Many tasks you perform in Excel involve comparing data in different cells. For this, Microsoft Excel provides six logical operators, which are also called comparison operators. This tutorial aims to help you understand the insight of Excel logical operators and write the most efficient formulas for your data analysis. Continue reading
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i hv 2 fields of Date (like 01.05.2020, 02.05.2020, 03.05.2020 etc.) & numbers (like 5,9,2,4,8,6) in sheet1 and now in other sheet2, if i find a particular date from sheet1 like 02.05.2020, this should show automatically the value mentioned in just next to that particular date. how to do that with if formula or with any other?
Hello Munish!
If your dates and numbers are written in adjacent columns, then in order to display the number by date, you can use the VLOOKUP function. I recommend this article on our blog.
Hi There, i need some help, i have a column with $values in from 100k to 1m+ and i need a formula that would look at the values in the money column and if it's between 100k to 249k = put text "100 to 250"
250k to 499k = put text "250 to 500"
500k to 999k = put text "500 to 1m"
over 1m = put text "1m +"
Any help appreciated
Hello Steve!
The formula below will do the trick for you:
=VLOOKUP(A1,{100000,"100 to 249";250000,"250 to 499";500000,"500 to 1m";1000000,"1m +"},2,TRUE)
I hope this will help, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.
I am trying to apply formula =IF(LEFT(T1,1)=0,"Incorrect","Correct").
If T1 cell contain either 0.00 / 1 or 1.00 / 1 Answer is Correct.
The expected answer when T1 cell contain 0.00 / 1 is Incorrect.
Please help me.
Hello Krishnaprasad!
You are trying to compare text with a number. Convert text to number.
Or compare text with text.
I hope it’ll be helpful.
I found the solution. (Sorry for the trouble)
After converting string to number it worked...
Thank you...
Hi, I know how to use great than and equal to and less than and equal to formula in separate cells however I want to combine them. This is what I know for eg greater than and equal to and less than and equal to. A2 cell would have a number for eg.
=If(10=X>=10 then output yes otherwise no.
Thanks, a
If I understand your task correctly, I recommend to study the article on our blog about multiple conditions in a single formula
So formula for -10>=X>=10
How can I incorporate blank offer dates to return blank rather than FALSE?
Hello Jennifer!
I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.
=IF([@[Offer Date]]"", IF([@[Offer Date]]<=DATEVALUE("3/12/2020"),"Before", "After"))
Hi, I have a question regarding combining 2 Boolean conditions
A, B, C are my conditions e.g. A = "a", B = "b", C="c"
My question: 'Or(Or(A,B), C)' equals ' A Or B Or C' ?
'And(And(A,B),C)' equals 'A And B And C' ?
Thank you for answering
I want to incorporate a rule for a cell which should return "Y" or "N" for a value between 2 dates:
Cell1>Date1 and Cell1<Date2.
Is it possible to use both the arguments in the same if statement. I tried, but it did not work out.
Thanks in anticipation.
Hello Prabhu!
Please try the following formula:
Hope you’ll find this information helpful.
What argument should be entered with respect to Date2. Please advise.
In the my data base a column having two types of values "AA6213" & "6213". I am finding the values by "6213". So my query is how can i get the TRUE value even the cell containing value "AA6213"?
Hello Jatin!
Please try the following formula:
=IF(IFERROR(FIND("6213",TEXT(A1,"###")),0) > 0,"Yes","No")
Hope you’ll find this information helpful.
I want to Check the value of a Column less than an amount and want to Multiply the same with rate
Hello Rajmohan!
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
If that's not what you wanted, please describe your task in more detail. It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you. Thank you.
I have two columns I want to compare if value of colum a cell is equal to any cell of coloum b than it come in front of coloum a eg
A b
4 7
7 4
9 3
Then 4 come in front of 4
If A1*70℅ value greater than 10000 then A1-10000
If A1*70℅ value less than 10000 then A1-A1*30%
Please Help source link data will Show if value is less than 49 only.
IF A1(cell value/Text) is equal to D1(cell Value/Text)then B1 (cell) should match with F1(cell)
Here there, I need some help with conditional formatting;
what's the Formula Rule I can use to change color of an entire column if there is less than a specific numbers of charters in that column? For example, I need an eye catcher or attention grabber (change color of column or change to bold) when I have the letter "D" less than 6 or more than 6 times in a column?
Thanks in advance for your help,
What is the excel formula for (value >=1,"Complete"), (value 0,"In Progress"), (value<=0, "Not Started".
Helo I am having trouble with a formula.
