The tutorial explains the nuts and bolts of Excel MONTH and EOMONTH functions. You will find an array of formula examples demonstrating how to extract month from date in Excel, get the first and last day of the month, convert month name to number and more. Continue reading
Comments page 6. Total comments: 495
I want create a formula for a date range and show the month and year.
For example:
Date reported 21 May to 20 June = June 2021
Date reported 21 June to 20 August = Aug 2021
Date reported 21 August to 21 September = Sep 2021 and so
Thank you
Please try the following formula:
=TEXT(D1+(DAY(D1) > = 21)*15,"mmm yyyy")
I hope it’ll be helpful.
Thank you, this worked perfectly
Cell 1 Contains 04/21,05/21
In cell 2 I want Starting date of the first and ending date of 2nd month
EX: 01/04/21 to 31/05/21
and if Cell 1 Contains 04/21,05/21,06/21
Ex: 01/04/21 to 30/06/21
You can use this formula:
You can learn more about DATE function in Excel in this article on our blog.
Date Sheet Nos
01-Apr-21 4511
02-Apr-21 4512
03-Apr-21 4513
04-Apr-21 19501
05-Apr-21 19502
sir, i want 4511 to 4513 from 01/04/21 to 03/04/21 and 19501 to 19502 from 04/04/21 to 05/04/21 if sheet Nos changed automatically return accordingly in a particular cell accordingly based on formula please help.
I am not sure I fully understand what you mean. Please describe your problem in more detail.
Hi sir,
1).There is a 50 pages book with page numbers like 4501 to 4550, per page refers per day i.e.,01/04/2021 to 20/05/2021 and new book continuous with page numbers from 19501 to 19550 and date from 21/05/2021 to 09/07/2021.
2). In a particular date period like 01/04/2021 to 31/05/2021, i want like this "The trips entered in trip sheets from 4501 to 4550 (01-Apr-21 to 20-May-21) & 19501 to 19511 (21-May-21 to 31-May-21)". I used index, match, date and EOmonth functions in that cell by the result it comes like this "The trips entered in trip sheets from 4501 to 19511 (01-Apr-21 to 31-May-21)".
3). In a sheet, I have a table with columns like Date column and Page Numbers column. I want it automatically comes with the formula. Please help me sir, I tried so many ways but I failed. I think my problem is in detail. Thanking you sir.
in Sheet1, A38 & A39 Cells contains data like this
A38) 1.Number of Kilometers run during the month of May-21
A39) 2.Number of days used from 01-May-21 to 31-May-21
In A40 cell i get the result as
11. Certified that the trips entered in trip sheets from 4541 to 19521 (01-May-21 to 31-May-21). by using the below formula
Formula I used ="11. Certified that the trips entered in trip sheets from "&IFERROR(INDEX(Tours!F:F,MATCH(DATE(YEAR(MID(A39,30,9)),MONTH(MID(A39,30,9)),1),Tours!B:B,0)),"")&" to "&IFERROR(INDEX(Tours!F:F,MATCH(EOMONTH(RIGHT(A38,6),0),Tours!B:B,0)),"")&" ("&RIGHT(A39,22)&")."
In Tours Sheet Column B contains dates, Column F contains Page numbers
by the result what I want is 11. Certified that the trips entered in trip sheets from 4541 to 4550 (01-May-21 to 10-May-21) & 19501 to 19521 (11-May-21 to 31-May-21).
Your explanations are not very clear. Formulas contain links to your data, which I do not have. Therefore, I cannot verify their work.
30/06/2021, 1:37 pm
i want this to be converted in month year
ex;- Jul/21
applying this formula I am not getting
Your date is written as text. We have a tool that can solve your task in a couple of clicks — Text to Date. It is available as a part of our Ultimate Suite for Excel that you can install in a trial mode and check how it works for free:
1.Column A is names,
2.Column B is due date,
3.Column C is END OF TERM and
4.Column D is Restructured until month(text)
A. Excel
B. 06/01/2021
C. 09/01/2021
I want to conditionally format these by NAMES highlighted when their DUE DATE is a month away from COLUMN C or D.
