Comments on: Excel: If cell contains then count, sum, highlight, copy or delete

In our previous tutorial, we were looking at Excel If contains formulas that return some value to another column if the target cell contains a specific value. Aside from that, what else can you do if a cell contains certain text or number? Continue reading

Comments page 3. Total comments: 248

  1. Hello,

    On our employee vacation tracker, I'm trying to add up any cells with a "V" value over multiple sheets. When I used the =COUNTIF(January!C7:AG7,"*V*") it works for that sheet, but I'm not sure what the formula is to add all the sheets for January to December for each employee. I've tried this =COUNTIF(January:December!C7:AG7,"V") but I get an error. Thanks in advance for your help!

  2. I have a table with data validation for the payment frequency to keep the spelling consistent.

    I have table columns: Category, Payment Frequency (look up column), Payment Amount, Monthly Amount (cell multiplied or divided in formula)
    Calculation: When I enter the payment frequency and the payment amount, I want to calculate the monthly payment amount.

    Payment Frequency is calculated: monthly (*1), yearly (/12), bimonthly (*6), biweekly (*26/12), quarterly (*4/12), One time payment (*0) [I am not sure how to make that fit with the other payment options...]

    Thanks :)

    1. * Sorry, thought I had that clearer. The Monthly Amount is the cell in which I will insert the formula. The payment amount is the one multiplied/divided based on the payment frequency. The multiplier/divisor is in the brackets after the given payment frequency.

  3. I am trying to tally attendance at programs based on age groups and type of program. I'm having issues getting a 0 total of the Sum of 3 age groups if type column contains "X" text. Using similar =SUMIF(D2:D6,"On",A2:C6) I get 23 to display in formula's box, but for =SUMIF(D2:D6,"Off",A2:C6) I get zero instead of 15? Please help me find & fix my error.
    Sample of spreadsheet:
    A B C D
    R1 Juv Teen Adult On/Off Site
    R2 5 0 0 On
    R3 0 7 6 On
    R4 0 0 3 Off
    R5 10 0 2 Off
    R6 0 4 1 On

    On Site total = 23
    Off Site total = 15

  4. Hello,

    I'm stumped on auto populating a cell. What I want to input is if sheet 2, column A contains any of the same text as sheet 1, column A. Then sheet 2 column 3 will auto populate the same numbers that are showing on Sheet 1, column 3.

  5. HI, Im looking for help with formatting a cell. So I want cell $G$277 to show as cell multiplied by .9789 if cell $E$277 shows as "bio". could anyone tell me how to input this please? thanks

      1. Hi, thanks for the reply. I know i cant change the value of a cell, im trying to populate a cell based on an equation/formula based on a result from another cell but i just dont know how to write the equation.

        I want for instance cell A1 to show the result of cell B1 multiplied by 0.9789 as the "true" if cell C1 has the word "Bio" in it, does that make sense? thanks

          1. Hi, I've tried that but nothing happens in the cell even though C1 has the word in it and B1 has a number populated in it ready for the formula to make the result in cell A1


            1. I need to do this through conditional formatting as there is other information inputted that i need it to ignore


    1. sorry i wrote this incorrectly i mean to type

      HI, Im looking for help with formatting a cell. So I want cell $G$277 to show as cell $H$277 multiplied by .9789 if cell $E$277 shows as "bio". could anyone tell me how to input this please? thanks

  6. i have this formula in a column =IF(COUNTIFS($I:$I,I2,$Z:$Z,"YES"),"OK","NO") the "YES" result corresponds to another value as a result of look up on the other sheet. i would like to populate that lookup value on the entire next column.

    how to do it please. thanks in advance

    1. Hi!
      Sorry, it's not quite clear what you are trying to achieve. Could you please describe it in more detail?

      1. hi sorry for that.. here in my table below, i have two groupings. In the column C is where my formula as =IF(COUNTIFS($A:$A,A2,$C:$C,"YES"),"OK","NO"). All the YES value in Column C ( as Apple and Milk ) is from my table in the other sheet with corresponding value of Fruits and Drinks. I need to put all the lookup result in the all cell for each group in Column E. how can i do it.

        Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E
        IMS Cherry No Ok Fruits
        IMS Apple Yes Ok Fruits
        IMS Soda No Ok Fruits
        IMS2 Soda No Ok Drinks
        IMS2 Milk Yes Ok Drinks
        IMS2 Orange No Ok Drinks

        1. Hi!
          Your explanations are still not clear. I assume that your formula is not in C but in column D. This formula determines if there are duplicate rows. The results of this formula do not match with your data.
          Explain "lookup result" - what are you looking for and where.
          As it's currently written, it's hard to tell exactly what you're asking.

          1. Hi!

            Apologies.. yes my formula is n Column D where it becomes "OK" as it found "Yes" in Column C.

            First is , i have to vlookup the DATA in Column B from the other sheet so i can have the YES or NO in Column C ( like the APPLE and Milk as YES value in Column C )

            Second, in Column D is where i have the IF formula whether "OK" or "NO" .

            Third, in Column E, something i need to get done. The YES value in Column C ( as APPLE and MILK corresponds to Fruit and Drink from other Sheet (so vlookup Apple will give me a result value of Fruit.)

            so here in Column E i need to have a condition that if after the vlookup, the result value ( as Fruit ) will be filled in the certain cell per Group ( 3 cell per Column A groupings as per my sample.)

            my apologies if i cant still explain it clearly here.. many thanks!

            1. Hi!
              To check data from column B on another sheet, you can use the MATCH function like this:


              I don't understand what you want to do in column E.

              1. Thank you ..

                i can check the data from column B on another sheet by the this formula


                Column A Column B
                Apple Fruits
                Milk Drinks

                so in Sheet1: Column E
                What i want in Column E is to fill the cell with "Fruits" without the #N/A

                and this is what i am having now in Column E (based on my table above)

                Column E

                instead i want to have the formula which will gives me this.

                Column E

  7. Need help writing a formula to calculate percentage of invoices validated with payment dates. Essentially, we want to write a formula to generate a count of the cells with dates in them, and to exclude the cells with nothing. Based off this, we are building a gauge chart to depict the percentage of invoices validated. Min value would = 0 and Max value would = total invoices (with & without dates) and this formula would be the main data point showing percentage of invoices ONLY with payment dates tied to them.

    Any tips/advice are greatly appreciated!

  8. I'm looking for a formula that counts the number of cells that contain ANY text, and sum the number of cells in a cell below.
    I need to sumerize how many clients each day, and obviously they all have diffrent names, and its always changing. As a bouns I'd like to enter that sum into another spreadsheet, on a specific days cell. the 2nd part is not vital. I'm running a homeless shelter and finding this formula stuff hard to absorb, lol.

    1. So I figured the first part out, and feel free to ignore the second. I'm trying to learn everything and have a couple course type files, and now found this jem. Thanks for helping people out so much, very kind of you all.

  9. Hi.

    Is possible to sum all WA11?

    WA11 4
    AdBlue 1, WA11 2
    AdBlue 3, WA11 3, shift 4

    ... and everything is in one column

  10. I have a time sheet that has a job code that I would like excel to reference to add up the hours that each employee has worked for that job to come up with the total hours worked on that job for the week.

    So, if there is a letter in one cell, I want excel to take the numbers from another cell and add them all together for every occurrence of that letter in the table.

      1. I'm not sure that is the correct formula.

        Jobsite Code Job Total
        AB A
        CD C
        FG D

        Employee Mon Job Tue Job Wed Job
        John 6 A 8 C 7 D
        Joe 9 C 7 A 8 C

        Taking the table above, I want Excel to look for A and add the hours from the corresponding cell; so, there's an A in D7 and F8, I want Excel to add the hours in D6 (6 hours) and F7 (7) together for total hours worked on job A

  11. What formula would I use (or is there one) to total the hours employees took to take certain staff training requirements (example table below):

    A B C D E F G
    1 Employee Name Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 Hours Completed
    2 Course Length 3.25 1.25 1.50 1.00 0.75
    3 Employee 1 10/17/22 10/12/22 10/12/22
    4 Employee 2 10/16/22 10/04/22 10/12/22
    5 Employee 3 10/17/22 10/13/22 10/13/22
    6 Employee 4 10/17/22 10/17/22 10/11/22 10/11/22

      1. Sorry the table didn't come across very well, but that's exactly the formula I needed. Thank you!

  12. Is possible to sum this text?

    Some text in cell. r=11

    R=1,5. Some text in cell.

