This tutorial explains how to use Excel formulas to format cells and entire rows based on the values you specify or based on another cell's value, and provides a handful of formula examples. Continue reading
by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on
This tutorial explains how to use Excel formulas to format cells and entire rows based on the values you specify or based on another cell's value, and provides a handful of formula examples. Continue reading
Comments page 12. Total comments: 1729
I want to highlight cells in a column that have repeated words in it. How do I do this?
To select cells with repeated words, you need to use a VBA macro. Sorry, I cannot help you.
Hi I would like to:
Search every cell in column B for the string "supplier"
Where the string "supplier" is found, I want to format the corresponding cell in column K to be curreny and red text. Can someone help with this?
Use the SEARCH function to find the desired word in the text. Conditional formatting formula:
I hope it’ll be helpful.
Sir if the column A has name
shailesh singh
column b has name
I want to search column B in column A and remove from A
SO column A should have only name as singh
Pls guide me
Please try the following formula in column C:
You can change the text in column A only with a VBA macro.
I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
Qns. I have an Excel sheet containing 2 columns of various number. I would like to change the first column cell format based on second column value in such way, if first column number second column number then cell fill with Green color and with other rows I would like to apply the same format. I have tried many times and many ways but I could not do. This condition is applied only one row. If I would like to apply it on other rows it takes the value of first row's second column value. How can I apply the whole formatting on other rows(Change the color based on their containing second column's value.) If anybody have the answer please share.
How do I highlight ONLY the single LOWEST number in a column? B3 to B20 has a value in each cell and if there are 2 or more numbers that match then nothing should be highlighted. I want to copy this formula to the next 17 columns beside the "B" column.
For column A, you can use a conditional formatting formula like this:
How can I conditionally format for if B = Yes, then A, B, C, and D should be green fill?
Your question is not clear. Clarify - are A, B, C, and D columns or individual cells in these columns?
Thank you. If column B is Yes or Y, then I would like Columns A, B, C, and D to green fill. If column B is No or N, I would like Columns A, B, C, and D to red fill.
Thank you so much for doing this.
I would like all the individual cells in those columns to turn green.
For instance B 2 is Y then I want A, B, C, D, 2 to be green, If B3 is N, I want A, B, C, D 3 to be red
You can read all the recommendations you need in the article above. For range A2:D2 use the formula =B2="Y".
i want D18 only to generate its specific formula if text is entered in B18?
if not, to leave D18 blank
any help would be apprieciated
If I understood the problem correctly, you can use the IF function:
I there a log of errors generated by custom formatting formula? The formula below is not working but I don't see any error messages.
The intent is that if the current row number is 4,7,10,13... and the value in the current cell is less than zero, the cell should have a red fill colour. There is a specific range applied and correctly shown (moving border) during editing of the format. I have tested the "indirect" technique in a single cell and that seem to work but the conditional formatting is not. Any help very much appreciated
The conditional formatting formula must contain cell references in the range to be formatted. For example, for the range D1:H1000, you can use the formula
This formula will be applied to every cell in the selected range.
Hope I understood your question correctly.
Bingo. Thanks a ton.
Hello again Alexander!
How do I copy formula(s) and format(s) into another sheet without copy the data. Let's say I'm making a monthly income report for August and I want to make another sheet for September, I want to copy all formulas and the cell format and whatnot. Hope you answer my question.
This article has the answer to your question: Excel Paste Special: copy values, comments, column's width and more.
I would love some assistance if possible. I work at a retail shop [with our logo being red circles *wink*) and we're beginning to train and hire seasonal employees. Due to the situation with COVID-19 and local guidelines, we are asking all employees to remain at home if any of the following symptoms occur.
Due to this, we have had many sick calls and have been manually using excel to mark sick calls + coloring specific shift rotations in our training roster to note where we need coverage for specific rotations. I honestly don't have time each day to manually go through this each morning + mid-day so I would love if someone could help.
Our spreadsheet is starts with each trainee's name (or if they call out sick, I replace it with the word "Sick Call" for our HR Department to go through and follow up later with) and then I manually go through each rotation job for that persons shift.
