For powerful data analysis, you may often need to build an Excel IF statement with multiple conditions or use IF together with other functions. This tutorial will show you the most effective ways to do this. Continue reading
by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on
For powerful data analysis, you may often need to build an Excel IF statement with multiple conditions or use IF together with other functions. This tutorial will show you the most effective ways to do this. Continue reading
Comments page 14. Total comments: 4575
I am looking to do an IF: when
If this person is found
I need to multiple the number hours worked by a set dollar
I have multiple people i need to run this for.
Can you help?
Thank you
If I understand correctly, you want to find the person and extract the value that matches it. Here is the article that may be helpful to you: Excel VLOOKUP function tutorial with formula examples.
I have a column with age in months and based on the age there are four things that can happen. I need another column that returns one of the four results "" below. I need help with a formula for how to do this. Here are the four criteria I need to incorporate:
If 5 months and less then "waitlist"
If 6 months to 30 months then "infant"
If 31 months to 54 months then "toddler"
If 55 months or more than "aged out".
Can you help?
You can learn how to determine age in months in this article: Get age from birth date in years, months, and days.
=IF(DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"M") > 55,"aged out",IF(DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"M") > 31,"toddler",IF(DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"M") > 6,"infant","waithist")))
I hope it’ll be helpful.
Something in this formula is off. It gives the value of "aged out" for everything. I have a column with age in months - that the formula is pointing to. I cannot figure it out for the life of me.
Thank you for any insight.
I figured it out! I didn't need the part of the formula (DATEDIF) because I already had a column with that info. This was so helpful! Thank you
I have a data set with 3 columns and 100+ rows;
Column A = Person, B = Value, C = Percentage
I need to find a way to return the top 3 persons (Column A), this is based on the highest Value (B) and the highest percentage (C).
What is the best way to do this??
I don't really understand how you want to find the top 3 values in two columns at once. But I think this guide will be helpful: Filter top n values based on criteria.
I hope this will help, otherwise don't hesitate to ask.
I am discombobulated. I hope u guys can help.
I need to count the incentive but it has some certain condition.
1. You need to see the on/off boarding date.
2. You need to see the load/unloading date (of the cargo)
3a. If a new hire joins before the load date, then they would get a 100% and the one who leaves, gets nothing.
3b. If a new hire joins at the same day, then they would get 40%. The one who leaves, gets 60%.
3c. If a new hire joins after the load date, but before the unload date, they would get 25%. The one who leaves, gets 75%
3d. If a new hire joins right on or after the unload date, they get 0%. The one who leaves, gets a 100%.
You can find the examples and detailed instructions here: Using IF function with dates. For each condition, use a nested IF function.
This should solve your task.
Hi! I hope you can help me with this.
I have the following data:
Employee A:
Starting salary - 500
Had a promotion on 3/1/2022, salary will be 600
Employee B:
Starting salary - 400
Increased salary on 2/1/2022 at 420
Promoted on 8/1/2022, salary will be 500
Employee C:
No increase in salary at 450
I need formulas for the months Jan-Dec showing salaries of employees for each month. There are only 2 instances where employees get salary increase which can happen in a year: salary increase and promotion.
Table should show these (with months in columns):
Employee A: (Jan) 500, (Fed) 500, (Mar) 600, (Apr-Dec) 600
Employee B: (Jan) 400, (Feb-Jul) 420, (Aug-Dec) 500
Employee C: (Jan-Dec) 450
Thanks in advance
I do not really understand why there are formulas in this table. It is also not clear where the formula will take information about the change in salary. If such information exists, this guide may be helpful: Excel INDEX MATCH with multiple criteria.
I tried to do it in a lot of ways but failed. If I have suppose 10 number in a cell and a -5,-3,-2 as a credit then I have to match it manually. Is there any way that the cells which are becoming zero automatically get highlighted or actual one? And this zero's are getting's on the reference Id basis. Any number should not get zero by matching other reference Id value .So,is there any better ways to do it?
I have tried the solver also but its has a range of 200 line items only and I have the data of 50000 thousand line item.
Sorry, it's not quite clear what you are trying to achieve.