    Sum all r=? and, that's in one row.

  13. Hello.

      1. Thank you very much

  14. Hi i want to add following numbers which are present in a row

    23,45,#N/A, 56,#N/A, 756,...
    Please suggest the formula to solve it.

    1. I've got the same issue I think Baiju is having, in that Excel isn't clear on how you add up a series of columns or rows if some of the cells in the range have #NA or #NUM instead of a number.

      I've got someone's spreadsheet I'm trying to salvage. They're trying to track the total invoices they process each month, amount of days to process each one, the number that are late (>30 days), and the $ amount for the invoices that are late. So, I've been using =DATEDIF and =IF(AND and =COUNTIF formulas to take a stab.

      It's cumbersome but would be working, except their spreadsheet includes all their invoices, including those that haven't cleared yet. As a result I get #NUM! or #NA in those cells. When I try to sum the monetary values for the month (either =SUM or =COUNTIF) it fails because of the #NUM and #NA in the range. I haven't been able to find an explanation on what to do when you've got non-numbers in a column you're trying to add, so any advice you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks.

  15. Hi,

    I need help to assign weights to text. For example, in the following response table,

    Question No Response Weights
    Q1 Red 1
    Q2 Blue 2
    Q3 Green 1
    Q4 Red 2

    Clearly, questions 2 and 4 are having higher importance. When commuting the response, it needs to read as
    Red: (Q1*1+Q4*2) = 3
    Blue: (Q2*2) =2
    Green: (Q3*1) =1
    Total =7 (not 4)

  16. I'm trying to make a formula in which if an exact value is can get 4 different values in 4 different cells . Eg if A1=4 then B2=12, C2=199, D2 =122,E2=78

    1. Hi!
      We wrote many times that an Excel formula can change the value only in the cell in which it is written. You need to use a VBA macro.
      Or use an IF formula in each cell.

  17. Hi and thank you.

    Stuck trying to work out formula for staff roster, whereby in a row of cells x 7 (one week) each shift worked (x 3 shifts, which equal 12 hours each) adds the sum of these shifts to a separate cell.
    Eg.. Staff Name / Sum of Total Hrs / LD / / LD / LD
    Should look like-
    Staff name / 36 / LD / / LD / LD

    This will actually be over 6- week roster, but just trying to get an idea of what to do in the above eg.

    1. Hi!
      I’m not sure I got you right since the description you provided is not entirely clear. However, it seems to me that the formula below will work for you:


      Use the COUNTIF function to count the number of specific values in seven cells.

  18. Hello,

    I'd really appreciate help with a formula.

    Column E is an IF statement and depending on a date range puts "YES" or "NO" in column E.

    I'm trying to get a separate cell to provide the SUM of the number of "YES"s. SUM and SUMIF do not appear to work. For example, I have attempted the formula =SUMIF(E2:E20,"YES"). It incorrectly provides "0" as the answer. Is this because Column E is a separate formula itself. How do I get around this?

    Your help is much appreciated.

    1. Hello!
      The SUMIF formula works with the results of formulas in the same way as with normal values. Your formula should work. Check what values are returned by your formulas in cells E2:E20. Perhaps there are extra spaces.

  19. Hello,

    I would appreciate your help on a formula.

    I am creating a vertical employee absence calendar in Excel (dates at the top, names on the side) with leave entered as text: holiday (H), half day holiday (HH), sick leave (S), and half day sick leave (SH).

    I would like to add a row total for each person.