=IF(B2=(C2-30), AND/OR
I dunno how to proceed please help thanks
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
Use this formula in conditional cell formatting as described in this article.
I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
Noted on all and thank you!! :)
Hi there,
I've very quickly browsed through your table of contents so I apologise if I've missed what I'm looking for.
I'm looking to return a numerical value from on the last day of each month.
Each day has a numerical value
The date range is a daily range which spans more than 1 year.
I wish to summarise the returned data by year and month.
How do I build a formula to achieve this?
To return a list of values for the last day of each month, use the FILTER function:
I didn't understand what exactly you want to summarize.
Hi Alexander, you help me with if i have the number of years and months how can get the first date,month and year for that range.
Ex. if i want the calculate what the date was from 04 months from today, it should be 01-01-2021
how can i apply that into excel ? if i add year and moth on 2 different cells and it has to return the date. considering excel date as today
I recommend reading this guide: Subtract dates in Excel; add days, weeks, months or years to date.
I want next month target to be automatically generated no matter what time of year we look at it. (target getting from table)
I need to a formula for convert different date's of Month name with year
Please check out this article to learn how to extract month name from date.
I recommend reading this guide: Excel YEAR function - convert date to year
I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
I have expiration date and I need to find out expiration range like 0 to 3 Month or 3 to 6 Months in excel
I recommend reading this guide:
Excel DATEDIF - calculating date difference in days, weeks, months.
If this is not what you wanted, please describe the problem in more detail.
This is the date format ( 20201101 ) which I have right now. Tell me how to get my month name in Text Eg, "Jan"
If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:
=TEXT((--RIGHT(A2,2))*28, "mmm")
HI There,
I'm not incredibly advanced on excel and am having some trouble, not sure I can adequately explain my requirements.
I have a large table of information that requires 3 sets of conditional formats that will highlight the entire line if affected by certain date ranges. And I can't figure it out.
The cell I am working with is 'Shipment Period' which is based on the whole month.
I need all line data, that:
1. Falls before (past date) the current month e.g. 2021-02; to be highlighted pink/red
2. Falls during the current month; to be highlighted green
3. Falls after (future dated) the current month; to be highlighted orange
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Please check out the following article on our blog, it’ll be sure to help you with your task: Excel conditional formatting for dates & time
I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
I need to a formula
that s will be start month from 16th and end of the next month 15th days
For example 2/16 to 3/15.
The information you provided is not enough to understand your case and give you any advice. What source data is used for this task? The expected result is two dates or text? Please describe your problem in more detail.
How to calculate month + 3 days in excel
If I understand your task correctly, check out this article to learn how to add days to date in Excel.
If this is not what you wanted, please describe your problem in more detail.
i want to see if cell a2 show 23.11.2020
than i want to see cell b2 show 23.12.2020 how to write formula
Dear Mam,
When we calculate no. of months for by DATEDIF function, result obtained is incorrect.
Please advise & suggest necessary formulas.
Start date-1-July-21 (A1)
End date-31-Dec-21 (A2)
Formula =DATEDIF(A1,A2,"M")
Result from function=5
Correct result=6
I just want to know how to change my date to April 1st
Specify which date you want to change.
Pay attention to this comment.
I have a series of dates in column B and a series of numbers in column L. I want to add the numbers when the month is October. I thought of
but it gives 0. What is the way to do it.
Thank you
Use SUMPRODUCT function. The formula below will do the trick for you:
Hope this is what you need.
Yes thank you that worked
what function to used for converting 15-Oct-20 to Oct'20?
You can use custom date format
Hope this is what you need.
i have numbers in a columnlike 1,2,6,7,,4,657,4986,343,113,4245, in another column i want a oformula whichh will find the result of number of months against the days
I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. Could you please describe it in more detail? How are these numbers and dates related? What result do you want to get? Give an example of the source data and the expected result.
Dear sirs, can I ask for a wee bit of your expertise since my own is not enough in this case?