For example, a trainee could be training for fulfillment so I could be rotating them around into different departments such as "Men's Apparel," "Women's Intimates," "Kids Apparel," "Sports Equipment". Some rotation jobs are longer than others however what I would love to happen is if I mark someone's name "Sick Call," for the spreadsheet to automatically or conditionally color their specific rotation jobs in a different color so that I know that I will need to put someone there. I don't want the entire row to be colored, only those specific rotation jobs if the person is a "sick call."
I haven't been able to figure out if this is a conditional format formula or if it's something else. Would love some help to save some time and my sanity.
Hope you can help. Have a column of budgeted cost figures. Want the to add new columns monthly with the actual costs. If the actual cost, say C3, is greater than the budgeted cost, B3, I want the cell to be light red with dark red numbers and appear as a negative dollar amount. But if C3 is less than B3, I want that cell to be light green with dark green numbers and appear as a positive dollar value. I am using Microsoft Excel for Mac version 16.42.
Thank you so much!!!
Thanks for your assistance.
I have cell A1 with "yes" I want cell A2 to be red if Cell A1 is "yes" --- this I can do this no problem.
BUT I need the same for a few 100 rows, as soon as I drag all the rows only refer to A1.
How can I do it, without going into each formula of each row to change it as this will take forever, so that
A1 refers to A2
B1 refers to B2
C1 refers to C2
Highlight range A2:A100. Use rule =A1=A2
Please have a look at this article — How to change the row color based on a cell's value in Excel.
I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
Thanks for the assist, I made a mistake in my post Sorry!
A1 refers to B1
A2 refers to B2 etc
I found the answer in your link.
I selected B1 to B100 as this is where the result must be and did the following;
In the "New Formatting Rule" dialog window that opens, choose the option "Use a formula to determine which cells to format" and enter the following formula in the "Format values where this formula is true" field: =$A1="yes"
Thanks once again.
Hello! I want to know if its possible to put a specific series of number (let's say 276-203-707-000) on cell C, and when I input that number a specific word will appear on cell E?
Hoping for a reply.
This can be done using the IF function
For example,
If this is not what you wanted, please describe the problem in more detail.
I want to create an 'indicator cell' that changes background color based on conditions met by other cells elsewhere in the sheet. For example:- I want C4 to have red background if K12 is less than H5, and R2 is equal to zero. Is it possible? Please give instructions.
You can read all the instructions in the article above. Formula
Thank you for this blog! Great it is!
I wanted to know for this situation
My column C contains a Value with Data validation and when i select the same, My column G should change according to the input in the Column C
Appreciate your help
I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail.
How can i change color of one cell using a Value from a different cell? i'm really confused i was trying all sorts of formulas in conditional format but nothing worked out for me.
I am trying to get a Column of cells to indicate anytime a new entry has been made and for the color to be disabled once any user has seen the entries (new or updates) made? Can you help tell me the formula to use to set up this conditional formatting?
Please check out this article to learn how to insert dates in Excel - add today's date.
Unfortunately, Excel cannot determine the moment when the user just looked at the data.
i have a small dought in excel i want to enter a number in one cell in that particular cell only that value divide by 10. is this possible.
Here is the article that may be helpful to you: How to use Data Validation in Excel – custom validation rules.
Use the rule
I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
If i want to highlight the separate cell if last cell number is bigger than second last, second last bigger than third last, if third last is bigger than fourth last etc...
eg. 1 2 3 4 5 6 then highlight cell A20
5 4 3 6 4 5 then cell shouldn't highlight
Thanks in advance
I have a concatenation formula that comines two cells into one, the result of the concatenation I want to colour the cell depending on the value, i.e. if the cell equals 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 3A etc then colour the cell green, or if its 2B, 3B etc then colour the cell yellow.
I was using the formula within conditional formatting to say if cell value is equal to =OR("1A", "1B", "1C") but its not working...
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Please try the following formula:
I hope it’ll be helpful.
Hi! I am difficulty in solve price sheet
If price of any product is changed in later dates for same product it should highlight which formula i have to use?
Great work, thanks for your effort. I think I will come back here more often.
i want information to set conditional format. if B2<A2 THEN B2 get automatically and aslo apply for that entire row. if value B2=A2 then no changes. How to apply it for full Coloum ? pleaes help
Please check out this article to learn how to change the row color based on a cell's value.