I have total cell and need to write a formula so
if the total cell is greater than 16 = 1, if greater than 24 =2, if greater than 24 =3, etc
continuing in increments of 8
=if(B1>B12,1400/8*2+1400 ? expected 1575
Mam, please help... I want to divide a number into 4 numbers and the resulting numbers should be less than 10. How can I do it in excel... Is it possible?
28 should be divided into 10 4 10 4
Hi, I am having trouble coming up with a formula for the following. Please help.
If H1 has a value, but Q1 does not, return a value of "1", but if K1 has a value (regardless if H1 or Q1 have a value), return a value of "2".
I am trying to calculate:
If A1 >A2 (by 10%) make A3 = 1
If A1 >A2 (by 20%) make A3 = 2
If A1 >A2 (by 30%) make A3 = 3
and so on?
Hello Burrod,
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula will do the trick:
=ROUNDUP((A1-A2) / A2*100, -1)/10
Help Please.
How do I compare a cell value in a column range?
ex. Col C1: C4 contains 5000, 5100, 5200, 5400.
Cell D1 is 5300.
Cell F1 formula : D1+40 is less than C1 or C2 or C3 or C4 say 0 else 1.
Here I want the formula to check D1+40, which is 5340, in column range C1:C4 and if it contains a number greater than 5340, Cell F1 should say 0. If all are less than 5340 then it should say 1. I tried IF and countif separately and together and didn't get a result.
In one row I have set formula which calculate Sale per square foot
In the same row their are some row empty as the sales is missing for upcoming date
Now when I set formula to pick Min sale from the whole row its autmoatically calcualting zero as minimal value.
I need help to set formula in which it should not take Zero value but only take value where their is more then Zero value and give me minimal sale
If decimal in cell more than 0.20 = 0.50;
If decimal in cell more than 0.50 = 1;
If decimal in cell less than 0.20 = 0
How to workout with excel formula for a cell to match the above 3 things in order to get the result ??
Example :
USD 134.63 = USD 134.50;
USD 238.84 = USD 239
USD 73.19 = USD 73
Hey Lance,
You can do this with the following formula (with your value in cell A1):
=IF(A1 - TRUNC(A1) >0.5, 1, IF(A1 - TRUNC(A1) > 0.2, 0.5, 0))+ TRUNC(A1)
Hope this helps!
please help me on this--
col.1| col.2| col.3
A | A | SET1
A | B | SET2
B | A | SET3
A | B | SET2
C | B | SET4
B | A | SET3
C | B | SET4
And so on...
how can i get get different sets in col.3 according to data in col.1 & col.2.
how i set formula between 0-2000=100, 2000-3000=125, 3000-4000=150, 4000-5000=175
so once i keyin 1800 it will show 100. and 2500 will show 125.
I have a scenario related to this in my office, i just want to count all cells other than Null/spaces and "Not Contactable" through Sum could i do so, Any idea??
Not Contactable
Not Contactable
Not Contactable
Not Contactable
Not Contactable
Not Contactable
Not Contactable
how do i write formula for...
if c21 is more than 40, multiply what is more than 40 by 15.00
So what happen if c21 is no greater that 40?. Well, below formula leave the c21 if it's not grater than 40
if greater a1 less than or equals to 2 then e2 is 0.05 if a1 is greater than 2 then e2 is 0.03
i have this excel formula involving sumif with 2 columns, the test column is comprised of one letter having 3 possible values in column, the sum column has numbers
the formula is this =SUM(K13:K2005)/(SUMIF(J13:J2005, "", H13:H2005))
j colums is the test column with the letters, h is the value colums added with the numbers
my question is what "" means in this instance
please help
thank you
Hi Cristian,
"" means an empty string. In other words, your SUMIF function says: if a cell in column J is empty, then add up a number in column H in the same row.
I need help please. I have a formula currently set up to calculate total hours, =((J18+TIME(0,30,0))-(H18-TIME(0,30,0)))*24. Now I need to set it up so that if that results in less than 3hrs for the cell to display 3 but if it is greater than 3 hrs to display the answer
I want to some data in other sheet as greater than 1100 to less than 1500
the criteria is
0% = 15, Between 0% and 3% = 9, Greater than 3% = 0
I tried the formula:
But it doesn't read the last argument which those that have more than 3% should be 0. It still shows 9.
please anyone immediate help me. i have some trouble in one formula is that :-
this formula is correct. but i want to add one more condition is that the result value not greater than 25. i want that (this formula + not greater than 25) how to combine both them.
please please help me and if possible email me
can you please explain how can i type greater than and less then symbol in excel formula or i have to download this symbol.
