This tutorial explains the most common mistakes when making formulas in Excel, and how to fix a formula that is not calculating or not updating automatically. Continue reading
by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on
This tutorial explains the most common mistakes when making formulas in Excel, and how to fix a formula that is not calculating or not updating automatically. Continue reading
Comments page 2. Total comments: 463
The following table details the revenue by bank account number
Calculate the total revenue from "Gold" accounts in the State of NY
Account # Type State Revenue
1 Gold NY 492
2 Silver PA 124
3 Gold NJ 555
4 Gold NY 100
5 Bronze NY 8
6 Bronze MA 201
7 Gold NY 20
8 Silver PA 43
9 Gold PA 108
10 Bronze NJ 172
Answer: =SUMIFS(B4:B13,"Gold",C4:C13) Try again
Hi! I’m sorry, but your description doesn’t give me a complete understanding of your task. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the formula below will help:
=SUMIFS(B4:B13,"Gold NY",C4:C13
Read more: Excel SUMIFS and SUMIF with multiple criteria – formula examples.
I made a function in excel that does not automatically calculate for me unless I enter Ctrl+Alt+F9. I activated Automatic Calculation and in the workbook, I deleted all the functions, it's actually the only function, but the behavior is the same. I don't bother them. Here is the function.
Function SumaSinguratati(ByVal dateRange As Range) As Double
Dim celulaData1 As Range
Dim domeniuDate As Range
Dim coloanaRange As Range
Dim suma As Integer
suma = 0
Set domeniuDate = ActiveSheet.Range("B14:AF25")
For Each celulaData1 In dateRange
Set coloanaRange = ActiveSheet.Range(domeniuDate.Cells(1, celulaData1.Column - 1), _
domeniuDate.Cells(12, celulaData1.Column - 1))
Select Case UCase(celulaData1.Value)
Case "N"
If (Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(coloanaRange, "N") = 1) Then
suma = suma + 1
End If
Case "Z"
If (Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(coloanaRange, "Z") = 1) Then
suma = suma + 1
End If
End Select
Next celulaData1
SumaSinguratati = suma
End Function
I have the same- on some workbooks only. It has other custom formulae in a code module, and they work. But 2 columns I have (using the same formulae) just don't change- unless I edit+Enter on each of them, or Ctrl-Alt-F9 (which I didn't know until now).
Very strange.
Microsoft, any way of debugging this?
I’m having a problem updating and saving information
=IF( A20=1,”Jon Doe”
How do I change to Jane Doe and save it ?
Your question is not clear, please clarify
table format in any column locked but full table Locked and formula not automatically past nest cell
We had a custom =@Maxdd formula and with my recent windows 11 upgrade this stopped working, we do financial sheets and require the maxdd for 1 year period over whole column of data, previous formula was: =@maxdd(K647:K1733,1,COUNT(K647:K1733)) and now getting #name? error on the =@maxdd,
any suggestions?
Hi! I'm assuming this is a user defined function that was saved in one of your old files.
Maybe this article will be helpful: How to use and store custom functions in Excel.
So I'm having trouble with just trying to CONCATENATE on two cells (First Name, Last Name) to get Full Name. Before I do I test to make sure that the cell will copy/formulate, so when I set the cell =B5, it just shows =B5 as the result not as First Name. The file I'm working with was originally created in Mac Numbers and exported as Microsoft Excel. I removed the R1C1 reference style as it showed both columns and rows as numbers and not numbered rows and lettered columns. My question is, even after looking over the article, I'm still not able to get my functions to work. Any ideas?
COUNTIF(C10:AG10,AH8), Same formula doesnt apply in next cell, it takes from (d10:ag10,ah9) and this continues with e,f,g further.
My function RENDEMENT does not give the correct answer; when I enter the data of the example given in the online description of the formula I do not get the correct result 6.5% but the obviously wrong answer 4.26%. Excel does not indicate any syntax errors. this is what I entered:
I recently upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11, and along with it my Excel 2019 has switched over to Office 365 Excel. I am using the desktop app.
