Sometimes values in your Excel worksheets look like numbers, but they don't add up, don't multiply and produce errors in formulas. A common reason for this is numbers formatted as text. This tutorial will teach you how to convert numeric strings to actual numbers. Continue reading
Comments page 3. Total comments: 219
I have cells containing a simple subtraction like 12-9. It needs to display like that so I have applied Text formatting to it. The cell next to it needs to display the calculation - in this case 3. Excel converts it to a date and displays 44451. The 12-9 needs to be changeable and not require reformatting after data entry. Hope you can help - thanks
I am trying to convert a value with dollar sign in text to Numeric but Value Function is giving error instead of giving 400 & 500 as results. Excel doc also says this should work. What may be the probable reasons.
I am posting the exact code below
1. Name Money Won Value
3. Mico $400 #VALUE! #=VALUE(B3)
4. Noah $500 #VALUE! #=VALUE(B4)
What are you trying to convert to a number, Mico $400 or $400? What formula are you using in cell B3? If you are trying to convert the value "$400" to a number, check which currency is set by default in the regional settings of Windows.
Dear all, thank you for all these tips but it is not working for me. I need to change numbers stored as text into general format in order to be able to use a VLOOKUP formula. When I change my text into general I notice that the value change as well. For instance, it changes 92753660758293 into 92753660758290... How can I keep the right value? Many thanks for your answer.
I don't know how you turn text into numbers. There are many ways. I have not been able to replicate your problem. However, keep in mind that the maximum number of numeric digits in Excel is 15.
A1= 1
A2 = (1+5)/2 as text
A3 = (2+4)/2 as text
in A4 i need the formulated A1*A2*A3
A2 & A3 only can be write as text type
I have same issue
You can only convert the text in a cell to a formula using a VBA macro.
I have a large file with a column of data where I want to convert a 5 digit/character code alphanumeric text to number. Your instruction handles most of these cells in my file, but not for instances with an embedded alpha "E" character in the string. This column has 5-character codes that I wish to convert to number for a vlookup application. An example: a code of 71E62. I cannot get that cell (and many others) to convert to a number.
I cannot guess which number the text "71E62" corresponds to.
I am still battling with this:
There are a number of tricks you can use if you have a column of numbers in a format that Excel does not recognise as numbers. For example, let's say you have a column of numbers where some idiot has typed each number in using a comma as the thousands separator like this:
If your version of Excel does not use commas for the thousands separator, (mine is et to use the apostrophe - ' -), or if some dummy actually typed in the commas, you can still quickly convert the entire column of text-numbers to numbers by using the Data - Text to columns function:
Highlight the entire column.
Click text to numbers
Select "Delimited" and hit next.
Uncheck all the delimiters and hit next
Click General and then Advanced
In the advanced box it asks for the decimals separator and for the thousands separator.
Enter the separator you see on the screen (NOT the separator that you want). So in the above example you would put a comma as the thousands separator, and a full-stop as the decimal separator.
click OK and finish.
It works !!! - until the "text number" is in 1000's
ie: R35,06 text converts to R35.06 number and
R128,71 text converts to R128.71 number
R4 020,40 text says as is and does not convert
You can remove spaces from text using the formula
=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(B1," ",""),",",".")
I hope it’ll be helpful.
how to Change above string to numbers? thanks
Hello All,
I have data with 10 digit followed by X. I need a digit in place of X.
Example: 0123456789X is the data and i need the output to be like 01234567890, 01234567891,.......0123456789
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
You can learn more about SEQUENCE function in Excel in this article on our blog
I hope it’ll be helpful.
how do I convert all text strings to numbers in a column in Excel sheet
Thank you.
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
Hope this is what you need.
Thanks a lot
none of these worked for me. I have just numbers copied from powerpoint into excel. I've used, trim, value, left, text to columns, and just simply changing it, and none of these are working.
You can save the Powerpoint file as PDF and then import it into Excel as written in this article - Converting PDF files to Excel
I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
Grande! Thanks!
39.2 -90.1 I have two values but i keep to both values in two different column how to do?
Please check out this article to learn how to split text string by delimiter. Then you can convert two text strings to a numbers as described in this tutorial above.
I work on spreadsheets daily, but all this needed info is tiresome!!
I need a way where I can type minimum and it says it all...
Like for instance: a column has different things like; interested, not interested, phone tomorrow, phone June, etc.
Lazy me wants to connect each to a number and by pressing that number, it will say "Interested" or how ever it may be...
I also need to know how to get the one column to add automatically say three days for follow-up call or to highlight the June call, that needs to be made, appear more urgent as we approach June, for instance...