    With COUNTA all entries = 1
    So for e.g. H + S + HH should add up to 2.5 but COUNTA shows 3.

    How can Excel add up different values for each type of text? So that that H = 1, HH = 0.5, S=1 and SH=0.5?

    Very grateful for your help

    Many thanks for your help!

    1. Hi there. I am trying to write a formula where I need to count how much three people spent.
      Name cost. Name total spent
      Me 300 me. ?
      You 150 you. ?
      Her 200 Her. ?
      Me 140
      You 200
      Her 500

        1. I have to calculate a total cost per date range for each event. I have a sheet that has the daily rate for different pay scales. I am trying to get the total cost for example: Cell B8 has a drop down for different pay grades. Cell E8 has the start date. Cell F8 has the end date. Sheet 2 has the data to pull from. Sheet 2 column B has the pay grades. Column C has the daily pay rate. How do I get on Sheet 1 Cell H8 to calculate that?

          1. Hi! I need to see your data to give you an exact formula. Perhaps this formula will help:


            Use the company's payroll manual.

            1. How will it know what pay rate to use? I in sheet 2? What is the best way for me to send you the data

              1. Thank you for this. I am still trying to learn xlookup. This was very helpful. I have been able to get most of what I need. Thank you again for all the help

              2. Thank you that worked. Now how do I in the same formula tell it if there is an additional function to look up. So far I have: =xlookup(B$8:B$900,SHEET2!B2:B29,SHEET2!C2:C29*G8,FALSE). If this is their pay without a daily stipen how do I tell it to add the daily stipen to this formula? Sheet 1 Column D will have a dropdown yes or no for the stipen. sheet 2 will have the stipen for the correct pay grade. Sheet 2 column D will have a drop-down for yes or no. Sheet 2 column E has the pay grade and column F will have the daily stipen rate. Example An O3 has a stipen of $33.00 But an E3 will have a stipen of $8.00.

  20. Hi

    how I sum if I had 3 table
    1 vendor (Samsung or Huawei)
    2 Cell mode (ex Samsung I9500 series)
    3 count

    I used below formula but it count other vendor model as well


    can you please support for the correction

      1. Hi
        I need your support for correction of formula.

        1. Please check below this formula is correct or not

          =SUM((Sheet2!$D$8:$QC$11)*(--(Sheet2!$C$8:$C$11='Cleaning details'!$D6))*(--(Sheet2!$D$4:$QC$4='Cleaning details'!$C6))*(--(Sheet2!$D$3:$QC$3='Cleaning details'!$E$4)))+SUM(Sheet2!$D$12:$QC$15)*(--(Sheet2!$C$12:$C$15='Cleaning details'!$D6))*(--(Sheet2!$D$5:$QC$5='Cleaning details'!$C6))*(--(Sheet2!$D$3:$QC$3='Cleaning details'!$E$4))+SUM(Sheet2!$D$16:$QC$19)*(--(Sheet2!$C$16:$C$19='Cleaning details'!$D6))*(--(Sheet2!$D$6:$QC$6='Cleaning details'!$C6))*(--(Sheet2!$D$3:$QC$3='Cleaning details'!$E$4))+SUM(Sheet2!$D$20:$QC$23)*(--(Sheet2!$C$20:$C$23='Cleaning details'!$D6))*(--(Sheet2!$D$7:$QC$7='Cleaning details'!$C6))*(--(Sheet2!$D$3:$QC$3='Cleaning details'!$E$4))

          1. Hi!
            It is very difficult to understand a formula that contains unique references to your workbook worksheets. Hence, I cannot check its work, sorry.

          2. Because this is not working in single cell.

  21. Screenshot link to reference my sheet:

    Hi, my business gives commissions to our drivers (called “captains” as shown in the Excel screenshot). Their commission is 10% of the sale price of a surcharge they sell.

    I want to track their daily commissions per captain and then total each daily commission for their weekly total commission per captain.

    I already have their daily tracking set up to automatically calculate their daily commissions based on the prices of surcharges and tally of quantity sold for each.

