Comments on: Excel IF statement with multiple conditions

For powerful data analysis, you may often need to build an Excel IF statement with multiple conditions or use IF together with other functions. This tutorial will show you the most effective ways to do this. Continue reading

Comments page 12. Total comments: 4552

  1. How to do 2 conditions with count output?
    I tried this formula "=IF(AND(">=1000","<=2000"),"=COUNT(I2:I25)","0")" but I only get #VALUE! error.
    is it possible?

  2. I am trying to get the IF function for 2 variables in a cell. I want excel to give 1 if the cell has either of the variables and 0 if it doesn't have either likewise.

    This is the formula i came up with and it doesn't work - =IF(AND(U2="Strongly Confident", U2="Slightly Confident"), 1,0)

  3. Demurrage Conditions Criteria

    Upto 06 hrs. Rs.150
    07 hrs. to 12 hrs. Rs.165/
    13 hrs. to 24 hrs. Rs.187.5/
    25 hrs. to 48 hrs. Rs. 225
    49 hrs. to 72 hrs. RS. 300
    73 hrs. and above Rs. 450

    Demurrage Hours wagons
    72 58
    47 54
    13 51
    3 60
    8 45
    94 47

    eg 72*58*300=RS. 1252800
    eg 47*54*225=571050
    hours*wagons*rate=net amt
    How to calculate in excel with formula plz suggest i tried many time but failure

  4. Hello, I'm trying to follow the above guidance but I don't believe any of the examples quite match my scenario. Any assistance anyone could please provide would be greatly appreciated. I have two columns of data which I need to apply specific conditions to achieve one of three outcomes "Low", "Medium" or "High". Think of a matrix but my issue is the values in my data are too varied to match specific matrix headings. I've copied the below to help demonstrate what I am trying to achieve, apologies if it appears untidy:

    J2 Data
    H2 Data <70 <50 <40 <30 <20 0-20

    So it's as if Excel likes the formula (due to no error messages) but it is producing the wrong false logic output ("false" instead of "high"), plus due to the values the cell should actually produce a true result of "medium".

    Can anyone please help?

    Thank you

    1. Hi!
      Unfortunately, your explanations are not enough to understand the problem. The formula is not fully written. Explain what result you want to get. Give an example of the source data and the expected result.

    2. As feared, the table did not post correctly and it appeared to be merged into my formula. hopefully you get the idea of the problem. Below if the formula I currently have:


        1. Thank you Alexander, that has worked perfectly :)

  5. Hi,
    I'm trying to create an "IF" formula with multiple conditions, so for example If( AB1=70%,AB1<100%),"(AB1-70%)*3.33,......). The 70%/100%/3.33 i have replace it with link to another tab (That way i can change there the values there instead of the formula, but if I want to add one extra layer how can i do it without modifying the formula?
    This is my current formula.
    =+IF(KC277='New Scales'!$A$17,KC277='New Scales'!$A$18,KC277='New Scales'!$A$19,KC277='New Scales'!$A$20,'New Scales'!$B$20,"check")))))

    1. For some reason the formula is not appearing correctly.
      =+IF(KC9='New Scales'!$A$17,KC9='New Scales'!$A$18,KC9='New Scales'!$A$19,KC9='New Scales'!$A$20,'New Scales'!$B$20,"check")))))


  6. hy,
    i need some help,
    i whant to set value to cell B1 to be max 250 and in a enter in B1 let say 300 the deference betwin them to by on C1


    1. Thx for help
      But i whant cell B to stay at max 250 and the diference to go to cell C
      Cell B is dinamic number not all the time will be 250. , it will be 250, 255, 300,,,,500 and i whant the diference to go to cell C
      when i change whit =IF(B1>250,B1-250,"") and put 300 cell B stay at 300 and cell C is ramaining 50


      1. Hi!
        If the formula is written in cell C1, then it cannot change the value in B1. This can be done with a VBA macro. I have written about this on this blog many times.