Hello sir
I want two condition match with formula
Plz help me
22SLK02907 4A/NAVY NA 15%
22SLK02907 4A NAVY 15%
I want A:B match same condition another sheet Match and find CD value
Sorry, I do not fully understand the task. Please have a look at this article: IF AND formula in Excel. If this is not what you wanted, please describe the problem in more detail.
Hello Sir,
My Data is like this
I want to sort or filter that data to this
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
M1 A2 B5
M2 A15 B55
M54 A25
Please suggest Excel Formula for this.
Thanks in Advance.
Your problem cannot be solved by formula. You need to use a VBA macro. We have a tool that can solve your task in a couple of clicks - Create Cards tool. It is available as a part of our Ultimate Suite for Excel that you can install in a trial mode and check how it works for free.
Data Base-
A B C X Y output-1 output-2
12 24 10 3 1 11 36
24 12 8 2 3 19 27
12 24 8 2 2 5 35
24 12 8 2 0 1 -5
30 9 12 4 2 22 19
and so on......
Result (conditions which to be matched from data base)
A B C X Y output-1 output-2
30 9 12 4 2 ? ?
24 12 8 2 3 ? ?
any suggestion, how do i get output-1 & output-2 from data base by verifying different conditions given in Result range
i have tried DGET() this works fine for 1st row of Result but not for rest of rows in Result range.
Concatenate your data in rows as described in this guide. Then match the data and the condition using the INDEX+MATCH functions.
Hope this is what you need.
Hello, need a quick help with the if condition along with concatenate function.
I have this data as mentioned below in column A. Now, wherever "AA" appears in column A, I want to concatenate the column A with F1 and wherever "XA" appears in column A, I want to concatenate the column A with F2. How could i do this?
Search for a string in the text using the SEARCH function. Combine two conditions with a nested IF function.
Hope this is what you need.
Could someone plz help with the above question?
I need one small help here
Rather than showing as a data I need results as Match-1,Match-2,Match-3,Match-4,Match-5
For below formula:
I’m not sure I got you right since the description you provided is not entirely clear. Write each VLOOKUP formula separately and concatenate using the & operator.
For example,
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(AA3, Visa!AA:A, 1,0),"-1,")&"IFERROR(VLOOKUP(AB3, Visa!AB:AB,1,0),"-2")
I have a column of cells that say either "Buy", "Sell", "Hold".
I'm looking for a formula that at the end of the column automatically populates which ever word populates the most in the column. Any help with a formula is appreciated!
To find the most frequently occurring value in a range, use this array formula with the COUNTIF function.
=INDEX(A1:A40, MATCH(MAX(COUNTIF(A1:A40,A1:A40)), COUNTIF(A1:A40,A1:A40),0))
This is an array formula and it needs to be entered via Ctrl + Shift + Enter, not just Enter.
Dear Alexander Trifuntov, I hope you can help me
I have the following data
year condition
A1 1991 B1 =IF((A1={1991,1994,1998}),1,0)
A2 1992 B2 =IF((A2={1991,1994,1998}),1,0)
A3 1993 .
A4 1994 .
A5 1995 .
. . .
A9 1999 B9 =IF((A9={1991,1994,1998}),1,0)
A10 2000 B10 =IF((A10={1991,1994,1998}),1,0)
I need that if the evaluated cell is equal to a group of values {1991,1994,1998}, I get 1, otherwise 0, I have tried with the AND/OR function and I have not been able to obtain the result I am looking for. Could you give me a hint on how to search with more than one criteria using the IF function?
Thank you very much for your help.
Try to use the recommendations described in this article: Excel SUMPRODUCT function with multiple criteria.
I hope it’ll be helpful.
Thank you very much for your kind help! It works perfectly
Hello i m hoping someone will help me with this formula
I have 5 set of criteria data based this I m doing iferror vlookup in one shot same column then I found the results but I want to know results matched with which criteria out of 5 whether criteria 1 or 2 or 5 for this how to check in same formula.
My formula is :
An Excel formula cannot return 2 values at once - the search result and the criterion number. You can combine these values if that suits you.
I do have an Excel Sheet with multiple tabs (For Hiring Process)
I want to link the first tab (Manpower Requisitions) with the second tab (Applicant Tracker).
whenever I mark in the first tab - against in any requisition that it is “closed”, it will reflect in the second tab against the candidate name that (joined).
