The first part of our tutorial focuses of formatting dates in Excel and explains how to set the default date and time formats, how to change date format in Excel, how to create custom date formatting, and convert your dates to another locale. Continue reading
Comments page 2. Total comments: 944
Trying the LEFT, MID function to extract and reformat date from 1961-04-11 to 04/11/1961, but not working. The original date is formatted as text. The new date is formatted as mm/dd/yyyy. Using formula =DATE(LEFT(A1,4),MID(A1,5,2),MID(A1,7,2) produces #VALUE!
Hi! You counted the number of characters incorrectly. Check the formula below, it should work for you:
=DATE(LEFT(A1,4), MID(A1,6,2), MID(A1,9,2))
I'm trying to change from 1/10/2024 1:00:00 PM to 2024-01-10T13:00:00.000-8.
I tried something like: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.000-8
But it's not working, any ideas?
Hi! To add text in date or number format, use quotation marks. Try this custom date format:
Thank you!
Hi Admin,
Do you know what script i can use to convert this kind of date codes "20240215072540" to new format "15/2/2024 7:25". I am struggling to change the code for the new format.
Best Regards,
Hi! Using the LEFT function and the MID function, extract the desired numbers from the text and use them to create a date using the DATE and TIME functions.
=DATE(LEFT(A1,4), MID(A1,5,2), MID(A1,7,2))+TIME(MID(A1,9,2), MID(A1,11,2),MID(A1,13,2))
Set the custom date and time format you want.
hi how we can format eg "=today()" result is 080324, i want this number be number as 080324 instead of "45359".. how to format it?
Hi! Have you tried any of the methods described in this blog post? Use the custom date format as described in the article above - ddmmyy.
I needhelp in converting the date format from Estonian to English US.
In Estonia the date is written in this format 07.03.2024 ( March 7th , 2024).
I need a way to convert this to 03/07/24 (English US format).
I need this for an analysis I am doing using Pivot tables; they do not recognize the Estonian format.
I have tried changing the format of the cells I am copying into, but this has not worked.
Hi! All the necessary information is in the article above. You can change default date format in Windows Regional settings. You can also use a custom date format in the cell: "mm/dd/yy".
Good afternoon,
I am struggling as trying to convert some information sheets sent to me from a Date formula DD/MM/YYYY, Hour:Minute into just showing the date DD/MM/YYYY.
I have tried using the DateValue formula, the Text formula and also Int formula.
The cells I want to change are definitely showing as formatted as Date in the Format Cells menu. Howvever they also won't change if I try to change them to a number as if they are stuck in some way.
Any help would be most gratefully received. I am currently using XLOOKUP formula's to check what we have been paid against what we have billed and need the date to just be the date (not time as well) so the two cells will match etc.
Many thanks in advance
Hi! Your cells contain a text string. Therefore, the format of the cell does not matter. Try to extract the first 10 characters using the LEFT function and convert them to time using DATEVALUE.
For example:
You can also find useful information in this article: Excel: convert text to date and number to date.
I recommend paying attention to the Text to Date tool. This tool easily converts text strings of different formats to dates. It is available as a part of our Ultimate Suite for Excel that you can install in a trial mode and check how it works for free.
"=DATEVALUE(LEFT(A1,10))" this formula doesn't work , I did it using =CONCATENATE("'",MID(B4298,5,3),MID(B4298,2,3),MID(B4298,8,5))
This is needed because when you want to load data into the database, this format is needed in many cases
Hi! The formula I suggested to you is based on the date format you wrote. In fact, you have a different date format.
How to change 17.02.2024 to 17-02-2024 format? Please provide a formula
Please re-check the article above since it covers your task.
When nothin works. do the as follow
copy the all column in a new tab
with reemplace tool, reemplace / or - for ,
select the all column and go to data, text to columns
select separate for comas
next and finish
you will have 3 new columns
in a forth column write / or -
y a 5 colunm write =CONCACT( and select the way that you want to place your data
copy the concat values and then place where you want using special paste, values
Is there a way to change the default year like you can in Numbers? I'm entering data from 2022 & don't want to enter the year for every entry; though, if i don't, it auto-populates 2024.