Any possible way to assist, please?
Thank you kindly
How can I convert these numbers? I tried every suggestion above, but it did not work
Hi. How do I get a column of written data selections (unlimited rows but 10 or 12 choices, eg different pathology types, to be converted to nunbers. Say, infection = 1, trauma = 2 etc.....
I have a column of numbers that have an "AUD" reference at the end of each number. As a result it is not recognising them as numbers and I cannot tally the column. How do I remove the "AUD" reference from each cell to enable it to be added as numbers?
If I understand your task correctly, you can use SUBSTITUTE function to remove unnecessary text and extract number:
If you have other questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you so much
thank you
Great Article ....
in excel if cell gets value of numer as text than
Befor enting the value in cell use =ABS(cell number)
use below view for more clarity
.................................... Total
1 20 0 10 20 20
2 25 25 20 10 25
3 15 25 8 40
4 40 200 10 30 40
5 10 100 20 10 110
6 30 100 6 20 30
7 5 100 10 10 5
8 0 100 8 20 0
9 20 100 8 20
10 25 200 0 30 25
I have to get total of each row in below. I used "auto sum " to get the result, but it gets wrong value for each raw. How can i fix this, pls. help
1 20 0 10 20 20
2 25 25 20 10 25
3 15 25 8 40
4 40 200 10 30 40
5 10 100 20 10 110
6 30 100 6 20 30
7 5 100 10 10 5
8 0 100 8 20 0
9 20 100 8 20
10 25 200 0 30 25
What formula are you using? Formula =SUM(A1:E5) doesn't work? Explain in detail what result you want to get.
How to convert 89000478513C,890004687210 to 8900100047851303,8900100046871010 respectively and so on
To replace a letter with its number in the alphabet, use the formula
=CONCAT(IFERROR(IF(ISNUMBER(--MID(A1,ROW($1:$93),1)), MID(A1,ROW($1:$93),1), IF(CODE(MID(A1,ROW($1:$93),1))-64<=0, MID(A1,ROW($1:$93),1), CODE(MID(A1,ROW($1:$93),1))-64)),""),"")
This is the formula for uppercase letters. If you need to replace lowercase letters, then instead of 64 use 96 in the formula
how to convert area to numbers
exp.area= 79.84 convert into number?
please explain
How do I recode a drop-down list in Excel, in other words assign a code number for each of the drop down responses? I've tried several of the options but they haven't worked.
Hello Ellen!
You can use the Combo Box (menu Developer - Insert - Form Controls - Combo Box). It returns the number of the selected item from the drop-down list to the cell you designated
I have
AA 8881/17
BR 078/16
BR 078/18
BR 078/19
CZ 458/18
EK 148/15
EK 148/15
EK 9287/18
KL 0427/15
KL 0427/18
and i need only the last 2 digits or to be sorted from the last 2 digits how can I do it?
To extract the last 2 digits from the text, use the RIGHT function
Text Result -
Number result
I hope it’ll be helpful.
How we can data in number when some data copied with table and pasted in excel now that numbers are in text and before starting numbers many spaces are there
how we can do convert such cases in number format
I recommend studying the manual How to remove spaces in Excel
We have a tool that can solve your task in a couple of clicks: Ablebits Data - Trim Spaces.
This tool is available as a part of our Ultimate Suite for Excel that you can install in a trial mode and use for free:
I cannot use vlookup formula when numbers are presented as text.
Example I have:
and I need to have the values as text, so I can sort them A to Z. I always get the error massage, when use vlookup formula.
Any help?
I recommend to study this manual.
I have a column on the left that goes from 0-60. The column on the right contains a formula that reads: =COUNTIF(CY$4:CY$66,0
I put $ so that those inputs don't change but I'd like for the 0 to change to 1, 2 and so on.
So going down the column it should look like this:
And so on.
That way I don't have to go into each cell to change each number individually. The reason I have to change it is because I have to add and delete rows which causes for there to be a gap which I then have to fix. I'm sure there's a way. Please help!
I recommend using the ROW function as a counter.
If your formula
is in cell D2 (i.e., line 2) then change the formula
After that you can copy this formula down along the column.
Hope this is what you need.
Hi all.
Need help on formula.
In cell A2, there is 4 digit no. "1234"; cell A3, "2345".
In cell B2, there is a text "M" and cell B3 text "C".
How to form a formula in cell C2 and C3 that the output are "MM-181234-01" and "CC-182345-01" respectively.
Hello Judith!
If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:
Hope this is what you need.