    My issue now is making the formula that automatically searches row P5 to T5 for instances of their unique name being written. Each time their name is written in that row indicates one working day with commissions made (total for each daily commission is in row P30 to T30) in their own column.

    I would then like the same formula to have N34 to N36 autofill if there are captain’s names found in P5 to T5 (without duplicating their names) and then totaling their daily commissions specific to each captain’s name in the weekly totals at O34 to O36.

    I hope this makes sense. Let me know if you need clarification.

    I’ve tried for several hours to figure it out with various formulas but I’m not too versed in Excel so I’m hoping someone can help me out. Thanks in advance!

  22. Hi,
    SUMIF function is working for me but SUMIFS is not working even though I tried so many times. =SUMIFS(J2:J29,G2:G29,"Passive",G2:G29,"Connector") is the formula which I am trying in my excel. I also have used * prior to text values but no result and instead its showing 0. I can't understand why its showing 0. Kindly help.

  23. I have an Excel sheet where in column A i have various dates for sales over a three year period and in column B I have another column which contains text relating to the type of sale, either "Direct" or "Indirect" to indicate if the sale was a direct sale or through another party. I want to be able to count how many Direct or Indirect sales were made in each year. Can you help? I have tried combining the COUNTIF and COUNTIFS formulas but it's not working. I can get the number of sales in each year by using the COUNTIFS formula but the problem starts when I try to extract the count in each year for each of Direct or Indirect by combining the two formulas. Thanks! Your website is amazing! I've managed to solve a lot of problems by checking your solutions.

  24. Hello,

    What formula could I use to add up both numbers and letters in the same column? For example, I have 12 cells with values in the same column (the "x" respresents 1):


    Before the numbers were added and we were only counting "x", we used this formula =COUNTIF(G73:G85,"=x")

    Now that numbers are also included, I am having trouble finding a formula that adds both "x" as 1 and the rest of the numbers.

    Thank you!

    1. Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:


      SUM function only adds numbers and ignores text.

  25. Hi,

    I have two tabs:

    First tab:
    Column A Name
    Column B Yes ( or No)

    For example :
    Column A Column B
    Anna Yes
    Lily No

    If column B is value is Yes, I want to add column A value (Anna) to the other tab A1.
    If column B is value is No, I don't want to add column A value (Lily) into the other tab.

    How to achieve that?


  26. I am having a really hard time trying to get the formula I need. The spreadsheet is for stock options. For easy example, column A are debits that it cost to open the contract. The adjacent cell in column B is the price I sell to close the contract. I have everything I need for the gain/loss and percentage taken. I am trying to figure out how I would calculate my true return? if for example I open a contract for -$500 and sell it for $750, I have a return of 50% on that specific row. However if I open another trade using that same $500 and then the $250 I captured for a trade as well, how would I calculate my overall return? It would want to calculate my return on $1250 instead of $750. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Hi!
      We are not stock specialists. If you have a specific question about the Excel formula, we will try to help.

  27. Trying to make a formula using sumifs in B1 "lol" && C1 "wow

    A1 blank cell (i want to put name text here which will be the reference of A2:A10)
    B1 show the total lol
    C1 show the total wow
    A2:A10 Names
    B2:B10 [sum_range]
    C2:C10 text "Lol" or "wow"

    I want to sum the value in B2:B10 if it meets the condition:
    Condition 1 If A2:A10 is true (or same with the text I input in A1)
    Condition 2 If C2:C10 "lol" or in "wow" category

    A1 "10/06"
    B1 (if A1 is true A2;A10 sum the total 10/06 with lol
    C1 sum the total 10/06 wow

  28. Hey Alex,
    At the outset, very wonderfull site and informative.
    I have the data in the following cols
    Col A Col B
    21-Sep-21 55
    23-Sep-21 74
    02-Oct-21 21
    05-Oct-21 05

    All I want to do is add the values apprearing for Sep and Oct as below
    Sep'21 xxxxx
    Oct'21 yyy

  29. I am trying to find a formula to calculate cum GPA but will subtract the grades that have "TR" by it in the semester column. What formula if any would work for this?