  7. Hi sir,
    I am applying formula for different columns. For example
    It is just assumed formula but columns are same... And data in columns are getting from different data sheets by using lookup. The issue which is face if the data is available in B column then i got results but it doesn't forward formula to C or D if value is not available in B.. so please help in this regard...

    1. Hi!
      There is no reference to column D in the formula. Maybe in the third nested IF, you should replace B2 with D2?

  8. Hi -- Just want to start with how much your site and tutorials have helped me on my Excel journey. They are so easy to understand and VERY helpful. Thank you for that !!!

    Following is my list:

    I would like to score this list but my formula is not scoring the text correctly. Following is my formula:

    =IF(OR(A3>=90,A3="Superior"),5,IF(OR(A3>84.9,A3="Above Average"),4,IF(OR(A3>79.9,A3="Satisfactory"),3,IF(OR(A3>59.9,A3="Below Average"),2,IF(OR(A3<60,A3="Unsatisfactory"),1,3)))))

    The field showing Satisfactory is coming back with a score of 5, but I would expect a 3. Any assistance you can provide is GREATLY appreciated.
    Thank you !!!!

    1. Hello!
      Excel can compare text and numbers. Therefore, add to the formula a test of cell A3 for a number. To do this, use the ISNUMBER function.

      =IF(OR(AND(ISNUMBER(A3),A3>=90),A3="Superior"),5, IF(OR(AND(ISNUMBER(A3),A3>84.9),A3="Above Average"),4, IF(OR(AND(ISNUMBER(A3),A3>79.9),A3="Satisfactory"),3, IF(OR(AND(ISNUMBER(A3),A3>59.9),A3="Below Average"),2, IF(OR(AND(ISNUMBER(A3),A3<60),A3="Unsatisfactory"),1,3)))))

      This should solve your task.

      1. That worked !!! Thank you so much !!!!!!

  9. Please help, I'm a newby and not very advanced, so I beg your patience.

    If cell c2 = D, I want to return the value in D2 in a positive state
    if cell C2 = C, I want to return the value in D2 in a negative state

    ie. Debit Credit

  10. I was able to successfully code 2 of the 3 things I need my formula to do, however, the 3rd part keeps coming up false when added to the formula. I am looking for some help if possible. Here is what I need the formula to do:

    If the A19 cell has an entry of HOLIDAY OR VACATION, I want $25.00 to show in the C19 cell, OR if the A19 cell has an entry of SICK I want the entry listed in C20 to show in the C19 cell.

    This is the first part that works with HOLIDAY & VACATION, but the second part for SICK does not.

    Successful: =IF(OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("HOLIDAY:",A19)),ISNUMBER(SEARCH("VACATION:",A19))),"$25.00")


  11. Hi can you Help here. My formula is not testing all condition. The #N/A values are not getting all tested.

    =IF((AND(ISNA(G18147),H18147<30)),"Text A",IF((AND(G1814729,ISNA(G18147))),"TEXT C",IF((AND(G18147>29,ISNA(H18147))),"Text D",IF((AND(G18147>29,H18147>29)),"Text E",IF((AND(G18147>29,H18147<30)),"Text F",IF((AND(G1814729)),"Text G",IF((AND(G18147<30,H18147<30)),"Text H"))))))))

    IN this, text B and Text D condition is returning a #n/A value and not testing for the conditions after it like e,f,g,h.

    Any help ?


    1. Hi!
      Your formula contains syntax errors in a nested IF statement. The formula might look like this -

      =IF(AND(ISNA(G18147),H18147<30),"Text A",IF(AND(G18147>29,ISNA(G18147)),"TEXT C",IF(AND(G18147>29,ISNA(H18147)),"Text D",IF(AND(G18147>29,H18147>29),"Text E",IF(AND(G18147>29,H18147<30),"Text F",IF(AND(G18147>29),"Text G",IF(AND(G18147<30,H18147<30),"Text H","")))))))

      For more information, please visit: Nested IF in Excel – formula with multiple conditions.

