Comments on: How to convert (open or import) CSV file to Excel

Generally, there are two ways to convert a CSV file to Excel: by opening it in Excel or importing as external data. This article provides the detailed guidance on both methods and points out the strengths and limitations of each. We will also red-flag possible pitfalls and suggest the most effective solutions. Continue reading

Comments page 3. Total comments: 97

  1. Hello sir
    we are trying to convert Excel file to CSV file how can i convert for GST return

  2. It was Really helpfull.. Thanks a lot

  3. we have csv file with more than 1048576 Rows, but trying to open in xl format, we are not egtting the data more than the above rows.

  4. Thank you for this useful and resourceful share. I specially enjoyed your descriptions. They are right on slot and bound to help save time!

    So far I have been using Websites like zamzar and for the conversions and they are great too. My best is It has such a great interface and does the job in No Time.

    1. is sham. I tried it couple of times..each time having to wait for 1 or more minute and end result of file that looked exactly like the source file. What a waste of time?! and potentially unsafe website with horrible pop-ups and ads.

  5. im importing csv file to excel sheet but it is not properly separating it. my csv file contains text, numeric value also date plzzz help me out

    1. Hi, Keerti,
      please, try to follow the steps once again. If it doesn't help, try our add-in. If neither way helps, make the screenshots of the results and send them together with your .csv file to Make sure to provide a link to this article and your comment number. We will get back in touch.

  6. Thank you very much, this was really helpful and saved me a lot of time. Keep up the good work.

  7. Dear all,

    I have one file created as .csv, so i just need to correct some information, and save it again. I have create a Macro that open the file as a normal excel file, and i'm saving the information as Normal way. But the problem is when i save the file again on the normal way, it's not consider the fields that were corrected as a TXT value, and when a save "01", in fact just save "1". Has any manner to save the information in text format and the csv format accept once i save it ?

    Thanks in advanced.

  8. Hi - conditional formatting was working great. I pulled in data via a CSV feed, data types / conditional formatting rules all worked perfectly. Then the publisher changed the format of the CSV URL -- two notable changes I have to reverse the row order and then take the first row as the header row (by default the feed now puts the header row at the bottom). The columns are still the same, but with the rows reversed the conditional formatting will not take. I apply formatting the appropriate data type to the column (e.g., format a number), and reapply the conditional formatting to the column still no luck. Any ideas?

  9. Hello.,

    Iam unable to modify a .csv file (I mean like formatting and highlighting etc.,)Is there any alternative that i can modify a .csv file and save it in the same .csv format.

    Your concern is highly appreciated...

    Thank You...

  10. Thank you so much, It was great help!

  11. great article
    thanks very much

  12. Hi,
    your blogs are so informative . Keep it up. !
    I am facing a problem while copying word database to excel. All the columns in word table are getting arranged in a single column in excel in splitted manner .
    Please help me to tacle this problem.
    Thank You ..!

  13. this discussion is perfect for learning, thank-you. now, can i ask about a variation?
    1. i downloand a supposed csv file from a website, but it saves as a .xls and opens in excel 2013 in 'compatibility mode'. i can't use the 'get data' capability as it saves as .xls, and i can't use it as is, it needs to be imported into a workbook already saved as an .xlsm.
    2. did i miss anything in your presentation? or is the only way to do this is try and record a macro that opens the .xls, saves it to .xlsm and then tries to add it to the larger .xlsm as a simple worksheet?
    3. i guess i see all the options in 'get data', except the one that says 'get data' from an older format excel file.


    1. Hello, Ron,

      If you want to work with the file in Excel 2013, it's necessary to save it as .xlsm.

  14. it possible to refresh data after the import.If it works lemme know!

  15. Is it possible to open a file with a different file extension as a csv type with Excel 2010. We have a process that renames files from a.csv to a.csv.1 and a.csv.2 etc. I need to have excel open these as csv type.

    1. Hello, Mario,

      Please choose the Excel files option in the Files of type list. This should include the csv files as well.

  16. Hi,
    I am facing a problem while opening a CSV file in XLS format.
    The size of XLS file is more than 65K rows and even if i am trying to open it in excel2010 its throwing an error.
    However if i will reduce the size its working fine.

    The file generating from a tool which has a limitation of supporting excel 2000 or below only.

    I can generate the file using CSV format but can't read it.
    Please Suggest how i can open and read the file of size grater than 65K rows.

