Comments on: Move Excel spreadsheets online, share and embed web app in your website

With the emergence of Excel Online, you no longer need cumbrous HTML code to export your tables to the web. Just save your workbook online and access it literally from anywhere, share with other users and work on the same sheet all together. Continue reading

Comments page 2. Total comments: 159

  1. This is fantastic - I almost bought Spreadsheet Converter but this does exactly what I need.

    One nit-pick - Where it says "With the workbook open in Excel Online, click Share > Embed, and then click the Generate button." it needs to say "Click *file* > Share > Embed."

    I spent many hours trying to find the Embed command by clicking on the Share button.

  2. We have have created a shared schedule and gant chart for students & staff for a local college program. It contains about 40 interlinked pages withint the online Excel document. Within the past year we have noticed that whenever we open any page of the document, the page opens at the last cell (furthest to the right and at the bottom of the page). We would like every page of our document to open at the very beginning not the end.
    Can this be set and if so, how?

  3. Hi Thank you for such a simple and nice explanation. Now I can confidently say that I have received much more knowledge from the post than I thought. I was actually thinking of creating English Worksheets using the same concepts because I have upload them on, could you please let me know if it is possible to do so ?.

  4. This is simple but complex request. I would like to create an Excel Spreadsheet online, which is not complicated, no macros. I would line to generate a User Interface so that users can gain access to this Excel tool, with User/Password credentials. This is a paid service I would sell. The user data would be saved to their account for future use.
    I can do the HTML coding but I need the embedded Excel to be totally stripped down to show just the cells and nothing else. Its the Functionality of Excel I need, not the Excel itself.

  5. Thank u for such great explanation.

  6. Dear Svetlana, I have read all the information that you provided above. It is very much useful! Many thanks!
    I am using the Online version and currently struggle that in Review I do have only two parts: Accessibility and Comments. The thing is that I have some of the cells protected and I need them to stay so. How ca I make the Protection section to appear?

  7. Hello, how can I enter data from my excel to another web data sheet automatically. I am using selenium VBA currently. Is it possible to do the same with Selenium VBA or do you have any suggestion?

  8. Thank you. Your article brings great relief and new opporunities.

  9. Hi,
    Can you please tell me if i want to embed my online excel workbook in a restricted webpage (clients can access after username and password)
    1. Does my workbook can give access to multiple users at the same time such that one user who is currently editing a workbook doesnot create problems for other and each member can work seperately with their respective values at the same time?
    2. Can i be able to hide formulas from my workbook?
    3. Is there anyway i can give an option of (download in pdf file) rather than download in excel desktop
    4. Is there anyway i can restrict my workers to edit in desktop excel (want to give them access in embed excel online workbook only)
    5. Even if i give them the right to download in excel desktop.. is there anyway i can restrict them to copy the file and shares it with others?
    Looking forward for your feedback

    1. I would like to know the answer to question 4 as well.

      For your question 1. If they open the document online only and not through the desktop application you can have more than one person editing the document at the same time.


  10. Hi,

    I am a Finance Director and want to put some spreadsheet models online eg a Break Even Calculator so that:
    1) Someone can go onto my website and put in their financial data
    2) They can then see the results eg their break even point
    3) They can't mess up the underlying formula
    4) The same model can be used by different people

    Can Excel online do this ?


  11. Hi
    I did the excel to html conversion but I was unable to enable interactions in HTML(I don't want it to be published online) can you help me?

  12. Hi,

    I am currently working on a small project to simplify the following practice: a. Monthly we are getting data from many users and again upload into a master file to arrive at a certain consolidated data.
    b. I want to create a template in excel and give separate access to each and every user to upload their data online. but, i don't want that the users see other user data.
    how this can be done in web based excel

  13. Hi,
    I need to import excel to cloud and then retrieve all the row related data based on a primary ID. Is it possible?

    1. Yes, It is possible and you can try it on ZetExcel

  14. Hi,

    I am trying to share excel document with different members in order for them to share their inputs on the same excel sheet. Unfortunately, if two people are editing at the same time then one of them is not being able to edit. Is there a solution? I mean how can Excel sharing be interactive or collaborative?