Without changing a single formula in one of my large workbooks, I am noticing that formula cells are not automatically updating with changes in dependent cells. I for instance have a simple column sum [SUM(X3:X54)], and it will not update with changes to the cells. I have to select the formula cell, press F2 (or click on the formula field), and press enter and then it will work.
I have verified that Calculation Options is set to Automatic. The formula cell isn't showing the formula or anything to suggest that it has been reformatted as text. It shows a correctly formatted number, but doesn't update the sum when the dependent cells are changed. Selecting the formula cell, pressing F2, and pressing Enter do not fix the problem, just force the cell to update: i.e., if I then change another dependent cell, I have to do the same thing again to get the cell to update. I presume using the Calculate Now or Calculate Sheet functions in Excel will achieve the same result.
Confoundingly, it does not affect all formula cells, and it also seems to be a temporary but recurring problem. For instance, as I tested it yesterday and today, I was able to confirm that forcing an update of the formula does not _fix_ that cell, but then just now, I entered a value into one of the dependent cells for the same formula I've been having troubles with, and the formula cell updated immediately without issue. I saved the file, closed Excel, reopened it, and the cell is updated automatically as it should. So it's almost like there is a delay.
Again, I didn't adjust any formulas, so this isn't a problem with a formula. This problem appeared only with the upgrade to Windows 11 and the change to Excel 365. I can reinstall Excel 2019 if necessary, but it seems like that should be unnecessary. Formulas not working in Excel is like a coffee shop being out of coffee.
In case it's relevant, this workbook has no links to other workbooks.
I live very rurally and only have access to really terrible internet -- 5 mbps down and 1 mbps up. (I know, I know - but they've buried the cables for fiber now and I'm getting hooked up next week). Does the Office 365 Excel on desktop offload formula calculation to the cloud? Could latency explain the problem? That at least would explain why it works sometimes and not others. I guess if no one has any other ideas, I could wait to see if the problem resolves itself when I'm hooked up to fiber next week. Otherwise, I'm at a loss.
I am having the same issue as described above by Jesse. Read the article you provided however wasn't able to correct it. Has anyone found a correction for this?
Hi! If you are using VBA, add in the text of each user-defined function, preferably the first executable statement:
Also check in the menu on the ribbon Formulas - Calculation options - Automatic. You can try to set it to Manual and then set it to Automatic again.
Are you using a spill in your formula? e.g. "$A1#". I was googling as I had the same problem. I took the spill out and changed it IF "" then "", and it seems to work now. I have a feeling the spill range it was dependent on was calculating slower than the cell, so it was updating on old data. putting the formula in every cell forces it to update if there's a change in the dependent column
Hi, I am having the same issue. Did anyone find a fix?
Much like OP, it's simple formulas like Sums linking to other sheets within the book. No circular referencing, just straightforward calculations.
Same, it's ridiculous you should have to hit a button for it to calculate, when it used to do it auto. All formulas are working, no circular reference, no text data fields, all worked fine prior to the update. as far as i can tell I'm signed on to microsoft, which seams could be a problem with license issues. Has anyone figured out a solution?
I have the exact same problem. Did you figure out a fix?
Same here. All settings of Excel at automatic, no text references or show formulas and still the sheet does not recalculate. Need to click it manually everytime. If I forget it I'm working with old data... Very annoying.
Hi! Maybe this article will be helpful: Excel calculations: automatic, manual, iterative.
This was helpful. thanks!
Can anyone help me with this formula?
For reference, anything under 13 is not important. I am trying to have it automatically define two-hour blocks with "1" for 2 hours "2" for 4 hours, etc. I hope this makes sense. Thanks
Hi! If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
If you have a lot of conditions, use the IFS function instead of multiple IF:
Hi. I have a table with some formula in columns. When i update table from last row and table spread down one row, some columns formula dont spread down! What shoul i do ?
Hi! Unfortunately, I don't know about which formulas you are talking about. It is also important whether you are talking about an Excel table or just a table with data. Perhaps you will find useful information here: Excel - autofill formulas.