I am looking to do comparisons between quarters during the year but with the closing balance date fixed from previous year. Let me explain:
E.g. QUARTER 4(b)=2020-12-31, QUARTER 3(c)=2020-09-30, Closing balance (QUARTER 4(a))=2019-12-31.
I have created formulas for Q4(b) and Q3(c) (linked to another date cell with the help of your EOMONTH-functions on this page) respecively so that when Q4(b)=>Q1(b), Q3(c)=>Q4(c). But, i want the Closing balance date Q4(a) (ie. 2019-12-31) to remain the same during the year UNTILL the new accounting year starts. So when Q1(b)=2021-03-31, Q4(c)=2020-12-31 and Q4(a)=2020-12-31.
In words, Q(b) and Q(c) change during the year where Q(a) remain the same with previous year's closing date, and it's only when the Q(b)/Q(c) year change as Q(a) changes closing date one year forward.
I find the Q(a) value quite tricky to solve.
Thank you and regards,
There are different dates in excel in each cell. if date is 1st of any month then that should be changed to last date of previous month and if date is 2nd or any other from 2 to 31 then the date should change to last date of that month.
please help with formula in excel
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
May I know how to extract the last day of the month if there is only year and month mentioned in general format? For example, 2020-06? The answer I am looking for is 06/30/2020?
Prashant S
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
Hope this is what you need.
I am trying to calculate and convert the current month to "currentmonth" using today date and month.
01/04/2020, 10:15:00
how to convert this in to month
I hope you have studied the recommendations in the tutorial above.
i have tried but i can't get the result, can you please give me the formula which will help me to get month when it appears in this format. 01/04/2020, 10:15:00
You did not say anything about this, but I can assume that your date is recorded as text. Therefore, you need to remove the comma from it and convert it to a date. And then apply the MONTH function:
I hope this will help
So, there is no option without removing , in this format.
I need your help.
Column A = Completion of project (Date format: 01-Jul-2020)
Column B = Invoicing Month (Month format: July 2020)
Items completed within 1st - 25th of every month must be invoiced in that month itself and items completed from 26th-31st is to be invoiced the next month.
Any ideas how I can set a rule so Column B is generated based on the dates automatically?
Hello Sammy!
The formula below will do the trick for you:
Remember to set the date format in cell B correctly
Correction: Martch duration = 22 days, April duration = 22 days, May duration = 11 days. Thanks.
Hi Alexander,
I have data as below:
Task start_day end_day duration, d
Task1 01/03/2020 15/05/2020 55
I have to show task duration by month in the chart. How can I get data needed for chart? I need: Martch duration = 20 days, April duration = 20 days, May duration = 15 days. Thanks.
Hello Ruta!
I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me.
Please describe your problem in more detail. Include an example of the source data and the result you want to get. It’ll help me understand your request better and find a solution for you. Thank you.
Sry I forgot to add the formula I'm using. =SUMIF(O6:O24, AN6, AJ6:AJ24)
I have used the formula above and only changed the cells, however the result sum to $0. Do the cells need to be together to work because these are not.
Hello Mark!
The formula is spelled correctly. But you asked your question in the wrong article. I recommend that you study this instruction about the SUMIF function.
in case if you got 00 your computer's language setup is the problem
use this: =TEXT(A1;"[$-en-EN]HHHH")
en-EN ---> add here the language's code you want to see
HHHH ---> the version of MMMM (month full lenght) in your computer's language
Your version can be checked in Format Cells - Custom ---> last two options
I am doing a monthly billing spreadsheet where I have listed income by each month, this is along side the bill,amount, and due date. At the bottom I am wanting the extra money left from each month calculation, needing it to register which month it is and bring that months income amount - the current months bills. Example below.
Due Date Bills Amount Month Wks Income(mthly)
7th Car $365 January 4 $2000
8th Netflix $13 February 4 $2000
Total Monthly Expenses $478 Leftover ____?????_____
Hello LeAnn !
I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. Please specify what you were trying to find, what formula you used and what problem or error occurred.How is 478 calculated? Give more an example of the source data and the expected result.