Select the cell(s) you would like to format with a year other than your system’s year, if you want the default year to be 2022, you can enter:
Hi! Excel cannot tell which year you want to use if you do not enter a year in the date. Therefore, by default, it uses the current year from the system date of your computer.
How I can convert date like 1/31/2024(mm/dd/yyyy) into 01/31/2024(mm/dd/yyyy).
I have already used mm/dd/yyyy formula but month not starting with 02.
Any help?
Hi! The mm/dd/yyyy format shows the date as 01/31/2024. I cannot reproduce your problem.
I have the date format updated as 11/29/2023 however it’s displaying 45259. When I edit cell I can see the date and also in the formula bar but when move it to another cell 45259 is the number I can see. The formatting cell shows date however the number is being displayed please help
Hi! This problem is described in detail in the article above. When moving a date to another cell, change the format in that cell from General to Date.
I format my column to date (mm/dd/yyyy). I type in a date and a different date shows up. Example 6/15/2023 and I get 6/9/2068 or
12/14/2020 and I get 6/7/2232. What am I doing wrong?
Hi! Unfortunately, I was unable to replicate your problem in my workbook. Check what default date format is set in your Windows local settings.
How could i convert 202311131058 to 31/11/2023 10:58AM? Thanks
Hi! Extract the desired digits from the text string using the LEFT and MID function, and use the DATE and TIME functions to create the date and time. The formula below will do the trick for you:
Hi, I have dates that are in US custom format - 04/01/2023 13:00 the custom format is dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm.
I need the dates to be in UK format, I've tried using the text to columns approach but this doesn't work as the dates are in a custom format not text. Even after changing the format to text his doesn't work
Creating my own custom format - [$-409]dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm AM/PM doesn't solve the issue that the days and months are the incorrect way around.
Do you know how I can change the dates to be 01/04/2023 13:00 instead of 04/01/2023?
Hi! If I understand your task correctly, try the following date format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm instead of dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
I am using formula =IF(E2,"2000") but I can't get to change the format cell to number. Seek your advise. TQ
Hi! If you want to change the cell format to numeric, use this guide: Custom Excel number format. If you want to change the date format and show only the year, use the instructions in the article above. If I have not guessed, please explain what you want to do.
How can I convert 202409 (that's already in the spreadsheet) to 9/24 or 9/1/24?
Hi! Use the LEFT and RIGHT functions to extract the year and month. Create a date using the DATE function and set the desired format in the cell as described in the article above.
Hi, I have a file some dates showing 2023-11-01, some showing 01/11/2023, but I cannot align them as 202-11-01 even i have try above methods, any one got any ideas on this?
Hi! I'm assuming your dates are recorded as text. This has been discussed many times in the comments below. Use the substring functions LEFT, RIGHT and MID to extract the numbers you need and use them in the DATE function.
For example, for text 01/11/2023 try this formula:
I recommend paying attention to the Text to Date tool. This tool easily converts text strings of different formats to dates. It is available as a part of our Ultimate Suite for Excel that you can install in a trial mode and check how it works for free.
Thanks for the reply. I have checked but the cell has been set up as YYYY-MM-DD format but it's just showing slash format no matter how. Thanks for this formula which helped to resolve the problem; just found another way to get this corrected - copy the date and then paste special-add also help.
Great ... This helped me
How do I convert date to number in months
Start End Months
24/10/2023 21/04/2024 6
25/10/2023 24/11/2023 1
Hi! If I understand correctly, to find the date difference in months, use these guidelines and formulas: Excel DATEDIF to calculate date difference in days, weeks, months or years. For example:
=DATEDIF(A1, B1, "m")
How do I do this on excel?
Disbursed On Maturity Date Months
24/10/2023 21/04/2024 6
How can i convert date in this format MM/DD/YY to weeks in a year i.e Week 30
Hi! To find the week number by date, use the WEEKNUM function. You can add the word "Week " using the & operator.
="Week "& WEEKNUM(A1,2)
Or set a custom number format in the cell with formula =WEEKNUM(A1,2)
"Week "0
Hello, how can I convert from YYMM --> 2203 to become actual month and year --> Mar 2022 ??
Hi! Extract the year and month numbers from this number using substring functions and create a date using the DATE function. Set date format you want in the formula cell. For example, "mmm yyyyy". Try this formula:
Hi, I'm looking to change my date format from mmmm dd to mm/dd/yyyy. I want to add 2000 as the year for all of my dates, but my original date format doesn't include a year.
