Comments on: Personal Macro Workbook in Excel - make macros available in all workbooks

Normally, when you create a macro in Excel, it can only be accessed from that specific workbook. But what if you want to use it in other files too? Store your popular VBA codes in the Personal Macro Workbook. Continue reading

Comments page 2. Total comments: 27

  1. I created personal macro for Pivot Table creation but when I run this on other files, it gives me runtime error. Any suggest to fix it ?

  2. Tried creating a macro and save it to a Personal Macro Workbook, but got an error message that said,
    "Personal Macro Workbook in the startup folder must stay open for recording." I have no idea what this means. I see nothing about it in the startup folder. When I clicked OK, I was further informed that the macro would not record. Please help.

    1. Hey Paul -
      Search for the PERSONAL.XLSB file and open it. Once open, click: View > Hide.

      On the workbook you are trying to create a macro in, click "Record Macro" again, should work!

  3. Thank you Ms. Svetlana for writing this blog. It was *exactly* what I needed and more. I found your post through a Bing search, but will be exploring your website and products later. Thanks again and God bless. --Jeff Fuhr

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