It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.
hello. i have a question and it may be stupid if this doesn't exist in excel. :D
is there a command/formula to change all the written month (ex: January) and change it to the next month (ex: February) rather than changing/typing it one by one. i wanted to make the changes faster since the 2 sheet file will be used for the entire year except the months have to be changed.
thank you for your time. :)
I need a format for if a date has is in the last month to return another cell and if its not in the past month to return blank
Hello Ben!
Using cell formatting, your problem cannot be solved. If you need a formula, describe in more detail all the conditions. Please describe your problem in more detail. It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.
I am a registered dog breeder and I would like to create in excel a schedule for the litter. I cannot breed two litters in 18 months. How do input my last litter so when I look at it when the right month and year to breed her. I only have 3 dogs.if it's under this month, to show in red. Anyone can help?
I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. You need to use conditional formatting. What data do you use in the table?
For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.
Currently using this [WEEKNUM(TODAY(), 1)-WEEKNUM(DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH(TODAY()), 1), 1)+1)] in a countif formula. However what would would i do if i wanted to have a month to date look. Ex Week 1 would just be week 1. and week 2 it would be week one + week two and so on.
Your formula calculates the week number in the current month. But I don’t understand what else do you want to calculate? Explain in more detail so that I can help you.
Hi alexander,
Correct. Its currently calculating to look at the current week. IN my scenario I have bunch of dates all throughout the Month. And depending on the week i am in, i calculate how many of those dates fall within the same week that were are in. What i am wanting to do is to adjust that to give me a running total. For example, if i was in week 2 the current formula will just looks at all the dates that are in the second week and count those. Instead I'm wondering if we could alter the formula to look at all the past weeks of the month as well. So if we are in week 2, the formula would Look at week 2 + week 1. I hope i was able to clarify this.
If I understand your task correctly , if the date is written in cell C1, and the formula
= WEEKNUM (C1,1) -WEEKNUM (DATE (YEAR (C1), MONTH (C1), 1), 1) +1
in cell D1,
then the condition for the counter of the desired dates
= COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$99, D1) + COUNTIFS($D$1:$D$99, D1-1)
I hope this will help, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.
Hi Alexander,
I want to know the formula to get the particular day of every month in the given data.
Hello Vaibhav!
I think you need to read an article on our blog about calculating days of the week in Excel.
Hi Alexander
This was very helpful for my first part of the task. I have now taken the month from a date and shown it as the Month in text. I now want to take that result and have it sequence monthly for 24 months across a row, but I am having trouble reference that result and indexing it across the columns. Can you advise?
I am a beginner in Excel, so trying to learn what I can as I need it.
Thank you!
Hello Glenn!
If I understand your task correctly, in cell A1 is your start date. In cell A2, write the formula
=TEXT(EDATE($A$1,COLUMN()-1), "mmmm")
After that you can copy this formula right along the row.
If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know.
By using countif() I derive the total number of records of each branch as usual I want data regards specific month
Hello Madhavi!
Use the expression as a condition: MONTH(D1)=4 where D1 is the date cell.
For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.
I use a spreadsheet for monthly budget reports. Each month has a YTD column. The formula typically looks like this: ='[March 2019]MARCH 2019'!E3+'APRIL 2019'!B3
In this example, April is added to March's YTD totals in that column. When setting up the sheet for 2020, I have been unable to get it to change the whole column of totals. It will only change one cell at a time although I have included all cells.
Hello Gojo!
Unfortunately, you have not written what you managed to change in your formula and what you did not manage to change. It is not clear enough what exactly is not working.
Perhaps, there is a problem with the names of the files in your formula, but it is merely my assumption.
Please describe your problem in more detail and I will try to help you.
I have downloaded a data which is from Jan-2020 to mar 2020, like below:
05/02/2020 06:09 - It is showing month as May
1/31/2020 2:55 AM - This one is showing Jan
1/29/2020 12:27 AM
1/17/2020 6:47 AM
1/16/2020 5:39 AM
1/14/2020 7:46 AM
06/01/2020 03:41 - This one showing as June 20202.