    Grade Hrs Points Semester
    A 3 12 SP20
    B 3 9 TR
    C 2 4 FA21
    D 1 1 TR

  30. I need help with this formula. =SUMIF($D:$D,"*Wave 1*",$F:$F)
    Right now I want to add values from F if D says Wave 1 however if the the sum is 0 i want it to say TBD .. not sure how to do the TBD part

  31. Hi,
    I need to add values in alternative cells. eg: values in I5,K5,M5 and the sum should ignore text in those cells. Please suggest

  32. In fact i would like to know whether excel can display the value of a cell in another cell by using an IF condition.
    e.g value of A1 is "FLOWERS"
    input text "FL" in B1
    the result should be the value of A1 to be displayed in C1 if you put a condition that if the value of B1 = "FL"
    is there any formula to solve this.


  33. I have a list of parts in column A, then i have a list of dates in column B
    I want the formula to return how many times each part number has a date beside it
    123456 1-jan-21
    234567 5-jan-21
    123456 5-feb-21

    so i would want this to return
    123456 2
    234567 1

  34. Please help me figure this out. I have a spreadsheet of pupils' scores on a test. I have put a '1' in a cell if they got the question correct, a '0' if incorrect and a '.' if they didn't attempt it. I have a separate list to the side which says the name of the topic next to each question number. I would like to generate a list of topics they need to practice for each pupil based on the questions they got wrong. How can I do this? For example, if they got question 8 and 10 incorrect and these questions were a multiplication and a division question I would like a list which says multiplication and division. Please help me figure this out!

    1. Hello!
      Please use the following array formula -

      {=IFERROR(INDEX($C$3:$C$30, SMALL(IF(1=((--($I3=$A$3:$A$30))*(--($J3=$B$3:$B$30))), ROW($C$3:$C$30)-2,""), COLUMN()-10)),"")}

      A3:C30 - your table, I3 - name, J3 - zero or "." K3 - this formula.
      Please have a look at this article - Vlookup multiple matches and return results in a row (Formula 2)
      I hope I answered your question. If something is still unclear, please feel free to ask.

  35. Hi Everyone, I would really like some help with this logic

    I would like to create a formula in cell C2, if D2 = text "X" perform sum of A2 + B2, but if D2 = text "W" cell = just the value in B2

    I hope this makes sense, TIA

  36. If all my cells contains value,(without blank) then I should get the output as T else F

    Will anyone please help me out

  37. What I'm looking for is a formula that will do the following:
    If cell a1 contains specific text, then count cell a2.

    I've tried all sorts of different options, but can't get it to show the right count.

      1. Here is an example of what I've attempting. Perhaps this might help.

        If in the range of data, X appears, then count the next cell after X (which would have A, B, or C in it).

  38. Thank you for all the Information they are great. what i would like to dois:
    I Have in column A a data validation that has X,Y Z and on a different sheet under X i have a list of names in a column as well as under Y ans Z. what I want, is when I choose for example X in column A, I want in column B automatically to copy all the names of the other sheet under X into the cells in column B into a column not row? please can you help me with this problem?

  39. Hello, could you please help me to find formula that highlights the cell with specific text when the text is a list? Is this the correct way to do it in Conditional Formatting (by formula)?
    when list is the range of list cells?
    If this is the best way, Is there a way to copy this exact formatting to other cells (format painter doesn't do the job)?
    Thank you so much in advance.

    1. Hello Ludmila!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following conditional formatting formula should work for you:


      where F2 is the first cell of the list cell range.
      I hope it’ll be helpful.

      1. Hello Alexander, thank you for your answer. Unfortunately, the formula you've suggested didn't work for me, though the formula that includes range of cells containing the list works well.
        My additional question was is there a way to apply the same conditional formatting formula to multiple cells. I mean is there a fast way to copy the conditional formatting formula that will be updated to other cells (eg A3, A4 and so on) instead of creating a new rule for every next cell? Thank you!