Thanks for the help. Here's another cause of erratic calculation in Excel. I found today that a summary total (totaling several calculated sub-totals) was erratic -- sometimes displaying zero, sometimes displaying totals that were way off -- when there was a circular reference error somewhere in the data table that contributes to the sub-totals and thus the total. I had been re-ordering entries and inadvertently created the circular reference error. Once I corrected it, the grand total calculation worked fine.
I am changing a formula location reference by one column, from say AG14 to AF14 and it simply then shows the formula, not the result. When changed back to original AG14, it is fine. Calc is set to Auto. The new cell AF14 is a number, not text, which I tested by performing other calcs on it with no issues.
Thoughts Please?!
The formula which does not work now is: =IF(Z14AI14,"HIGH","OK"))
Sorry, for some reason the formula I copied and sent shows up incorrectly in the comment.
the formula is: =IF(Z14AI14,"HIGH","OK"))
Same problem so let me type it out.
Hi! I assume that your formula =IF(z14 > ai14, "HIGH", "OK")) does not work because it has an extra parenthesis at the end.
Thanks and no, it has two sets of parens. Let me try breaking the formula into pieces to see if it comes through properly.
The formula as stated works. When I try changing the AG to AF, the cell simply shows the whole formula as text.
Even breaking it into pieces didn't help show it properly.
Let me try using spaces as you did in your reply:
=IF(Z14 AI14, "HIGH" , "OK"))
Still not coming through properly.
Let me describe it.
It is a nested two IF test.
If z13 is less than ag13, then return LOW, otherwise
If z13 is greater than ai13, then return HIGH
otherwise return OK
When I change the ag ref to af, the formula stops calculating and shows the text. As soon as I change it back to ag it works again.
Hi! Unfortunately, I have not been able to reproduce your problem. This formula works correctly for me
=IF(Z13 < AF13,"Low",IF(Z13 > AI13,"High","ok"))
However, the reason may be the text format of the cell with the formula.
OK, I give up. Why will it not show the formula, whether I copy it or type it?!
We have a set of warehouses and each one have coordinates. We would like to find distance of each warehouse from other and subsequently minimum distance warehouse by inserting {=INDEX($P$1:$CM$1,0,MATCH(MIN(IF($P4:$CM4>0,$P4:$CM4)),$P4:$CM4,0))} .This will eliminate zero distance warehouse i.e., same warehouse. But the problem is out of 76 rows ,it works fine for 68 rows whereas the formula does not work properly for 7 to 8 rows.I can't resolve the issue.Please Help.
Hi! I can't check your formula because I don't have your data.
I need to copy/reproduce the Month from one worksheet to another worksheet and i use it like ='worksheet_name'!Cell# instead of showing the value of that cell its showing the same ='worksheet_name'!Cell# notation. what could be wrong?
Hi! Here is the article that may be helpful to you: Excel reference to another sheet or workbook (external reference).
Question - I have an @sum that will not add up correctly. I am trying to add up the sum of a formula =H4/60. That formula gives me the correct number. When I add a series of numbers from that formula it does not add up correctly. I am adding 872.67 & 841.67 and it gives me a total of 1714.33. It should be 1714.34. All of my settings appear to be correct....what do I have wrong? Super frustrating!
This question has been asked many times. If your numbers are the result of formulas, then you see them in the number format that is set in the cell. This format shows the number with rounding, but the number itself does not change. Increase the digits in your number format, and you will see real numbers without rounding.
Read more: Precision of Excel calculations.
I enter in cell X32 the following formula =IF(AS32="Electrical Equipment",5,IF(AS32="Marine Transportation",3,IF(AS32="Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels",8)))
In Conditional formatting, I select use formula, copy and paste cell X32's formula
I copy X32 to X29,X27 and X25. I select X29, X27 and X25 and paste formula. In Conditional formatting, I select use formula, copy and paste cell X32's formula
I want X29, X27 and X25 cells to be automatically updated when I update values in X32.
After updating X32, I select X29,X27 and X25 and try:
in Data, refresh
in Formula Calculate Now after selecting Automatic in Calculation Options
X29, X27 and X25 do not update automatically
Can you help
Thank you
Hi! When you copy your formula on the worksheet, it changes the cell references. To keep the references from changing when you copy, use absolute references in your formula. Read more here: How to copy formula in Excel with or without changing references.
