Comments on: Get rid of "The file is corrupt and cannot be opened" in Excel

Usually when upgrading you expect nothing but improvements. So it can be really disappointing when after moving to Excel 2010 you have no chance to access your xls. file. You understand what I’m talking about if you ever encountered the "The file is corrupt and cannot be opened" error in Excel 2010. Still think it can’t open? Actually it can! Continue reading

Comments page 2. Total comments: 390

  1. Thank you very much i faced this issue many days, now it solved

  2. This worked for me perfectly and save of my time and frustration. Thanks!

  3. it worked. thanks

  4. Thank you it work perfectly


  6. Thanks a worked

  7. Thank you so much. This worked for me.

  8. Really helped thanks

  9. Thank you it works <3

  10. sir i have a issue pls help me out.... im not able to capy the file and nor able to open it....what to do any suggetions ? and the file name colour its black to green

  11. Thanks a lot for such a nice and simple tricks.!!!!! It worked well!!!!!

  12. didn't work...ugh!

  13. Easy Fix. I had this problem for over a year now

  14. Did not work; I'm still looking for a solution. Why would Microsoft be so irresponsible as to make it so that older excel files cannot be opened? Some businesses have files for many decades. How do I open them? They have vital information in them!

    1. Did you find a solution...I'm in the same boat.

  15. Thanks a lot for such a nice and simple tricks. It worked well

  16. it really helped

  17. it works. Thanks a lot

  18. Muchas gracias !!!! Pensaba reinstalar todo office!!!jajajajaja

  19. Just Sign out from the account. The file shall open hopefully. Thanks.

  20. Other way, Excel Option >> Trust Center >> Macro Setting >> checked item Enable all macros( not refomented; potentially dangerous code can run)

  21. hai

    i have issue with Excel office 2013 stander it show in desktop all files as a pdf but it is Excel

  22. Worked. Perfect

  23. worked perfectly , thanks :)

  24. Thanks a lot. Work perfectly.

  25. Thank you. it worked.

  26. thank you so much! its worked:)

  27. It worked, I had issue with amazon files. Thank you.

  28. Thank You.

  29. Unfortunately, this solution is not working for me, I had already all these boxes unchecked and I still receive the message that my files are corrupted and this happens so often, that I always need to create several copies every time when I save an Excel file. I'm using Windows 10 and Office 365 the most recent version.

  30. That you so much!!!! it worked :)

  31. This just worked for me too! Thanks so much!

  32. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!! You're a lifesaver...

  33. Thanks very much sir..
    you just save my long distance job, by remote access...


  35. THANKS A TON!!

  36. worked

  37. Thanks alot! I use excel alot and have a lot of docs which are needed to be downloaded every day. I was quite worried about this when it showed up but now thankfully the problem is resolved.
    Cheers Buddy!

  38. thank you so much! it is working now.

  39. Thanks... This helped me a lot

  40. Thank you so much!

  41. thank you!

  42. Worked PERFECTLY! Thanks a million!!!

  43. its working..thanks lot

  44. Appreciated, it really works.

  45. Thank you so much for this tip. Saved me from agony.

  46. Thank you very much it helped me too

  47. Thanks for that insight it has worked well for me, thanks

  48. Thanks so much worked just great this got me nuts for almost a year, also it always happen to me if the file was coming from Italy then it wont open now we all good to go thanks so much again .

  49. Perfect, Thank you

  50. Thank you! This has been driving me nuts for the past week :)

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