Comments on: How to calculate percentage in Excel - formula examples

In this tutorial, you will lean a quick way to calculate percentages in Excel, find the basic percentage formula and a few more formulas for calculating percentage increase, percent of total and more. Continue reading

Comments page 9. Total comments: 729

  1. A B C
    Name percentage Result
    ZENITH 55
    ANUP 30

    How to Analyze this data table ??

  2. I need to enter the formulas that calculate the percentage of the grand total for each type of school supply ( total cost of each item divided by the grand total) my formulas must use appropriate absolute cell references. Format the calculated values as Percentage with 0 decimal places.
    Cells B(cost/unit) C(Sept.Units) D(Sept.Cost) E(% of Grand Total)
    B5$0.75 C5 29 units D5$21.75 E5 3%

  3. Please, how to calculate the value plus 5 percent of the value

    1. Hi Salisu,

      Assuming the value is in A1, use one of these formulas:

      =A1+A1*0.05 or =A1*(1+5%)

  4. I have 23 people in my division. We have to take 10 mandatory trainings. I want to find the percentage for each person as well as the percentage for the division for each class. How do I do this?

  5. Trying to find out how to see total percentage for a project. The project has 9 people involved. Each are tasked to complete the same tasks, but they can do at different times.
    When the individual tasks that have been assigned are complete they mark it down. At any moment I can see what percentage of the tasks assigned each team member has completed. But now what i want to see is the TOTAL percentage for all the team members. So if some are at 13% complete others are at 100% ... what is the completion percentage? what formula would i need to use?


    1. Hi, 1st of all you should type digits or any price,
      Example, 350
      Start fromula. =350*12/100 Enter.....

  7. i need the following formular were an amout equals 120%

  8. i work in a restaurant and i'm trying to track servers comps % to their sales and i want to give -5 points to them for every $13.00 in comps for $100 in sales. im trying to have the sales/comp table to be on one page and the points on a second page that will be printed and posted. i hope this made since, our sales are high so it would be more like 2550 in sales and 198 in comps for one server on 5 days and 1320 sales and 180 in comps for a server on 3 days so the % of that then with -5 per $13 in comps per 100. it needs to be fair for a one day server whos going to have a low comp number vs a 5 day who will have a high comp number. if you can help or send me in the right direction i would be grateful. thank you.

  9. Hello,

    How would I be able to find what missing "x" is in percentage. For example, I was given a total gross number ($7617.00) and a certain percentage was used to come up with total taxes paid of $571.28. How can I find out what percentage they used to come up with the $571.28? Is there a formula I can use to figure out missing "x" value? Please help.

    THank you

  10. I have a column in my excel sheet which has temperatures. I am looking to calculate for how much percentage of time do I see temperatures below "X" degC, between "X" degC and "Y" degC and above "Y" degC.
    I appreciate the help. Thank you

  11. Thank you so much! It's really helpful.

  12. Please i want u to help me in this.

    An oil company with 7 staffs and of different salary, was given 10,000 to share among the staffs, how can i do that without in excel without using percentage.
    Thank you.

  13. i estimated lbs. then truck went to weight stations get actual weight easy to get different between A & B weight but I want to know how to get the percentage between the estimated and the actual weight,, I did it already but its show me error mark

    thank you

  14. Hello,
    I greatly appreciate your tips of expertise here, as I use them to teach my students.
    I wondered whether you have a formula for this example:
    I have one column on an Excel 2016 sheet of dates, ranging in cells B2:B86. In B89, I'd like to reflect the amount of dates in the range; i.e., if all the cells contained a date, then obviously the percentage in B89 would be 100%. But, it looks like not ALL of the cells will have dates, so I need a formula in B89 that will reflect the percentage of dates that DID reflect in the range. Is that possible?

    Thank you so very much for your help, and I'll continue to share you site with our students.

  15. I happy on this site more examples


  17. I have to calculate the percentage increase in price.
    0,0017 and 0,0033 and it comes to? 300%

  18. i have 6 stores each store needs 4 visits = 24
    i need to find out the below:

    6 stores * 4 visits need /(divided) by actual = %

  19. Hi,
    Column p has total sum of rent with formula, column q has 10% fee due from column pa no formula, I would like to calculate column p by 10% to show in column R

  20. how can i calculate, if the value is 2350/-(25%) , i need to find out the value of 75%, please give the formula.

    1. =2350*0.75, does it answers?

  21. its good exemple

  22. Please show me Percentage calculation not by number example Male% or Female%. Thanks

  23. Can you please send me a formula to show the percentages for a task completed within 3, 5 or up to 30 days? I have an exact start date column and a variable date of completion. Thanks!

  24. Hello, I need the the limit number where the higher 20% of total start.
    Is it possible?

  25. I am very proud with this lesson if possible i can get it in my mail, cause is very help full, Thanks a lot of this tutoriel

  26. I need to add the GST of 15% to total

    1. when I calculate the GST 13% on a particular amount the GST amount in cents shows difference with 1 cents some time up sometime down. Is there any fix formula for this GST increase and decrease on cents

  27. please send me formulation trade to retail in percentage.

    thanks and regards.