    1. I thought I am the only one having difficulty with excel sharing and generating excel files on C# until I find a solution in ZetExcel. You too can give a trial as I did

  15. I am looking for a way to create an Excel spreadsheet and use as my online sales form for ordering and have it export the data for the number of items that I'm getting and the total cost to my credit card processing app

  16. Can I input data via a userform from different PCs or laptops controled by different users to update spreadsheets ?

  17. Hi there, Thank you for this helpful post. I am unable to find the "Format > Indent Control" feature on the online version of excel. If I work in Excel for desktop, how can I ensure that:
    1) I am using the latest version of my online excel document (I think this is simple; just click on "work in excel for desktop" while working on the document
    2) I then have the latest version of my work saved to the online version of Excel?
    It seems risky, having to go back and forth between online and desktop; this is an easy way to lose the latest version of the document by not remembering to upload back to the cloud. Any assistance you can offer would be appreciated. Thank you!

  18. I am not able to see embed option for Exce/PDF on one drive.

    please reply ASAP

  19. I want to embed an excel worksheet on my website for members to edit their own personal copy off of. What would be the best way to do this, without them changing the original version, or sharing with other members on the website, when they download to edit?

  20. Hi,
    I have employee data, row-wise in a spreadsheet. But would want to expose that row only for the respective employee, in the web-page. How do i do it? Eg. I have salary data for emp a, b, c & d in the spreadsheet. If emp 'b' clicks on a link in the webpage (based on his login credentials), want to display salary data of 'b'. Any suggestion/direction is much appreciated. Thanks.

    1. Hello, Anand,

      Looks like you need a custom solution. Sorry, cannot help you with it.

  21. Hi,
    Please tell me How overcome with this error..The server couldn't complete this action. Error Code: 0x88ffc009

  22. Can we get an alert if same cell is being edited by multiple users


  23. Is there a way to toggle the spreadsheet visibility? For example, I may need to make edits/changes to the spreadsheet without the group previously provided access seeing the changes as they are being made real-time. Is there a way to easily turn off/suspend access to the spreadsheet and then turn it back on when the changes are complete?


  24. Hello
    I have a small problem with Excel Online:
    I created an Excel document and I shared it.
    When someone edit my document with excel online all is well.
    But when when someone edit with Excel it's locked.
    I have the following message:

    Unfortunately, the workbook needs to be closed or checked in before you can edit it. If everyone uses Excel Online, you can work on it at the same time.

    Is there a way to authorize the edition only on Excel online?

    Than you

  25. I recently embedded an interactive excel file on my blog. I noticed that my keyboard won't come up when I try to interact with the embedded file looking at the blog on my phone. Is there any way to make it so it can be interactive on your mobile device?

  26. please I developed an application using VBA excel.. u want the app to run online. such that the user forms will still appear with its controls. how do I do this

  27. Svetlana, We have several entities who work in remote and submit their data in individual Excel sheets through email which we to again have to copy paste and enter into our Excel database for consolidation and getting the total database. Can online Excel help in allowing all the entities enter into web-based form from their respective ends and we get the consolidated data from our end without coping & pasting

  28. Svetlana, hopefully you can help me. My question is in regards to a "Excel Survey" spreadsheet.

    I created a survey that seems to work fine. All info input into the survey populates my spreadsheet as it should. My end-state is to allow anyone access to read the data that the survey collects with the ability to filter information in any column, but no one should be able to change/edit anything on the sheet.

    Looking above at protection, I don't seem to have "changes" block under review tab. I can't seem to find any info either on how to protect this information for just viewing.

    My questions are, how, and can I, protect the sheet? If I can, is it possible to allow filtering to work for all viewers with the sheet protected?

    Thanks for any info you can provide.

  29. I've Customer receipt/stock system on my desktop.
    I want my data to be update online on certain period e.g. every 1 hour.
    I'm not always on my shop, So I can watch update sale after every 1 hour whenever I'm

    Can you Please help me, how do I achieve this task in simplest way.
    Thanks & Regards

  30. Hi

    could you please tell me if any customized work book will appear the same as in the stand alone excel version? or it will be over-written by the web? Im just wondering

    1. Hi Caesar,

      From my experience, it appears exactly the same as in the desktop version, except if it contains macros, shapes or other features that are not supported in Excel Online.

  31. Hello, I have seen on the official site That macros seems supported on excel services (execution only, not creation)
    Anybody could confirme this ?

    Thank you

  32. Hello, i am trying to use to generate html coded spreadsheet to embed on a website for a order form. I need to get the user online to be able to save it online so when they submit the form the data comes through to us? is this possible?
    thank you

  33. The Help of Excel online says that there is no 'Save' button because the workbook are saved automatically. Do you know how fast/often the workbook is saved?