  12. Hi Sir,
    Can we consolidate different excel sheets data into one sheet by using formula??
    (Example: sheet1 has x user production report
    Sheet2 has y user production report
    Sheet 3 has z user production report. I need all x, y and z report in sheet 4 with the same headings.

      1. Hi sir,

        Merge and index will not be work on my task as it contains huge data.

        Each user having different reference #, and BU code and other details..

        Reference|BU Code| User Name|Initiated Date| Status| Closed Date|Doc #| Vendor ID|Description Details |PIC|Entity|Exception code all these fields has to be appear in sheet 4
        And we will not be having any common factor in sheet 4.
        Basically whatever the data pasted in sheet 1,2,3 should be reflect in sheet 4 without doing manually (copy paste)
        Could you please assist on this.

        1. I have got the answer! Thank you.

          Implemented VBA for consolidation.

          As below code:
          Public Sub CONSOLIDATE()

          Dim i As Integer

          For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count - 1

          Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
          Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select

          ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

          Next i

          End Sub

  13. Hello,

    Can anyone help me. How do i formulate this:
    if value is >=3250 but not greater than 3749.99, type 157.50?

  14. In cell G3 use a function to determine the position of the employee, which is determined by:
    If the pay type is W and the Annual salary is greater than 20000 then the position should be Upper Senior
    If the pay type is W and the Annual salary is 20000 or less then the position should be Upper Junior
    If the pay type is S and the Annual salary is greater than 20000 then the position should be Lower Senior.
    If the pay type is S and the Annual salary is 20000 or less then the position should be Lower Junior.

  15. Hi Sir, I'm looking for a formula in the following condition:

    if B2 is Samsung then take 5
    if B2 is Nokia then take 10
    if B2 is LG then take 15
    if B2 is Mi then take 20

    please help me

  16. i am trying with formal but actually it working only till above 5K only as below:

    IF(E2<=500, "Paid", IF(E2=5000,"Above 5k", IF(E2>=10000,"Above 10k", IF(E2>=20000,"Above 20k", IF(E2>=40000,"Above 40k", IF(E2>=60000,"Above 60k", IF(E2>=80000,"Above 80k" ))))))))

    0 Paid
    0 Paid
    8,833.36 Above 5k
    12,965.89 Above 5k
    2,644.26 Less 5k
    88,654.84 Above 5k
    15,801.28 Above 5k
    4,320.72 Less 5k

  17. How to implement below in Excel formula


    If Mexico than Latin
    If India,china,bhutan,japan then asia
    Else europe

    Other are not included here.

  18. Please can you help me to calculate the number of interlocking stones to be produced?

    6,680kg - Stone dust
    25kg - Cement

    to produce 50 pieces ( 1m2)

    I want it in such a way that whenever I input the quantities of cement and stone dust, it will give me the number to be produced.

  19. I'm not sure if this is possible. I've been struggling with it for a couple of hours:

    I need a conditional formula that is conditional on the value in a single cell. For example
    If F2="Apple" and E3>F3 then G3=1 or 0 if second condition isn't met but,
    If F2="Orange" and E3>1 then G3=1 or 0 if second condition isn't met but,
    If F2="Grape" and E3>F3 then G3=1 or 0 if second condition isn't met but,
    If F2="Banana" and E3>1.5 then G3=1 or 0 if second condition isn't met and etc.

    Typing it out sounds sort of irrational but I feel like there should be a way that I can manipulate the formulas. Any ideas?

    1. I figured out how do do what I mentioned above. For anyone reading this that may find it helpful, in the above example the formula that goes in cell G3 would be:

      =IF(OR(AND(F2="Apple", E3>F3), AND(F2="Orange", E3>1), AND(F2="Grape", E3>F3), AND(F2="Banana", E3>1.5)), 1, 0)

    2. Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, try the following formula:


      You can read more details here - IF AND OR formula.