I have values as seen below. Cell references are D61,E61,F61,G1
131.66 131.66 131.64 131.65
If I write the formula =IF(AND(G61-F61>D61-G61,G61-F61>E61-D61),1,0) Why do I get a True value of 1? It recognises that G61-F61 > D61-G61 even though results are the same?!
Hi! If your values are calculated using other formulas, the actual values in the cells may differ from what you see by formatting up to 2 decimal digits.
I think I realise what the issue is.
Although the values of 0.01 and 0.01 in (G61-F61>D61-G61 are identical, they are actually slightly different when put out to many more decimal places.
='Opportunity Tracking'!$BN2*VLOOKUP('Opportunity Tracking'!$BV2&"|"&'Opportunity Tracking'!$BL2,CHOOSE({1,2},'FX rates'!$I$3:$I$38&"|"&'FX rates'!$J$3:$J$38,'FX rates'!$K$3:$K$38),2,FALSE)
Doesn't work says N/A
I can't check the formula that contains unique references to your workbook worksheets. Also I don't have your data.
BN is a number column, BV is a date column, BL is a text, I3:I38 is the date range and J3:J8 is the match text column like BL, K3:K38 is a number column)
Trying to create a sheet that when you select from a drop down of months - you auto populate rows/columns for day and day of week
I have this working - However I had to go in and manually update every formula in every column to get this,
I have a data column that is a date
This pulls from A1 that is a drop down of Month -
C33 is the serial number for given date. C33 = DATEVALUE(TEXT(C1,"M/D/YYYY"))
A1/B1 is the drop down of months
I would like A2 and B2 to look like [dd][ddd] from C33 So - A2 formula is =TEXT(C33,"dd") and B2 is =TEXT(C33,"ddd")
simple enough - now to get A3 and B3 to increment one would be =TEXT(C33 + 1,"dd") this does work -
However if I try to do the corner drag to populate all the rows for said month - it increments C33 to C34 C38 .... not the 1
What am I missing here? I am sure it is obvious to the rest of you, but I can't seem to figure this out and have been mucking with this for a few hours!
Thank in advance
To keep the cell reference unchanged when copying a formula, use the absolute reference $C$33. Read more here: Relative and absolute cell reference: why use $ in Excel formula. I hope it’ll be helpful.
When completing B the static date and time will populate in F. I use this formula: =IF(B1"",IF(F1"",F1,NOW()),""). The cell format in F is Custom -> dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm.
It worked from last year until two weeks ago. Since two weeks ago, F is blank when I select anything in B.
I managed to find this formula for a different sheet: =IF(AND(SIC!J2>=0,"",SIC!J20),NOW(),""). But it is not static and I need it to be like with the first formula when it worked.
How can I fix it?
If I understood your question correctly, this tutorial might be helpful: How to insert today date & current time as unchangeable time stamp
This helped alot! Thank you!
So I just corrected my issue by reading one of your other articles.
Thank you so much for making this available to us!!
I have an issue with my formula not updating the refence cells when dragged down the column.
The formula works fine with all calculations, however, when I drag it down it does not update the reference cells so I get the same result for the entire column.
In order to get the correct result I have to manually update the formula in each cell.
=IF([Book1.xlsx]Sheet1!$J$3=100%,"Ready",IF([Book1.xlsx]Sheet1!$J$3=0%,"Not Started","In Progress"))
I tried using this same formula in a brand new workbook to discard formatting issues and I got the same result.
Any advice?
You are using absolute references, which are not updated when you copy a formula. Read more about absolute and relative references here: How to copy formula in Excel with or without changing references.
I have the same issue but my cells do not have absolute values. When I drag whe formula down it does not update to the next line. This is the formula im using because i want to count differente cells that are not in a sequence and meet a criteria:
I have 146 lines, but when dragging down I need it to update to the following lines 23, 24 and so on.
INDIRECT function uses text values that cannot be changed when copied. Use regular cell references in the COUNTIF function.
Bless you!
