Comments on: 4 ways for changing case in Excel

In this article I'd like to tell you about different ways to change Excel uppercase to lowercase or proper case. You'll learn how to perform these tasks with the help of Excel lower/upper functions, VBA macros, Microsoft Word, and an easy-to-use add-in by Ablebits. Continue reading

Comments page 6. Total comments: 164

  1. Shift+f3 change case

  2. hello,
    I have Excel 2010 &
    I want to Upper case only first three characters of my data,how can it be done using Upper function?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Thank you for instruction.....

  4. I just pop in to say thank you. It really help.

    Thank you once again.

    I wish you a place in Microsoft Office headquater.

  5. i need convert the lower case into upper case for selected colums how it possible

  6. How can I enter this an an Excel cell?


    It always changes the capital T to lower case....

  7. thank you so much. it's helpful.

  8. Hi ,
    After i convert all the letters to uppercase I am unable to delete the original column with lower case.
    How to go about it ??
    The moment i delete the old one even the new one goes.

  9. is there a way to divide the cell that has two names into two cell to have first name and last name in each? ie {john doe} = {john} {doe}


    1. Hi Carl,

      Use the Text to columns option in the "Data" tab

  10. Hi Good morning. I am from Bangladesh. Special Thanks for your good tips. This is really helpful tropics for us. Thanks, M.M. Feroj Hossain


  12. Requested Sir/Mam,
    I found a short key in excel to upper case to lower case and lower case to upper case.
    Please reply me.

  13. The given formula for change upper case work out only in column.
    Can you please tell how to covert upper case of rows?

  14. Thank you so much for this article. I wish I'd read it years earlier! I used =PROPER(C3) to convert my data and will use it often in the future. Thanks again.

  15. Thank you. This was very helpful and saved lots of time.

  16. Great article Ekatrina. Thank you for taking the time to put this together. You rock!


  18. how to convert the ()sentence after writing in a paragarph

  19. Hi,
    Anybody can tell me the short cut key of UPPERCASE in excel 2007.


  20. Nice article. It really helped me, thanks a lot :)

  21. excellent article. very very easy & comprehensive article. thanks a lot for educating me. warm regards.

  22. excel formula change sentence case shortcut key

  23. thanks a lot.

  24. I am looking for an option to do this:

    EMPLOLYEE_IDENTIFIER_DETAILS - Employee_Identifier_Details

    Basically after each underscore (_), the first letter only need INIT CAPS. Could you please help me on this.

    BTW, your article is excellent and down to earth. You helped lot of our people time and manual effort. We are grateful for that service.

    1. Hi Karthick,

      Did you try the "Proper" function? It works with underscores and other special characters as well

  25. I want example RamSingh, please confirm formula how to change Ram Singh.

    RamSinghVasisht Ram Singh Vasisht.

  26. Excellent solution.

    Thanks a lot

  27. Hi,

    I have 2007 xl, in pdf some all the letters in caps only. But I copy the pdf to xl format change it as upper lower case only. ex: in PDF 12505 SW NORTH DAKOTA
    paste in xl 12505 Sw North Dakota. How can I convert in all caps


  29. The keyboard my laptop uses upper cases only, but i would like you to help me on how i can set my keyboard to work normal.


  31. is there any shortcut key to change the case in EXCEL

      1. Technicallly there is a such a shortcut. Using some formulas, you can do some basic case change. You may run into issues with hyphenated words and such.
        =CONCATENATE(UPPER(LEFT(B3,1)),LOWER(RIGHT(B3,LEN(B3)-1))) is an example formula.

      2. shift+f3

        1. This one for MS-Word

  32. I AM RINU.


  33. haha copy paste from excel to word, and copied back to excel is a very good trick. thank you so much ekaterina! :D

  34. Hi

    My requirements:

    I need to change case in to Upper & Proper depend on the criteria.
    I have to remove all special charecter excluding parentheses (()), ampersand (&) and hyphen(-)
    English word "And" has to replace by "&".
    when we do the proper case LLC and INC has to be remail same like LLC and INC only
    In a sentense if it is Corp, that has to change as Corporation.

    I need all the above in CellCleaner Add-in

    Please do the needful & your help much appreciated.

    1. Hi, Mallikharjuna,
      Thank you for the update. I am really sorry for a delay in my reply.
      Please specify the criteria for changing the case.
      If you want to delete only some special symbols, click on the Remove Characters icon and select the Remove custom characters option. Just enter the symbols you want to delete.
      You can easily make the necessary replacement by using the standard Excel Find and Replace feature.
      Please let me know if you have any other questions.

      1. I ended up here looking to find help in converting the first letter of the department in cell C2 to uppercase using the text formula.... Can you help me? I know to click the text formula button and to choose upper, but if I just click C2 to add it to the text box in the functions arguments dialog box it changes all the text to uppercase. please help!

        1. Hi Crystal,

          Have you tried the "Proper" function instead of upper?

          1. AWESOME

  35. It is very helpful for my process but I cannot downlaod in office. Kindly provide how to create addin & how to add this to toolbar in excel 2007. I need all codings for cell cleaner.
    Thanks in advance

  36. Capitalize first letters is most useful case for me, nice article.

      1. hellow
        really help full add
        thanks for the efforts to publish
        easy add text as beginning
        but how to add more rows ?

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