Hi, maybe you can help me with
I have one row with the predefined conditional formatting scale colors (this row contains numbers)
A row above contains text, and I want it to have the same colors as the numbers row.
How I can do that without using VBA?
I recommend creating another conditional formatting rule. Select the range to format, starting with the first line of text. For example, line 10 contains text, line 11 contains numbers. Select the $10:$17 row range.
Write down the conditional formatting formula, for example, =$E11>100. If E11 contains the number 150, then line 10 will be filled in, and so on.
I hope I answered your question.
Thank you very much - one thing - the numbers in the number row, each is colored with different color - and I want the text line the same - if the number cell changes the color then the text cell above also changes the color :)
You create two conditional formatting rules. The first one already exists for a row with numbers. The second rule for the row above is in the way I suggested.
I have conditional formatted data to "fill with a colour" :
"=$D2>$E2" for range "specify =$E2:$E2000
Formula — =$D2>$E2"
I need the E column to be filled if greater than the D column which worked for spreadsheet one however I applied the same conditional formatting formula to another Excel S/S with a larger data selection and Excel has filled extra cells that should not have been filled or correspond to the formula and were not greater than the formula cell.
What else is not working
If column E is greater than D, then you need to apply the conditional formatting formula
This formula can only be applied to these columns.
Where did you apply it and what is S/S - I do not understand.
I am trying to create a conditioning format formula that highlights a row when a due date reaches within 5 days of the current date. I am using excel 365.
Please have a look at this article - Conditionally format dates in Excel based on the current date.
I hope this will help
In your Excel spreadsheet, select the cells you want to format. If this is the entire worksheet, then select it entirely, and then create a formatting rule.
I am trying to use formulas and conditional formatting to have a spreadsheet automatically populate names based off of another name in separate column.
For instance, If I am assigned a task and my name is in column B, I want column G to automatically populate my supervisor/manager's name. I have multiple personnel in this spreadsheet, but once I figure out the formula, I can change the names. I keep having to look up supervisors in a directory, so I would love if my spreadsheet did it automatically for repeat entries!
Oh, also, if multiple personnel have the same supervisor, I am assuming I can have it look up multiple names by separating with a comma and quotes around the names using OR?
If column N contains the names of employees, and column M contains their supervisors, then you can use this VLOOKUP formula in column G:
=VLOOKUP($B2, $M$2:$N$100, 2, FALSE)
You can learn more about VLOOKUP function in this article on our blog.
I hope this will help, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.
I have a set of up to 12 5-digit random numbers in a column starting at B3.
For each random number, the 5 digits are entered in columns starting at B3, and the individual digits are entered into a row starting at C3. So for B3=13579, C3=1, E3=3, G3=5, I3=7 & K3=9.
When I enter a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 digit number into the row starting at C2, I want the conditional formatting to highlight a cell when a match is made. So for the example above, 13579, if I entered G2=5 & I2=7, I expect G3 & I3 to highlight.
I created the rule in C3 for the 1 (one) digit, =AND($C$2=1,$C3=$C$2), and used “copy” “paste special” “format” to copy the formatting down to the remaining 11 columns. The conditional formula works great for C3 & C4, but the copied format in C5-C14 is =AND($C$2=1,$C4=$C$2). The $C4 never increments! But, the formatting rule indicates it applies to C3-C14.
I cannot figure out the correct way to "copy." All help would be appreciated. This is for playing Kakura so I need 100+ “tables” that I don’t want to write a conditional formula for each cell!!
I can send the spreadsheet if a visual would help.
If you want to create conditional formatting for cells C3:C14, then first select this range, and then create formatting with the rule
No need to copy conditional formatting.
I hope I answered your question. If something is still unclear, please feel free to ask.
I have a calander which vlookups leave types from another tab. Although it inserts the whole leave name such as 'Recreational Leave'. I would like it to change the result to a shorter name and change colour. I have set up conditional formatting as follows:
Equal to "Recreational Leave"
Formatted the background to blue as well as in the number tab I have selected custom and written "REC".
The conditional formatting has changed the cell to blue but it hasn't changed the word to REC.
I have tried typing Recreational Leave into the cell to see if it the formula causing the error but it still doesn't change the word to REC. In another cell I have a drop down list (1-12) and have used conditional formatting to change the number from 1 to JAN, 2 to FEB etc by using the technique mentioned above and it worked fine.