Abdul Wahab
Hi Abdul,
The 'greater than' and 'less than' symbols (also called angle brackets) are found on all computer keyboards. On U.S. keyboards, greater than (>) is usually located on the same key as the period and less than (<) on the same key as the comma.
Hi there,
I have 2000 rows of survey response data that is numerically coded : e.g. 1=Positive and 2=Negative. I want to enumerate the number of positive and negative responses. My thoughts are to use an IF equation that says IF the cell =1 assign it a one and if the cell =2 assign it a zero. Then I can enumerate the sum total number of positives and deduct from all responses to get the number of negatives at the bottom of the columns.
Could you advise what formula I could use to get my numeric responses recoded as 1 and 0 instead of 1 and 2.
Many thanks
I want a formula for:
If A1 is equal to or less than £50,000, then A2 = £60.
If A1 is equal to or less than £100,000, then A2= £120.
And so on and so forth...
I am trying to do a comparison between serial numbers. To simplify my case, I would like to compare two numbers and to know if 00001 is superior to 50000.
The formula is =IF(00001>50000,2018,2019)
The result that I obtain is wrong and always returns 2018. Is there a way to do compare these two numbers in excel?
Thanks for your help on this.
Kind Regards,
I am very happy to find out solve my problem from your mathematical logical part.
Thank you
If B2 contains a particular text then it should update E2 as Alert(text), how to update this logic
WOW! It did it again....
Sorry for this. Our blog engine occasionally mangles formulas with "greater than" and "less than" operators, and our web-master can do nothing about it. Aargh...
That is so weird - that bottom one is not the formula I wrote - it changed when I hit enter... It said: =IF(AND(B435>=1,B435=1,C435=1,D435<=5),1,0)
It has been 20 years since I last took a boolean class...
I have a simple basic combination of IF(AND( >= to problems for you....
I am trying to make a simple entry to say: if the number in these three locations are ALL greater than 5 - then count it as one.
=IF(AND(B439>5,C439>5,D439>5),1,0) -
But here is the catch: I need zero to be counted as a ten place holder. So I need it to count all numbers in these locations which equal 6, 7, 8, 9, & 0.
At the other end of the stick - I also need it to count everything greater than 0 and less than 6. So I need it to count all numbers in these locations which equal 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5. Ignoring the zero...
But for some reason the combinations of Greater than and equal to refuse to give me the answer I need.... Help....
Can't seem to ever find the right examples of multiple combinations of nested Boolean...
I tried this - but it doesn't work:
This does seem to work with the count 1 to 5:
Not sure what th difference is - but there must be one. The bottom one works and the top one does not...
MANY MANY THANKS! I was trying all kinds of versions - even played with NOT commands nothing worked. Your solution is GOD send.
Hi Steven,
The difference is that the logical test in the first formula can never be TRUE because a number cannot be equal to 0 and greater than 6 at the same time :)
You need a combination of OR and AND statements in this case:
=IF(AND(OR(B435=0,B435>=6), OR(C435=0,C435>=6), OR(D435=0,D435>=6)), 1, 0)
How can I conditionally format a cell if it requires 2 conditions to be meet. Also, both of the cells have to meet a secondary condition.
Cell A1 to be formatted: Cell D3 must be greater than C3, and Cell T3 must be grater than cell S3.
trying to come up with a formula stating if cell 1 = cell 2 and cell 3 then cell 4 is the answer
Pls help
0-4, 7-10, 11-15 these are days
SECURITY DEBIT BAL 0-4 7-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-60 >60 Payment
264000 152717 152717
519000 413382 2500 410882
634000 2402376 703575 757620 776181 80000 70000 15000 835245
433000 143055 143055
hi excel we unable to less the one payemnt (835245) in diffrent coloums, kindly help. which formula i have to use
Hi All,
I need to create a formula Like. If cell2 value is greater than 50% of cell1 value. Like cell1 value is 20 and if cell2 value is greater than 10 (which is greater than 50% of cell one value) then it says yes. Kindly assist me.
Thank you!
I'm trying to make a formula for if B3 is > 0= "Post Firm" , B3 is <0 = "PRE FIRM"
Basically if its less than zero PRE FIRM, greater than 0 POST FRIM will populate.
I trying to create 'conditional formating' to highight the cell red if it's not empty and lower than 3. However I got error when I "use a formula to determine which cell to format" as below:
I must have missed some basic rules and get the error. Looking for your kind assitance to advise the correct method.