The first part of our tutorial focuses of formatting dates in Excel and explains how to set the default date and time formats, how to change date format in Excel, how to create custom date formatting, and convert your dates to another locale. Continue reading
Comments page 7. Total comments: 941
I find a way to convert Gregorian date to another (e.g. persian calender) format, but what about if I want to convert persian calender into Gregorian (or other formats)??
Hello, I am going crazy here... I am using Excel in a MacBook Pro, version 16.56. My problem is the following: I have a data table where in the first column I register a list of dates by the exact day when a sale has occurred and in the next column I register the amount of that sale. Now I want to create a bar chart that groups all these dates into months to show me the 12 totals of the monthly sales throughout the year, where the x-axis is the 12 months of the year, and the y-axis is the amount of the sales. Now, once I want to label the bar charts, instead of getting the total sales amount for a specific month, I get a label for each date of each sale. Basically the bar is composed of many bars stacked one on top of the other for each date, instead of being just the sum of the sales for that specific months as it should be. The result is I cannot get a label with the total monthly sales amount, by I get numerous labels inside the monthly bar chart labelling the amount of the sale for each date where that sale has occurred. Please somebody help me!
A histogram cannot group and sum your data. You need to calculate the total sales by month. Use a pivot table or the SUMIFS function to do this.
Thank you, ok understood, I feared that, although it surprises me such a task is not performed by excel without having to do extra work to group the sales by month as well ;(
dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm i want this date format in my all workbooks.. is there any way to set his globally ?
The short and long date formats are retrieved from Windows Regional Settings. Open Windows Settings - Time & Language - Region - Change Data formats
How would I go about formatting a column that has the information in years as dates. Since it is currently in the general number format I am unable to insert a timeline slicer. I have tried using the custom yyyy date but it converts all the dates to 1905
Check if your dates are actually written in cells as dates. Perhaps it is text or ordinary numbers.
How to keep the same format date of excel in CSV file?
Because, when I converting a file from excel to CSV format. I noted some of the dates have changed from MM/DD/YYYY into DD/MM/YYYY. I wanted to keep the same data as MM/DD/YYYY.
Appreciate your help. Thank you
CSV is a plain text file. No formats are possible there. Try changing the system date format before converting.
Hi! Could you please help us on how will we able to change the format from this day "Thu Oct 28 09:42:08 PDT 2021" to "MM/DD/YYYY" format only
Appreciate your help!
All recommendations on how to change the date format are described above in this article. If your date is written as text, then I recommend this guide: Convert text to date in Excel.
Please try the following formula:
I could get what I want by dividing 365.25 by 12 then dividing the difference of the dates by the result of the division. Any other better way?
What do you want to get? I cannot guess.
I have an issue to replace date of day to start day of every date "Example" 19/4/2021 - 24/1/2021 - 27/8/2021 need to be change date of every example to be 1/4/2021 - 1/1/2021 - 1/8/2021 " is there any formula please to change the day of the date?
Thanks for your support
Hello, Please help,
I want to calculate age in months and not in years between two dates, for example 15/01/2020 23/11/2021 1.86 years =(B1-A1)/365.25, this formula is used to calculate age in years. But I want the age to be in months and with two decimal places.
You can find the examples and detailed instructions here: Calculate the difference between two dates in days, weeks, months or years.
To convert days to tenths of a month, divide by 30.
I hope I answered your question. If something is still unclear, please feel free to ask.
I have some dates in this format. 13-01-1992. I want to be able to change to yyyy-mm-dd format in excel. I have tried changing from the format cells/custom format. but it does not seem to change. is there any formula you might know that can change ?
thanks in advance
I'm assuming your dates are written as text. Use these guidelines to convert this text to a date.
I hope I answered your question. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
I have been able to pull the day (as text) from a date in another field (ex: 27 from 27 Sep 21) using TEXT(DAY(cell),"00").
However, for my application, I would also like to be able to add another number to the day portion for scheduling purposes. For example, a single schedule for 27 Sep 21 would show as "727", but I would like to add 30 or 60 to show other scheduled activity for that day (to be shown as "757" and "787" respectively).
What is the best way to accomplish this?
The original formula is: If(MONTH(A36)=9,"7"&TEXT(DAY(A36),"00"),"")
You can simply add 30 to your formula.