With conditional formatting, you can show Jan instead of 1. To do this, you need to change the cell format. The cell will write 1, but it will show Jan. Conditional formatting does not change the value in the cell. Therefore, you can change the color, but you cannot replace 'Recreational Leave' with REC.
I have conditional formatted data with "=$D2>$E2" for range "=$E:$E"
However excel has filled cells that do not correspond to the formulae?
What have I done wrong?
I need the E column to be filled if greater than the D column.
If you are formatting the entire column $E:$E, then the condition must start at the first cell. Use the formula
Hope this is what you need.
The first cell is the title for the row which is why row 2 is used.
Then do not use the entire column =$E:$E in the link, but specify =$E2:$E2000
Formula — =$D2>$E2
I hope I answered your question.
Hi Alexander
Thank you, changing the entire column to a specific range seems to have worked.
Is there a reason why this messed up the Conditional Formatting?
If you select the entire column E for conditional formatting, then the format is applied to all cells starting with E1. The formatting rule should be written on the first cell of this range. You formatted cell E1 with the data in cell E2. Cell E2 was formatted based on the value of E3. Etc.
I applied the same conditional formatting formula to another Excel S/S with a larger data selection and Excel has filled extra cells that should not have been as were not greater than the formula cell. What else is not working as I now have the correct formula to put on the conditional formatting but this yields incorrect results?
I'm going insane, when i insert conditional formatting based on the value of another cell the formula works in some cells and not others for no reason I'm not sure why.
I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. Please specify what formula you used and what problem or error occurred.
It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you.
In my workbook I need to show that the date in column s is either equal to or 120 days before column c and if column s is more than 120 days before then I need it it to show up in red fill. It needs to start on the second row on in the spreadsheet. Can you help!
Please check out the following article on our blog, it’ll be sure to help you with your task: How to conditionally format dates and time in Excel.
Hope this is what you need.
I have my specifications for a finished product where the top row has the minimum and the lower row the maximum.
Then I have actual values of each parameter that was observed on a daily basis when each batch was sampled and analysed.
Let me show an example below:
Date Product Parameter (%)
Moisture Protein
Specification Minimum 11.5 20
Maximum 12.5 24
02.12.2020 Broiler Starter 10 19
03.12.2020 Broiler starter 11.8 25
04.12.2020 Broiler Starter 12 20
04.12.2020 Broiler Starter 13 24.7
Please show me which formula I can use to highlight a red colour on an actual result that is below the minimum specification or above the maximum spec and green on a value that is greater or equal to the minimum or less or equal to the maximum specification.
Thank you.
Please help: value is any alphanumeric combination in Excel
If A & B have no values: display as Red
If A & B both have values: display as Red
If A only has value: display as Green
If B only has value: display as Grey
Needed for a 3D component!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance
Best regards
Use formulas for conditional formatting:
I hope I answered your question.
thanks for your support..
above formula very help me to combined the formula with (if+ SUBSTITUTE)
below is the formula i have combined it
thank you
Dear Mr. Alexander
have a good day!
Can you please help me more regarding the above formula.
below is the table i have, there is five(5) Colom as below & two(2) rows.
actually i have two(2) warehouses- which name is (P1 & OP )
I have assigned the formula which you help me.
if you can see the below table i have Colom "A" name is storage("WH"& "OP") .
what i want in my sheet once i enter in Colom "A" in first (1) Row- WH, so Colom "D" should be show as P1-F171 & Colom "E" should disappeared & once i enter in Row(2) as OP so Colom "E" with OP-F172 Should show and Colom D should disappeared.
we need to combind the formola i hope...i think.. please support..
i hope you have understand my question
Storage Location Qty WH-1 Open Yard
WH F-171 62 P1-F171 --
OP F-172 62 --- OP-F172
If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:
=IF(A1="WH","P1-F171",IF(A1="OP","OP-F172","" ) )
I hope it’ll be helpful.
Hello Dear,
can anyone help me below my query?
actually i have my one excel file i jus give below small example ,
i have to Colum A&B …
once i enter any value in Colum A (like mention in Below "A" ) then Colum "B" Should change automatically with some action value, like i have mention in below.?
