In this tutorial, you will lean a quick way to calculate percentages in Excel, find the basic percentage formula and a few more formulas for calculating percentage increase, percent of total and more. Continue reading
by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on
In this tutorial, you will lean a quick way to calculate percentages in Excel, find the basic percentage formula and a few more formulas for calculating percentage increase, percent of total and more. Continue reading
Comments page 5. Total comments: 728
any one tell me how to convert 40000 value into 30 different rows which formula i can use
Please help me find my Salary's 65 % percentage and its provident fund is 8.33 %.
for example, my salary is 700,000/- I need to know it's 65 % and 8.33% for 65 %.
Dear Sir,
Please show me the formula for following sum in excel.
A1 = 125
A2 = 335
A3 = 345
A4 = 550
A5 = 246
Total of A1 + A3 +A5 = 716 I know the 18% of the total 716 is 128.88, but what formula should I use in excel to get 18% figure?
Please help me to find the percentage: I had 1,178 jobs and had 46 returns back to finish something. What is the percentage of my returns?
This problem is solved at school.
How would I work out what the overall percentage is based on team size, so team A has 9 member and produce 456 orders and team B has 22 members and produce 600. What percentage is it based on team size. The most productive team is A but what calculation would I use?
Your question is not related to Excel. But I would suggest finding the number of orders per member. Divide 456 by 9.
How to write
Mr. Bred R Belt got 65% marks
=TEXTJOIN (" ",TRUE,A3,B3,E3,C3,"got",D3 and more requirements
Hi Pls help me out to get the value of x in Excel.
E.G. - X + 1.25% is 150
how to get the X?
How can I calculate the 2 percentage result from my activity via excel? lets say I have 80% for written assessment under D3 then I have 70% for call assessment under G3. Whats the whats the formula for excel to get the total percentage for both? Please help
I don't fully understand your problem. Perhaps you need to calculate the weighted average. Then read this guide.
Hello sir/Madam,
in Excel sheet (%) calculation is wrong going
example -
L.Cost - 135
Sales Cost - 232
Profit - 58.19%
now - L.Cost is 135 * 58.19% = 78.56 (135+78.56=213.56)
and sales cost is showing 232
Please guide how to find answer
58.19% is a percentage of 232. Therefore, multiplying 135 by 58.19% is incorrect and does not make sense. But this has nothing to do with Excel.
I want to know how to calculate the following in excel:
I have a class of 27 students and they all achieved grades: I want to work out the percentage that got a level 9, level 8, etc.
For example, I can then report that 28% achieved a level 9, 32% a Level 8, so on and so forth!
To count how many students have reached level 9, use the COUNTIF function. The calculation of the percentage of this number is described in detail in this article above.
If something is still unclear, please feel free to ask.
Hi, we have a property with our daughter purchase $635000 we have put in $325000 and daughter $310000 we are doing improvements to the property which will add to the total.
Question. What formula would I use to show what percentage each has in the total, thanks in advance
If I write the formula =17*0.9 into the cell, then I get the result 15.3.
If you get 17 as a result of other calculations, then use the decimal format in the cell. You will see the number 17.33
Sorry I've resolved using the ROUND formula.
Please explain why in Excel if you multiply 17*0.9 = 15.6, & using a calculator = 15.3
very frustrating when you cannot trust your excel cal?
Could anybody help me please on how to work out percentage of a loan on Excel. Eg. if I have a loan at a 2.29% paying it back in 5 years with certain amount of monthly payments, I want to see on Excel how it reduces with each payment until the balance is Zero.
Is that something someone can help me with?
Thank you in advance.
How can I get the percentage of fee$10 and customer 3169?
I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail.
You may find this article helpful: Vlookup multiple matches in Excel with one or more criteria
Thanks for saying that
I have a task that has 15 steps to complete and this task is completed on multiple pieces of equipment. Several steps can be conducted at the same time on each piece of equipment. I want to calculate the percentage of completion for each piece of equipment. Each step is assigned a percentage based on time to complete. I want to record this in as simple way as possible. I want to assign the required percentage for each step to a field/column and then record it using 0 for 0%, 0.5 for 50% and 1 for 100% and then have the percentage complete show as a percentage in the end field/column. So if field/column C is assigned 6%, D is assigned 14%, E is assigned 4% and I enter 0.5 in C, 1 in D and 0 in E in the end field/column overall complete percentage I would get 17%. Can you please help with a formula for this?