If the result is as text -
Hope this is what you need.
one cell Take 7 Numeric Value For example (1112021). How to change Date formate.
but which date is correct its (01-11-2021) or (11-01-2021) ?
Pls Kindly send formula.....
You can see the correct date format in the regional settings of your Windows.
Hi sir,
need your support to change the date format as below pasted date format not correct and not complete.
09/17/21 15:53:42
i want like 17/09-2021 15:53:42
I hope you have studied the recommendations in the tutorial above. Replace in date format symbol / on -.
Hi, How to convert 01-JUN-18 AM into 00:25:13 as the string is in AM. Also, how I convert the same string to time format in PM i.e. 12:25:13. Can someone help me with a formula with AM and PM?
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
=LEFT(A2,SEARCH(" ",A2,1)) + SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(MID(A2,SEARCH(" ",A2,1)+1,100),".","#",3), SEARCH("#",SUBSTITUTE(MID(A2,SEARCH(" ",A2,1)+1,100),".","#",3),1)-1) & RIGHT(A2,3),".",":")
I will try the formula and update. Thanks Already.
Hi Alex,
I applied the formula. It gives correct time. But when I compare to 12:25:10 AM i.e. 01-JUN-18 AM it gives a difference of 23:59:57 which is too huge difference to consider.
I tried with another formula before:
=(SUBSTITUTE(MID(A2,11,8),”.”,”:”)+IF(AND(MID(A2,11,2)”12”,RIGHT (A2,2)=“PM”),0.5,0))+TIME (4,0,0)
The difference from other timestamps are good. Like for above example, I get 00:00:03.
Only, issue is with the formula is, it doesn’t identify 12:00:00 AM as 00:00:00 but identifies 12:00:00 PM as, I requested for a suggestion. Any update on the details would be helpful. Thanks already.
12:00 am and 12:00 pm are shown differently in different countries. Excel defines 12:00:00 PM as 12:00:00 according to the international standard ISO 8601.
I am trying to find difference between
21-08-24 03:02:54 and 24-AUG-21 I have added time(4,0,0).
I converted as 7:02:54 AM and 7:00:47 AM. When I subtract as per the above formula, it gives a difference of 23:57:53.
When I convert the timestamps to number, it is 0.29 and 44432.29. I believe, the second number is counting the date also, that’s why making difference too huge. How can I resolve this? As difference should show as 0:02:07. Please suggest.
Thank you for the time and effort Alex.
To convert the 24-AUG-21, I have applied
=LEFT(A2,SEARCH(" ",A2,1)) + SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(MID(A2,SEARCH(" ",A2,1)+1,100),".","#",3), SEARCH("#",SUBSTITUTE(MID(A2,SEARCH(" ",A2,1)+1,100),".","#",3),1)-1) & RIGHT(A2,3),".",":")
Then for difference, I have applied =MAX(A2::B2)-MIN(A2:B2)
Some, results for other timestamps are correct but some shows huge difference like above. How I can rectify this issue?
If the formula shows the correct result for some data, then the formula is correct. I think that in some cells the data is written differently. Therefore, the result is wrong. Check the data. I can't help you anymore.
No, both are 24 aug 2021. It’s just formats are different. I am subtracting 07:02:54 - 07:00:47.
The time difference 07:02:54 - 07:00:47 is equal to 0:02:07. How did you get the time 23:57:53?
Explain what you are subtracting and what formula you are using. You cannot subtract 7:02:54 AM from 7:00:47 AM. Negative times are not possible. If from date 8/24/2021 3:00:47 subtract 8/21/2024 3:02:54 we get 2 days 23:57:53
I am working with three timestamps:
021928.000000, 21-09-02 02:39:51, 21-08-31 22:40:00. Converted to
2:19:28 AM, 2:39:51 AM & 22:40:00 AM. Last timestamp is added 4 hours.
Consecutive timestamp difference from the array is.
0:20:23, 0:00:09.
To find the max time difference , I have applied the formula in conditional formatting rule:
It doesn’t give 0:20:23 as max value but the value returns is 0:00:09.
Please advise, if anything needs to be understood to improve the formula.
You don't need to use a formula to highlight the maximum value. Use Conditional Formatting - Top/Bottom Rules - Top 10 Items - Format cells rank in the top set to 1.
