Comments on: How to add titles to Excel charts

If you don’t want to get lost in all the charts in your Excel worksheet, then spend some minutes to read this article and learn how to add a chart title in Excel and have it dynamically updated. I’ll also show you how to add descriptive titles to the axes or remove a chart or axis title from a chart. There’s nothing to it! :) Continue reading

Comments page 2. Total comments: 28

  1. I see that I can use the ''add chart element'' from the tab. The thing is I like to have that option at the top right of my chart (as a plus sign). Though, when I click on my chart, the ''plus sign as much as the 2 other usual options do not appear. It is probobly an easy option to check but I can't figure it out. thank you

  2. How do I add a bottom chart title?

  3. If you want to remove chart labels, where do you find the options to do so within the Design tab (Chart Tools)?

  4. Its very useful . Thanks a lot

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