      1. I did not see your response as I was typing my own. My apologies. This formula works perfectly! Thank you!

  20. I'm not sure if this is possible. I've been struggling with it for a couple of hours:

    I need a conditional formula that is conditional on the value in a single cell. For example
    if F2=Apple

  21. I am trying to work a formula with the following:

    T1= Week 1 and U1 = 4 calculate D3/4
    T1= Week 2 and U1 = 4 calculate D3/2
    T1= Week 3 and U1 = 4 calculate (D3/4)*3
    T1= Week 4 and U1 = 4 enter D3
    T2= Week 1 and U1 = 5 calculate D3/5
    T2= Week 2 and U1 = 5 calculate (D3/5)*2
    T2= Week 3 and U1 = 5 calculate (D3/5)*3
    T2= Week 4 and U1 = 5 calculate (D3/5)*4
    T2= Week 5 and U1 = 5 enter D3

    Tried the following formula but it doesn't seem to work

    =IF(OR(AND($T$1="Week 1",$U$1="4",D3/4),AND($T$1="week 2",$U$1="4",D3/2),AND($T$1="Week 3",$U$1="4",(D3/4)*3),AND($T$1="Week 1",U1="5",D3/5),AND($T$1="Week 2",$U$1="5",(D3/5)*2),AND($T$1="Week 3",$U$1="5",(D3/5)*3),AND($T$1="Week 4",$U$1="5",(D3/5)*4)),D3)

    Can you help?

    1. Hello!
      For the first four conditions, use a nested IF function. It is impossible to combine all conditions in one formula, as they contradict each other. For example, the first and fifth conditions can return TRUE at the same time.

      =IF(AND(T1="Week 1",U1=4),D3/4, IF(AND(T1="Week 2",U1=4),D3/2, IF(AND(T1="Week 3",U1=4),D3/4*3, IF(AND(T1="Week 4",U1=4),D3,""))))

      I hope it’ll be helpful.

      1. Thank you - this is helpful!

  22. Hope someone can help me figure this out.
    I have a column "date rented" formatted mm/dd/yyyy.
    What I need to do is the following numeric values returned based on tenant's length of stay:
    If 5 years and 10 years and 5 years and 30 years then 5

    1. Hope someone can help me figure this out. I have a column "Birth Date".
      What I need is return the following numeric values based on the Date column
      - If Birth Date 2 years and 5 years and 10 years then 4

  23. Can you please help me to get a suitable formulas for :

    Cell Number : B5

    (B5) Not Exceeding 53846 - (C7*10%)
    (B5) Exceeding 53846 but not exceeding 75000 - (C7*12.5%)
    (B5) Exceeding 75000 - (C7*15%)

    Please ignore my previous message. it was a mistake.



  24. Can you please provide me with assistance for a multiple "IF" formula, using the following conditions;

    If the value in cell B27 is between 15 and 17, then the answer = 350
    If the value in cell B27 is between 18 and 19, then the answer = 800
    If the value in cell B27 is between 20 and 24, then the answer = 1350
    If the value in cell B27 is greater than 24, then the answer = 2350
    If the value in cell B27 is less than 15, then the answer = 0

    So far I have come up with the following formula for the first condition:


    This works, but when I try to add the other conditions I get an error. Can you please show me what I need to do to add the other criteria to this formula correctly.

      1. Hi Alexander,

        Thanks for your reply, it is very much appreciated.

        However, your formula didn't quite work properly. I have made the following adjustment to your formula and this now works fine.


        Thanks again for your assistance.

        Kind regards,

    1. Oops, I meant =IF(AND(B27>14,B27<18),350,0)

  25. Thank you in advance for your help. I am having a problem coming up with a formula to:

    If cell 2 is blank do nothing, if cell 1 is greater than cell 2 do nothing, if cell 1 is less than cell 2 subtract cell 2 from cell 1.

    Any help you can offer would be appreciated.

    1. Hi!
      I hope you have studied the recommendations in the tutorial above. It contains answers to your question.
      I’m not sure I got you right since the description you provided is not entirely clear. However, it seems to me that the formula below will work for you:

      =IF(A1 < A2,A1-A2,"")

      1. Thank you for responding but your formula got cut off. All I got was =IF(A1.

          1. Thank you but my problem is still that if cell A2 is empty I want it to do nothing. As it is now if cell A2 is empty it is counting it as zero and deducting zero from cell A1 and showing the amount. I guess I forgot to point out this formula is being used in cell A3. That probably makes a difference. Sorry about that.

