use as it should be in one cell only.

  11. Same example while using shows error.
    formula used is =(AVERAGEIF(A2:A8,E2,B2:B8)) but error shows as #DIV/0!

  12. Same example while using shows error.
    formula used is =(AVERAGEIF(A2:A8,E2,B2:B8)) but error shows as #DIV/0!

  13. How to salary in excel

  14. i wanted to ask whats is the logic of *1 or +1 in below mentioned formula for example =DATE(2019,MID(B2775,4,2)*1,LEFT(B2775,2)*1)

  15. How to change from S12223 to S122-23?

  16. Hi
    I want to write 265324 Lac as 2.65 Lac in open office.
    Pl. help with the formula.

  17. how can i create A New Sheet In a single excel file

  18. Hi, Im hoping someone may be able to help me with this.
    Currently I have these columns:
    C D E
    2 Started Ended Days
    3 08/07/2016 15/07/2016 7 (=DAYS(D3,C3)
    4 08/07/2016 17 (=TODAY()-C4)
    I have a formula in another square to count the number of completed investigations that were completed in less or equal to 28 days - =COUNTIFS(E3:E4,"<=28")
    However, I only want the formula to count those investigations that have been completed, so essentially only where the cells in column D is not blank, it has a date. This will then allow me to show current investigations and time taken to date, plus a count of completed investigations based on meeting KPI's.
    Any help you can provide would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

  19. Please Advice me, how to add personal details together (ex: name, designation office name, mob no, address )i have these each seperate columns, but in the final columns i want all together, what is the formula for these? i hope you understand what i'm asked here.

  20. 20161130 how to convert date from number to dot format in excel
    i am tired this formula =date(left(A..4),mid(A..5,2),right(A..2)),I GOT 30.11.2016.But this format not supported SAP

  21. how to convert date from number to dot format in excel
    for uploading in SAP format

  22. Tables!$D$14:$E$49, this is the formula that is seen on a cell of excel, can you explain to me how to track that table

  23. I want to know how to copy "now" formula for a whole row or column. By which i can get time exect to that related cell.

  24. carry a total from one worksheet to another in the same workbook? Need formula, please

  25. >6000 DA is 15%
    4000 to 6000 DA is 12%
    <4000 DA is 10%
    suggest me the formula

  26. Please give me advice how I can lock cell protect from VBA code.

  27. I must say that I am reading thru all comments, etc and I must say I am very impressed.
    For me what I am working on is simple; 1 sheet has all my menu items with the before and after taxes, mark up 30%, 32%, menu price with g.s.t. and price without g.s.t.
    2nd sheet has stock with price/numbers i.e. Carrots: 10#; 8.99$, 1 # cost x, 1 oz costs X
    3rd sheet has all and I mean all recipe.
    Simply put, I would like to enter i.e. cost of 1 # of carrots (from sheet 2 to sheet 3) into my recipe on sheet 2. Then the end cost (bottom line) import it into Sheet 1 under say Soup du jour. Just that simple.
    I'll get there soon. p.s. really appreciate all those feedback's on Excell

  28. Suggest me a formula for this
    if Cell A1 has value (27.5*6.25/2*2) i put formula in cell B1 =27.5*6.25/2*2 it shows value 171.88 but when i change value in cell a1 it should change in the value in cell B1

  29. Please gimme advice. I need one formula ex.cell a1 value -3 multiple b1 or cell a1 value 3 multiple c1

  30. Simple question...What is the formula I should use if I want a column to list consecutive dates, such as 2001, 2002, 2003...2035, without having to type each year in a cell manually? It is similar to the @sum formula.

  31. Good day
    If I have a list price and a nett, how do I work out the discount?
    Thank you

  32. How can we make Total of Particular Columns one colored cell (ie 'C' column's only red colored cell's value have to make total?

  33. These are very useful

    1. These are really very useful

  34. 70/28 and 30/12 how to Sum this two numbers

  35. Formulas are very useful. I am using it from a long time. Thanks Ablebits.

  36. Hi,
    I am trying to use the IF to creat a formula but the system is limiting to 9 Nine arguments. I would wish to create 17 arguments. Please assist.
    Thank you

  37. I'm very thankful for those basic formula that i have seen and learned in this site, it such a big help in my day to day work and great thing that can develop my learning in excel. thankyou.

  38. Hi I have a client with two spreadsheets. One has an inventory on it so the first column is the stock number for a certain product and then there is a quantity column further along.
    The other tab is a Purchases column and we are wanting to be able to add a recurring stock number or new stock number and the quantity of product for that item just received. I am wanting to link the information from the Purchases tab to the inventory so that it will update the quantity list in the inventory stock list automatically.
    Is there a formula for doing this?
    Thank you in advance

    1. Type in =vlookup.type the cell containing common column, press ,
      Then drag all the data from the other sheet press , again. Then press the column position to which you want the data from. press , and type zero. Close parenthesis and but enter

  39. I need day Calculation as like
    Join Date- 01.01.2018
    last date 03.06.2019
    = 00 month 00 days

  40. Dear Support, please can you assist with formula in excel to increment data in cell as follows: Cell A1 > 0 - 7 , Cell A2 > 8 - 15 , A3 > 16 - 23 etc...
    i.e each time value to increase by 8.
    Thank you for you valuable support and advise.

  41. Send me average formula in full form


  43. Hi, anybody can help me
    Iam customizing inventory file consisting table like this;
    if I input under SI# any text or number, the input qty will be added under running total;
    then, if input under DR#, any text or number the input qty will be deducted under running total,
    Please show me how to do the formulas.
    Thanking you in advance.

  44. your work is so helpful to the world

  45. pls send some useful formula for excel.

  46. Hi,
    Please give me a solution in a excel formulas. 5026*50%=2513 but I want to show the amount with round 2500. like 6055*50%=3027.5 but it'll be 3000 and total amount will be 2500+3000=5500.


  47. I need help about how to compile a home household budget

  48. How to shipment# 1000199990030 formula function? It's short #19999 column down countn

  49. I am pretty new to Excel. I cant get this formula right. Please help.
    In cell N25 from Excel Worksheet 2 below, write a function to sum the Account amounts in cells M8 to N22 and round the results to the 2nd digit. Write the function such that it can be copied or dragged down from cell N25 to cells N26 through N33. *

  50. Dear Sir/ Ma"am,
    Will you please tell me, how to use macros?
    Thanks in Advance

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