*Looking for formula to go from 'July 11' to '07/11/2000'*
Thank you
Hi! Please re-check the article above since it covers your task. Read the paragraph: How to create custom date and time formats. Format mm/dd/yyyy.
I have a date format Aug 11, 2023 but i can't able to change the format as YYYY-MM-DD.
Please let me know is there a way to fix this?
Hi! I'm assuming that your date is written as text. To convert text to a date, use these guidelines: How to convert text to date and number to date in Excel. Try this formula:
=DATE(RIGHT(D1,4), MONTH(1&LEFT(D1,3)), MID(D1,5,2))
Then set the formula cell to the date format you want, as described in the article above.
Thanks for this.It was very helpful to fix my issue.
Many thanks for the help
Looking to use format dd/mm/yy/ddd to give, for example 03/10/23/Tue as I then want to use that with a formula to generate invoice number using first six digits (and surname from elsewhere). Day is important for other functions in the business.
I cannot get it to accept this so end up using an older year's cell copied in and then change every time - that works but seems ridiculous that I can't figure out why it won't do it now.
Hi! I don't really understand what your problem is. To concatenate a date with text, convert the date to text using the TEXT function. For example,
TEXT(A1,"dd/mm/yy/ddd") & B1
If this is not what you wanted, please describe the problem in more detail.
How do I convert a date format from YYYY/MM/DD to MM/DD/YYYY?
Hi! All the necessary information is in the article above.
Hi how can I convert date stored as text in format 030723 into 03/07/23 stored as date
Hi! You can find the answer to your question in this guide: How to convert 8-digit number to date in Excel. Set the date format you want in the formula cell as described in the article above.
It works! Thanks
Why does INT(2023-01-06T00:00:00Z) lead to an error, instead of isolating the DATE?
I can't find a way to remove the time from the timestamp; always get Error Value!
Hi! You are using a math function with a text string. To select a date from this text, select 10 characters using the LEFT function.
Maybe this article will be helpful: How to convert text to date and number to date in Excel.
Using Format/Format Cells... to alter "mm/dd/yyyy" to Custom "d mmm yyyy" worked, but not for 19th century dates.
Hi! Dates prior to the year 1900 are not supported in Excel.
how to change year format for example 01-sep-2023 to 01-sep-2024
Hi! This is not a number format, but a date value. Recommended reading: How to add and subtract dates, days, weeks, months and years in Excel.
23rd Aug 2023 convert to 23-Aug-23 format
Hi! Remove extra characters using the REPLACE function and change spaces with "-" using the SUBSTITUTE function.
=SUBSTITUTE(REPLACE(A1,3,2,"")," ","-")
To convert this text to a date, you can use the DATEVALUE function.
15/02/20 19/55/12 how to change time form 19.02.2020 15:07:12
Hi! Need your help pls. I downloaded a data with this sample date and time
Fri, 04 Aug 2023 01:12:40 GMT
However, when I opened the file it shows 1691111560. Please advise. Thank you!
Hi Alex,
My Excel show as 08-01-2023 18:00 and read as by excel as 8 Januari 2023 09:00 PM.
How to change excel to read as 1 August 2023 09:00 PM ? I usually using text to column, but now its not working, maybe because there's hour number in that date.. I dunno..
Use text to coloumn and change the mdy into dmy
Hi! You need to convert date format to another locale. How to do it, read this guide: How to change date format in Excel and create custom formatting.
Can someone help how to fill the dates in series without changing the hh:mm?
07-Dec-22 16:20
00-Jan-00 16:22
00-Jan-00 16:27
00-Jan-00 16:36
00-Jan-00 17:03
00-Jan-00 18:09
00-Jan-00 18:28
00-Jan-00 18:38
00-Jan-00 18:49
00-Jan-00 19:06
00-Jan-00 19:18
00-Jan-00 19:28
Hi! There is no logical sequence in the data you wrote. Also 00-Jan-00 is not a date. Maybe this article will be helpful: How to create a sequence of dates in Excel. For example:
A3 - date & time.
Can someone help how to fill the dates in series without changing the hh:mm?