I have a number 328,345 in General format
Somehow I looked some of the hidden characters it looks like "328,345 " notice the space
I used clean, trim and value in all the nine orders but to no avail can i get that number to allow me to do any number functions like add.
Any ideas
Hello Fran!
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
I hope this will help, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.
Please, kindly suggest how to convert all text strings to numbers in a column in Excel sheet? Example:
I have tried all the suggestions stated above but it still doesn't recognize it as a number when I want to calculate or find the maximum of some numbers and it is included.
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you
I hope this will help
I'm working with Geodesy and obviously excel is a part of it since i insert my points in measurement device. So in one of the columns i have list of numbers 145,987 etc. and it appears to be correctly written number, until i select that cell and in the function bar it appears 145987. I've tried changeing to text, customize format cells general, even entered formulas, and in options changed that thousands be marked as , and I manage to change number with a comma 145,987 but in function bar it says 145987.
Could you please help me.
Thank you,
Hello Enisa!
I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me.
For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail.
What exactly do you enter in the cell - 145987 or 145,987 or 145 987? Do you want to change cell format (appearance) or cell content?
It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.
Hey everyone anyone help me my some project. How a number replace in to next column.
Column 1 1234567
Column 2 Your Sr xxxxxxx will be closed against column 1 number.i want to show a number in column 2 where xxxxx will be shown.
Which formula used in excel
Hello Jay!
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
="Your Sr xxxxxxx will be closed against "&A1&" number"
=CONCATENATE("Your Sr xxxxxxx will be closed against ",A1," number")
I hope it’ll be helpful.
None of this optinons worked for me. What a waste of time. FY
Please describe your problem in more detail. It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.
Great article, very technical, detailed and simple all at once.
IMPORTANT!!! Please, review the method for converting Text to Numbers ("Change text to number with Paste Special"). I believe your instruction "Paste Special" should be followed by "Formats" and not by "Values". Otherwise the existing data in the selected cells will be lost....
With all due respect,
Keep up the good work,
Hello Michael,
Thank you for your feedback. The instructions are correct. The idea is to convert numbers stored as text to numbers by performing an arithmetic operation, addition in this case. For this, you add an empty cell (i.e. zero) to the copied Values, not Formats.
How do I convert a number stored as text (1 hour 30 minutes 45 seconds) to time format (01:30:45) in Excel?
Hello Angela!
Please try the following formula:
=TIME(LEFT(A1, SEARCH(" ", A1)-1), MID(A1, SEARCH(" ", A1, 3)+1, SEARCH(" ", A1, SEARCH(" ", A1, 3)+1)-SEARCH(" ", A1, 3)),MID(A1, SEARCH(" ", A1, 15)+1, SEARCH(" ", A1, SEARCH(" ", A1, 15)+1)-SEARCH(" ", A1, 15)))
New to excel, but wondering if there is a way to convert a place value for a point score (sporting event spreadsheet) across multiple cells
Eg. 1st place(1) = 4 points, 2nd = 3, 3rd =2 & 4th =1
So that when you type 1 it automatically converts to 4 etc
Thanks for the tips, they were very helpful, easy to follow and you provided more than one way to complete the task at hand. Big KUDOS to you
if i convert 3108101010000191 text in to numeric by using value function, answer comes to 3108101010000190 why?
I am unable to convert these into numbers as well as unable to sum of them. Kindly give solution.
how to convert 2,66,020 into text
How to rectify the below scenario?
Offshore team, excel format in column A is populated as text, but when onshore opens the sent excel, in their machine the column A appears to be in Number format.
your tip really helped me on how to change text number to number, as I have been on it for days, i initially thought my excel wasn't working. This has been helpful. Thanks
How do you convert a text of .01- to a number -.01?
Nevermind i figured it out, sorry to bother you
I want to separate this number in 2 columns, breaking it where the comma is...
The result I want to obtain is 25 and 10. But when I convert it I get 25 and 1.
what am I doing wrong?
Select the cell u wanted to convert>Data>Text to columns>select delimited and click next>select comma from the delimiters column and click on finish.
I have pasted a large number of values which have "." as a separator (example 23.310
). I need to convert this to either "," (example 23,310) or no separator at all. I have tried formatting the cell to currency, general and few other just to get a value to do calculations and it doesn't work. Is there a command which would replace all "." to ","?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Marcin.
Same problem here. Some logs have 23.310 instead of 23,310 and import them to excel doesn't change the format.
A very quick solution that worked for me:
- Choose the column with mouse
- Use replace function -> replace . for , -> it's text so it's works with no problem
- If necessary format the column to number after it replacing