The tutorial shows how to create and customize graphs in Excel: add a chart title, change the way that axes are displayed, format the chart legend, add data labels, and more. Continue reading
by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on
The tutorial shows how to create and customize graphs in Excel: add a chart title, change the way that axes are displayed, format the chart legend, add data labels, and more. Continue reading
Comments page 2. Total comments: 43
Good Day I am trying to insert an exstra naam in my chart witch I have colour coded next to my chart I have little blocks witch has got n difrent colour with a name next to it how do I insert the name and in the coloum were I put the amounts
Im trying to save a chart as a template to a set size, but when I open the chart from templates it reverts back to standard size, how can I fix this?
Does anyone know how to stop the removal of formatting when saving as text in another file?
not helpful at all
I have a bar graph showing actual sales, with a line for the target. I am showing data for the entire year, even though we have only 4 months completed - the reason for this is to show the line as to where we are at to target. (we do this for every salesperson so they know where they are at to target.
what I would like to do, is fade out the bars for the months that we haven't got to yet. Or change the formatting of the remaining months from my data, so that it would look different for those remaining months.
I don't think I can break up the series to show shaded bars for the remaining months - so how can I get the chart to pick up the formatting from the source? (ie. I changed the colour of the remaining months and bolded)
Typo Correction for above: (...this is a horizontal bar chart)...
In Excel, how do you put the percent along the top (...this is a horizontal bar chart) and then add data labels and make the data labels numeric (...not the percentage)?
5% 10% 15% 20%
A ████████ 9
B █ 3
C ████████████ 12
D ████ 6
In Excel how do you put the percent along the top (...the is horizontal bar chart) and then add data labels and make the number (...not the percent)?
5% 10% 15%
A ████ 9
B █ 3
C ████████ 12
D ██ 6
Can you tell me how to remove non numeric data when i try to do histogram in excel 2016. I have row with date and another are with numbers...i look on internet but i didn`t find the right way :) And i don`t have empty cells or with 0... Format the row in Date and Numeric...
Thank you in advance :)
Hi there,
Is there any way to change the chart axis title from all upper case to lower case as the upper case comes by default when I create 'Line with marker' Line graph in excel.
i want to create a single line graph with different x axis values like (18,20,25,30,35,45,55,65). generally it is creating chart with same interval like(5,10,15,20). Thanks in advance
thanks much. I have an additional question: How can the axis be fixed and not change when being copied and other data is being entered?
e.g. I have one graph showing the amount of people in street A, axis bound goes from 1 to 100. I copy this graph (in order to keep the layout) and enter the amount of people in street B, axis bound modifies itself automatically from 1 to 5, but I want it to stay from 1 to 100.
How can I do this?
thank you!
OK here is the answer an excel guru found for me. The Bounds will only appear in the Format Axis drop down if there are no n/a or multiple data types in the source data; ie dates and numbers. Once I cleaned the data problem solved.
Hi I am stumped. I have graphs in the same file on several different tabs. The horizntal axis is dates that I want to be able to select a minimum and maximum at will. For the graph on one tab when I right click on the horizontal axis I can see the "Bounds" field with min and max listed under Axis Options so it is easy to change the min and max date fields.
For the graph on the next tab, I cannot see the "Bounds" listed under Axis Options. Gotta believe I am missing a simple setting somewhere.
Thanks in advance for your help!
How can I change text in the legend?
Hi Arpaporn,
To change the text in the chart legend, do the following:
1. Right-click the legend, and choose Select Data in the context menu.
2. In the Select Data Source dialog box, under Legend Entries (Series), select the legend entry that you want to change, and click the Edit button, which resides above the list of the legend entries.
3. In the Series Name box, type either the reference to the cell that contains the desired text, or the legend name that you want to use.
Thank you very much, Svetlana. I now can change the text in the chart legend. :-)
Hi Svetlana
I like the way you use arrows to show the sequence of clicks needed to get to a menu item. I am going to borrow that idea!
Thank you
Wao, Thank alot..