              1. Sorry to keep bothering you but I am still getting a calculation if the cell is empty. To be more specific in G13 I am looking for a formula that will do nothing if E13 is empty or if D13 is more than E13. If E13 is less than D13 I want G13 to show D13-E13. The formula I am using is:


                Everything works except that when E13 is empty G13 is showing D13-E13 which it is counting as zero. In the scenario I want G13 to do nothing at all.

                Again sorry to keep bothering you but I have been working on this for hours. Lol

              2. Hi!
                The formula you wrote down doesn't match the formula I gave you. Look carefully.
                The conditions you wrote contradict each other.
                "if D13 is more than E13" - "do nothing"
                "If E13 is less than D13"- "show D13-E13"
                But "if D13 is more than E13" and "If E13 is less than D13" - this is the same.

  26. Dear Sir,

    We need you help regarding the below function. The below function working stock monitoring.
    But SHORTAGE not coming automatically and other all function working.
    I need you intervention in issue.

    =IF(O59>=F59,"RACK FULL",IF(O59>=H59,"Max Level",IF(O59>=G59,"Min Level",IF(O59<=G59,"PLAN PROD",IF(T59<1,"SHORTAGE")))))

  27. Dear Alexander Trifuntov,

    I really appreciate your knowledge and I hope you can help me.
    I have the following case:

    A) 200,000
    B) 100,000
    C) 50,000
    SUM: 350,000

    If the sum is equal to or greater than 350000, then write me 350000*0.2%, if the sum is less than 350000, and A is greater than or equal to 200000, then write me 20000*0.2%, and if A is less than 200000, and the sum is less than 350000, then write me 0.

  28. is it possible to put this in 1 "IF" condition:

    ABHLSV = 849233122
    BCCSS1 = 827221821
    HAMLTN = 861957608
    NIAGAR = 933106071
    RMHLTH = 865288670
    COHPA = 871044031
    MCGILL = 636844772
    AHSOUT = 639741451
    HORZON = 630095514

  29. Hello, need a quick help with the if condition along with concatenate function.
    I have this data as mentioned below in column A. Now, wherever "AA" appears in column A, I want to concatenate the column A with F1 and wherever "XA" appears in column A, I want to concatenate the column A with F2. How could i do this?
    I am pasting the data from column A and also the output required in column B for your reference:
    Coumn A Column B
    AA,FS AA,FS,F1

  30. =IF(O4 > =F4,"RACK FULL",IF(O4 > =H4,"Max Level",IF(O4 > =G4,"Min Level",IF(O4 > =G4,"PLAN PROD",IF(T4 < 1,"SHORTAGE")))))

  31. Hello,

    I`m looking for correct IF formula, would you please help me?

    Column B = M and F letters
    Column C = Numbers (60-90)
    Populate column G to return "Male Achiever" if Gender = M and the score in column C is > 95, "Female Achiever" if Gender = F and the score in column C is > 95, otherwise "None"

  32. I am looking to do an IF: when
    If this person is found
    I need to multiple the number hours worked by a set dollar
    I have multiple people i need to run this for.
    Can you help?
    Thank you

  33. I have a column with age in months and based on the age there are four things that can happen. I need another column that returns one of the four results "" below. I need help with a formula for how to do this. Here are the four criteria I need to incorporate:

    If 5 months and less then "waitlist"
    If 6 months to 30 months then "infant"
    If 31 months to 54 months then "toddler"
    If 55 months or more than "aged out".

    Can you help?

      1. Something in this formula is off. It gives the value of "aged out" for everything. I have a column with age in months - that the formula is pointing to. I cannot figure it out for the life of me.

        Thank you for any insight.