        1. Hello!
          I'm sorry the formula wasn't useful to you. Apparently, we represent your data differently.
          How to copy conditional formatting is described here.

  40. I am looking to use a condition on one cell (A2=Kabul, then pick data from another sheet, K5) and the same condition will be repeated in one formula (A2=Laghman, A2=Logar..... and then data will be picked from a different cell). How I can do it?

    1. Hello Ebadullah!
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me.
      For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. Please let me know in more detail what you were trying to find, what formula you used and what problem or error occurred. Give an example of the source data and the expected result. It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.

  41. Hi there,
    How do I Sum out multiple SKUs when I keyed them in according to the warehouse racking layout?
    Example :
    A1 B1 C1 are the name of the SKUs, while A1 C1 has the same SKU.
    A2 B2 C2 will be the Quantity of each SKU above.
    How do I get the the sum of A2 and C2 in a separate list if we got 600 SKUs.
    Thank you.

  42. Please if cell b4 has a data of 24pcs and cell c4 has 34000....
    I want to multiply the two cell together...
    Please how can I go about this.

    1. Hello Gbenga!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you

      =LEFT(A1,LEN(A1) - FIND("pcs",A1)) * B1

      Hope you’ll find this information helpful.

  43. Hello George!
    In order to extract all the characters after "UL9", use the formula below:
    =RIGHT(A10, LEN(A1) - FIND("UL9", A1,1) +1)

    As for pulling the text before "UL9", here is the formula for this case:
    =LEFT(A1, FIND("UL9", A1 ,1) - 1)

    BTW, there is a formula-free solution for this task called Extract Text tool. Check out its manual, I believe you'll find it helpful:

  44. How can I delete upon scanning a bar code, everything except the text that starts with UL9C0037365 value in a cell

    Thank you

  45. Thank you so much for most helpful forumula

  46. How do I have a cell calculate a sum if there's a certain word or text in another cell? I.E. 12345*2% will only be calculated if say cell A5 was showing the word "No".

  47. I need a formula that will search a specific cell (E2) or all of column E for a "key" word and then if found, take the date in A2 and add 30 days to it and put this all in B2.

    Please let me know if this can be accomplished.

    1. Hello,

      Did you find a solution for your issue? I am currently trying to find something similar. I need to find all people who are online and add their hours, ignoring those who are on leave etc, Can anyone help?
      Thanks in advance

  48. Hi,
    Is there a solution for this?

    Basically, I have month in one column and dollars in another. If I want the sum of all the dollars in June, July and Aaugust in a separate column. Is there a formula that does this. I am sure there is but cannot figure it out.


    Month dollar sum
    June 20
    June 30
    June 25
    June 22
    June 31 sum of June dollars
    July 18
    July 16
    July 15
    July 22
    July 19 sum of July dollars
    August 6
    August 3
    August 32
    August 34
    August 24 sum of Aug dollars

  49. Any Help Apprecaiated:
    Essentially I am trying to write a formula where if all cells in a column range contain a numerical value it will SUM them, but add a condition where if the column contains a text it will search for the text and instead of returning a SUM it will return "Not Complete".

    Currently I am working with the following formula but cant seem to get it to work:
    =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Not Complete",H4:$H2000)),"Not Complete",SUM(H4:$H2000))

    For Reference:
    Column of values mixed with text containing "Not Complete"
    Not Complete
    Not Complete
    Not Complete
    Not Complete

  50. Trying to make a formula where if a cell has the text "GMP 1" then show the value which is in the same row but from column A. Also this has to work over separate sheets.
    So, for example, i need it to look through column C on sheet 1 for the word "GMP 1" but return the row value of Column A, and put the result on sheet 2. Currently i have multiple efforts at the formula and getting results where it adds up the values from A (which i dont want) or #value #n/a or just the count value of if it is true. Tried multiple different starting points (sumproducts/vlookup etc)

    1. Did anyone ever answer you? I'm looking for the same solution and can't figure it out for the life of me. Thanks!

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