Which formula will be good for use?
I recommend reading this guide: VLOOKUP across multiple sheets in Excel with examples.
I hope it’ll be helpful. If this is not what you wanted, please describe the problem in more detail.
Hi, I am looking for a solution.
I want to get a result as "Graduated" if "Persons name or employee" and a "particular code" (code is a typology) and if the result says pass (we have the result as pass or fail in the data already) and if there is consecutive 5 "pass" or more "pass".
If not the result must say "Pending" if there is only 4 "Pass" or less "Pass"
Name Code Result Final outcome
XYZ SO04 Pass
Pass "GRADUATED" If it has 5 consecutive result as "pass" or
more than 5 consecutive result as "Pass" then
the outcome must be "GRADUATED" .
Name Code Result Final outcome
XYZ SO04 Pass
Pass "PENDING" If it does not have 5
consecutive Pass" the final
outcome must be "Pending"
Use the COUNTIF function to calculate the Result Final.
You cannot use the COUNTIFS function because the Name is only written once.
Column A is Name which is XYZ Column B is Code which is SO04 Column 3 is Result which is Pass or Fail. Need outcome in Column D which is FINAL OUTCOME header. If Column 3 has 5 consecutive PASS the FINAL OUTCOME must be "Graduated" If not FINAL OUTCOME must be "Pending"
Data dump has Difference names (In column A) and different code (Typology) in Column B
For each employee (Name) based on audit for the Code. Result is already given as Pass or fail in the data dump
The above information is column N, I want to report in column O the above remarks inform of codes i.e., S shares to be 1, sInterest to be 2, sLoan to be 3 and so on which formular is the best?
Look for the example formulas here: Excel Nested IF statement: examples, best practices and alternatives.
Also for many conditions you can use the IFS function:
This should solve your task.
Hi I need help with my excel data sheet
IF A1, B1, C1 10 then A4 will show “Not OK”
Suppose if any of the cells is more than 10 even though the others two cells is less than 10 A4 will show “Not Ok”
Please help…
If an array is a logical test, it results in TRUE and FALSE values. You can convert them to 1 and 0 by using the double unary operator (--). Please see SUMPRODUCT function example for more details.
=IF(SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:C1>10)) > 0,“Not Ok”,"")
I hope it’ll be helpful.
I want to select a cell from two where if there is 0 in one cell then select another cell where there are values. like if in cell O22 is equal to zero then take zero overall but if not then take O23 there is an average of some cells.
I am trying to write a formula. I have 3 cells that have either YES or NO, I need a formula to look at the 3 cells and return a value of 1 if only 1 out of 3 is a YES or 1.5 if 2 out of 3 are YES or 2 if all 3 are YES.
=Would equal 2
= Would equal 1.5
= Would equal 1
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Use the CHOOSE function to select one of several options.
I hope this will help.
Worked perfectly, thank you!!!!!!!
HI ,
Need help to validate/lookup for a text(Predeifned text) in 2 Columns and return value if both columns satisfy the conditions
State Reason Result
Active Accepted Imp
Proposed Accepted
Active Accepted
Active Accepted
Please ignore above msg before entering it is submitted
HI ,
Need help to validate/lookup for a text(Predeifned text) in 2 Columns and return value if both columns satisfy the conditions.
could you please share the formula? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Column1 Column2 Column3(Result)
Active Accepted Implemented
Proposed Complete Analyze
Closed Rejected Invalid
If column1 ="Active" and Column2="Accepted", then set Column 3 as "Implemented"
If column1 ="Closed" and Column2="Rejected", then set Column 3 as "Invalid"
The answer to your question can be found in this article: Nested IF AND in Excel. This should solve your task.
Thanks for the information. Now I am able to fix it.
I have been struggling with this formula for days. Thanks so much!
I want to do a vlookup on another sheet first, if the data is not listed on the other sheet I want the data to be taken from another cell, however, if the cell selected is blank, then return with a text. This is what I have so far and it is not working.
IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A1,'Cargoo New Shipments'!$B:$AD,29,FALSE)),E1,IF(E1="","Lookup ETA","Lookup ETA"))
Lookup value from the other sheet first - VLOOKUP(A1,'Cargoo New Shipments'!$B:$AD,29,FALSE))
If the data is not listed, then take the data from cell E1
If cell E1 is "" (blank) then return with a text, "Lookup ETA"
I hope this makes sense, thanks so much!!
I recommend using the IFERROR function to handle the lookup error.
I can't check the formula that contains unique references to your workbook worksheets.
Here is an example formula. Change external links as you need
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A1,$B:$AD,29,FALSE),IF(E1="","Lookup ETA",E1))
Hello there.
been days trying to figure this out and so far no sucessful, hope somebody can help.
This is a Crypto trading journal Excel sheet.
Sometimes you open a trade and you exit it in multiple transactions at different sell prices,
Bellow are my columns, hopefully this is understandable
| Take Profit # 1 | Take Profit # 2 | Take Profit # 3 |
Profit/Loss |Type |Position Size |Price | Exit Size | Exit Price | Exit Size |Exit Price |Exit Size |Exit Price
$5,800.00 |Short| 15,000 |0.950 |10,000.00 | $0.8450 |5,000.00 |$1.0240 |
entered a position of 15K shares, now first sold 10K shares on one transaction TP#1 and then sold the remaining 5K shares on the next transaction TP#2 and nothing on TK#3
so far i have this formal and it works fine for Take Profit #1 , my problem is to calculate TP#2 and add it to TP#1 in Column C and if there is a TP#3 to also add it to column C
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Unfortunately I don't quite understand what you want to do. Please describe your problem in more detail. Give some examples of the results you want to get.
I have 5 conditions that result in the correct corresponding value - it's purpose is to evaluate a set of criteria to come up with the standard Budget $ amount - but none of the equations involve math functions.
If A2=P2 and B2=Q1 then R50; OR if A2=P2 and B2=P2 then R51, ...this goes on for 5 conditions (meaning B2=Q1 through Q5 each resulting in a value in R50 through R55.
The values in A2 are words. They are not calculating numbers but just the reasoning of the association of values selected from a drop down box
I hope that makes sense!
Thanks for your help - I looked through the instructions but didn't see something exactly like this and I can't seem to get the OR OR OR OR OR right!
For multiple conditions, you can use a nested IF function. The following tutorial should help: IF AND formula in Excel.
I also recommend that you pay attention to the new IFS function instead of multiple IF, which can make your formula easier.
I hope it’ll be helpful. If something is still unclear, please feel free to ask.
Can you help me write a formula? Essentially, I want the formula to look at a data set 1 to extract the last transaction (date essentially). If data set 1, does not have the required data (maybe the last transaction happened between a different date range), I then want the formula to look at the second data set for the nearest transaction date.
To find the maximum value in a date range, use the recommendations and examples in this article: Excel INDEX MATCH with multiple criteria.
If the desired value is not found, use the IFNA function to search in a different range. Here's an example of a formula:
=IFNA(INDEX(A1:A10,MATCH(1,(MAX(A1:A10)=A1:A10)*(A1:A10 > E1)*(A1:A10 < F1),0)),INDEX(C1:C10,MATCH(1,(MAX(C1:C10)=C1:C10)*(C1:C10 > E1)*(C1:C10 < F1),0)))
I hope I answered your question. If something is still unclear, please feel free to ask.