I tried converting it into month through text formula, tried changing format through data tab to convert text to column, also manually tried custom formatting but no go.
Please help me in rectifying this.
Hello Himanshu!
Please go to Format Cells, choose Number -> Custom Format and set
to display the date as Jan 2020,
to display the date as January.
I hope you will find my advice helpful.
I need to take a date from this format 3/31/2020 to the "31st day of March 2020". I have NO problem on the March 2020 part but HOW in the world can I get the st part of 31st ??? Also need the abbreviations for all days 1, 2, 3, ..... 29, 30, and 31. Like 1st. 2nd, 3rd, and so on. The Only workaround I can think of is to create a table or chart with all the possible numbers with abbreviations and then use vlookup or the new xlookup.
Thanks in advance for any help or insight !!!
Hello Carl!
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula convert to ordinal date format:
=DAY(A1)&IF(OR(DAY(A1) = {1,2,3,21,22,23,31}),CHOOSE (1*RIGHT(DAY(A1),1),"st ","nd ","rd "),"th")&TEXT(A1,"mmmm, yyyy")
=DAY(A1)&IF(OR(DAY(A1) = {1,2,3,21,22,23,31}),CHOOSE (1*RIGHT(DAY(A1),1),"st day of ","nd day of ","rd day of "),"th day of ")&TEXT(A1,"mmmm, yyyy")
I hope it’ll be helpful.
Hello Michael!
Please use the following formula
=DATE(YEAR(A1)+2, MONTH(A1)+9, DAY(A1)+0) or
We have a ready-made solution for your task. I'd recommend you to have a look at our Ablebits Tools - Date&Time Wizard.
This tool is available as a part of our Ultimate Suite for Excel that you can install in a trial mode and use for 30 days for free:
I have calculated the number of year and months in excel. Now I am trying to get Excel to tell me what month and year that will be from now. For example, my car note will be paid off 2 years and 9 months from now, March 29, 2020. How can I get excel to tell me that 2 years and 9 months from now will be in December 2022? I thank you for your help with respect to resolving this issue in advance.
I need a formal that if a month has 31 days it will displace from cell D5 and if then displace from cell D4. the month is in A1. Can you help me, please?
Hello, Brenda!
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
=IF(DAY (EOMONTH (DATE(2020,A1,1),0)) = 31, D5, D4)
Thanks a lot for your information. I have an issue to convert the following text date to a real date type.
Jan 02, 2018
Would you help on how I can convert it to date type? I've tried "=date(RIGHT(A2,4) LEFT(A2,3) MID(A2,5,2))", but it doesn't work.
Hello? Mark!
Please use the following formula
=DATA.VALue(replace(replace(a2;".";"/");" de ";""))
01/01/2020 AMUH
02/01 DLD
03/01 AMUH
04/01 ARASH
05/01 DAFZA
02/02/2020 AMUH
04/02/2020 UTPM
01/03/2020 UPTM
07/03/2020 AMUH
04/04/2020 AMUH
I have few date range with different months and year. I want to hight only date which are from January to June regardless year. Can you please help me for this?
from above dates I want to hightligh only dates from January to June regardless year.
Struggled to understand this, =TEXT(A2*28, "mmmm"). Why multiply by 28?
Hi Sam,
Thank you for a very good question!
In its internal system, Excel considers the number 1 as Day 1 in January 1900 (when used together with month format codes such as "mmm" and "mmmm"). By multiplying the numbers 1, 2, 3 etc. by 28, you are getting Days 28, 56, 84, etc. which are in January, February, March, etc. Multiplying by 29 will also work.
I've also added this explanation to the tutorial for other readers.
I am facing a problem that I am using to display a stacked bar chart with "Time" as the timeline. However, I don't know how to make the x-axis (timeline) to display 1st day of each month. Any idea?
i have one question, i have the calendar in excel and i am entering holidays next to the particular date. when i change the month, how i can clear the my holiday entries automatically.