Everytime I get frustrated with Excel, Ablebits has an array of solutions.
thank you for making this resource available!!
It's ok! I've worked it out. The data in the other excel document was not formatted to Number so I updated the format and all now works. Thank you anyway! :-)
Hi, I have a simple SUM formula not working (gives 0.00 results) due to the other formulas in the cells that the Sum formula is adding up from. I know this because I experimented by removing the other formulas and just manually input some numbers and the SUM formula worked!
But I want to keep the other formulas as they are getting data from another excel document eg
Col D =VLOOKUP('[Reserves Leave Allowances_24.01.23.xlsx]Allowances'!A2,'[Reserves Leave Allowances_24.01.23.xlsx]Allowances'!$A:$I,9,FALSE) and similar formula in Col E (these formulae work fine).
However, the SUM formula which is in Col I =SUM(D2:H2) is just resulting in 0.00
All data is in number format.
There isn't any data (at the moment) in Cols F-H.
Surely other formulas should not be affecting further formulas especially a simple one like SUM?
Any ideas please? Many thanks.
I don't see your data, but I assume your VLOOKUP formulas return text. Also please have a look at this article: Excel reference to another sheet or workbook (external reference).
I'm trying to get ANY formula to work currently.
In cell E4 I enter a simple test: =CONCAT(CQ4;CQ5)
In cells CQ4 and 5, I have "abc" and "xyz", of type General.
On clicking enter for this formula, it just displays the formula.
Ensuring Automatic calculation on cell E4 does not work.
Forcing the calculation does not work.
Manual Calculation does not work.
Formulas do however work for cells in other columns.
There is no Protection or locking on the E column.
Other simple formulas like =sum(1;2), also do not work in the E column.
Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2208 Build 16.0.15601.20446) 64-bit
Nevermind... I just needed to format the E column to General or similar to make the formulas work.
Thank you so much
Didn't work Automatic calculations in my worksheet.i just tried to all the methods of above mentioned but it not corrected.
Same situation with me here, but only 1 cell has a problem. Anybody to answer, please?
I really appreciate you for this knowledge. You have really save my day
tried plotting scatter plot. some times accepts all the values of the series and sometimes only 1
I have formulas that work on one tab (year 2019) , and on the next years tab (2020) the formula works on 2 lines but the rest of the cells are coming back zero. All references seem to be correct since 2019 worked perfectly. They are all formatted as a number, and I can see the backup that the formula should be picking up. Any ideas on how to fix this? The formula is a SMIFS.
That kind of error can happen when you copy from one sheet to another. To correct it, ensure you paste it in similar row and column as the sheet you copied from
I don't know your formula and can't see your data. So I can't give advice. Compare your data on two sheets.
is get.workbook function available in excel 2016?
You are my savior!!!! Thanks a lot for the information! I have been suffering so many years because it was not calculating simple data, i had to click thousands of times the F2 button to put the numbers in the right format!
Sir, what did you do ?
I have a list of employee data and I have cells that are dependent on others others, I used formulas to calculate values like date of retirement, years spent in service and so on. My problem is I want to use conditional formatting on rows that empkjee is either 59 years or above or has spent 34 or more years in service. When I used =$H2>=59 I got the desired result,but $O2>=34,the whole sheet gets formatted. I tried combining the 2 conditions using =OR( $O2>=34,=$H2>=59) it still didn't work
If I understand your task correctly, try the following conditional formatting formula:
To use the logical OR function correctly, I recommend reading: Excel IF OR statement with formula examples.
A list of numbers all derived from formulae (e.g. IMPRODUCT(B3,C3) will not sum. They are not text. The only numbers included in the calculation are those not derived from a formula. What is going on?
The IMPRODUCT function returns numbers in text format. Please check out this article to learn how to convert text to numbers in Excel.
Following up on your reply to my question, cells F2 and E2 do not have any formula or circular reference, they are cells with value entered.
e.g E2 has value 122,549,069 and F2 has value 122,548,865 and formula in 'G2' column is =F2-E2. This formula is not getting refreshed automatically, we need to open the excel and click inside cell 'G2' to see the formula being applied
I have a excel sheet which has a formula in one column say 'G' column, the formula(F2-E2) in the 'G' column is to substract values from two other columns. But the formula is not getting automatically applied on opening the excel, we need to click inside the 'G" column after that the formula gets applied.