Is there way to change a mm/dd/yyyy date into the week of the month or week of the year it falls into?
Hi! To find the week number, use the WEEKNUM function.
Try these formulas:
very good and easy
Bagaimana kalau mau tulisan bulannya huruf kapital
contoh JULI 15, 2023
If you use "mmmm" in the date format, you will get the first letter of the month capitalized. To capitalize the entire month name, convert the date to text using the TEXT function and UPPER function. For example,
how to write date in format March' 2021
Hi! Try to use this date format - mmmm' yyyy
What date would it be in 41.56 years from now
Hi! The following tutorial should help: How to calculate age in Excel.
Try the following formula:
How to conert date 01/01/2020 to 01.01.2020
Go to replace: replace from / to .
Change the date format as described in the article above.
if you receive a file with dates in American format ("mm/dd/yy") and you want to convert them to European format,
here's a simple method:
suppose the date in cell B3 is: 4/15/2013 and you want to convert it to 15/04/23,
you can do it in one formula:
Hi. I am used to inputting dates using the format MM/DD/YY or YYYY. However, after updating, it seems that Excel doesn't read this as a date anymore. It would only recognize a date if my input format is DD/MM/YY. How do i make Excel read dates inputted as MM/DD/YYYY? Thanks in advance!
Hi! Pay attention to the following paragraph of the article above: How to change the default date and time formats in Excel.
Hi, I am trying to format date in excel but a hashtag # keeps displaying from the output.
Hi! Specify which date you are trying to format and which format template you are using. Also pay attention to the width of the column. Perhaps the column needs to be wider.
Your articles are excellent – very clear and complete. I find them very useful. In this one the section "How to create a custom Excel date format for another locale" seems to omit a couple of details that interest me. My MSOffice language is UK English and I have a workbook where I want to optionally be able to display everything in German. For cells containing dates I find that, as you say, a format like "[$-407]d mmm yy" displays dates in German. But when dates are displayed in German it is logical to expect to be able to enter them in German too, but I am finding with (Excel 2010, Win10) that Excel does not apply the locale code in the format to input. For example, if I enter "3 okt" Excel does not recognise that as a valid date: it accepts only "3 oct". Is there any way to get Excel to parse input in German, or any other locale than the current MSOffice language? (If conditional formatting can do it, that would be a solution. I'm also competent in VBA.)
A second point you didn't mention is that when my workbook is opened on a French computer the cell format I just mentioned now needs to be "[$-407]j mmm aa". Should Excel notice when a workbook developed on an English computer is being opened on a French one, and convert cell formats automatically? Or should I expect to have to do this myself in a VBA workbook-open event or suchlike?
Hi! If you do not use the standard date formats, but use custom formatting and specify a country code, Excel will not change the code on its own. Also, the date entry format depends only on your computer's local settings.
I downloaded an ebay report and want to convert this date/time format: Sep-26-20 20:29:03 PDT to: 09/26/2020
I've eliminated the trailing characters with the =left function and that left me with Sep-26-20 but I cannot get that to convert to 9/26/20. I tried changing the format but that did not correct the format. I would appreciate any tips of help to move this forward. Thanks!
Extract the required text strings with the MID and LEFT function. Create a date using the DATE function.
I believe the following formula will help you solve your task:
Absolutely brilliant. Thank you!
Thank You
Hi. I want to change my this date format 31/10/2022 12:49 AM to 2022-10-31T00:49:00 this format in excel how can I do it? Help me find this out.
Thanks in advance.
I want to change my date from 3/27/2023 to 03/23/2023 the date is on left hand side instead of right hand side.
Have read the article more than twice and tried all the suggestions but non work for what I want.
Please kindly help.
Hi! Try this date format: mm/dd/yyyy
All the information you need for your task is in the article above. Here is the date format for you:
But what I am trying to ask is this is the format in my first column 31/10/2022 12:49 AM (Assume column as A2).
I want the next column to be linked with before column(which is A2) as get output as 2022-10-31T00:49:00.
To understand what the date and time format is, read the article above carefully. I also recommend that you read this manual: Time formatting in Excel: 12/24 hour, custom, default.
I'll see but can u share formula for the present one which I mentioned above?
how to change number format to Date format Ex: 20230207 to07/03/2023
Here is answer to the same question.