  29. Hello, the example I can give to explain what I need is this. I am currently at an average of 72%, how many more "100%'s" would I need to achieve an 80% average?

  30. I Need Price List Percentage Formula in Excel Sheet

  31. I need to find the % of tools that were scraped in each quarter, the total of tools go in the thousands and the scraps are normally under 20, how would I find the % of that?

  32. For example, I have purchased a book at Rs. 495/-. Now, I want to calculate 25% off on this book then what will be the formula for this?

    1. =495*25/100

      Amount you want to calculate, it has to be multiplied by the percentage then it has to be divided by 100

      =495*25/100= 123.75
      so you need to pay (495-123.75)=371.25

      1. 495*(1-.25)= 371.25

  33. just need the formal $ 3580.69 % of $ 44775.39

    1. =3580.69/(44775.39/100), A1=3580.69, B2=44775.39, =A1/(B2/100), cell format chosse persentage, done

  34. Hi. I need to calculate percentage when the percentage number is in another cell....i hope this makes sense...

    Thank you in advance

  35. Hi
    Formula is explained in detail and am appreciation indeed.
    and in future will hope full to find more solution about excel.
    Thanks and BR

  36. Hi,
    I need to work out what percentage of people achieved a certain result range. For example, how many of a percentage achieved 99-99.90 and next group 98-98.95.
    Thank you.

    1. Please I need the answer to the same question Rita asked. Kindly help me with the formula to use. Thank you.

  37. How to calculate
    I have following aviation data ( for example)
    No. of Seats 567000
    Corresponding Revenue(Seats @ USD250) 141,750,000
    Commission given to agent on revenue 2.0%
    Commission Amount 2,835,000
    I want a formula for situation that if the number of seats increases by 25 % the agent commission should be only revenue earned on half the increase ( ie in this case 12.5%)
    How we can calculate commission in this situation.

  38. if>=90% -=110% for 10
    how to formulate?

  39. I have 15 statements and if there is a mistake on one, I need to know how what is the error rate. There is a header row of 5 titles of error, next row for checking what the mistake the count and next row is blank and the last row is for the average rate.

  40. I am trying to calculate the difference of a retirement savings per month from one cell. Here is an example:
    Jan. - $100,000
    Feb. - $105,000
    Mar. - $103,500
    Apr. - $

    In a blank cell I want it to give me the difference for each month as I input the data.

    Thank you, any help is greatly appreciated

  41. Thank You!! This was so very helpful!!

  42. this website is very helpful and we get more knowledge about excel formula

  43. I am using formula to deduct various percentage discounts from a total charge.

    How can I copy this formula down a column, leaving D3 as the original charge and jumping to the next percentage discounts.

    ex. =Sum(D3-C4)

    I want D3 to be fixed when I copy the formula to the next line.

  44. Hi i want to compile a formula where say i buy brushes for my salon and the cost price is R50 and i want to put a mark up off 60% on it i want my 3rd colom to tell me the retail price in Rands for ex R50+60%=x my retail price can you maybe help with a formula?

  45. I am trying to make a column to give me 1.75% but it keeps coming up as 2%? My other column to calculate 15% works perfectly so what am I doing wrong?

  46. Hello friends, I want help,

    I'm an sugar industry employee and I forget percentage formula of:

    for example A vehicle No.123 has weight =17490 kgs, but he got deduction for bad variety 1749kgs, as percentage 10%

    please show me in excel with formulas,,

    1. Zameer:
      Where the weight is in A2 the percentage deduction is calculated by:

  47. some value cell A16=2299 , How to calculate 20% value of a16

  48. Hi, I want to know the percent formula how it will less from total value
    suppose 500 amount and i need to less 45 % how it will come i tried but
    it's not coming exact value in excel
    could anyone help me please
    to get the exact value

    1. Hello, Imran,

      I'm sorry but your task is not entirely clear. For us to be able to help you better, please describe it in more detail and send us a small sample workbook with your source data and the result you expect to get to I kindly ask you to shorten each table to 10-20 rows / columns.

      We'll look into your task and try to help.

  49. Hi there I need your assistance on the following calculation converting to percentage
    F2 =70
    E2 =100% as in 70=100%
    F2 =49
    70 is the maximum whole
    49 is what is left of the whole what then would be the remaining percent of the whole continues down the sprees as the whole decrease as it's used

  50. Hi, i need a littel help in this case. I wont to calculete how many positive response do i need if have to past from 78% in 82%. I will make an example. If i have 2 no and 8 yes, im 80%. Now i wont to calculate how many yes do i need to pas from 80% in 85% (i wont that, if i change the % the system will calculate me the number of yes that i need). Thanks

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