Can you assist in creating formula to the following conditions
I have two columns A has numbers from 0 to 100 and Column B has one of the following text ( Low- LoAvg- Avg- HiAvg- High)
- Condition 1: IF column A is more than 61 And Column B is either Avg or HiAvg or High then result is 5
IF Column A is more than 41 And Column B is high then result is 5
- Condition 2: IF Column A is more than 41 And Column B is Either Avg or HiAvg then result is 4
- Condition 3:IF Column A is between 31 to 40 and Column B is either Avg or HiAvg or High then result is 3
- Condition 4:IF Column A is between 21 to 30 And Column B is either Avg or HiAvg or High then result is 2
IF Column A is between 10 to 20 and Column B is High then Result is 2
- Condition 5:If Column A is less than 21 and Column B is either Low orLoAvg or HiAvg then result is 1
IF Column A is between 21 to 30 and Column B is low then result is 1
If I understand your task correctly, try the following formula:
=(A1 > 61)*((B1="High")+(B1="HiAvg")+(B1="Avg"))*5+(A1 > 41)*(A1 < 61)*(B1="High")*4+(A1 > 31)*(A1 < 41)*((B1="High")+(B1="HiAvg")+(B1="Avg"))*3+(A1 > 21)*(A1 < 31)*((B1="High")+(B1="HiAvg")+(B1="Avg"))*2+(A1 > 10)*(A1 < 21)*((B1="Low")+(B1="LoAvg")+(B1="HiAvg"))*1
You can also use nested IF function. Use the recommendations in the article above, as well as this instruction: Excel nested IF statement - multiple conditions in a single formula
I want to see if the below formula is correct
IF(J42="Station with 3 Teams (All 3 Team)",IF(OR(Y42>=100%,AE42>=100%,AK42>=100%),Inputs!$L$24,IF(J42="Station with 3 Teams (All 3 Team)",IF(AND(Y42>=100%,AE42>=100%,AK42>=100%),Inputs!$L$25,Inputs!$L$27))))
I don't know what data you are using and what result you want to get. I can't check the formula that contains unique references to your workbook worksheets, sorry.
I'm looking to add criteria to the following COUNTIF formula. I use this formula [=(COUNTIF($A$2:[@ColumnA],[@ColumnA)=1)+0] to identify unique values. It returns a 1 the first time a unique value appears in the cell referenced and 0 every time that value is repeated. It is meant to assign a 1 or 0 to each row in a table. Where it says "ColumnA" the name of the column referenced appears. As you can see all references are to the same column and cell.
I need to add criteria to this equation. Ideally the equation would recognize the cell in another column and consider it if it says "Yes", not consider it if it says "No." The final result would be an output of 1 if one cell says "yes" and another has a unique value. If the cell says "No" OR if the value is not unique, the equation would return a 0.
Any idea on how to do this?
Thank you!
If I understand correctly, add the condition you need using the IF AND function. For example -
=IF(AND((COUNTIF($A$2:[@ColumnA],[@ColumnA])=1)=1, B1="Yes"),1,0)
thank you so much!
I am trying to do automated marking coming out of a MS Forms. I am trying to do a quiz answer that has multiple answers say "Red", "Blue", "Green"
when recorded in a spreadsheet these answers can come out in any order is there an IF function that will ignore the order of the answers? at the moment I am writing a +IF for every combination ?
Thank you
I try to work below if function but it doesn't work, kindly help me
=IF(OR((I50637=1),IF(AND(J50637<=249.99,K50637250,K50637<=5),"ON TIME"),IF(OR(I50637=3),IF(AND(J50637<=249.99,K50637250,K50637<=72),"ON TIME"),IF(OR(I50637=5),IF(AND(J50637<249.99,K50637<=12),"ON TIME",IF(AND(J50637<250,K50637<=24),"ON TIME","LATE"))))))))
Priority 1 - less than 250 KM need to deliver within 2 days "ON TIME", more than 250 KM within 5 days "ON TIME" else "LATE"
Priority 3 - less than 250 KM need to deliver 24 Hours "ON TIME", more than 250 KM need to deliver within 72 hours "ON TIME" else "LATE"
Priority 5 - less than 250 need to deliver 12 Hours "ON TIME", more than 250 KM need to deliver 24 Hours "ON TIME" else "LATE".
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
=IF(OR(AND(I1=1,J1 < 250,K1 < = 5*24), AND(I1=3,J1 < 250,K1 < =24),AND(I1=3,J1 > 250,K1 < =72),AND(I1=5,J1 < 250,K1 < =12),AND(I1=5,J1 > 250,K1 < =24)),"ON TIME","LATE")
Combine conditions with the IF AND fotmula. Also, read all the necessary recommendations in the article above.
Thank You Alexander ?, It's working fine.
Good evening,
I need your help. Is there a formula for this statement in excel?
The value of a cell is 15 less than the value cell of any other cells. If true, change to color of that cell.
A1=10 B1=15 C1=20 D1=26
The formula should return with cell A1 to highlight a different color, since A1 is the only one that is 15 less than any other cells (D1).
Thanks in advanced
Apply a conditional formatting formula to the range A1:D1.