  34. I can't see the changes group under review tab as shown here in My online Excel. I want to share 2 sheets from single excel file to 2 users and I want them to be able to view all data but I expect them to be able to make changes in their individual sheet only. (User A changes Sheet-1 only, User B changes Sheet-2 only, User A and B views both Sheet. I can view and Edit them all) Thanks In Advance.

  35. Hi, I m having trouble leaving certain cells in unlocked in worksheets on excel one drive. When I follow the instructions above, the entire worksheet is locked in the online version and no cells are editable, even though they are in the desktop version of excel. Any ideas on where I might be going wrong?

    1. Before locking your worksheet,first unprotect the cells you want to be editable from the Format Cell... dialogue box by unchecking the unlock button for cells at the Protection tab.

  36. Hi,

    Tanks a lot for this article.
    Can you tell me if embed Excel Online spreadsheet document in website using iframe crawled by search engines and indexed? Recently I tried with Google Spreadsheet but seems like it is not helping me regarding SEO. Here is the document in page that I want to take this dvantage( )- So finding alternative.

    Will be awaiting to hear from you, thanks in advance.

  37. hello,

    is it possible to work on spreadsheets located on a local shareddrive using excel online directly without moving the spreadsheet to onedrive?


  38. Dear Svetlana,

    An excel file placed on "one drive" can be downloaded/saved by the user on his/her computer.

    Any idea how to prevent?



  39. Hi,

    Is there a way to allow specific users to edit only specific cells or rows? In other words, I want to share a spreadsheet online with a team of people and each person has a row of cells that relates only to them - So, each row of cells is only editable by one specific user.

  40. Hi, I am embedding the Excel spreadsheet onto a webpage. The green box is very misleading, as users can select every cell (including those that are protected/ locked.) Can I disable it in the Embed options?

  41. i have a one excel sheet that are formatting cells size & row for print custom invoice.but my problem in when i tried to print that sheet from another computer i cant print it correctly all format are automatically change can u help me how can i do it correct way

  42. I currently have a spreadsheet in Google docs that is fed data by a google docs form that Area managers have a link to. After they fill it out it sends an email notifying everyone on the distro list that an event has just occurred. We have moved to 365 and I can't get the same functionality from excel online. Is there a way to tie a form to the excel online spreadsheet and have it generate an email once it is filled out?

  43. Hi Svetlana,

    Microsoft allows visitors to access my entire spreadsheet and download if they desire. is there any way to remove "view full-size workbook" icon?


  44. Hi,

    Is it possible to embed the office web app into your own web based .net application? Connecting to a SQL data source?


  45. Hi Svetlana,
    I need to lock certain cells, but my review tab doesn't have the options, just show comments and new comments.
    Where did I go wrong?

  46. I need to save the client webpage changes

    how to code it
    beucase said interacion
    let people type into cells (their changes will not be saved)
    I need to make the changes effective

    1. Hello Alfredo,

      Please describe the result you are trying to achieve in more detail. Do you want clients to see all their changes next time they log into the site or you want all the changes to be sent to you for checking or anything else?

  47. Hi Svetlana -

    Just want to say thank you for the great support you are doing here. A task Microsoft has obviously failed to do.


  48. I was able to upload a spreadsheet to OneDrive, but can't figure out what the Excel Web Ap is. Where do I get this? It's not in the play store. When I open the spreadsheet on my tablet there are no tabs at the top like in your article to Create of Upload or edit. I can only view and can't use the slicers. Fairly useless with large data sets.

  49. Hi Svetlana,

    The problem still remains because even after I remove the download link, visitors can still download the spreadsheet by clicking on "view full size workbook" in the same bottom bar.


    1. I was just wondering if you've found a solution to this problem yet.


    2. I am having this same issue, would love to know how to stop this?

  50. Hi Svetlana,

    Thanks for this post.

    I would like to set up a webpage spreadsheet where people can input data and the spreadsheet calculates the results. I have successfully set this up. The problem I am having is want web visitors to only be able to see their inputs/results without seeing my entire spreadsheet which is proprietary. While I can limit the range that appears,I have noted that in the bottom bar where it says "Excel Web Ap", Microsoft allows visitors to access my entire spreadsheet and download if they desire. I do not want this. Any way to prevent this or any other resources you would recommend that could solve my problem?

    1. Hello Bif,

      You can disable this icon by including &wdDownloadButton=False in your workbook address (src=parameter).

      You can find more information about different parameters that you can use when publishing workbooks on your website in this article by Microsoft:

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