I hope this will help.
Thanks a lot. I tried the same.
I wanted to learn, how to convert "3 year(s), 10 month(s), 29 day(s)" into numbers like "3.8" or "4.1". Thank you!!
Hi there,
What is the excel formula for "07/2021 to 06/2022" in excel?
Your question is not entirely clear, please specify.
There is a long list of date in this format 26-07-2021 11:39:00 AM, but when i convert them to date 26-07-202, few get converted but few are still in the same format
Want to convert 26-07-2021 11:39:00 AM to 26-07-2021
Can you share, how can that be done
What formula are you using? What date and time format does your Excel use?
Pay attention to this comment. It might be helpful.
Can someone help me to extract time from
30-jun-21 pm. to 01:45:18pm?
I combined 2 excel files with dates in the formats "2021-07-28 13:00:00" and "8/18/21 10:00 AM".
Using custom formatting, I changed all the dates to "2021-07-28 13:00:00" format. However, when I did a pivot chart on the table, I realized that the dates appeared in both formats.
How do correct this so that all the dates appear in the format "2021-07-28 13:00:00".
How convert this type value 20191115 to 15/11/2019
I recommend reading this guide: How to convert 8-digit number to date in Excel
The dates in my Google drive Excel file are confusing dates for months. Instead of 03 / 08 / 2021 reading as 3rd August, it's reading as 8th March. There are so many entries having similar issues, how do I correct this error without having to do the one after the other. So that it recognizes the month as day instead.
Thank you.
Change the regional settings of your Google drive.
Which ever date i enter, it should appear as the 1st date of that month
Use the custom date format
Hello all,
May I ask how can I show my date like: 9-Aug-2021, with the input message by me be: 8/9/2021 please? Because if I input it that way (with month first, then date), it turns out like: 8-Sept-2021
Thank you so much in advance!
Here is the article that may be helpful to you: Default date format in Excel. Change the date format.
How can I convert from 7/14/2021 to 7/14 ?
You can use custom date format "mm/dd".
Or you can use the formula
Define the column as DAte data type
Apply custom format: M/d
The underlying date will contain the year but it will not be displayed.
That should have read day, date, month and year!
Louise says:
August 5, 2021 at 4:11 am
I would like all the day , date and year in the following format
Mon, 23 Jan, 2021
Is there anyway to do this in excel?
I would like all the day , date and year in the following format
Mon, 23 Jan, 2021
Is there anyway to do this in excel?
I hope you have studied the recommendations in the tutorial above. It contains answers to your question — ddd, dd mmm, yyyy
Define the column as a Date data type in Home tab > Number group
ddd, d mmm, yyyy
Single D does not display leading zero
Alexander's format would display date
Mon, 03 Jan, 2021
Within a cell, I've been trying to suss out how to colour the day name differently from the date (in a lighter grey shade) to help the date stand out but keeping the day visible as it will jog the user's memory for the delivery they're checking.
I know it's possible to change font colour between positive and negative numeric values and conditional formatting can be used to pick out different cell values in different colours but I can't find a format syntax to colour part cells.
If you know of a way to use custom formats to colour different parts of a font string I'd be interested to hear. Just curious, don't expect there's many people want to do that!
Until I find a better way I have duplicated the date column - one has the ddd format with grey font and the other column has the dd/mmm/yy format with black font.
With conditional formatting, you can only change the format of an entire cell.
How can i convert from July 24th 2021 to 24-07-2021
Read the answer to your question in this comment.
How would I go about doing the opposite?
25/09/2019 14:00:03.000
Thanks again
Correct the formula I gave you. Read Using Excel REPLACE and SUBSTITUTE functions
Yeah, I realized just after posting that, for doing it the other way around, it was easier to simply create a custom format that includes the T and Z in the required places.
Thanks again
How would formula would I need to convert the following time stamp formats?:
25/09/2019 14:00:03.000
Many thanks
You can use this formula:
=--SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2,"T"," ",1),"Z","",1)
Thank you!
i want to insert serial wise numbers for particular month placed orders?
Such as 21-year,07-month,and in that month placed orders one by one.
i got upto (yy,mm PR). I want that to be in order like 210701 PR,210702 PR,210703 PR,210704 PR,210705 PR.