Example :- If i enter "Colum A" (C-030) "Colum B" should be change "P1-C030" (without - after C)
C-030 P1-C030
B-129 P1-B129
Thanks, Regards,
Please use the following formula:
Replace "-" with nothing using the SUBSTITUTE function.
I hope it’ll be helpful.
Dear Alexander.
many thanks lot its working well.
i don't have words you to said...thanks you very much.
god bless..
I want in Google Sheets if the value of a cell is less than the value of the last 24 hours(I use to import data from a website on this cell and this cell is variable), the color of the target cell should be red, and inverse if it was more, the color of the target cell should be green.
I do not know what its computational formula is!
Hello to all
i need this formula please
i have a table of data about the weather for my country citiesand each city in a sheet sorted by the date
and the last sheet i program it to be refresh and updated once i open the file and it contains all the cities (each city in one row)
now i need the formula which is easier 1-for EXample .... (D) is the date line so if the Date is the same between D10 in sheet 1 and D2 in the last sheet copy E1 from the last sheet to the sheet 1 in E10 .
2- check the date in sheet1 and date in the last sheet for rwo 2 if it is the same copy row 2 to sheet 1 in the last row or the first empty row which meen the last row.
Unfortunately, without seeing your data it is difficult to give you any advice. If you need to conditionally fill in the value of cell E10 on Sheet1, then you can use the formula
If you need to replace an existing value in E10 with a new value, you need to use a VBA macro.
Your second question is not completely clear to me. If you explain in more detail, I will try to help.
I know there is a way to set up a code that will automatically add the color code in a column throughout my excel sheet. I just don't know how to do it. Can anyone help?
Color Color Code
Grey TS21
Custom colors can be added using the Format Cells - More colors - Custom menu. This can be done in conditional formatting when creating a condition.
I have two rows with benchmarks as below, wherein i need conditional formatting as Results for all categories that are 4% or more above in GREEN
results 4% or more below the applicable benchmarks are shaded yellow. I need to compare Row 2 with Row 1: for e.g.: 73% is 4% above benchmark of 69% and should be formatted in Green color.
Row1 : 73% 76% 63% 69% 87% 64%
Row2 : 69% 76% 71% 63% 83% 59%
I hope you have studied the recommendations in the tutorial above. It contains answers to your question.
Try the following conditional formatting formula:
Hi there
I'm trying to set rules within a column, to highlight specific cells in that column if they are greater than, equal to or less than the figure in the cell next to it. Can you help?
Any help would be appreciated.
FYI - I am only a basic excel user - apologies.
Highlight the columns you want and use something like this conditional formatting formula:
I hope it’ll be helpful.
On sheet 1I have data in columns A1 to A80 , B1 to B80 and D1 to D80. When I enter a value into columns, not all of them, C1 to C80 I would like the entire row to appear on sheet 2, is this possible?
In cell A1 on sheet 2, enter the formula
Enter similar formulas in B1 and D1
Many thanks
Good day,
I must admit it is a gift to stumble on this article, but however my challenges was not addressed. I have a work sheet with just a single column. I need a formula that will highlight the row above the cell if the cell contains a specific text. For example if A2 contains "great" A1 should be highlighted. Thank you so much while i await your response.
See how you can quickly shade the entire row based on a numeric or text value of a single cell in this article.
I have two column A&B Column A have given some number Like,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
and Column B have given some number like,1,3,5 according to Column B highlight
the Column using the conditional Formulae.
I need you pls sir,
Niru Kumar
I’m not sure I got you right since the description you provided is not entirely clear.
Explain the phrase "Column B have given some number like,1,3,5 according to Column B highlight".
Write an example of the source data and the result you want to get.
The above formulas all return TRUE or FALSE, so they work perfectly as a trigger for conditional formatting.
Can anyone help me?
The formula is in cell X10.
I’m getting the #Value! error in all my empty cells in the x column, as V10 & W10 values may not have any input sometimes. How can I fix this to reflect that??
You get the #Value error! if V10 & W10 contains text or space. If the cell is empty, there is no error. You can handle this error with the IFERROR function -
I hope it’ll be helpful.
Hello Alexander, thank you so much this worked like a charm. Out of 30 cells maybe 10 cells will require the formula using the v10*w10 calculations, so when I dragged the formula down it would give me that value error. Thank you sooooo very much!