Use the MAX function to determine the maximum value in the range. Compare each cell to this maximum value.
Hope this is what you need.
Thank you so much.
Hoping someone may be able to assist - I am working towards calculating an amount to be paid up to a cap.
This is what I have so far (and could possibly be using the incorrect type of formula), but this formula needs to show up to 23568 and no higher.... even if the calculation works out more. I am just unsure how to get this into the formula - each way I have tried to date has failed.
IIF([Base_ANN]<={&SALARY_SUPER_CAP}, ([Base_ANN]*[Super_Contribution]/100), {&SALARY_SUPER_CAP}*[Super_Contribution]/100)
Any help would be appreciated.
It is very difficult to understand a formula that contains unique references to your workbook worksheets. Hence, I cannot check its work, sorry.
Give an example of the source data and the expected result. It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you.
Hi I am trying to create an inventory sheet. I have three different lumber companies I'd like to track. I also have 22 different lumber types each from these different companies. Each company has their own price based on the lumber type. The formula I would like to create is one where I can enter the company name and the lumber type and it automatically picks up the price. I have already been able to do a simplistic version of this by setting only two logical tests and the true value but is it possible to create a formula that would encompass all these variations? Thank you in advance.
To search for a value by multiple criteria, you can use the INDEX+MATCH functions. I hope it’ll be helpful.
If a1=$200.35 and b2=agree give me “paid in full”
I recommend reading this guide: IF AND in Excel. It covers your case completely.
I'm trying to figure out how to create a formula that will review whether 3 of 4 conditions are present, and return a value of "Yes" or "No."
Ex*. The presence of 3 of the following 4 criteria must be met: (*not actual clinical diagnostic info; just an idea of what I'm looking for)
1. Persistent anxiety about topic: Yes (Yes or No will be derived from a Questions sheet, with an IF formula [to obtain information from multiple cells] or = formula)
2. Persistent problems with sleep: No
3. Distressing nightmares: No
4. Lack of enjoyment in activities: Yes
In this case, the formula would return "No," as the client doesn't meet at least 3 of the 4 criteria. But if 3 of the 4 were answered Yes, then it would return a "Yes."
Not sure if I'm overthinking this as it's late, or if I'm just stuck here. Thanks!
To count "Yes" values, use the COUNTIF function.
=COUNTIF(A1:A4,"Yes") > = 3
The formula will return "Yes" if 3 or 4 answers are "Yes".
I may have thanked you too soon. I didn't mention in my example that the cells are not in a range. For example, there are cells (with further questioning to give a "yes" or "no" answer to the headings; i.e 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 3a...). Is there a way to do this without the range? I've tried a few different things, but it doesn't seem to be working.
I don't quite understand how the cells with the answers are arranged. If you want to count the number of "Yes" values in multiple columns, use the SUMPRODUCT function to count cells with specific text.
Formula example:
If this is not what you wanted, please describe the problem in more detail.
The data that the formula needs to look through looks like this:
There is other data in the cells in between that provide the answers of "Yes" or "No" in the cells listed above.
So it would look something like this:
i4 - 1. First set of criteria for diagnosis (at least 1 of the following must be endorsed).
i5 - 1a. symptom
i6 - 1b. symptom
i7 - 1c. symptom
i8 - 2. Second set of criteria for diagnosis (at least 4 of the following must be endorsed).
i9 - 2a. symptom
i10 - 2b. symptom
i11 - 2c. symptom
i12 - 2d. symptom
i13 - 2e. symptom
i14 - 2f. symptom
i15 - 3. Third set of criteria for diagnosis (at least 2 of the following must be endorsed).
i16 - 3a. symptom
i17 - 3b. symptom
i18 - 3c. symptom
i19 - 3d. symptom
i20 - 3da. symptom
i21 - 3db. symptom
i22 - 3dc. symptom
i23 - 3e. symptom
i24 - 4. Fourth set of criteria for diagnosis (at least 1 of the following must be endorsed).
i25 - 4a. symptom
i26 - 4b. symptom
i27 - 4c. symptom
i28 - 4d. symptom
i29 - 4e. symptom
i30 - 4f. symptom
i31 - 4g. symptom
Each of the sub-sets must be endorsed (or not) in some way to generate the answer in those 4 cells. In order for Criterion A to be endorsed, any 3 of the 4 cells i4, i8, i15, or i24 must be answered with yes, otherwise, Criterion A is not met, and the diagnosis is not made. So there is no range of cells like i4:i24, and it appears COUNTIFS only uses a range.