  17. Dear sir\ madam
    I need csv file

  18. thank you so much dear admin
    it was very nice & detailed guidelines for
    very neatly u explained the things it was so good
    once again thank you so much for your guide lines

  19. How to prevent a .txt file from converting a long number to scientific notation? I have been importing txt files with the same format and everything worked fine until I get to the last two files. There is a column that is 14 characters long that was behaving as expected but this time, after changing each column to the appropriate type and converting, the 14 characters that show correctly in the data to be converted, are displayed in scientific notation (e.g., 12345678998834 converts to 12345+...)

    1. Hello, David,

      Please do the following:
      1. Run the standard Excel Text to columns option.
      2. On step 3 select the Test radio button for your column with numbers and click Finish.

      After that you will be able to add any format to this column and your numbers will stay as are.

    2. Hi David did you get a response as I have the same problem

      1. I have the same issue
        did any of you find a way around this?

  20. Product : HT630. We have a problem when we want to transfer the data we scanned from the scanner to an excel file on our computer with the CSV format. For example if we put the number 100 on the scanner, the 0 will vanish and we'll get 1 on the escel file. 2000 will become 2, 50 will become 5, and so on. When we use the text format, the 0 will display but not with the CSV format. Do you have an explanation. Does the problem come from the scanner or excel? Thank you very much.

    1. Hello,

      To fins the cause of the problem, please try the following:
      1. Create a text document with some numbers like 200, 100, 2000 and so on.
      2. Convert this doc to an Excel file.
      3. See the values you get.

      If they are different most likely the issue is caused by Excel.

  21. Awesome work, Thanks a ton

  22. can i import multiple csv files with first column as name of the CSV file for identification of where data is coming from. I have four regions North south Central and North2 and files are saved as north-date.csv , south-date.csv and vice versa can i add a column which can help me in seing that from which reigon i am getting the data in one worksheet ?

  23. Hello,

    step 1 in the wizard does not show the other files to be merged. When i try to Add files, I cannot see the files as in the drop down to choose the type of file, there is no option to choose CSV files. It is limited to excel workbook 2003 or 2007.
    Please advise how i can merge them if i cannot choose my CSV files.
    P.s i have excel 2007

    Thank you !

    1. Hello, Diana,

      Please choose the Excel files option in the Files of type list. This should include the csv files as well.

  24. Hi Team

    I am wondering will the values get change when the csv file is opened and changed the format to Excelfile directly through "Save as" option. Please advise me. Thanks in Advance :)

  25. Dear Admin,

    Thank you so much for this useful information' Your detailed guidance has resolved my issue.

    Thanks again,
    Sher Ali Pakistan

  26. Hi,
    I've created a backup of my contacts via NOKIA PC SUITE, the information have saved in Excel-> contacts.csv
    But here the information is not in the format as i expected, it's not showing the number(phone number), instead of that it's showing some other values.
    Please help me to convert that into an excel file where i can see the contact name, and number as well.

  27. In csv file, I have an <> at the end of each row and | is used a delimiter

    I used | as delimiter in other but how I set so that <> is removed and after it, new row is displayed

    Can you please help ?

  28. while exporting data from excel(total 10 Columns) to csv how would i get 5th - 10th Column on the next line.

    Data in Excel
    SrNo Name Add Tel No
    1 ABC sdfd 1212

    Data Expected in CSV
    SrNo Name
    Add Tel No
    1 ABC
    sdfd 1212

    1. Hell Avinash,

      Most likely you need a special macro to fulfill your task. Sorry, I can't help you with this.

  29. Excellent article, it got my conversion done first time.


  30. Hello,

    I have an issue with csv file opening in the Excel format.

    When I double-click on the CSV file in Windows, Excel starts and then loads the file. The problem is that every record appears in a single column, ...instead of the Instead of the comma-separated values being in different columns.

    Any advise how to fix this and make the data in csv. file appear as Instead of the comma-separated values being in different columns as soon as the csv file is opened by excel?

    Thank you

    1. Text to Columns


  32. Thank you, thank you, thank you sooooooooo much!!! You've saved me tons of workload!!!! Thank you!!!

  33. tank u so much

  34. How to automatically load a csv file where all fields are treated as "Text and where "separator=," is done by default?

    1. Sorry, I cannot help with this. Automatic loading may be done via a VBA script only.

      1. I have CSV file which have Chinese character when we saved this CSV file in excel by "save as" option. Chinese char had been change.Could you please let me a solution for this?

      2. sep=, on fist csv line

  35. Dear Admin,

    Thank you so much for this useful information.
    Your detailed guidance has resolved my issue.

    Thanks again,

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