The formula below will do the trick for you:
You can learn more about SUMPRODUCT function in Excel in this article on our blog.
Thank you, Alexander. I'm grateful for your help and will be recommending your site to all at work.
How to use the formula under this circumtance:
If i have 100 bags which utilizes a vehicle 25% and further i add 300 more bags then how much the vehicle utilizes?
Note: Here all three components (100 bags, vehicle utilization and new addition bags) are variable it changes with every row.
Can you publish a formulae for this type of data? it will be very helpful.
I need the percentage of spaces cleaned vs not clean by date. For example if on Jan 27 Door 1 was clean and Door 2 was cleaned that space was 100% cleaned.
If Door 1 was cleaned and Door 2 was not cleaned that space was only 50% cleaned.
Sorry, I do not fully understand the task. You have not explained how the date relates to your question. If the execution of work is denoted as 0 or 1, then the formula can be
I want to calculate price increase after 2 months given amount and percentage please how do I do it
The information you provided is not enough to understand your case and give you any advice, sorry.
Please provide me with an example of the source data and the expected result.
how how to compute the shortages of my cashier
60% and 40% in my supervisor.thanks for answering
I hope you have studied the recommendations in the tutorial above. It contains answers to your question
how to divide percentage into two person for eg if A gets 50 % of total sales B should automatically get the 40% of total sales
If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:
I hope it’ll be helpful.
How toh calculated percentage this value 44.835 to 61.044 value .how many percentage value add toh this value 44.835 than value is 61.044
I hope you have studied the recommendations in the tutorial above. It contains answers to your question.
Hi! how do I calculate , total manpower skill-61 persons & unskill -75 person.
need my manpower 70% skill & 30% unskill.
Hello, so I am attempting to calculate a percentage of completed task. The completed task are marked by a "1" in a specific column there are 3 column for each row. i know that what the percentage would be if only one or two task were completed ( 1 task completed = 33%, 2 completed =66%, all 3 task = 100%). A little more information; this spreadsheet is used for QC to ensure 3 task are completed for an organization. The organizations are listed vertically in the spreadsheet and three columns to the right headers are named after the task, each task once completed are marked with a one in the corresponding column/row for the organization. any help will be appreciated.
Percentage on each line can be calculated
But I'm not sure if this is what you want. Рlease describe your task in more detail.
Hi! how do I calculate14% of R74.20 using excel formula please
R74.20 is text. Percentage can only be calculated from a number.
Hi, there can anyone help me? how can I calculate Multiple merge percentage?
Hi there I need to get a percentage between 2 totals that equate to 100% example..
I need to sell 50% retail 50 % services. I would like to be able to have both totals show like this month it was 65% retail and 35% services. How do I do this formula?
You can learn more about calculating the total in Excel on our blog. How to calculate percentages based on these results is described in detail in this article above.
I hope I answered your question. If something is still unclear, please feel free to ask.
Hi I need to calculate a KPI measure on deliveries made.
5 deliveries made 1 of those was late. KPI fail anything below 98% however it comes up 80% pass which is a fail.
Surely this is not correct as they might as well say 100% delivery.
I thought it should be around 98% what am I doing wrong.
Thank you
I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. Please specify what you were trying to find, what formula you used and what problem or error occurred. Give an example of the source data and the expected result.
It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you.
I really love your commitment to providing me with this information.
I just wanted to point out that you have a typo and I am not trying to be critical. But I hope these comments are taken with the best of intentions.
Hi, I was given a large table that contains several divisions of an organization: Division 1, Division 2, Division 3, and so up to Division 9. Each division has a certain number of tasks complete and some others not complete. The column only indicates "complete"; "not complete".
I am asked to indicate the percentage of the complete tasks and not complete tasks per division. The original table had all the division data together, so I ordered the divisions from 1 to 9, then created a table for each division, then ordered from A-z. Now I have all the complete tasks first and below the not complete. But now, per each division, I had hundreds of rows. So I count from row 2 (row 1 is headings) to the last row (e.g.578), and then from row 2 to the last "complete" (e.g. 98) and I know I have 97 complete tasks. Then to calculate the not complete I take from row 99 to 578 and know that not complete counts for 479. Then I calculate the percentage dividing number of complete and not complete for the total. But it takes forever and a day more. There should be a way to make this easier, but I cannot figure it out. I will be happy to email the table in case my explanation is not clear. Thanks!
Unfortunately, without seeing your data it is impossible to give you advice.