Please help me out
Try the following formula:
=SEQUENCE(100,1,210701,1)&" PR"
I have the issue that when I copy a BOM from another program I have certain numbers with the format "1.1.1" which are converted to "01.01.2001". This is fine when I copy them as I make sure they are formatted as text first.
My problem however is this other program sometimes writes them as "1,1,1" with commas instead of full stops. Don't ask me why this happens. I copy and paste over like normal and use the find replace feature to change the commas to full stops. This is where Excel then decides to change the format back to standard and overwrite all my "1.1.1"s as "01.01.2001". When I then attempt to convert back to text it gives me the 1900 text of that date which is unwanted.
How do I use find and Replace to change my commas to full stops without Excel reading it as dates? There are format options in the Find and Replace feature but when you use it I see it uses standard first and then converts to text for example. So I will quickly see a flash of "01.01.2001" and then it will turn into the 1900 text.
Is there a way to Stop Excel reading "1.1.1" as a date and only use "1/1/1" for example?
Set the cell to format "Text" before replacing characters. Hope this helps.
Sorry but as I said this doesn't work as the Find and Replace function overwrites this. Even when I set the desired format with the Find and Replace function I see that it converts with Standard format and overwrites as text afterwards, giving me a date as 1900 text.
Unfortunately, I was not able to get your problem in my Excel. These recommendations work for me.
My process is:
Format column as text
Copy BOM into column (formatted with commas "1,1,1")
Highlight column and Find and Replace all commas with full stops.
Find and Replace changes these to Dates
When I click on options in Find and Replace to format as text it formats first to dates and then as 1900 text so I end up with 443829 instead of the "1.1.1" that I want.
Dear Sir,
I need to keep type in my excel date as 02 AUGUST 2021. Month has to be full block letters (capital letters). please help
This is only possible when converting date to text.
=TEXT(A1,"dd")&" "&UPPER(TEXT(A1,"mmmm"))&" "&YEAR(A1)
Hi, How to change 2-Feb format to 2/2/2010 in excel?
I am trying to edit a document that has the dates listed all in the format of year date month...
example: 19612404.
I need the dates to read as 12/04/1961
Month/Date/ year. Each date month year will be different for the column entries so I am struggling to do a formula for it. Any help thanks
You can find the examples and detailed instructions here: How to convert 8-digit number to date in Excel
Hi, my excel sheet showing some parts serial number like this 2.40373551027723E+21, it should be a number. i tried to format to number and insert single quote(') in front. but still the same. is there is any way to correct this?
When writing a number with more than 15 digits to a cell in an Excel document, the last digits are replaced with zeros. This problem occurs because Excel has a maximum precision of 15 digits. When writing a long number to a cell, the number is rounded to 15 digits and the number is presented in exponential form. You cannot increase the precision of the representation of numbers in Excel.
Write long numbers like text. When entering the number, precede the number with a single quotation mark.
J'aimerais que lorsque de j'écris jj-mm-aa, il me donne automatiquement jj-mmm-aaaa.
Par exemple si 03-06-20 j'aimerais qu'il me donne 3 Jun 2020.
Comment faire?
Set a custom date format in the cell
I kindly ask you to have a closer look at the article above
I thouted days format was changed ,Tuesday after Thursday, but Wednesday wronged to mention.
Please don't tell me that I only have one solution:
=DATE(year, month, day)
WRITE in a "SOURCE DATA" column as "text" : 05242021
My Date column will be identical. Lol.
If so, let's please tell Microsoft... Um... mmddyyyy is an OK format. :)
I have searched and done my due diligence to find my answer. Not knowing the answer, I probably am not recognizing that it is in this thread or one of the referenced "Already Answered" threads.
I like to type the date as mmddyyyy, e.g. 05242021 ... It involves typing 3 fewer symbols... I changed format to mmddyyyy, but that is if I type a date format that Excel recognizes... BUT, I want to type in the mmddyyyy format and have Excel recognize that as a date.
How? Please. Thank You.
Cheers, Rick.
I have already answered above.
Found it, I hope! :) Thanks
Yes, choose the Format Cells command, select Custom from the Category listbox, and type ##"/"##"/"#### into the Type textbox.