I hope that clarifies it. What else can I use instead?
In cells i4, i8, i15, i24, use the formula previously recommended to you.
Then use the IF function for those four cells.
Hope this is what you need.
NVM, I figured out an alternative. Thanks!
I'm not really sure how that will work. I only need any 3 of those cells to return yes, not all 4.
If you need 3 "Yes" answers, replace 0 with 3 in the formula
=IF((A4="Yes")+(A8="Yes")+(A15="Yes")+(A24="Yes") > = 3,TRUE)
OMGosh! You're a life and time saver!! Thank you! I was thinking it was going to take all kinds of nested IF formula's! LOL.
I have a problem too :) I have 30 cells and some of them are not numbers but "GO". As a result, I want Excel to summarise every "GO" as number 8 at the end. So, if I have 3 "GO" in this 30 cells, result I expect should be 24. Thank you :)
Use the IF function to replace your text with the number 8.
If you don't want to count other numbers, then use the COUNTIF function to count the cells with the desired text.
I hope this will help.
You are a genius :) Thank you. I already understand better how this actually works. COUNTIF helped me for my problem. Thanks again
Hi, I am trying to work out a problem with nested IF functions. I have the following table which i need to return values on based on the number in a cell see below. I have got all the way up to >250 with nested IF functions but need another formula to work out the problem for every 100 greater than 250 add the relevant amount. e.g. 450 = 7.
1-50= 1
51-100= 2
101-150= 3
151-200= 4
201-250= 5
>250= Add 1 per 100
Here is the formula i have so far: =IF(B7=51,B7=101,B7=151,B7=201,B7=251,B7=351,"7",0)))))))
Is this something you could help with?
Divide by the desired number and use the ROUNDUP function to rounding up.
=IF(A1 < = 250,ROUNDUP(A1/50,0),5+ROUNDUP((A1-250)/100,0))
I hope this will help.
Can someone please help with providing a formula for the below problem:
If C2 is <=500000 then C2*1.6%
If C2 is <=1500000 then 500000*1.6% + the remaining value * 1.78%
If C2 is <=3000000 then 500000*1.6% + 1000000*1.78% + the remaining value * 3.25%
I have the first two conditions satisfied as mentioned below but cannot figure out the 3rd condition.
Use MIN function and MAX finction to define numerical intervals:
You can see the answer to a similar question in this comment.
ABC Material used in W,X,Y.Z FG Product , how i find that ABC material used in which FG Product.
Your question contains not enough information. But I think you can find the value with the VLOOKUP function.
Hi I'm looking for a formula in this following condition:
Name exact-age. estimate-age
John Doe
Sorry, I do not fully understand the task. Read the instructions on how quickly to calculate age.
Hi again,
Please ignore my previous question, and I'm looking for a formula in this following condition:
Name Exact-age Estimate-age
John Doe 35 35 +
Mary Janes 65 +
Steve Burry 18 18 - 26
If there is an exact age and estimate age just show the exact age, if there is only estimate age just show the estimate age.
To show one of two values, use a condition with an IF function.
=IF(B2="", C2,B2)
I want to take Unique name in duplicate entry with choiced date or current date. =like counta(Unique,"21.02.2022")
Neeed to solve
20.02.2022 R
20.02.2022 A
21.02.2022 R
21.02.2022 R
21.02-2022 A
Need to count for date 21.02.2022
Count 02 only
Sorry, it's not quite clear what you are trying to achieve. On our blog, you can read how to count unique values.