I'm sorry, it is not very clear what result you want to get. Could you please describe your task in more detail and send us a small sample workbook with the source data and expected result to Please shorten your tables to 10-20 rows/columns and include the link to your blog comment.
We'll look into your task and try to help.
Quite helpful. Many thanks.
What formula can I use to find the time percentage with the given below?
Computing for Submission Time. Target is between 00:05:00 to 00:15:00, actual time is 00:07:48.
Is it possible to convert 00:07:48 to a percent of the target?
from first look i would sugest dividing minutes and seconds in different columns. it will complicate formula a bit
Hi all,
I am trying to work out a weekly percentage average for colleagues.
The total is worked out from any combination of days from Sunday through to Saturday.
The problem I have is that colleagues can work one day or five days. How do I get the formula to understand that?
To ignore non-working days, calculate the average using the AVERAGEA function. Please have a look at this article — How to calculate average
Hope you’ll find this information helpful.
Hello, I need to figure out the formula to create in a excel report calculating the percentage of Manual jobs vs Schedule jobs and then the differences "change" in that percent each month
example Sept = 105 jobs 63 manual and 42 schedule for Sept - manual = 60% Schedule 40% - put that formula in my excel and then figure out OCT 107 jobs 60 manual and 47 schedule - manual =56% -schedule =44% - now the difference between Sept and Oct - how do I plug that into my excel
Thanks you
If I understand your task correctly, when your data is written in range A1: C2, then the change in percentage points can be calculated in D2 using the formula
Set the percentage format to D2.
I hope it’ll be helpful.
Good afternoon,
I need the correct formula for the scenario below:
In a call center setting: Sara receives 100 calls, accepts 87, missed or declines the other 13. I need the formula to calculate the percentage of calls accepted.
This is not a task for Excel, but for the school.
= 87/100
Set the format to percentages in the cell.
I want calculate as below please give me formula on my email
100 total value less 25% =75 than less 5
5 from 75 and than total of both %
please give me formula
I have a column of revenue ($251) and the next column is the percentage of profit made 80%, so what is the formula to get the profit amount in the next column? Which would be 80% of $251?
I recommend that you carefully read the section on the percentage formula in Excel above.
Hi. My paste special does not have the option of 'operation'. So, i cannot do the formula - How to increase / reduce an entire column by a percentage
How can I find the yearly %change of data population of people through out the year?so can you give me some idea.
how to calculate the formula for
mrp rate 80 + 10% on mrp = total
I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. Could you please describe it in more detail? What result do you want to get? Thank you!
I have been trying to properly sum-up the percentage of each item to equal 100. However, the total is always not equal to 100%, either 99.9% or 100.01% is the closest. Is there any other way to round-off percentage that resulted in 100% in total. Enclosed example. Thank you.
Species Planted Area Planted (%)
A. mangium 67,340.0 80.4%
A. crassicarpa 890.0 1.1%
E. pellita 12,020.0 14.4%
E. degluta 2,894.0 3.5%
Others 617.0 0.7%
Total 83,761.0 100.1%
The cause of your problem is rounding numbers. In the Excel settings, the "Set precision as displayed" parameter is set. Your interest is automatically rounded to one decimal place. If you increase the accuracy of the calculations to two decimal places, the problem will disappear. Or in the last line of the calculation (0.7%) calculate the percentage as the difference between 100% and all previous values (100-80.4-1.1-14.4-3.5 = 0.6%)
I would like to know the Amount of 30% = Rs. 120
hi how to increase the value of a cell by adding some percentage
ex: F16+25%
Given an appraisal score in E5 and the current salary in F5, how do I calculate the new salary which could be either a)an increase by 10%,if the appraisal score is at least 75,or b)an increase by 5% if this score is greater than 60.Else,the if statement must return the text,No INCREASE.
Hello Archie!
If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:
I hope this will help
I want to get 100% based on in total
total 40
=(3/40)*100% = 8%
=(37/40)*100% = 93%
total 101%
So it showing more than 100%. In this case, how i should do, please guide me
Thank you
Change the number format to show decimal digits. I recommend to study the article how to show percentages in Excel.
How do you calculate the percentage difference in (2) prices? I have vendor A offering this material for $1000 and vendor B is offering the same material for $800.
Hello Michael!
To calculate how many percent price B (800) is less than price A (1000), divide the difference between prices by price A. Multiply by 100%
(1000-800)/1000 * 100%