        1. I figured it out! I didn't need the part of the formula (DATEDIF) because I already had a column with that info. This was so helpful! Thank you

  34. Hi

    I have a data set with 3 columns and 100+ rows;
    Column A = Person, B = Value, C = Percentage

    I need to find a way to return the top 3 persons (Column A), this is based on the highest Value (B) and the highest percentage (C).

    What is the best way to do this??


  35. I am discombobulated. I hope u guys can help.
    I need to count the incentive but it has some certain condition.
    1. You need to see the on/off boarding date.
    2. You need to see the load/unloading date (of the cargo)
    3a. If a new hire joins before the load date, then they would get a 100% and the one who leaves, gets nothing.
    3b. If a new hire joins at the same day, then they would get 40%. The one who leaves, gets 60%.
    3c. If a new hire joins after the load date, but before the unload date, they would get 25%. The one who leaves, gets 75%
    3d. If a new hire joins right on or after the unload date, they get 0%. The one who leaves, gets a 100%.


  36. Hi! I hope you can help me with this.

    I have the following data:

    Employee A:
    Starting salary - 500
    Had a promotion on 3/1/2022, salary will be 600

    Employee B:
    Starting salary - 400
    Increased salary on 2/1/2022 at 420
    Promoted on 8/1/2022, salary will be 500

    Employee C:
    No increase in salary at 450

    I need formulas for the months Jan-Dec showing salaries of employees for each month. There are only 2 instances where employees get salary increase which can happen in a year: salary increase and promotion.

    Table should show these (with months in columns):

    Employee A: (Jan) 500, (Fed) 500, (Mar) 600, (Apr-Dec) 600
    Employee B: (Jan) 400, (Feb-Jul) 420, (Aug-Dec) 500
    Employee C: (Jan-Dec) 450

    Thanks in advance

  37. I tried to do it in a lot of ways but failed. If I have suppose 10 number in a cell and a -5,-3,-2 as a credit then I have to match it manually. Is there any way that the cells which are becoming zero automatically get highlighted or actual one? And this zero's are getting's on the reference Id basis. Any number should not get zero by matching other reference Id value .So,is there any better ways to do it?

    I have tried the solver also but its has a range of 200 line items only and I have the data of 50000 thousand line item.

  38. Hello sir
    I want two condition match with formula
    Plz help me
    A B C
    22SLK02907 4A/NAVY NA 15%
    22SLK02907 4A NAVY 15%

    I want A:B match same condition another sheet Match and find CD value

  39. Hello Sir,

    My Data is like this


    I want to sort or filter that data to this

    Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
    M1 A2 B5
    M2 A15 B55
    M54 A25

    Please suggest Excel Formula for this.

    Thanks in Advance.

  40. Data Base-
    A B C X Y output-1 output-2
    12 24 10 3 1 11 36
    24 12 8 2 3 19 27
    12 24 8 2 2 5 35
    24 12 8 2 0 1 -5
    30 9 12 4 2 22 19

    and so on......

    Result (conditions which to be matched from data base)
    A B C X Y output-1 output-2
    30 9 12 4 2 ? ?
    24 12 8 2 3 ? ?

    any suggestion, how do i get output-1 & output-2 from data base by verifying different conditions given in Result range

    i have tried DGET() this works fine for 1st row of Result but not for rest of rows in Result range.


      1. Hello, need a quick help with the if condition along with concatenate function.
        I have this data as mentioned below in column A. Now, wherever "AA" appears in column A, I want to concatenate the column A with F1 and wherever "XA" appears in column A, I want to concatenate the column A with F2. How could i do this?


        1. Could someone plz help with the above question?

  41. I need one small help here

    Rather than showing as a data I need results as Match-1,Match-2,Match-3,Match-4,Match-5

    For below formula:


  42. I have a column of cells that say either "Buy", "Sell", "Hold".
    I'm looking for a formula that at the end of the column automatically populates which ever word populates the most in the column. Any help with a formula is appreciated!

    1. Hello!
      To find the most frequently occurring value in a range, use this array formula with the COUNTIF function.