I tried changing format of the column 'G' to 'Number' and also tried Calculation option to 'Automatic', still its not working.
Please suggest any other solution which can work
I don't know what formulas are in cells F2 and E2. Perhaps they have repeated calculations or circular references.
A clarification on my previous comment. I create the formulas through a macro, using the RefersToR1C1:= option.
I build the formula by putting code like this in a loop.
YTDPointsVar = YTDPointsVar & "RC" & Range("Points" & TheWeek).Column & ","
Then I build the formula with this code:
ActiveSheet.Cells(TeamRow(TheTeam), Range("YTD_Points").Column).Formula = "=sum(" & YTDPointsVar & ")"
I don't have the R1C1 reference style selected in File, Options, Formulas. In the past the above code would automatically convert to this style;
=SUM($I2,$Q2,$Y2,$AG2,$AO2,$AW2,$BE2,$BM2,$BU2,$CC2,$CK2,$CS2,$DA2,$DI2,$DQ2,$DY2,$EG2,$EO2,$EW2,$FE2,$FM2,$FU2,$GC2,$GK2,$GS2,$HA2,$HI2,$HQ2,) and it would calculate properly. Now, using the same code, not in compatibility mode, it displays in the RC format and no longer calculates the formula.
Change the macro to create a link in R1C1 reference style.
I have used formulas of the following style in a workbook since 1994: =max(rc13,rc21,rc29)
These have always worked. I have been saving in compatibility mode until a week ago. I saved the workbook as a .xlsm file instead of a .xls file and no longer use compatibility mode. Now the formulas don't calculate. I have automatic calculate on and have selected F9, etc. When I select the "R1C1 reference style" option under "File, Options, Formulas" the formulas automatically change to something like this: R[-112]C[463],R[-104]C[463],R[-96]C463]).
In my previous versions of the workbook I did not have "R1C1 reference style" selected and the formulas still updated properly. I'm running Excel 2013 on Windows 10.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Try to change the R1C1 reference style in the .xls file and then save as .xlsm
My IF formula has worked no problem for 38 rows of my spreadsheet (adding a sequential number) but now no longer works and I believe I have tried every troubleshoot option above. When I compare the formulae the only difference is the row number which has been the same for the formula in every other row. Please can you help?
=IF(C38="","",LEFT(C38,1)&"-"&RIGHT(YEAR(D38),2)&"-"&MONTH(D38)&"-"&WEEKNUM(D38)&"-"&RIGHT(A38,4)) - This formula works for row 38 & all previous rows and returns C-22-8-35-1036
=IF(C39="","",LEFT(C39,1)&"-"&RIGHT(YEAR(D39),2)&"-"&MONTH(D39)&"-"&WEEKNUM(D39)&"-"&RIGHT(A39,4)) - This formula works for row 39 & returns
=IF(C40="","",LEFT(C40,1)&"-"&RIGHT(YEAR(D40),2)&"-"&MONTH(D40)&"-"&WEEKNUM(D40)&"-"&RIGHT(A40,4)) - This formula does not work for row 40 & returns C-22-4-17- where it should return C-22-4-17-1038.
Unique identifier
The first letter is the source from column C.
2nd two digits are the year (column D)
Next two are the month (column D)
Next two are the week (column D)
Last is (should be) the next sequential number
I can't check your formula because I don't know what is written in cell A40. The RIGHT function extracts the last 4 characters from this cell. It's your sequential number.
When I paste new data in a sheet excel is stopping calculation if where a row is blank
I have a lot of data in my excel , around 160 000 rows and I have a few formulas in separate column that are supposed to read from the data. I am manually calculating it ,and for some reason it only calculates part of it and then I have to refresh and calculate again ,it happens on smaller samples as well and I never really know how many times should I recalculate to make sure it's fully calculated. Could you please let me know if you have any idea what can be causing it?
Thanks in advance!