I was unable to replicate your format. However, if this works for you, then you are not recording the date, but the delimited text.
So, close, yet so far... Not my exact solution... Excel wont quite recognize it as a date!
Thank you, cant wait to try it
I'm not sure if my request is possible, but I would like to calculate the time difference for a date and time format used within the military. The format used in our Defence Force is 'dd/hh:mm/mmm/yy', displayed/written as '121300Apr21' (24hr). My questions are;
1. Is it possible for excel to recognise this date/time format, including the month as text?
2. If so, what formula would I use to calculate the time difference between two dates of this format? Eg - calculate time between 121300May21 and 131730May21
3. Finally, is it possible for excel to recognise this date and time format displayed in a number of different ways, i.e, with, or without spaces, between the date and time figures from the same spreadsheet list? The list contains dates and times with spaces in following examples;
a. 12 1300 May 21
b. 121300 May 21
c. 12 1300May 21
Q1&2 are the essential answers I require. Q3, is a nice to have as it will save me time in re-writing a few thousand dates/times already entered. If Q3 is not achievable, then these calculations will be applied from the current date, assuming that Q1&2 are possible.
Appreciate any assistance, and happy to provide clarity if my questions are confusing - thanks
Excel recognizes your data as text. You can convert this text to date and time using this fromula
Apply the date and time format you want to this cell.
You can change this formula to convert any date from Q3.
You can convert 121300May21 and 131730May21 in two separate cells and then subtract them. Or use one formula
=--(LEFT(A2,2)&"-"&MID(A2,7,3)&"-"&RIGHT(A2,2))+TIME(MID(A2,3,2),MID(A2,5,2),0) - (--(LEFT(A1,2)&"-"&MID(A1,7,3)&"-"&RIGHT(A1,2))+TIME(MID(A1,3,2),MID(A1,5,2),0))
My problem is here:
I am used to typing dates as mm-dd-yy
When I type in a cell 08-12-21, I want it to be (dd-mmm-yy) which is 12-Aug-21
But what shows up is 8-Dec-21.
How do I fix this?
Please check out this article to learn how to change the default date and time formats in Excel.
I hope it’ll be helpful.
hi sir, i type 4/10 it is automatically changed to Apr-10. I need as it is (4/10).. How can i get it?????
To write a fraction in a cell that has the General format, precede the fraction with zero and a space. For example, to enter 4/10 into a cell, you would type 0 4/10. If you enter 4/10, Excel converts that fraction to a date.
hello, how to change the time format using an excel function, example, converting this format (12:00 AM/PM) to (12-00-00 AM/PM), (12:00:00 AM/PM), (12 AM/PM) thanks
I hope you have studied the recommendations in the tutorial above.
Use custom time format:
h:mm:ss AM/PM
hh AM/PM
h-mm-ss AM/PM
Hello thanks for the response. I have another question, can you change the format of time using the example problem above by creating an excel function and not by create custom format?
To write the time in the format you want, you can use these formats in the TEXT function. But the result of this formula is not time, but text.
How to change date format from "2020-Apr-27 " to 27-Apr-2020 in excel file
Please check out this article to learn how to convert text to date and number to date.
I can’t give you a more accurate advice since you didn’t specify which date and time format your Windows uses.
Good day, I have this date formats 13/05/2020, 12/5/2020 in a workbook and I am unable to format the sheet.
Any Help?
I spend 99% of my Excel time processing timestamped data from SQL Server which include milliseconds.
My custom Excel format is: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000
And it works perfectly but I always have to apply the formatting manually to cells in each sheet and then use format painter to change the other columns.
I would like to setup Excel so that every time Excel wants to format any cell as any kind of date or time I want Excel to use my custom format, including ms.
I tried using my Excel format string in Windows regional settings but the .000 for milliseconds is not accepted.
Is this possible? and if so how?
Unfortunately, the default date and time format in Windows does not use milliseconds. This can be done using a custom format.
Thanks for reply.
From the list of excel, I used the DOB to find t a person on database system that only format. So I copy it tang paste on format back to dd/mm/yyyy.
It's works- well done but when I want to copy its came back to dd/dd/yyyy
Hi Gufron,
Since format is applied to cells, not values, you also need to set your custom date format to the cells that you copy the dates to.