      =INDEX(A1:A40, MATCH(MAX(COUNTIF(A1:A40,A1:A40)), COUNTIF(A1:A40,A1:A40),0))

      This is an array formula and it needs to be entered via Ctrl + Shift + Enter, not just Enter.

  43. Dear Alexander Trifuntov, I hope you can help me
    I have the following data

    year condition
    A1 1991 B1 =IF((A1={1991,1994,1998}),1,0)
    A2 1992 B2 =IF((A2={1991,1994,1998}),1,0)
    A3 1993 .
    A4 1994 .
    A5 1995 .
    . . .
    A9 1999 B9 =IF((A9={1991,1994,1998}),1,0)
    A10 2000 B10 =IF((A10={1991,1994,1998}),1,0)

    I need that if the evaluated cell is equal to a group of values {1991,1994,1998}, I get 1, otherwise 0, I have tried with the AND/OR function and I have not been able to obtain the result I am looking for. Could you give me a hint on how to search with more than one criteria using the IF function?
    Thank you very much for your help.

      1. Thank you very much for your kind help! It works perfectly

  44. Hello i m hoping someone will help me with this formula

    I have 5 set of criteria data based this I m doing iferror vlookup in one shot same column then I found the results but I want to know results matched with which criteria out of 5 whether criteria 1 or 2 or 5 for this how to check in same formula.

    My formula is :


    1. Hi!
      An Excel formula cannot return 2 values at once - the search result and the criterion number. You can combine these values if that suits you.

      =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(AA3,Visa!AA:AA,1,0)&"1", IFERROR(VLOOKUP(AB3,Visa!AB:AB,1,0)&"2",

  45. Hello,

    I do have an Excel Sheet with multiple tabs (For Hiring Process)

    I want to link the first tab (Manpower Requisitions) with the second tab (Applicant Tracker).

    whenever I mark in the first tab - against in any requisition that it is “closed”, it will reflect in the second tab against the candidate name that (joined).

    Which formula will be good for use?

  46. Hi, I am looking for a solution.

    I want to get a result as "Graduated" if "Persons name or employee" and a "particular code" (code is a typology) and if the result says pass (we have the result as pass or fail in the data already) and if there is consecutive 5 "pass" or more "pass".
    If not the result must say "Pending" if there is only 4 "Pass" or less "Pass"


    Name Code Result Final outcome
    XYZ SO04 Pass
    Pass "GRADUATED" If it has 5 consecutive result as "pass" or
    more than 5 consecutive result as "Pass" then
    the outcome must be "GRADUATED" .

    Name Code Result Final outcome
    XYZ SO04 Pass
    Pass "PENDING" If it does not have 5
    consecutive Pass" the final
    outcome must be "Pending"


    1. Column A is Name which is XYZ Column B is Code which is SO04 Column 3 is Result which is Pass or Fail. Need outcome in Column D which is FINAL OUTCOME header. If Column 3 has 5 consecutive PASS the FINAL OUTCOME must be "Graduated" If not FINAL OUTCOME must be "Pending"

      Data dump has Difference names (In column A) and different code (Typology) in Column B

      For each employee (Name) based on audit for the Code. Result is already given as Pass or fail in the data dump

  47. sShare
    The above information is column N, I want to report in column O the above remarks inform of codes i.e., S shares to be 1, sInterest to be 2, sLoan to be 3 and so on which formular is the best?

  48. Hello!
    I want to select a cell from two where if there is 0 in one cell then select another cell where there are values. like if in cell O22 is equal to zero then take zero overall but if not then take O23 there is an average of some cells.

  49. I am trying to write a formula. I have 3 cells that have either YES or NO, I need a formula to look at the 3 cells and return a value of 1 if only 1 out of 3 is a YES or 1.5 if 2 out of 3 are YES or 2 if all 3 are YES.

    =Would equal 2
    = Would equal 1.5
    = Would equal 1

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  50. HI ,

    Need help to validate/lookup for a text(Predeifned text) in 2 Columns and return value if both columns satisfy the conditions

    State Reason Result
    Active Accepted Imp
    Proposed Accepted
    Active Accepted
    Active Accepted

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