Best Regards,
If you use the F9 key, then the formulas changed since the last calculation and the formulas that depend on them are recalculated.
Try CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+F9 key. All formulas in all open workbooks will be recalculated, regardless of whether they have been modified since the last recalculation.
You can read more details here: Excel calculations: automatic, manual, iterative.
I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
Dear Sirs:
I have this formula
if I edit it, for example, adding an extra space at the end, and then removing it, it will never be calculated again. although, formating to text, general, recalculate, etc...
there is no choice for me to edit it and include an , or other function.
Please, do you have any ideas?
Thank you
Please write the formula for the English version of Excel and explain the problem in more detail.
I have at least two cells the formulae are not working in a .xlsm file. The formulae are in the cells but the displays are blank, and are on different worksheets. In both cases the adjacent formulae, the only difference being the column/row numbers, are working as intended.
The simplest of the two formulae is =IF(MAX(Y14:Y17)>NOW()-$B46,MAX(Y14:Y17),0)
Automatic calculation is set, format for the formula below is set to date (and number on the one below).
I had been trying to find why the following formula wasn’t working for a couple of days, when today I realised that the date formula above also wasn’t working now.
I knew that the first formula was working yesterday. For the last three months I have been saving this file as a back-up yet, when I opened two of the back-ups, the corresponding formulae in those two cells were no longer working correctly.
On the second formula, the ‘A’ cell value date is ‘31/12/22’ [UK date], and there is one ‘31/12/22’ date in the ‘B’ range, and the corresponding ‘G’ value was not being displayed. However, if I changed the ‘A’ and ‘B’ dates to virtually any other date, the correct ‘G’ value would be displayed. This is true if the dates were any month end bar Dec 22 (including Dec 21 and Dec 23), and having seen it work with ‘15/12/22’ I changed just the ‘15’ element but to no avail.
Unfortunately, you didn't explain and I can't guess what doesn't work in your formula.
If in column B the desired date is in position 4, then the fourth value from column G is returned.
I have a workbook with many different sheets. On one sheet (Master Project List), there are 17 columns and 365 rows of information. I have multiple other sheets that go through this list of projects and separate them into the correct ones (i.e., work plans, under budget projects, over-budget projects, etc.).
The problem I am having is that if I delete a row from the Master Project List sheet, the data on those other sheets disappears (because it can't reference the cells in the rows that I deleted), and I have to manually copy and paste them back in for it to show data again. (refreshing the calculations doesn't work).
Column A: =IF('Master Project List'!C2="Work Plan",TRUE,FALSE)
Column B: =IFERROR(INDEX('Master Project List'!A$2:A$674,SMALL(IF($A$2:$A$1160,ROW($A$2:$A$1160)-ROW($A$2)+1),ROWS($1:1))),"")
Is there any way to fix it so that when I delete a row on the Master Project List, the cells with TRUE/FALSE can change their reference cell to the row below it (or just delete themselves?
I've been using this workaround:
To "delete" Row 25 from 'Master Project List'
Highlight Row 26 through the last row that you're using, PLUS the next row or two. This will ensure that the last (previously populated) row doesn't become a duplicate of the 'new' last row.
(If the last row you're using is 325, you'll highlight rows 26 thru 327)
Select cell A25
That will keep all dependent formulas intact.
I'm really sorry, looks like this is not possible with the standard Excel options.
Date....................Day.............Time In............Time Out...........Time In............Time Out...........Total Hours
5/24/2022.........Tuesday.......08:05AM........12:00PM...........07:00PM ..........12:01 AM ...........#VALUE!
I used this =(E9-D9)+(H9-G9) Formula. But my computer didn't work. I Go to Region-Additional Date & Time- number-list operator. But didn't work formula.
Date Day Time In Time Out Time In Time Out Total Hours
5/24/2022 Tuesday 08:05AM 12:00PM 07:00PM 12:01 AM #VALUE!
I used this =(E9-D9)+(H9-G9) Formula. But my computer didn't work. I Go to Region-Additional Date & Time- number-list operator. But didn't work formula.
If I understand correctly, text is written in E9. You subtract a number (date) from the text.