=IF(K9="ABC", "do this","do that")
hi guys ,
the above formulae is not working
May i know how to use IF function if text involved
You could name a different cell (for example A1) ABC and then refer to A1 instead of using the actual text "ABC"
I'm looking for if formula for following condition
if lower salary bracket achieve upper target he/she will get upper slab incentive but upper salary bracket not achieve his/her target or sale lower slab he/she will get 0% incentive
Salary bracket Part + Labour Sale in Lacs Incentive %age
Upto 16 k gross & below 400000 to 475000 L 1%
16.01 k to 18 k gross 475001 to 550000 L 1.50%
18.01 k to 20 k gross 550001 to 625000 L 1.75%
20.1 k to 22 k gross 625001 to 700000 L 2%
22.01 k to 25k gross 700001 to 775000 2.25%
25.01 k gross & above 775001 & above 2.50%
Please Help in this matter
Thanks & Regards
I'am trying this formula but not works properly it gives 20K Salary Bracket and sales 522329 it gives 1.5% actually it shows 0%
Formula returns zero because your values don't match any of the conditions
Please tell correct the formula for the condition.
Your formula matches the conditions you wrote. But the values do not meet these conditions.
Ive to create a condition where there are 3 subjects (s1, s2, s3) . conditions are s1>5, and if s1+s2+s3>20 then 100 reward, if s1+s2+s3>40 then 200 reward
apologies, i got it
Hey Guys,
I am trying to set up an automatic status formula where if I put data in the cells that require action, then status cell would say "closed". Otherwise, it would say "open" if any of the required cells needing data dont have anything. For example, I am trying to say =IF(ISTEXT(E1,E2,E3,E4)),"CLOSED",OPEN") Is this something possible to do? I keep getting the error message no mater what way I do it.
To check several cells at once, I recommend concatenating them using the CONCAT function.
Hope this is what you need.
Hi guys!
I have a struggles to make the formula to check the schedules in the way that there can not be more than 6 working days in a row. The biggest problem is probably a format which is:
06:00-14:30 09:00-17:30 sl. 15:30-24:00 15:30-24:00 15:30-24:00 sl.
06:00-14:30 are the formats of the shifts and sl. are free days. How to make the formula to find the mistakes if there is more than 6 shifts in a row?
Thank youu :)
The formula returns TRUE if there are 7 consecutive business days in the range of cells.
The results of the comparison are combined into a string using the CONCAT function. The number 1 corresponds to the working day.
IF A1 > B1 by 1-3 then score 3 in cell C1
IF A1 > B1 by 4-6 then score 2 in cell C1
IF A1 >B1 by 7-9 then score 1 in Cell C1
I'm looking for TAT formula . there are 3 stages sales bucket ,credit bucket and disbursement bucket .
i want cal TAT and if i change the status it should to go the previous bucket. from there it should again cal the TAT
I've looked through the blog and the posts and cannot find an answer, so I appreciate any help you can give.
On my sheet, there is one column (A) that has one of 3 different categories- Urgent, Non-urgent, For awareness.
A second column (C) contains the number of minutes that it took to respond to the above categories.
SLA is 15 mins for Urgent, 30 mins for Non-urgent, and 45 mins for For Awareness.
I am trying to calculate whether the response time meets the service level agreement.
Here's the formula that I wrote, but it only works for the Urgent SLA evaluation:
=IF(AND(A3="Urgent", C3<=15, AND(A3="Non-urgent", C3<=30), AND(A3="FYSA", C3<=45)), "YES", "NO")
Would you please explain how I can correct this?
Thank you.
Add a logical function OR to your formula. For more information, please visit: Excel IF OR function with formula examples.
=IF(OR(AND(A3="Urgent", C3<=15), AND(A3="Non-urgent", C3<=30), AND(A3="FYSA", C3<=45)), "YES", "NO")
Hope this is what you need.
Hi all,
I am struggling to create a formula that will only show the date increased by 28 days if the cell has a value
G4 has 16/05/2022 + 28 days (=SUM($G4+28) showing H4 - 13/06/2022
but if G5 is empty, the H4 should remain empty
Please check the formula below, it should work for you:
=IF(G5 < > "",G4+28,"")
You can learn more about IF function in this article: How to use IF function in Excel: examples for text, numbers, dates.
I tried the multiple if and it says too many arguments
Write your formula, then I will try to help.
Hi, I would like to know how to use the IF statement in the below situation
If value of Column A in Sheet 1 matches a value in Column A of Sheet 2 then print a statement ex "True".
Ps: Anyother function than IF is also welcome.
I recommend reading this guide: How to use IF function in Excel.
Try the following formulas: